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I think I found a solution to my psychic good problem! It's kind of fiddly but pieces are drying now so I should be able to post pics tomorrow. I'll be excited to finally finish these!

Yeah, I look forward to seeing what you've done!

For flame effects, rather than cotton wool I recommend clump foliage superglued in progressive layers to a paperclip.

I did this for a flamer-wielding jump packer here:

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... I can't believe I missed this!

Edited by Arkangilos

I, Xenith rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash One Blood Angels Captain on bike, with Thunder hammer +/- Storm Shield, on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels 4th Company, whilst failure is not to be contemplated.


Ave Sanguinius.

Edited by Xenith

I don't like Blood Angels bikes, It is not the Blood Angels way. I don't like the bike model for Spacemarines, its old and not very pleasant to look at. And then it happend a few months ago I played a friend who build Iron Hands - Chaptermaster/Bike/etc... And he made it look really good. So I decided I'm gonna make one bike, and its gonna be a freaking awesome piece. Took a little while to find the parts for it.. The hammer alone was pretty expensive ;)


Stormshield from BA Assault Termies
Thunderhammer = Ghal Maraz from Celestial Prime, the Warhammer of Warhammer.
Powerfist from the BA Tacticals.
Helm and backpack from FW
Shoulders from the Blood Angels Uppgrade kit.
Legs from the Ravenwing Sergeant.
Bike is a Dark Anges ravenwing including the angles on the back.
Behind the angel statues is a Homing Beacon from the regular terminator kit.
Bolter on the front wheel is from a rhino.
Wings from Sang Guard.
Blades on the front wheel from Skaven.


I might not go with this. I don't think I like it after all. It might just have to do for now, though.



The piece is a neck-thing? From the AdMech electropriest kit. It is for the shooty option. Maybe if it was lower in the back, like at the base of the neck... I don't know, what do others think?

Edited by Tyriks

Having it as an actual collar had two problems, in my eyes - one is that you don't really see it, but more importantly, it wouldn't fit with the jump pack/backpack.  I was hoping to have it more visible and up over the backpack, so it might look better on the model with all that in context...

What about up kind of like an Iron Halo? Like a centurions crest?

I think it would look cool in the same place as an iron Halo, so on his backpack - some cables going into his shoulders IE head would rock!

Just a query before I embarrass myself and my chapter if that's OK?

I'm putting together a force of metal minis but using parts from assault sprues, sanguinary guard, death company and tactical squad bits. I'm using classic metal chapter shoulder pads and 2 types of classic metal jump packs.

However, and this is if I read the rules correctly, I couldn't vow on these as I'm using legs, torso and head of the metal mini.....or am I wrong?


First off, this sounds awesome (I'm a fan of the older miniatures) and I'd love to see this army one day :happy.:

With regards to the event, there is nothing stopping you entering provided they shown something which aligns them with our Faction. However, using a torso and legs from an existing model (as outlined in your quote) would mean the entry is a out of competition one (so it would only net you the participation banner).

Sadly i have to abandon the idea of sculpting legs on my sanguinor. After 3 sets that failed to meet my expectations i have to do something else

Any pictures? Also, what have you got in mind as a replacement? Loads of time so don't sweat it :)

I might not go with this. I don't think I like it after all. It might just have to do for now, though.



The piece is a neck-thing? From the AdMech electropriest kit. It is for the shooty option. Maybe if it was lower in the back, like at the base of the neck... I don't know, what do others think?

How would it look with a bare head? I'm thinking either a grey knight TDA head or even a bald one?

This sounds like a cool idea, its beena while since ive been on and since i have changed the whole idea of my BA force i think i might need to get involved

More than welcome to join in, just read the rules, vow and you'll be good to go :tu:

I don't like Blood Angels bikes, It is not the Blood Angels way. I don't like the bike model for Spacemarines, its old and not very pleasant to look at. And then it happend a few months ago I played a friend who build Iron Hands - Chaptermaster/Bike/etc... And he made it look really good. So I decided I'm gonna make one bike, and its gonna be a freaking awesome piece. Took a little while to find the parts for it.. The hammer alone was pretty expensive :wink:


Stormshield from BA Assault Termies

Thunderhammer = Ghal Maraz from Celestial Prime, the Warhammer of Warhammer.

Powerfist from the BA Tacticals.

Helm and backpack from FW

Shoulders from the Blood Angels Uppgrade kit.

Legs from the Ravenwing Sergeant.

Bike is a Dark Anges ravenwing including the angles on the back.

Behind the angel statues is a Homing Beacon from the regular terminator kit.

Bolter on the front wheel is from a rhino.

Wings from Sang Guard.

Blades on the front wheel from Skaven.


Make a vow to make it official for the event!


Entire thread is amazing but this guy is sweeeet!

Thanks! It's having an issue with letting me "like" :sad.:




Anyways, vow complete (I think). 


Lord  Destin Corvo, Captain of the Second Battle Company of the Sanguinary Crusaders, Savior of Galorn, Victor of Maltax, Slayer of Warboss Orltork, and Defeater of Arch Traitor Olbron













Sanguinary Guard double axe arms, back, and jump pack.

Blood Angel upgrade kit head, torso front, and halo.

Death Company legs. 

Conversion World Red Angel Power Lance. 

Removable Cotton (removable for painting purposes)

Wings from Sanguinor




Provided that is satisfactory,


I, Arkangilos, rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash Chapter Master Telanicus (Captain) on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Sanguinary Crusader Chapter, whilst failure is not an option...



Have to say, that's pretty cool. I do like the lance and the Conversion World bits look great.


Vow #2 logged!


Oh, and as for the likes, you're not having a problem registering it. Press like then refresh and you'll see it there (or do it on mobile view as there's no bug there).

Edited by Jolemai

I, Mehman, rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash Achila Melkyal, Captain of the Flesh Tearers' 5th Company, on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Flesh Tearers, whilst failure is not an option...

Vow logged and welcome aboard! Don't forget an iron halo (or counts-as)!

Edited by Jolemai

Vow complete for my Captain, hopefully I met all the requirements. There's a short write up in my WIP thread if anyone wants to read a bit more info on the model.




















BoP MKIII Backpack

BoP MKIII Shoulder Pads

BoP Bolter

Sternguard Power Sword

Iron Halo

Space Wolf Thunder Wolf Cavalry Head

Ravenwing Icon

Plastic Captain Tabard

Tactical Squad Torso

Tactical Squad Pouch

Frag Grenade



Bolter Handle

Pieces of Strap from Plastic Captain Storm Bolter

Blood Angel Blood Drop Talisman

Press Mold of Right Hand from Devastator Squad

Press Mold of Blood Angel Shoulder Pad from Deathwatch Killteam


Green Stuff

Model Train Rivets



That is some model and very characterful for a Captain too (reminds me a lot of the classic BA Captain). Congratulations on your completion and an excellent model to add to your painting queue!


Fancy another go?


I Helias Tancred, brother Blood Angel, champion of Baal and loyal son of Sanguinius, rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash one Eilio Tiberius, Captain of the Blood Angels 3rd Company and honored wielder of the chapter relic Valour's Edge on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels, whilst failure is not an option... 


Vow logged :tu: Plan on doing anything more to the model in your plog? Does if conform to the rules for the event?


Vow complete for my Captain, hopefully I met all the requirements. There's a short write up in my WIP thread if anyone wants to read a bit more info on the model.




















BoP MKIII Backpack

BoP MKIII Shoulder Pads

BoP Bolter

Sternguard Power Sword

Iron Halo

Space Wolf Thunder Wolf Cavalry Head

Ravenwing Icon

Plastic Captain Tabard

Tactical Squad Torso

Tactical Squad Pouch

Frag Grenade



Bolter Handle

Pieces of Strap from Plastic Captain Storm Bolter

Blood Angel Blood Drop Talisman

Press Mold of Right Hand from Devastator Squad

Press Mold of Blood Angel Shoulder Pad from Deathwatch Killteam


Green Stuff

Model Train Rivets



That is some model and very characterful for a Captain too (reminds me a lot of the classic BA Captain). Congratulations on your completion and an excellent model to add to your painting queue!


Fancy another go?



I agree, very awesome. But it does look a bit weird for him to be shouting while standing still. :D

A drilled barrel would make him pretty much perfect in my eyes tho. ;)


I, Xenith rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash One Blood Angels Captain on bike, with Thunder hammer +/- Storm Shield, on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels 4th Company, whilst failure is not to be contemplated.


Ave Sanguinius.



First mounted Captain entry, welcome aboard! Do you already have a Captain for the 4th and if so, will he appear the same (bar his mount and weapons) or will he appear more battle-worn/older/younger?

Here's some WIPs.


First order of business. Do we need a name change, I like Adrian but I wouldn't hate changing it.


Secondly: I can't decide what I want to do for the right shoulder pad. This Carmine Blade's shoulder will be switched for a fancy one when they come in. I'm just testing the waters.


Right then! I've shaved down the fancy Tactical BA pistol holster; this is all pre fitting etc. the last shows where the pistol will be positioned. My philosophy on kitbashes are always keep it simple, and make it somehow show the aggression of how I view my successor Chapter.


Thoughts and C&C welcome. It's very simple in his design, but I really feel his unleashing fury. It isn't as amazing as some of you lot, but I am open to suggestions.


Side notes; I couldn't get the Black shield's cape to work properly, part of me wants the left shoulder to be one of the fancy BA shoulders from the upgrade kit to represent pre-heresy armor that was handed down to this chapter master from Dante, as they were revealed to be of Sanguinius line. Ideas on that as well. I hope you guys enjoy him.








Bits used

Deathwatch Cassius Head

Deathwatch Cassius backpack/iron halo

Blood Angel upgrade sprue Torso

Assault Marine Eviscerstor arms

Vanguard Veteran Legs

Blood Angels Tactical squad bolt pistol holstered

Shoulders 1 third party Shapeways

Shoulders 2 undetermined at current


Looks great so far! Perhaps a spot more bling?


Thread updated to here





I, Xenith rise to the challenge of The Great Baalite Bake Off and vow to kitbash One Blood Angels Captain on bike, with Thunder hammer +/- Storm Shield, on or before April 3rd, 2017. Success will bring honour to the Blood Angels 4th Company, whilst failure is not to be contemplated.

Ave Sanguinius.

First mounted Captain entry, welcome aboard! Do you already have a Captain for the 4th and if so, will he appear the same (bar his mount and weapons) or will he appear more battle-worn/older/younger?

Good questions! Initially he was going to be a different version of Castigon, my captain of the 4th, however having multiple of the same character doesn't help with collecting, so now he will be captain of the sixth, the bike mounted company. Naturally he needs attendants...

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