major higgins Posted March 30, 2018 Share Posted March 30, 2018 Lovely models!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted January 20, 2019 Author Share Posted January 20, 2019 Hello everyone, Recently the site where I host many of my IG photos, Flickr, has announced they are changing their policy. They will no longer allow unlimited photo hosting and instead will limit free accounts to 1,000 images. As a result, many of the images in my IG Tallarn blog will not be visible for awhile. But have no fear, I will gradually move the images over to the Bolter and Chainsword gallery and they will become visible again. Regards, Tallarn Commander MrZakalwe, duz_ and walter h 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted January 20, 2019 Share Posted January 20, 2019 Never fear TC B&C wont limit how much you can upload :tu: MrZakalwe, Tallarn Commander, brother_b and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted January 30, 2019 Author Share Posted January 30, 2019 Hello everyone, I'm making progress on gradually moving photos from Flickr to the Bolter and Chainsword gallery. As I was moving files, I came across a bunch of images from a January 2017 7th Edition game I played. I figured it would be fun to post the images here for you to view. Since I started this blog in February of 2017, these photos never made it into my blog. The game was a casual pickup game against an incredibly well painted Salamanders and Imperial Fists army (using Salamanders rules). I can't remember the points value but it was probably 2000 to 3000 points a side. I was teamed up with a fellow IGer. Here are some photos from the January 2017 pickup game My Allies' Desert-Schemed IG Army Before the Game My IG ally had a CCS, 2 vet squads with various special weapons, 2 Earthshaker Carriages, 2 Wyverns, and 2 Russes, and it looks like he also had some autocannons My IG Army Before the Game My Tallarn 23rd force consisted of a CCS with plasmas and standard, Commissar, psyker, priestess, 35-trooper blue platoon with a las-plas configuration although the PCS had an autocannon, a 30-trooper conscript platoon, a Chimera for my CCS, an Eradicator, and a Wyvern The IG Line After Deployment IG Left Flank Salamander Razorbacks Wisely Sit Behind Cover Before Turn 1 Begins And On Salamander Turn 1 the Drop Pods Scream on In Our opponent did a great job of playing aggressively for objectives Salamander Bikers Move Up on the IG Right Flank A Drop-Podded Dreadnought Approaches the IG Left Flank IG Earthshakers Rain Shells Down on Salamander Razorbacks Salamander Tac Squad Seizes an Objective At the bottom right you can see a dread getting cover behind the building Earthshakers Score a Hit! Desert Infantry Move Forward with the Support of a Tallarn Eradicator This was my first use of the Eradicator and I found it to be a useful Russ variant CCS Backs their Chimera Up to a Dreadnought, Jumps Out, and then All Goes Awry Because of Horrible Rolls D'oh! A picture of the Board in Midgame That's a lot of free Drop Pods! Conscripts Mob Salamander Bikers Tallarn Lascannon Snipes at the Foe Salamander Dreadnought Hammers on IG Armor Salamanders Try to Breach the IG Right Flank but Get Gunned Down by Autocannon Fire As you might expect for 7th edition, our IG forces got slaughtered. After the game our opponent remarked that he had not been aware of how bad IG were this edition. He told us that had he known, he would have toned down his list considerably. He took one of those formations that gave him free transports. Still it was a very fun and friendly game of 40K and I really enjoyed playing alongside a fellow IGer! There was true camraderie as our forces were getting assaulted and blasted to bits. Enjoy the photos! Ldorte, Bjorn Firewalker, UltraRich and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted January 31, 2019 Share Posted January 31, 2019 I wonder how the same game would play out in 8th... ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted January 31, 2019 Share Posted January 31, 2019 You have a fine army. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted February 1, 2019 Author Share Posted February 1, 2019 Warrior Fish, that's a good question. I do know my IG win about half the time this edition. They won about 1 in 7 games last edition. Bjorn, thanks for the kind words! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted January 25, 2020 Author Share Posted January 25, 2020 Hello everyone, It's been quite awhile since my last post. I dusted off my Tallarn 23rd Imperial Guard army for the first time since early 2018 and they were used in a game yesterday. A friend of them who is considering playing 40K used them against my forces of Chaos. The bad news is my Chaos lost, the good news is my friend won, we both had a great time, and he is now considering partaking in 40K! Here are the lists I put together for the 1,000 point game as well as some comments and photos. An Imperial Guard Tallarn battalion... Tallarn 23rd Regiment, 7th Battalion, Alpha Company HEADQUARTERS [128]♧ Captain Scheherazade, Warlord and Alpha Company commanding officer, Kurov's Aquila, plasma pistol, powerfist♧ Captain Al'Rahem, Alpha Company executive officer, Dagger of Tu'Sakh, plasma pistol, power sword♧ Primary Psyker Wojni, force staveCaptain Scheherazade is a grizzled commander of many campaigns. Captain Al'Rahem excels at a mobile, fluid style of warfare preferred by the the Tallarns. Psyker Wojni is present as an observer for regimental HQ.ELITES [143]♤ Lieutenant Ed Too Tall Jones♤ Lieutenant Rushdie, bolter♤ Desert Rats Veteran Squad, 10 troopers, 3 plasma guns, Sgt. Schaeffer, power sword, plasma pistolLieutenants Jones and Rushdie buttress the line with timely orders. The Desert Rats outflank with Captain Al'Rahem.TROOPS [336]Red Platoon (Lascannons, 216)☆ Red One Squad, 10 troopers; lascannon (20); plasma gun; Sgt. Qutuz, plasma pistol ☆ Red Two Squad, 10 troopers; lascannon, plasma gun, Sgt. Abdul, plasma pistol ☆ Red Three Squad, 10 troopers; lascannon; plasma gun; Sgt. Tarib, plasma pistolRed Platoon sets up a base of anti-tank firepower.Blue Platoon [Heavy Bolters, 120]☆ Blue One Squad, 10 troopers; heavy bolter; plasma gun; Sgt. Fariq with chainsword and plasma pistol☆ Blue Two Squad, 10 troopers; heavy bolter; plasma gun; Sgt. Haroun, plasma pistolBlue Platoon is a long range patrol platoon that outflanks with Captain Al'Rahem.FAST ATTACK [207]• Blue 1, Armored Sentinel, lascannon• Blue 1, Armored Sentinel, lascannon• Infernum, Hellhound, heavy flamerThe Sentinels and Hellhounds serve as forward pickets.HEAVY SUPPORT [185]• Faith & Metal, Leman Russ, turret battlecannon, heavy bolter• Desert Mombas, 3 mortarsTotal=999This is a classic combined arms force of foot troops supported by some armor and walkers. Generally I will keep a firebase infantry platoon and a heavy weapons squad back, outflank an infantry platoon, and the sentinels will screen.A Chaos Space Night Lords Battalion Detachment..."AZRATH'S ASSASSINS," NIGHT LORDS CHAOS MARINE BATTALION HQ [278]• Azrath, Daemon Prince of Khorne, wings, Daemonic Axe• Bolivar, Chaos Sorcerer, jumppack, Mark of Tzeench, bolt pistol, force swordDaemon Prince Azrath received a vision from Khorne. In the vision he joined with the Chaos the Night Lords to consecrate dozens of Imperium-held worlds in blood. Sorcerer Bolivar is second in command. He is paid in human sacrifices and unholy books of power.ELITES [254]• Champion Red Messiah's Bloodflowers Squad, 8 Bezerkers, Mark of Khorne, 7 chainaxes, Icon of Wrath, powerfist• Harry the Helbrute, 2 Helbrute fistsThe Bezerkers are Chaos Marines who have sworn allegiance to Khorne and undergone the Butcher's Nails procedure. Harry attempted to seize power from a Chaos Lord. He now suffers for eternity inside his adamantium sarcophagus.TROOPS [252]• Lobo's 2nd Squad, 11 Militia, flamer• Death Bats Squad, 5 Chaos Marines, Mark of Slaanesh, meltagun, combi-melta, power sword• Sentry Killer Squad, 5 Chaos Marines, lascannonThe Chaos Militia and Mutant Rabble are a diverse lot. Some fight for coin, some for Chaos, some fight against the fascist Imperium, and some fight for the sake of fighting. The Chaos Marine squads provide the army with a tough, flexible core.TRANSPORTS [144]• Tentaculus, Chaos Rhino, combi-bolterThese ancient AFVs manuever the Bezerkers around the battlefield.HEAVY SUPPORT [142]• Deffy the Defiler with Defiler Claws and Battlecannon, Mark of Nurgle, Defiler Scourge , Reaper AutocannonDeffy is always in the vanguard of the assault compeying to get the most kills.Total points=998Azrath has formed a raiding force consisting of his Bezerkers and various mercenary units. The board during Turn 1, the Night Lords are initiating a push on their right flank Deffies' last moments before meeting Mr. Russ 3 cultists, October, Galhax, and Oracle Sentinel moves out with a Tallarn infantry squad in support Hellhound Infernus turns cultits to ash Harry says hi to a sentinel Helbrute fists are cheap, cheerful, and effective Harry greets Red One Squad Sadly, he is about to learn the hard way about "Get Back in the Fight!" Desert Mombas mortar squad rains shells down on the forces of Chaos Leman Russ Faith and Metal anchors the left flank Lieutenant Muhhamed and Primary Psyker Wojni buttress the Tallarn line Azrath axes a sentinel Sorcerer Bolivar hands out warptime like a boss And you get a warptime, and you get a warptime... Death Bats Chaos Marine squad moves into some ruins Sentry Killers CSM Squad moves up to get within melta range :) To be continued..... librisrouge, Ldorte, WarriorFish and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted January 25, 2020 Author Share Posted January 25, 2020 ...continued from previous post CSM threaten a Leman Russ But Squad Blue 2 outflanks and screens the Russ! Captain Scheherazade issues orders on the Tallarn right flank I might have made her powerfist a llittle too big... Sgt. Warptouch attempts to hold Objective 2 against the Hellhound Infernus But Infernus successfully captures and then defends Objective 2 Champion Rosas with combi-melta and powersword (magnetized of course) Sgt. Fariq outflanks with Blue 2 Bezerker Ghormenghast and Lieutenant Rushdie duel to the death Rushdie wins (barely)... And Daemon Prince Azrath duels the Leman Russ Faith and Metal In a hilarious turn of events, Faith & Metal strips 6 wounds off of Azrath in overwatch! And then kills the Khorne daemon by exploding Ninja Joe beats up on a Tallarn heavy bolter team with Nunchaku and kicks to the head Captain Al'Rahem captures Objective 4 Booger and his Bezerker friends consolidate into ruins after wiping out the Desert Rats veteran squad The Tallarn infantry begin mopping up The board at the end of Turn 3 The forces of the Imperium have 6 maelstrom points and the forces of Chaos have 2 maelstrom points A great game with a very nice opponent. Huzzah! Tallarn 23rd, "We are many. They are few." SteveAntilles, duz_, MrZakalwe and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted January 25, 2020 Share Posted January 25, 2020 Looks like a great game, and there's not much better than introducing someone to the hobby. Nicely done Tallarn :tu: Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted February 18, 2020 Author Share Posted February 18, 2020 Hello everyone, I purchased and assembled an Ikea Fabrikor display cabinet for my IG and my chaos miniatures. I've been wanting a display cabinet like this for years. The entire cabinet The top shelf is mostly Renegades and Heretics and Nurgle daemons The middle shelf is various and sundry Imperial Guard And the bottom shelf consists of IG tanks and Chaos Renegades and Heretics artillery and armor And there is space on top for more IG tanks and some fliers Enjoy the pics! IG, "We are many, they are few." robofish7591, SteveAntilles, 4CIN87 and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted February 18, 2020 Share Posted February 18, 2020 It's a good idea, keep them safe and secure and maybe a little less dusty :P Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted February 18, 2020 Share Posted February 18, 2020 A fine army. Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted February 19, 2020 Share Posted February 19, 2020 Looks great! Where did you get those other stands from? Good way to increase space and give some more interest Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NerdyFellow Posted February 20, 2020 Share Posted February 20, 2020 I love how you painted your army Tallarn Commander. Sort of an Arabian/North African flavour going on there. Is every single guardsman named? It's a brave decision, don't think I could do that, but I love that someone does! walter h and Tallarn Commander 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Are Verlo Posted February 20, 2020 Share Posted February 20, 2020 After reading your report from the 1K game, I must admit it looks like fun. In your 1000pts games, how big battlefields do you use? 48x48? or standard size? Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted February 20, 2020 Author Share Posted February 20, 2020 Thanks for the kind words everyone. Duz, The acrylic stands are: "3 pack clear acrylic riser set" sold by Obmwang -The glass stands with metal legs are: "3 tier tempered glass display stand--8,:10, andc13 inch" sold by Hom N More Both types were purchased from Amazon. Nerdy Fellow, Yes, all my guardsmen are named. It was a fun project but it took 3 or 4 years to go back and give each of my troopers a name. Are Verlo, The 1,000 point games were played on a standard 4x6 table. IG, "We are many. They are few." NerdyFellow and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted November 4, 2020 Author Share Posted November 4, 2020 Hello all, it's been 9 months since I last posted to my IG blog. As you all know, much has happened in the world. I learned this week that co-worker of mine recently lost a relative to COVID, my thoughts go out to her. While most of my time lately has been dedicated to finishing up my Chaos, I've been working on some IG desert terrain for my Tallarns. Here are some WIP photos. Ruins 1 of 2, this uses a GW terrain piece as well as various and sundry other items Ruins 2 of 2, this is a set of ruins from Pegasus I've covered up all of the bottom floor windows so they block LOS An old Necromunda tower A Forgeworld emplacement A bridge from Pegasus All of these WIP terrain pieces will be painted in the style below But rather than directly painting the Zamesi Desert yellow (or a similar but cheaper craft acrylic yellow) as a basecoat... I'll paint a metal/rust coat and then I'll add and chip off a Zamesi Desert yellow basecoat as I have done here I also want to use oil washes and try my hand a printing up tiny propaganda posters. In addition, I hope to figure out how to wire lights into the ceiling of the ruins. I have some neat little LED lights from Zinge Industries. Now I just have to figure out how to install them. :) Enjoy the pics! Tallarn 23rd, "We are many. They are few." duz_, WarriorFish, librisrouge and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted November 4, 2020 Share Posted November 4, 2020 My hobby is always shamed when I see such sterling terrain work, great stuff looking forward to seeing them all painted up :tu: GreenScorpion and Tallarn Commander 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted November 8, 2020 Author Share Posted November 8, 2020 (edited) Hello everyone, I've primed up the 2 sets of ruins. Here are a couple of pics with random members of Tallarn 23rd occupying the ruins. I used boarded up the windows using plasticard and Starbucks stirrers. Fellow IGers, never throw away your coffee stirrers. Who knows when they might be useful. And Autumn is in full swing in the Pacific Northwest of the US. A view from my painting table. Take care, Tallarn 23rd, "We are many. They are few." Edited November 8, 2020 by Tallarn Commander Etheneus, walter h, SteveAntilles and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hannibal Posted November 14, 2020 Share Posted November 14, 2020 Awesome work! Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tallarn Commander Posted May 3, 2021 Author Share Posted May 3, 2021 (edited) Hello everyone, It's been 6 months since my last post. Life has been busy what with the Coronavirus epidemic and a job change. But I've finally made some progress on the hobbying front! I completed 3 more pieces of desert-scheme terrain for my IG army. This means I only have 2 more items to paint (the 2 ruins you see can see in earlier posts above). Then all my owned models will be painted. Huzzah! Here are some photos of my 3 completed terrain pieces... Desert Bridge (Techbridge from Pegasus) A Leman Russ, the "Arroyo Avenger," attached to the Tallarn 23rd Infantry Regiment crosses a Wadi on Cyres IV during a pacification campaign against rebels An old OOP Forgeworld emplacement Sergeant Mecca, 1st Squad, Gold Platoon, Alpha Company, and his squad defend a position against rebels on Cyres IV. The regular sandstorms scoured equipment of paint and made ordinary maintenance into a Herculean task. An old Necromunda tower made of plastic and cardstock Corporal Samwise with his ratling sniper squad, The Desert Scythes in an observation post on Cyres IV. This position provided an excellent vantage point from which to target the enemy. The Desert Scythes used this watchtower to aid Alpha Company in repulsing no fewer than 7 attacks on the Airfield at Pharos City. I really had fun painting up this batch of terrain, even though it took me 6 months. I tried a few new techniques: salt and hairspray weathering, rust powders applied with white spirits, and sealing with conventional satin varnish from a large can intended to seal decks and porches. I also got a bit more experience using oil paints as washes instead of acrylic paints, the oil paints seem to flow and pool in a much more realistic manner. I'm pretty pleased with the results. Enjoy the pics! Tallarn 23rd, "We are many. They are few." Edited May 3, 2021 by Tallarn Commander librisrouge, duz_, The Pounder and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
INKS Posted May 6, 2021 Share Posted May 6, 2021 really well painted and kept together army. Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pounder Posted May 6, 2021 Share Posted May 6, 2021 The army looks good. Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted May 8, 2021 Share Posted May 8, 2021 Welcome back! :tu: Great work on the terrain can't wait to see it all on a board Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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