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Hello everyone,

Work is proceeding on my last 2 unpainted models, a couple of terrain pieces. So I'd thought I'd show some photos. I also just got a nice new gaming mat from Tablewar so I shall show pics of that too.

WIP progress shots of my GW terrain...

Undercoat before spraying on and chipping the basecoat


After spraying on and chipping the basecoat


And shots of my Pegasus Terrain...

After spraying on and chipping the basecoat


And after applying a wash of dark brown and burnt sienna oil paints



Here you can see the effects of the oil wash with some before and after photos...

Sentinel in terrain before wash


Sentinel in terrain after wash


To be continued.....

Post continued from above....

Yesterday I got a gaming mat from Tablewar. It's really nice. I've wanted a gaming mat for 21 years and I'm glad I finally got one. Most of my games are played at local hobby stores. But from time to time a friend will wander over and we will get in a game. Now it will no longer be on a bare kitchen table!

Overall shots of the mat with my hodge podge collection of IG desert terrain




And some bird's-eye view shots




And a shot of my favorite terrain piece, a skull ashtray


I bought this when I lived in Mexico City back in 2011. The standard of painting quality in the Mexico City store that I frequented was awesome. All armies were painted (it was uncool to show up with grey) and many armies were incredibly well painted.

And a parting shot, two Lords of War, Spike and Bella, investigate the new gaming mat



Enjoy the pics! I'll post more when I finally complete the 2 terrain pieces.

IG. "We are many. They are few."

  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone,

I've finally finished 2 desert ruins terrain pieces! This desert terrain matches my Tallarn army.

Here are some photos:

Pegasus Ruins on the left and Sector Imperialist Ruins on the right


Pegasus Ruins





Sector Imperialis terrain



Pegasus Ruins being patrolled by Last Chancers and supporting Chimera and Priestess Badra





Sector Imperialis Ruins with Red 1 Tallarn Squad and supporting units






With the completion of these 2 terrain pieces, all of my miniatures are painted! This includes all 5 WH40K armies, 1 Warhammer Fantasy army, 1 Battlefleet Gothic Fleet, and 1 Confrontation army for a total of about 700 or so miniatures. All done! From now on I'll just work on a single project at a time, finish that project, and move onto the next one. About 10 years ago I had a backlog of maybe 200 unpainted models. But over time I stuck to a policy of "complete 2 projects and then I can buy 1 new project." Over time this policy has finally paid off with a 100% completion rate. Dropping my plans for an ork army also helped!

Here is a list of my 40K projects along with the approximate completion year:

Total Completed Projects: 141 (100%)
Total Uncompleted Projects: 0 (0%)
Pending Projects: none
Completed Projects: 58 Projects
• officers, 5 troopers (1 project) (completed 2000 through 2008)
• priests, 3 troopers (1 project) (completed 2002)
• Commissars, 7 troopers (1 project) (completed 2000 through 2009)
• Cypher, 1 project (completed 2001)
• 3 Red Platoon Squads, 30 troopers (3 projects) (completed 2000 through 2001)
• 3 Blue Platoon Squads, 30 troopers (3 projects) (completed 2000 through 2001)
• 3 Gold Platoon Squads, 30 troopers (3 projects) (completed 2001 through 2008)
• 2 Jade Platoon Squads, 20 troopers (3 projects) (completed 2008)
• Praetorian Squad (completed 2017)
• 7 other infantry Squads, 70 troopers (7 projects) (completed 2001 to 2011)
• Miscellaneous special weapons troopers (1 project) (completed 2000 through 2008)
• Heavy Bolter Heavy Weapons Squad, 6 troopers (1 project) (completed 2000 through 2018)
• 3 Bazooka Heavy Weapons Squads, 6 troopers (1 project) completed 2001)
• 2 Mortar Heavy Weapons Squads, 12 troopers (2 projects) (completed 2001 through 2011)
• 4 full Stormtroooper Squads (4 projects) (completed 2001 through 2017)
• Ogryn Squad (1 project) (completed 2001)
• Ratling Squad (1 project) (completed 2001)
• Rough Rider Squad (1 project) (completed 2001)
• 5 Scout Sentinel Squadrons (5 projects) (completed 2001 through 2002)
• Armored Sentinel Squadron (1 project) (completed 2013 through 2018)
• 5 Leman Russes (5 projects) (completed 2001 through 2013)
• 1 Valkyrie (1 project) (completed 2012)
• 6 Chimeras (6 projects) (completed 2001 to 2011)
• 2 Basilisks (2 projects) (completed 2001 to 2003)
• 1 Manticore (1 project) (completed 2011)
• 1 Hellhound (1 project (completed 2001)
• 6 IG objective markers (1 project (completed 2013)
Pending Projects: None
Completed: 66 Projects
• Chaos Lord Evita and Sorcerer Resk (1 project) (completed 2002 to 2016)
• 2 full DG CSM Squads, 10 troopers each (2 projects) (completed 2002 through 2003) (converted to WE CSM in 2018)
• 4 squads 7 Plague Marines, 7 troopers ea (4 projects) (completed 2002 to 2003)
• DG Chaos Terminator Squad (1 project) (completed 2002)
• DG autocannon Havoc Squad (1 project) (completed 2004)
• Dave the Dreadnought (1 project) (completed 2004)
• Chamorro, Duvalier, NightGaunt, & Bolivar (1 project) (completed 2003 through 2017)
• 3 full NL CSM Squads, 10 troopers each (3 projects) (completed 2003 to 2007)
• 2 NL autocannon Havoc Squads (2 projects) (completed 2017)
• Missile Launcher NL Havoc Squad (1 project) (completed 2015)
• 2 Raptor Squads, 8 troopers each (2 projects) (completed 2003 through 2017)
• 2 Chaos Biker Squads, 5 troopers each (2 projects) (completed 2007)
• Harry the Helbrute (1 project) (completed 2013)
• 1 Maulerfiend (1 project) (completed 2016)
• Constantine & Barnabas (1 project) (completed 2018)
• 3 squads of Bezerkers, 24 troopers (3 projects) (completed 2018)
• Azrath, Daemon Prince of Khorne (1 project) (completed 2018)
• Pair of Blood Slaughterers (1 project) (completed 2018)
• WE icons (1 project) (completed 2018)
• Squad of Plaguebearers, 14 troopers (1 project) (completed 2003)
• 1 Plaguerider Squad (1 project) (completed 2003)
• Batch of 9 Plaguebearers (1 project) (completed 2019)
• 1 Fury Squad (1 project) (completed 2003 through 2019)
• 14 batches of 10 Renegades and Heretics infantry, 140 troopers (14 projects) (completed 2016 through 2019)
• Trio of Earthshaker Carriages (1 project) (completed 2018)
• Pair of Renegades & Heretics Armored Sentinels (1 project) (completed 2019)
• 20 Disciples and 2 Enforcers, including 2 lascannon teams (1 project) (completed 2019)
• Pair of Renegades & Heretics Leman Russes (1 project) (completed 2019)
• 12 Renegade greatcoats infantry (1 project) (completed 2019)
• 3 Houndmasters & 15 Chaos Hounds (1 project) (completed 2020)
• 10 Possessed Marines, Greater Possessed,, Talos, and Valkia (1 project) (completed 2020)
• Deffy the Defiler (1 project) (completed 2020)
• 6 Chaos objective markers (1 project) (completed 2018)
• Various and Sundry: 4 NL Chaos Terminators, 2 NL Furies, Valkia, Annika, & Renegade heavy bolter team (1 project) (completed 2020)
• 6 Chaos Spawn (1 project) (completed 2016)
• 6 Chaos Rhinos (6 projects) (completed 2003 through 2018)
• 2 Chaos Predators: Gramps and Old Faithful (1 project) (completed 2004)
Completed: 17 projects
• 3 small ruins (1 project) (completed 2012)
• large ruin (1 project) (completed 2014)
• landing pad (1 project) (completed 2013)
• craters, 3 (1 project) (completed 2012)
• small bridge (1 project) (completed 2016)
• sandbag strips, 6 (1 project) (completed 2011)
• Chimera emplacement (1 project) (completed 2005)
• Vehicle emplacement (1 project) (completed 2002)
• Small emplacement (1 project) (completed 2002)
• Concrete emplacement (1 project) (completed 2014)
• small bunker system (1 project) (completed 2016)
• 9 Plasticard Test Panels (1 project) (completed 2019)
• Pegasus Techbridge (1 project) (completed 2021)
• Forgeworld emplacement (1 project) (completed 2021)
• Necromunda Tower (1 project) (completed 2021)
• Pegasus Ruins (1 project) (2021)
• GW Ruins (1 project) (2021)
Pending: none
Completion Rate Over Time
• April 2018: 75%
• May 2018: 73%
• June 2018: 76%
• December 2018: 91% (I sold off my Orks)
• May 2019: 93% (I completed some R&H infantry)
• July 2019: 94% (I completed 2 sentinels and 28 R&H infantry)
• September 2019: 96%
• May 2020: 96%
• September 2020: 97% (I completed all my Chaos!)
• April 2021: 99% (only 2 models remaining)
• June 2021: 100%!
I'm not sure what's next. Possible next projects include:
-some more terrain--especially some nice desert rocks/mesas
-More IG--perhaps a 30-trooper platoon of female troopers using Victoria Miniatures models
-More Night Lords raptorkin, perhaps a half dozen more raptors and a squad of 10 Warp Talons
-Perhaps a small patrol detachment of 20 or so Sisters of Battle to support my IG
-More Possessed for my WarpBorn homebrew CSM army
-Expand on my small force of daemons
The possibilities are numerous....
I hope you enjoyed the pics!
  • 7 months later...

Thanks for the kind words everyone!

I finished priming and assembling my pledge for the "Sally Forth" IG hobbying contest. I'm contributing a Tallarn dune buggy, nomenclature aka a Stag II Recon Vehicle. I hope to complete most of the painting on my day off tomorrow.

Here are oodles of WIP photos.

In the middle of assembly


Left facing


Front left oblique


Front, the winch's hook can attach to the assembly like the hook on my squad's US Army Humvee way back in the day


Right front oblique


Right facing


Right rear oblique




And a final shot, Simon supervises the photograph session


Enjoy the pics!

Tallarn 23rd, "We are many. They are few."

Thanks Jud! Your Death Corps of Krieg are looking awesome.

I finally finished my pledge for the "Sally Forth" IG hobbying campaign, a Stag II Recon Vehicle for my Tallarn army.

Stag II Recon Vehicle seen operating alongside Tallarn Sentinels in the ruins of Oblos IV


These Tallarn dune buggies often cooperate with scout sentinels on long-range recon patrols. The larger Stag IIs support the lighter walkers by carrying extra comms gear, food, water, fuel, and ammo. Their missile launchers can carry anti-tank, fragmentation, and anti-aircraft missiles.

Since I got into this hobby back in 2000 I've wanted to paint up a Tallarn Dune Buggy. And now I have. Huzzah!

Here are some more photos.

A WIP pic


Seen from the leftgallery_88062_11289_30732.jpeg

Seen from the front


Seen from the right


Seen from the rear


Seen from the front right


Seen from the rear right


Seen from the left right


In games I'd use this as a counts-as Scout Sentinel with missile launcher.

Enjoy the photos!

Tallarn 23rd, "We are many. They are few."

  • 2 years later...

Hello everyone,


It's been quite awhile since I posted anything here.


I brought my Tallarn 23rd to a very fun 2 vs. 2 game last weekend. My team-mate was a fellow IG player and we were up against knights (Grey Knights and Imperial Knights). All the other players were very chill and it was a fun afternoon at Mox Boarding House in Bellevue, Washington here in the U.S.


Each player brought 1500 points so it was a nice, big game.



Here are some photos:




All four armies





The Tallarn 23rd horde




The Cadian and Tallarn side of the board





The board at deployment





And I brought 2 of my 15 sentinels. Here is Scout Sentinel Jade 1.





Cadian Rough Riders (a wonderful kitbash) and Tallarn Lascannon Team




A Gorgeous Armiger




Armiger Takes Out Sentinel


The Vindicare on top of the terrain piece took out my warlord, Captain Scheherazade on Turn 1. And then Commissar Akinna, Lt. Jihad, and Lt. Rushdie on subsequent turns. Good show!



Jade 1 moves out





Blue 1 Infantry Squad alongside Faith and Steel (used as a Russ rather than a Vanquisher since Vanquishers have lost some luster since 9th Edition)




A Cadian Dorn. I want to get one of these--its performance was impressive.




Some wonderfully painted Grey Knights bamf down into the IG line



I keep forgetting that Space Marines, for some reason, can teleport to within 3 inches. D'oh! Maybe I'll remember at some point.



Plucky Rough Riders charge Armiger. Their melta lances roll poorly and only do 4 wounds. But they do hold up the Knight advance.





Cadian and Tallarn infantry move onto midfield objective





Grey Knights Take Out Blue 1 Infantry Squad




Knight To Russ





Grey Knights Mop Up Lt. Jihad's Platoon Command Squad




And Knights Mop Up Remaining IG





It was a very fun game indeed! In the end, the Knights beat the IG.


I sure do miss all the movement trick my Tallarns had back in 9th Edition. Here's hoping that we get a codex soon.


Enjoy the photos!



Tallarn 23rd Imperial Guard Light Regiment, "We are many. They are few."






  • 4 months later...

Hello everyone,


I finally finished up a batch of 18 Imperial Guard minnies. They are all from Victoria Miniatures down under. I've been working on them on and off for about 2 years now. And they are finally done. Huzzah!


Here are some photos.



A shot of all 18 miniatures. Most are female troopers.




And, as usual, I gave all my IG troopers names.  :biggrin:


A shot of my infantry squad, Jade 3






And now for some closesups.


A batch of 3 tank commanders. They will get names when I add them to their tanks.




The Inquisition does not want you to look too closely at the trooper in the middle. He is actually a Traitor Guard tank commander. He shall join the ranks of my Nostroman 9th Renegade & Heretics Chaos Militia.



Tank Commander with Comm Link




Tank Commander with Auspex




Female Tank Commander




Unlike the old metal GW female tank commander which is more like a pinup girl, this female tank commander looks a lot more like the women with whom I served in the U.S. Army.



Private Hasi and Corporal Reza





Private Widad




Corporal Raisa




Private Khadija





Private Nadia




Private Aisha




Private Samara




Vox Officer Fatima




Sergeant Yasmin






Photos continued below....




Tallarn 23rd Light Regiment, "We are many. They are few."

Edited by Tallarn Commander

Photos continued from above......



Command Sergeant Major Wafiya





Primaris Psyker Rosa


As a member of the Scholastica Psykana, Rosa is not Tallarn.



The leader of Jade (4th) Plaotoon, Lieutenant Hiza.






Lieutenant Hiza is equipped with a master-crafted plasma pistol and a variant of the famed "Claw Of The Desert Tiger" power sword.



Commissar Akinna



As an aside, Commissar Akinna has a dark secret known only to her and the Inquisition. Here is her story.



Commissar Annika is a feared symbol of House Nightfall's Chaos Commisariat, also called "Enforcers." She is always willing to use summary execution on laggards.      However she does have a dark secret. Her twin sister, Akinna, defected to the Imperium. Ironically, Akinna now serves as a Commissar in the loyalist Tallarn 23rd Light Regiment. Only Annika and her lover, Renegade Commander Buzzsaw, know this secret. If it were discovered the Council of Eight would quickly have her executed. Enforcer Annika hopes to one day meet and kill the traitor Akinna upon the field of battle.



Here is an Inquisition Photo of the infamous Chaos Commissar Akinna with a traitor Ork on the Moon of Phylar VII.





Four female Tallarn leaders



GW has long needed a lot more female models. Luckily they are getting better. Thankfully, Victoria Miniatures has entire ranges of female IG troopers.




And all of Jade Platoon






I now have 12 squads of Tallarn infantry (plus 6 squads of infantry from other planets). I think I'm good for now.  :biggrin:




I hope you enjoyed the photos!



Tallarn 23rd Light Regiment, "For the Emperor!"


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