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2000points Emperor's Children Army list - n00b building help


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Hi all. After many years of being away from 40k I thought I would jump into 30k with an Emperor's Children army. I love the look of the Palatine Blades, Phoenix Terminators and Contemptor models so I have auto-included these models in my list. Figured I should also take some unique 30k models so I have put together the below list which I hope will both look good on the table and play well running in the Hidden Blade:

Any help with tuning it before I go out and start buying up would be appreciated

Legion Praetor in Tartaros erminator Armour with Phoenix Spear and Sonic Shrieker
Command Squad +1 Trooper all in Tartaros Terminator Armour. Legion Standard, 2 x Phoenix Spear / ChainFist /Reaper Autocannon
Legion Centurian (Champion Consul) with Jumpack and Phoenix Spear, Artificer Armour, Refractor Field and Sonic Shrieker (he is to go with the jumping Palatine blades)
2 x Apothecarion
8 Palatine Blade Squad with Jump Packs - 2 x Phoenix Spear
Contemptor Mortis 2 X Kheres AssCannon
15 man Legion Tactical Squad. Sgt with Pwr Weapon & Legion Vexilla
15 man Legion Tactical Squad. Sgt with Pwr Weapon & Legion Vexilla
Primus Strike Lightning + 2 X Autocannon with Ground-traking & Battle Servitor
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank with Lascannon sponsons
Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought with Aiolos Missile system

Appreciate any comments that some of the more experienced players on the board may like to add.

Thanks for reading!

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Don't bother too much with min/maxing if that is not what you are into.


You know the drill somewhat since you have played 40k so take whatever you find most suitable with your gamestyle and miniature preferences. What Harrowmaster said are also good ideas.


Bear in mind we are not running against something like this :)


== Primary Detachment: Farsight enclaves combined arms detachment ==


HQ1: Commander(85) , Command and control node(15), Drone controller(8), 2 MV7 marker drones(2x12) [132]

Troops1: Kroot carnivores[60]

Troops2: XV8 crisis battlesuits(22), Bonding knife ritual(1) [23]

FA1: 4 MV7 marker drones[56]

LoW1: KV128 stormsurges(360), Velocity tracker(20), Early warning override(5), Shield generator(50) [435]

Fortification1: Imperial bunker(55), Escape hatch(25), Ammo dump(20) [100]


== Secondary detachment: Riptide wing ==


Elite1: XV108 riptide battlestuits(180), Early warning override(5) [185]

Elite2: XV108 riptide battlestuits(180), Early warning override(5) [185]

Elite3: XV108 riptide battlestuits(180), Advanced targeting system(3) [183]


== Tertiary detachment: Piranha firestream wing ==


FA1 - Target acquisition team: TX4 piranhas[40]

FA2: 3 TX4 piranhas(40+2x40), 6 Seeker missiles(6x8) [168]

FA3: 3 TX4 piranhas(40+2x40), 6 Seeker missiles(6x8) [168]

FA4: TX4 piranhas[40]


== Quatenary detachment: Null maiden task force ==


Elite1: Sisters of silence[75]

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In that case, why not swap the Tacticals for Assault marines? The Tacticals just won't have the mobility or survivability to last but Assailt squads have the movement and the option to take Combat shields. You can still attach an Apothecary to the squad as well...


The Hidden Blade force isnt the worst, you may have trouble dealing with armour with this list though so I would consider some missiles on the Lightning

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In that case, why not swap the Tacticals for Assault marines? The Tacticals just won't have the mobility or survivability to last but Assailt squads have the movement and the option to take Combat shields. You can still attach an Apothecary to the squad as well...

The Hidden Blade force isnt the worst, you may have trouble dealing with armour with this list though so I would consider some missiles on the Lightning

Ok but if i take 2 assault squads then what do i drop to find the extra points need to upgrade each squad?


In relation to the missiles. .. same points so i can change these out but with AC i get more than one shot in my straffing runs

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I would go for the missiles as it is the speciality of the Lightning and works very well. Most likely it will be blown out of the skies after the turn it appears so you better get good use for it's alpha strike. On the other hand I do have a Thunderbolt which I use in place of Lightning and it has default armament of tl lascannon and two tl autocannons in it's nose so when I use that model instead of the stupid looking (imo) Lightning and I have found that armament to be good if you can blow out everything with skyfire prior the flyer comes out of reserves and I am not facing Spartans or similar AV14 with flare shield.
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