Jolemai Posted February 6, 2017 Share Posted February 6, 2017 (edited) Overview of the GBBO Sergeant Harriott Welcome to the first incarnation of "The Great Baalite Bakeoff" - the Blood Angels sub-forum’s premier modelling event!Be that we game, or simply collect with our models, a HQ choice is one of the most important units we can own. Where you line troopers do the main bulk of the work, it is the Independent Characters that are unique and is often where Frater put in the most effort. Where the (now defunct) Librarium Painting Competition, the E Tenebrae Lux and even our own From Rage to Salvation event build on this with competitive incentives for painting new additions to our forces, these don't really challenge the modeling side of the hobby. In the past, there was a series of Conversion Challenges in The Forge, however, these are currently on hold and there are those who did not participate previously but would have liked to. “The Great Baalite Bakeoff" event aims to provide us with an incentive to build our own HQs and to keep the inherent artisan flame inside us burning for longer.In its simplest form, this is a casual event that will allow us to kitbash our old special characters and/or begin afresh with something new in a stress-free setting, all at a time when the Blood Angels need both enthusiasm and loyalty from Frater new and old alike.For those new to the event, welcome! Should you be interested, the servitor-thralls have unlocked transcript logs of The Forge's Conversion Challenges and these can be found here. Spirit of the GBBO Just like the ETL, there is a set of unwritten rules for self-regulation amongst the Frater. Like any competition on the B&C, they exist to help you all to improve your technique and the standard of your painting and modelling, be it asking and giving advice, and generally improving your modelling regardless of your skill level. Bear in mind that one shouldn’t compromise their skill level during this competition - it’s better to do a smaller vow modelled to the best of your ability than a large sub-par job (according to your own personal standards of which you are the only judge).A good example of that is basing. The fact that doing bases is not compulsory for a Vow in the GBBO is for the benefit of those who do not yet posses the skill of doing proper basing or have yet to decide on what scheme they wish to use. If, however, you do posses the skill and you will not consider the model complete unless you base it then it is expected that you do base it.In short, this event aims to help you achieve something you can be proud of. Something you can say that the GBBO helped you complete and quality over quantity will always be preferred.In addition to bringing those conversion daydreams to life, the purpose of the RTS is also give the opportunity to people to model their minis how they like them, not necessarily according to GW doctrine- it’s all about creativity and imagination. As such, it is possible to see some unorthodox modelling - such as WFB Vampires suitably converted to be Mephiston or Stormcast Eternals as TDA Captains. All these are totally welcome and well in the spirit of the event. However, if people are using the count-as to just paint totally unsuitable models (using Space Marines Apothecaries to represent Blood Angels Sanguinary Priests for example) then this works against the principle of the GBBO. After all, the GBBO is all about faction loyalty to that of the Blood Angels.Lastly, the GBBO is an opportunity to kitbash for your army while having fun interacting with other Frater within the BA community. There is an element of friendly competition – which is intended and welcome; friendly banter is not only tolerated, but anticipated. That said, this is still intended as light-hearted fun. Please keep that in mind in your exchanges and also that there may be a language barrier or that people can be on a different wavelength. Make sure you use appropriate tone and don’t forget the smileys – they go a long way to give context and remember, B&C rules always take precedence so play nice. Rules for the GBBO Below are the rules which govern The Great Baalite Bakeoff 2017:DurationJust under two months from February 6th to April 3rd, 2017. Participants can join at any time during the lifetime of the event.Entry requirementsAs this is a Blood Angels event, participants must make a vow relevant to our Faction from Warhammer 40000. You may pledge as many times as you wish, but each vow needs to be completed before the next one is made You must declare participation a minimum of 24 hours prior to declaring completion. However, I don't mind if you've had a little head start... Participation is registered by making your vow . It is declared complete when you post a series of completion pictures and a parts list A vow is made using the following template: I [insert name here] rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash [insert units here] on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the [insert Chapter/Legion/Strikeforce/etc], whilst failure is not an option... Here is an example of a completion: Front: Left side: Rear: Right side: Angle: Parts used: Legion Scimitar Pattern Jetbike Heavy flamer from the second edition Predator Annihilator kit Space Marine Bike legs and left arm Blood Angels Death Company shoulder pad Second edition Character arm should pad Staff and torso from the Grey Knights box Tactical box right arm Head from the Grey Knights Terminator box The finished model is not to be painted; the finished conversion should be bare plastic/resin/metal, however, the small odd-painted piece stolen from a previously painted model is OKVowsVows are any unit that can legally be chosen to represent a Blood Angels force in the 40k universe at the time of writing: Any HQ choice from Codex: Blood Angels Anything from the following list: Captain Karlaen Cassor the Damned Commander Dante Cypher Death Company chaplain Gabriel Seth Lemartes Malakim Phoros Restrictions Bits from plastic kits (such as the Sanguinary Guard box) are unrestricted Upgrade sprues regardless of material and company are unrestricted Adding green stuff (etc) details is not only unrestricted but encouraged, as are full sculpts/scratchbuilt parts Bikes, backpacks, gubbins and vehicles (in the case of the Chaplain Dreadnought, Librarian Dreadnought, and Land Raider Excelsior) bits are unrestricted From existing models in metal/Finecast/3rd party resin/plastic Independent/Special Characters (clampacks), you may only use 25 % of that model. 25 % consists of the following combinations:Head- 0% can be from any existing model 1 x arm = 12.5 %, 2 x arms = 25 % either from the same or separate models 1 x leg = 12.5 %, 2 x legs = 25 % either from the same or separate models Torso = 25 % Awards Upon making a vow you are entitled to carry the participation banner for the event. This you may keep even if you fail your vow. Upon satisfactory completion of your kitbash, you are entitled for carry the completion banner and you entry will henceforth be under consideration for the finals.Behold and feast your eyes on the: GBBO participation And the: GBBO completion The completion award is won, and may be carried, when completing a vow but lost if any vow's are incomplete by the end of the event. Once the doors are closed, the external judges will chose the legal entries that they consider the best, and these will be form a poll in the General PCA sub-forum for Frater to vote who is the overall winner. (There will also be special badges for the overall winner and runners up.)Who will shine the most in this display of loyalty to our Primarch and Legion? FAQs The following FAQs will hopefully answer any question you may have. That said, feel free to PM me or reply below if you have something not covered here. Q: Can I enter OOP Characters like Moriar?A: The rules state that any entry has to be Codex-legal. If you wanted to model Moriar, he would need to be entered as Cassor the Damned. Veteran Sergeant Cleutin would need to be entered as a Captain (the Shroud of Sanguinius would need to be creative to avoid breaking the Codex-legal rule otherwise it would be an out of competition entry). Sadly, there is currently no option for a Sanguinary Priest in TDA so this would be an out of competition entry.Q: Can I enter models which aren't Independent Characters?A: The only non-IC models eligible for this event are the Librarian Dreadnought, Cassor the Damned and The Sanguinor. This is because they are standalone Characters and as such, can be tagged on to your ETL vows without any extra duress. That said, what you do with your models afterwards to your choice – so if you enter a “Captain” earmarked for something else then just make sure it's a legal choice wargear-wise (see below). Otherwise, it will be an out of competition entryQ: As it's a kitbash event, can I enter a squad of marines armed with, say, frag cannons?A: The last thing we want to do is stifle creativity, so if you wanted to do this in lieu of a normal entry then it would be an out of competition entry – although entering an IC is prefered. If you really want to go down this route, just make sure each model shows of it's allegiance to Faction Blood AngelsQ: Why is my model considered an out of competition entry?A: Basically, anything which doesn't comply with the rules of the event will be considered an out of competition entry. For example, your model might not be Codex-legal, or it may have fallen foul of the parts restrictions. If you still can't work out why, then please send me a PM. Q: Can I make something for my Successor Chapter?A: Provided your Successor Chapter is Faction Blood Angels, then yes – just make sure the model shows off something to show their allegiance. For homebrew Chapters, this will require you to put something on the model to show it meshes with that. A full list of known Successors can be found here.Q: What do you mean by something which shows of the model's allegiance to Faction Blood Angels?A: Pretty much anything iconic for us. This could be as simply as some brass etch, a moulded shoulder pad, “nipple” armour, and so on. It could be some basic green stuff like a blood drop, or it could even be an already painted piece displaying your freehand/transfer heraldry (in the case of a Successor for example). Be creative!Q: Can I enter something for the IXth Legion like in your other events?A: Yes you can, but they would need to be Codex-legal for the 40k Blood Angels. As an example, a Moritat could pass as a gunslinging Captain but would also require an iron halo (or counts-as)Q: Does Cypher need to be Blood Angel-ified?A: Cypher is the only exception to the rules with regards to displaying something to show his allegiance to our Faction. The choice here is yours; either make him BA or DA/Fallen as is canonically depictedQ: Are Allies permitted in this event? If not, why is Cypher here?A: As this is a Blood Angels event, everything has to be for the Blood Angels and thus Allies are not permitted. The exception here is Cypher for two reasons: 1) his current rules mean that he can be taken in any of our Detachments without using up a FoC slot (so not an ally) and 2) he is an eligible model for us to enter in the ETL. You can read more about Cypher with the Blood Angels hereQ: What must I include on my model?A: All entries are required to be Codex-legal, have something to show their allegiance Faction Blood Angels and must accurately represent the model's Datasheet entry. Here's the full list of requirements:Captains require an iron halo (or counts-as) Chaplains and Death Company Chaplains both require a crozius arcanum and rosarius (or counts-as) Librarian Dreadnoughts require a furioso force halberd and psychic hood (or counts-as) Librarians require a force weapon and psychic hood (or counts-as) Named Characters must accurately represent their Datasheet as possible (so no giving Dante a power lance) Sanguinary Priests require a chalice and narthecium (or counts-as) Techmarines require a servo arm/servo harness/jump pack (or counts-as) Acknowledgments Many thanks to Grotsmasha for inventing the Conversion Challenges events and for his blessing that I may run a BA version of itThanks to the Moderation Team for their blessing regarding the event and for their assistance, with special thanks going to those of The Forge for their work as the external judgesThanks to Charlo for his work on the banner and signature awards. Also, thanks to Bukimimaru for coining the name many years ago!...and finally thanks to the B&C and the B&C Frater for being here and thereby having an interest in such things. Hope you all enjoy the event! Vows List of vowsNote that these will be colour coded. Red will indicate a legal completion, green will indicate an out of competition entry. “Normal” colour will indicate an incomplete vow. Arkangilos* Captain -complete!* Captain -complete!Brother Dallo* Captain - complete!Canis-Lycaon* Captain Tycho - complete!Chaplain Gunzhard* Sanguinary Priest on bike - complete!DeathcompanyDante* Captain - complete!Dont-Be-Haten* Gabriel Seth - complete!Father Mapple* Death Company Chaplain - complete!* Librarian Dreadnought - complete!Flieger* Captain* Librariangav1892* Captain - complete!* Chaplain - complete!* Dante - complete!* Librarian - complete!* Sanguinary Priest - complete!* OOC Entry - complete!Grazcruzk* Captain - complete!* Captain Tycho - complete!* DC Chaplain (OOC)-complete!* DC Tycho - complete!* Librarian (OOC)-complete!Halandaar* Mephiston - complete!Hannibal* Death Company Chaplain - complete!Helias Tancred* CaptainIndefragable* Captain - complete!* Death Company Chaplain - complete!* Sanguinary Priest - complete!* Sanguinary Priest - complete!* Techmarine on bike - complete!Isinifer* CaptainJolemai* Cypher - complete!* Librarian on bike - complete!Kinstryfe* Captain - complete!* TDA Captain - complete!* Sanguinor - complete!Lirksus* Captain on bike - complete!Lord Janos* Captain - complete!LutherMax* CypherKierdale* OOC entry - complete!Mard* TechmarineMarine7312000* Captain - complete!Mehman* CaptainMidnight Runner* Chaplain - complete!Mirbeau* Chaplain -complete!Nicodemus Doloroso* Sanguinor - complete!Ovidius Incertus* SanguinorPaikis* DanteReyner* Captain - complete!sfPanzer* Captain - complete!Spagunk* Captain - complete!* Sanguinary Priest - complete!sockwithaticket* Captain - complete!* Captain - complete!* Chaplain - complete!* Sanguinor - complete!Sun Reaver* Gabriel Seth - complete!The Psycho* Captain - complete!Thrillhouse* Malakim PhorosTURBULENCE* CaptainTyriks* Captain - complete!* Corbulo - complete!* Dante - complete!* Death Company Chaplain - complete!* Death Company Chaplain - complete!* Gabriel Seth - complete!* Librarian - complete!* Librarian - complete!Varred* Dante* SanguinorVairocanum* Captain -complete!Xenith* Captain on bike - complete!* Death Company Chaplain - complete!* Mephiston - complete! Tags /equip modhatThe correct use of tags can be found here. Basically, this is a method of making things easier to search to people can gain fast, easy access to your work and that of others. The official GBBO tags are:Great Baalite Bake Off GBBO GBBO 17 ... in addition to all the usual things like Blood Angels, WIP, and so on. If we can remember to add these to our work then that would be great. Edited September 1, 2020 by Jolemai Update! Midnightmare, Halandaar, mandaloriano and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted February 6, 2017 Author Share Posted February 6, 2017 (edited) Completions Hidden Content Captain - Arkangilos Captain - Arkangilos Captain - Brother Dallo Captain - DeathcompanyDante Captain - Grazcruzk Captain - Kinstryfe Captain - Kinstryfe Captain - Lirksus Captain - Lord Janos Captain - marine7312000 Captain - Reyner Captain - sfPanzer Captain - Spagunk Captain - The Psycho Captain - Tyriks Captain - Vairocanum Captain - Xenith Captain Tycho - Grazcruzk Chaplain - Midnight Runner Chaplain - sockwithaticket Cypher - Jolemai Dante - Tyriks Death Company Chaplain - Father Mapple Death Company Chaplain - Hannibaal Death Company Chaplain - Tyriks Death Company Chaplain - Tyriks Death Company Chaplain - Xenith Death Company Tycho - Grazcruzk Gabriel Seth - Dont-Be-Haten Gabriel Seth - Sun Reaver Librarian - Jolemai Librarian Dreadnought - Father Mapple Sanguinary Priest - Chaplain Gunzhard Sanguinary Priest - Spagunk Sanguinor - Kinstryfe Sanguinor - Nicodemus Doloroso Techmarine - Indefragable OOC Entries Hidden Content Captain - gav1892 Captain - Indefragable Captain - sockwithaticket Captain - sockwithaticket Captain Tycho - Canis_Lycaon Chaplain - gav1892 Chaplain - Indefragable Chaplain - Mirbeau Corbulo - Tyriks Dante - gav1892 Death Company Chaplain - Grazcruzk Gabriel Seth - Tyriks Librarian - gav1892 Librarian - Grazcruzk Librarian - Tyriks Librarian - Tyriks Mephiston - Halandaar Mephiston - Xenith OOC Entry - gav1892 OOC Entry - Kierdale Sanguinary Priest - gav1892 Sanguinary Priest - Indefragable Sanguinary Priest - Indefragable Sanguinor - sockwithaticket Edited April 4, 2017 by Jolemai Update! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted February 6, 2017 Author Share Posted February 6, 2017 (edited) I Jolemai, Reclusiarch of the Blood Angels sub-forum and first of his name, rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash one Cypher and one Librarian on bike on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option... Edited February 6, 2017 by Jolemai mandaloriano and Khulu 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted February 6, 2017 Share Posted February 6, 2017 (edited) I sfPanzer, rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash one Captain with Jump Pack, Relic Blade and Storm Shield on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Knights of Blood, whilst failure is not an option...EDIT: copy&paste typo :P Edited February 6, 2017 by sfPanzer Jolemai and Khulu 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted February 6, 2017 Share Posted February 6, 2017 Would a vignette or diorama of multiple figures that are not necessarily in the same unit be acceptable? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spagunk Posted February 6, 2017 Share Posted February 6, 2017 I, spagunk, rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash:one Sanguinary Priest with the Angel's Wings relic and power sword one Captain with Plasma Pistol and Valour's Edge on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option... Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Varred Posted February 6, 2017 Share Posted February 6, 2017 I Varred rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash our mighty lords: Dante, Sanguinor, on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option... A side question is am i allowed to show wips in my thread or not? Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted February 6, 2017 Share Posted February 6, 2017 I Midnight Runner, rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash Thalastian Jorus, Blood Angels Hero Chaplain, Servant of the Great Angel and Remembered of Mackan to the best of my ability on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option... Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khulu Posted February 6, 2017 Share Posted February 6, 2017 I, Tyriks, rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash a counts-as Dante, counts-as Corbulo, and a DC chap (stock loadout) on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Storm Blades, whilst failure is not an option... Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrillhouse Posted February 6, 2017 Share Posted February 6, 2017 I, Thrillhouse, pledge to convert Malakim Phoros from start to finish. Success will go torwards redeeming the lord of ruin and his unfortunate host in the eyes of the emperor. Failure is not an option. Brother Dallo and Jolemai 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Dallo Posted February 6, 2017 Share Posted February 6, 2017 I Dallo, rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash one Captain with Jump Pack and power sword on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Angels Encarmine, whilst failure is not an option... Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grazcruzk Posted February 6, 2017 Share Posted February 6, 2017 I, Grazcruzk, rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash Captain Tycho and a Captain armed with a relic blade and stormshield on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Scarlet Mantle, whilst failure is not an option... Panzer and Jolemai 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted February 6, 2017 Share Posted February 6, 2017 I sockwithaticket rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash one Captain with Powerfist & Hand Flamer, one Captain with power maul and Storm Shield, one counts-as Sanguinor and one Chaplain with power axe on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Crimson Tears, failure is not worth a moment's contemplation. Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TURBULENCE Posted February 6, 2017 Share Posted February 6, 2017 I TURBULENCE rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash 1 captain in artificer armour with thunder hammer, storm shield and auspex on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the lamenters, whilst failure is not an option... Jolemai and Thrillhouse 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Janos Posted February 6, 2017 Share Posted February 6, 2017 I Lord Janos rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash one Captain in artificer armour bearing twin lightning claws and borne aloft upon a jump pack on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option... Ave Sanguinius! Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khulu Posted February 7, 2017 Share Posted February 7, 2017 For out of competition stuff do I still need to vow/wait 24 hours? I have two that are ineligible (one I started painting and one I was too lazy to strip the paint before building), and I have some pics of them I could share. Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khornestar Posted February 7, 2017 Share Posted February 7, 2017 Can I just say I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's conversions, and also that the banner with Sanguinius in a chef hat is the funniest thing I've seen all day. Jolemai, Grotsmasha and Panzer 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flieger Posted February 7, 2017 Share Posted February 7, 2017 I Flieger rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash one Librarian of our proud battle brothers Carmine Blades and one Captain clad in artificer armour on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the alliance of Angels Sanguine and Carmine Blades chapters, whilst failure is not an option... Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LutherMax Posted February 7, 2017 Share Posted February 7, 2017 I LutherMax, first of his name, rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash one Cypher on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option... Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mard Posted February 7, 2017 Share Posted February 7, 2017 I Mard rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash Techmarine armed with storm bolter and power fist on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honor to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option... So a future plan (could even be ETL) I plan on digging all my 2nd ed Blood Angels out of the dark giving them a wash in acetone (Painted them a good 20 years ago now) and putting together a small force Blood Angel force.... these guys will need a techmarine as I never had one back in the day. So from the bitsbox only I will construct this mighty hero! Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted February 7, 2017 Author Share Posted February 7, 2017 Would a vignette or diorama of multiple figures that are not necessarily in the same unit be acceptable? I'll be honest, I read that as vinaigrette... Feel free to send me a PM if you want but I'd like some more detail on what you have in mind. Lets say you were making a diorama of Angron wading through a BA Librarius. For this you could enter the three BA Librarians from it provided they conformed to the rules. Is that what you mean or am I off base? For out of competition stuff do I still need to vow/wait 24 hours? I have two that are ineligible (one I started painting and one I was too lazy to strip the paint before building), and I have some pics of them I could share. Any completion, whether it is in or out of competition would, still require the five angled photos and a parts list. So make the vow, take pictures until you are happy with them, and then post them up the next. It's not like you're going to run out of time! I actually think OOC entries are quite important for this as they will help with inspiration and there's still a chance they would be eligible for the ETL Can I just say I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's conversions, and also that the banner with Sanguinius in a chef hat is the funniest thing I've seen all day. Glad you like it Have to say, I'm quite excited to see what we rustle up too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted February 7, 2017 Author Share Posted February 7, 2017 I sfPanzer, rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash one Captain with Jump Pack, Relic Blade and Storm Shield on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Knights of Blood, whilst failure is not an option... EDIT: copy&paste typo First Captain entry and welcome to the event! How are you going to show it off as belonging to the Knights of Blood/Faction Blood Angels? Oh, and don't forget the iron halo :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted February 7, 2017 Share Posted February 7, 2017 (edited) I sfPanzer, rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash one Captain with Jump Pack, Relic Blade and Storm Shield on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Knights of Blood, whilst failure is not an option... EDIT: copy&paste typo First Captain entry and welcome to the event! How are you going to show it off as belonging to the Knights of Blood/Faction Blood Angels? Oh, and don't forget the iron halo I wanted to get the 3rd party Knights of Blood shoulderpads from shapeway (and I still may) but as said it would double the cost of the kitbash since I actually only need one and not 10 atm....for now i've planned to do a quick free-hand on one of the pauldrons if that's okay (and if the knight helmet, sword and shield aren't enough to imply it's a true knight ). If not i'll have to think about something else to make it clear since the only thing we know about Knights of Blood that sets them apart is the emblem and the color scheme. EDIT: and yeah I totally forgot about the Iron Halo and had to search several bitz shops to get one. :D Edited February 7, 2017 by sfPanzer Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spagunk Posted February 7, 2017 Share Posted February 7, 2017 So here is a question. There are a few back packs with what kinda look like built in iron halos. Would this count as a halo or are we looking at original ideas? Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted February 7, 2017 Share Posted February 7, 2017 So here is a question. There are a few back packs with what kinda look like built in iron halos. Would this count as a halo or are we looking at original ideas? I'm using at least one of them, because they're brilliant. Why wouldn't it count? If it looks like a halo, walks like a halo and quacks like a halo etc. Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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