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Thousand Sons 2.5k Test List


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With the release of rules for the Thousand Sons I have been playing with a list and was hoping for to have someone take a look at it. 

ROW - Guard of the Crimson King 

Legion Tribune in Tartaros - Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, ML3 Cult:Raptorae - 255 Points (Fluff Note: will be Phosis T'kar) 
Ahzek Ahriman- Cult:Corivade -225 Points 

Sekhmet Terminators x5 - Cataphractii, 5xCombi Melta, 3x Chainfist, Cult: Raptorae -310 Points 
Sekhmet Terminators x5 - Tartaros, 2x Force Axe, 3 x Force Sword, Cult:Raptorae -255 Points 

Veteran Squad x10 - Artificer + Melta Bomb, ML1 Asphyx Shells (Sniper) Cult: Corivade - 240 Points 
Veteran Squad x10 - Artificer + Melta Bomb, ML1 Asphyx Shells (Sniper) Cult: Corivade - 240 Points 
Apothecary x1 - Artificer - 55 Points 
Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought Talon x1 - Duel Kheres Assault Cannon - 180 Points 

Sword Occult x9 - Artificer + Melta Bomb on SGT, Cult: Pavoni - 300 Points 
Dreadclaw Drop Pod x1 - - 115 Points 

Legion Heavy Support Squad x 10 - Artificer + Augray Scanner, Missiles w/Flakk Cult Corivade - 325 Points 

Total Points: 2500 
Total Warp Charges: 14 

Ahriman joins the Heavy Support Squad 
Legion Tribune joins the Tartaros Terminators 
Apothecary joins the Sword Occult in the Dreadclaw 

- Low Body Count (54 Models) 
- No Armor 
- Very Vulnerable to Artillery Heavy Lists 

- Flexible 
- 4 Scoring Units 
- Elite Units 

Thank you for taking the time to look through the list and any comments you have are greatly appreciated.

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Here is my opinion on the list, feel free to ignore me though as I am just looking into the Thousand Sons myself haha.


First off, I think there is a couple of problems with points and rules here:


- Praetor Tribune

Rules for this model state that they cannot take any other options or wargear. It does not specify if this includes Legion Specific wargear but it is quite possible that this means that he cannot gain the Mastery Levels due to this restriction. Plus the rules for your Rite of War specify a Praetor so it is debateable if the Tribune counts here either. Personally I wouldn't care if I played you, but it is arguably against the rules so you might get a few people bringing it up.


In all fairness though, I would not use the Tribune rules anyway. All he gains over a standard Praetor is Master-Crafted for free, but loses his combi-bolter. It would cost you exactly the same points to just run a normal Praetor with Tartaros, Iron Halo, Digital Lasers, Paragon Blade and ML3, plus you gain a ranged weapon, and you can add Arcane Litanies for not a lot extra which will be useful. Use the model still, and instead of representing a ranged weapon, say it's Psychic Powers he shoots or something.


- Heavy Support Squad should be 350 points instead of 325.


Other than that, I would suggest the following:


- Cut the Digital Lasers as they are expensive, take Arcane Litanies instead.


- Cut the squad wide Melta Bombs for the Veterans. You need some spare points for the Heavy Support Squad as there was a mistake anyway, and you really don't want these guys in combat anyway so I doubt you'll use them much. Plus you can only use one per turn anyway so other than having spares it's expensive.


- Use the spare 50 points to fix the Heavy Support Squads points mistake and give your Praetor Arcane Litanies. I would personally lose the Artificer Armour on the support squad too as these guys should be safe.


- Unless you face a lot of fliers, I think your Missiles will be enough to take these so I would consider swapping the Contemptor for a pair of Javelins with Multi-Meltas as this will really improve your Anti-Armour. This only costs 130 points so you'll have 50 left over from this to re-use.



In the end you would have something more like this:


Praetor - 250

(Tartaros, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, ML3)


Ahriman - 225 / 455


Tartaros Sekhmet - 310 / 765


Cataphractii Sekhmet - 255 / 1020


Veteran Squad (10) - 215 / 1235

(Artificer, ML1, Asphyx)


Veteran Squad (10) - 215 / 1450

(As above)


Apothecary - 55 / 1505


Khenatai Occult + Dreadclaw - 415 / 1920


2 Javelins - 130 / 2050



Heavy Support Squad (10) - 340 / 2390

(Missile Launchers + Flakk, Augury Scanner)


This leaves you 110 points with which you could purchase 2 more Apothecaries for the Veteran Squads to help keep them alive or Rhinos (I don't use them but people will tell you you should and they have a point) for them or something.



This gives you better anti-Armour and the Javelins are fast enough to threaten artillery.


One thing I would say though, if you deep strike your Sekhmet (which is good with the rite of war), with your dreadclaw off the table too you don't have a lot on the board to begin with so that is something to consider.

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+1 to Javelins, they're beastly!


Have you considered Volkite Culverins for the HSS? Give them Raptora and watch them drown things in dice! I suppose it depends on how prevalent air power is in your meta, though they're not that shabby when it comes to AA either...

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I'd take a chain fist from the cataphractii squad and stick it your Tartaros squad so that it can take on armour in armour heavy lists.


Ideally, I'd look to run both squads with 2 chain fists as your list lacks decent anti armour options.


I second the ideas regarding javelins and culverins.

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