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Foetid Tides of the North. Updated 2.6 Spawn


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I used to play 40k back in the 2nd edition with an Eldar force that I took all the way to the 4th Edition. During 3rd Edition I dabbled with DIY marines and SoB. Alas, first college and then wife happened severely limiting my hobby time. Well, I also dabbled with Malifaux during my 40k off-time. Few years ago (2012!) I bought some Chaos Space Marines and relevant conversion bits from Forgeworld in hopes of building my own Deathguard army. Aaaand then I met wife in 2013 and the project was forgotten.

Now that I have finally the time and somehow, the motivation to assemble and paint again, i've slowly began assembling the contents of my abandoned kits (2 boxes of chaos marines, 1 box of chaos terminators, 2 boxes of assault marines... err... raptors, 2 boxes of bikes, 2 rhinos and assorted characters including some demons.). I also have contemptor kit, now recollection when and how I picked that up. I guess he'll have to play dreadnough... *checks codex* I mean, hellbrute.

I recently picket Traitor Legions and started assembling my meager force. Reading the latest codex and making sense of the formations it seems that plaguemarines are out and you are supposed to run CSM's with MoN.

*shrugs* I guess I can do that. Anyway,

Here's the brother Testos, the fabled paint-scheme test miniature.


I went for a very very simple brown-bone-purple paint scheme. The base's unfortunately unfinished, I am still figuring out the right brown to drybursh the sand with. Or was when this picture was taken.


Brother Testos, showing the three skulls of Deathguard.

So here's the contempt... dreadnou... helbrute I mentioned. He still needs a name, but I guess I figured how I'm going to do my bases.


Painting this thing was actually pretty fun. Not that I can paint, but...


Multimelta's suck if you don't have drop pods so, I converted an autocannons from some Forgeworld bits I had lying around.


Last, but not least, here's my lord in terminator armor together with magnetized arms.


More forgeworld bits along with some plastic warhammer fantas... Age of Sigmar bits. Also, what the hell the GW did to WHFB when I was gone?


The combi bolter arm is also magnetized in case I ever want to field him with lighting claws.


In other news, I need better lighting for my next set of pictures. sleepnew.png

A very interesting colour scheme, more rusty than diseased. Liking the HQ too, I guess that's a Blight King stomach?

Thanks. Beats my wife's assessment. 'That's s**t brown.'


Fiddled with some conversions the other day. This is going to take ages. <.< I hope to be done by 9th edition.


Here's the Raptor (?) champion Drosophus.



Head's courtesy of plague bearers kit, the neck is spawn arm.


Also nurglefied some Mk. III armor pieces. I think the piece on the left will become biker champion OR sorcerer. The piece on the right is biker lord with power fist.  I just need to figure out a good head for him.


Sweeeeet conversions you got going there, looking forward to see your project unfold 


Thanks. :)  I work 9 to 5 so I have only so much time at my hands, but I've promised myself to get to 1500 points before 8th edition happens.  8th edition is probably going to make away with anything GW doesn't make a miniature for so...  potentially good bye biker lord. <.<


Not seen many nurgle takes on raptors, nice to see a change. Can't wait to see what you do for the Lords bike. 

I wasn't actually planning to convert his bike, as I like my Nurgle rotten and corrupted, without being writhing mass of insane tentacles and scabs.

But you gave me an idea.  Imperial bikers have their eagle wings, so of course nurgle would have...





Wings donated by Chaos Spawn. 


Speaking of chaos lord, he has now head and banner.  I think that's a Space Marine chaplain?


Banner will be mounted on this (WIP), a magnetized clump on the back of the bike for ease of transport.


Speaking of getting things done, here's Blessed Squad Testos.


Complete with specialist


/ marines  w/ MoN and a plasma gun.  That's something like 150 points, so... 10% done? Well, to be fair, these guys need a matt spray coat and some more detailing on the bases. I am kinda undecided whether to leave the sides of the bases brown, or if I ought to paint then black.


As a comedic relief, meet spawn Jar-Jar


Here posing with a cultist test miniature.


Next week, hopefully more raptors and a demon prince.


<.< yeah, my focus is really bad.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've started painting my magnetized lord, shown here with his chainfist.



I need still work with the metallics and the base. 


This is how the 'exhausts' on the top of the armor look.  However, it makes the 'back' exhausts kinda redundant. <.<


The lord on his bike has been assembled.


The banner is magnetizes, allowing me to field him as an aspiring champion if necessary.



I am also working with an another terminator character, probably a sorcerer....  I hope 8th edition / return of Mortarion gives him an actual use.


I love the random decaying heads on the Blight Knights set. Instant Blight grenades.


This guy is magnetized as well and can change limbs with my lord.


I've also assembled few more raptors.  Nothing too special here.


And my spawn are ready for painting too.


I always groan heavily when I see the standard approach to Death Guard/Nurgle marines in general, no matter how well they're painted - this is a real breath of fresh air (not sure how that works, but yeh...). Dig the rusted style, and your kit bashing in general!


Specifics: The termi lord strikes me as fairly generic, but still fine. I like how Blessed Squad Testos turned out overall, and I loooove the choice of head for the new potential Sorceror, he's shaping up to be badass so far.

I am curious, where did the bottom half of that cultist come from?  His arms appear Cadian but I am not sure where that trench coat comes from.


Other then that loving the kit bashes going on here.  Shows the amazing conversion possibilities of Chaos.  Keep up the good work mate.

I always groan heavily when I see the standard approach to Death Guard/Nurgle marines in general, no matter how well they're painted - this is a real breath of fresh air (not sure how that works, but yeh...). Dig the rusted style, and your kit bashing in general!


Specifics: The termi lord strikes me as fairly generic, but still fine. I like how Blessed Squad Testos turned out overall, and I loooove the choice of head for the new potential Sorceror, he's shaping up to be badass so far.

Thanks! The terminator lord and sorcerer are both magnetized with interchangeable arms, so chances are that the sorcerer will get to play chaos lord now and then.  I'll admit that I am not the best painter... and one of the reasons I went for brown was that I had lots of surplus grey brown spray after dabbling with FoW WWII Soviets.



I am curious, where did the bottom half of that cultist come from?  His arms appear Cadian but I am not sure where that trench coat comes from.


Other then that loving the kit bashes going on here.  Shows the amazing conversion possibilities of Chaos.  Keep up the good work mate.


That would be now discontinued Shock Troops from wargames factory.  I only had one box (i.e. 20) of them, and they seem to mostly extinct on ebay, so I guess I'll have to resort on WWII greatcoat miniatures for the rest of my horde. I have my eyes on these.



Very nice death guard. Where did the flail on one of the raptors come from? 

Aaand that would be from this kit, source of most of my fun bits.


As for what I have been up to...



Aspiring Champion Boros leading Blessed Brotherhood Boros. admittedly, not very exciting model.

Long black hair belong to my wife who was helping with photography. ^^;;


Icon bearer of squad Boros, vexilia-brother Hadron


My Raptor cult is now assembled with the last members joining the cult yesterday.


I admit I kinda ran out of imagination and patience with these guys.


Aaaand here we have Raptor Cult Drosophus waiting for undercoat.


Also, my lord and upcoming sorcerer have no friends to teleport with!  Friendship is magic is the motto of Father Nurgle, was it not?


Some individual friends...


Aspiring Champion Sandor Elek, leader of Terminator Squad Elek that serves as the lord's bodyguard.


And his associates...




And here we have the army shot.


I have now technically legal (!) army for the first time in 10 years or so. 


Also, I realize that once I get my Raptors painted I have legal Chaos Warband formation, whatever that means. <.<

Ok, so I have a question for you guys actually reading these. I'm dabbling with my terminator sorcerer and I am bit torn whether I should slap a cloak on him or not. So, opinions anyone?


Without cloak




With cloak





Also I could not resist and started a tad more ambitious project as presented by nurgling engineer here.



Yep, cloak all the way. They're not always the answer but sometimes a cloak adds way more than you think possible for what is a fairly simple addition and can really round out a model, and I think this is one of those situations.


Wind direction matches that of the cowl. All seems to be in order. Go for it :tu:

  • 4 weeks later...

So, holiday in Italy with my wife happened. So, progress has been slow. However, there is some progress.
I got some work done on my sorcerer / lord.
I think you guys were corrent, the cape suits him quite nicely,
I also got some work done on Raptor Cult Drosophus
Cult Drosophus worships the carrion fly totem as an aspect of Father Nurgle's invigorating touch that creates life among the dead. They see this totem as hopeful sign, cursed as they are by the Nurgle's Afflictions. 
Meanwhile, nurgling engineers have also been busy.  So, I have always wondered what happens between this and this.  Don't get me wrong, the latter is cool, but I am looking to capture a transition between those two points.


Banner has been magnetized to the barrel.

Face plate of Hound of Barga. I have one question though. Do you think he could use a horn? One horn, to mimic unsymmetrical appearance often found on nurgley things.

Some damage has been applied to the head. I am debating about drilling one of the eyes hollow.

Pauldrons are mostly untouched, having only spouted a horn and a nurlesque spore chimney.

Weapons have a couple of touches to make them more chaotic.



  • 4 weeks later...

So I have more or less finished my raptors...


I think I'll wait until 8th edition comes out until I decide which weapons the specialists will carry.


Aspiring champion


The jump packs were pain in the ass to pain. 


I've also dabbled with my bikes, results of which can be seen here. 

  • 1 month later...

Aaaand I am back.


As it turns out, you cannot have Death Guard Raptors OR Bikers in 8th for the time being...  I painted up some spawn.  Not that they are particularly fast, but at least they are allowed...


Here's the spawn #1 Jar-Jar.  Once sorcerer Jarax the Corrupted that sought to master the energies of the warp. Unfortunately, he didn't quite manage. Now he's nothing but mutated mess sonorously repeating a single syllable as if he was a pokemon, thus earning his name. 



Spawn #2 Ogler. Originally known as Piotr Menegrad that joined the possessed in m38, fighting a millennium among the Nurgle's blessed. It's uncertain what he did to earn Nurgle's displeasure. 


Ogler from behind



Spawn #3  Gobbler. Formerly a particularly stout champion of Nurgle that took delight in eating maggots and drinking pus. One day he tried his luck, eating an entire nurlgling. As it happened, father Nurgle was rather fond of the small creature and punished his gluttonous follower accordingly.  


Spawn #4 Squidder. A particularly morose plague marine that earned the ire of Father Nurgle. Now he cannot speak anymore, driven insane by the horrific mutations that wrecked his body.



Spawn #5  Harold of Horns, an aspiring champion with impressive horny tusks... before Nurgle got disappointed with him, blessing him with a more jovial appearance. 


Spawn #6 (my least favorite)  Birdie. Birdie once worshiped Tzeench. What happened next is between him and Tzeench, but somehow he found his way to Nurgle's service.



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