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Tich's Prospero Project - (quick update, August 2024)

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So, ever since 2nd edition I have had a small Thousand Sons army (loved the fluff).

Fast forward a few (many) years and I read A Thousand Sons, then GW goes and gives me the miniatures I could only dream about as a young(er) man....

what to do?

My rough plan is to use the Burning of Prospero as a starting point but utilise some of the new 40k kits (and the odd third party upgrade) to really make it stand out (oh, and some suitable replacement terrain for the card). eventually I may end up with enough to actually play a table game (something I have not done since around 2nd-3rd so have some catching up to do)

so far (in addition to the forces in the box):

2 BAC Mk IV squads to replace the MkIII in the box (I just feel the MkIV looks better for the Sons and contrasts really well with the MkIII wolves)
1 contemptor per side (using the rules from the WD when I get round to playing the board game)
SW cataphractii (just to make things interesting)
SW rune priest (a stand in for Wyrdmake)

The Thousand sons are painted roughly as follows:

Black Base (Chaos black)
Retributor Armour spray
Tamiya Metallic red spray (TS-18 I think)
rough highlight with suitable silver
Tamiya clear red (this brings out the flat metallic red really nicely)
gold trim: Retributor/agarax or riekland wash/liberator highlight then silver to finish
white cloaks (Duncans tabard recipe from the 40k rubrics) - also works well on the scarab and legion icon.

full tutorial available here:


I'll get the list for the Wolves done soon.

here is what they look like so far:


I'm hoping to have 1 squad of MkIV using mostly rubric/sorcerer parts to match the look of Ahriman, then a squad of more regular guys, maybe breachers with Acolyte shields....

currently working on the ones above and a Thousand sons Contemptor.

in between working on this I did pick up Magnus and the Creature Caster LOC to keep me busy.....

Also a big shout out to this community (and GW) for inspiration and getting me back into this chaos.....


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  • 2 weeks later...

got the Dread done: used a white base coat with the metallic red spray, then tamiya clear red (I hadn't settled on a method when I started this one) also this one came with a duplicate "scarab arm" but nothing a transfer or two couldn't fix...


also completed another member of the Pyrae cult who is pushing the limit of his powers.....




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Some interesting use of bitz here - particularly like what you've done with some of the physical corruption manifestation :D 

Out of interest, which kit are the shields you've used for your Breachers from? And that snazzy shoulder-shield on the Cataphractii terminator with the double Ansuz-runes. Very nice use of the girdly bit from the Wolves upgrade sprue there, also! [and liking the axe on teh contemptor]

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Thanks for the comments!


Those Cataphtactii shoulder shields came from Spellcrow, I was ordering up some pelts for the MkIII Wolves and some tabards for the Thousands sons (as my greenstuff skills are not that good!) and they may have been a freebie or ordered at the same time.


The Breacher shields are from the new Kairic Acolytes box (I have half a plan to use them as 40K cultists someday) but some of the Tzaangor ones look good for it too, they have lots of curved areas for sticking guns out of. I like the swords from that kit too so might stick a few on the breachers instead of the combat knives. I just need to decide whether to paint the shields red/gold or blue/gold :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick peak at the ever expanding defenders of Prospero:


Praetor more or less done (just a head and weapon swap with some added cloths) base to follow:





also picked up this guy (because its amazing!):




and speaking of giant machines......:




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Based on the size and shape of the model in that picture, I am guessing a Leviathan Dreadnought with the khopesh from Daemon Prince Magnus.

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That looks glorious. I play Space Wolves, and since we know no fear, I cant say I am afraid of it. However, I will admit I am not averse to a "tactical retreat" if that got too close.

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:biggrin.:  yeah, In the interest of balance I need to get some of the Wolves painted up. this project (in true Tzeentchian fashion) has grown a few extra arms and legs. with all this 8th edition chatter I may be tempted to pick up some dice in anger (when they get to the Heresy rules update of course, should give me plenty of time to finish!)

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To even things up a little (I have not been completely neglecting the Censure Host):





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Hey thanks! the Breachers were really simple to do (but I think worked quite well) I got the idea from a guy at our local GW who had used the shields from the Knight Excelsior upgrade pack:




I'm hoping to get one or two painted up soon as I want to see how the cult shoulder pads come out.

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Bit of progress on the Leviathan (about 80% done):



got one of the Breachers almost done too:




And some of these guys.....




away next week so this will be the last update for a bit.





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Leviathan 99.9% done:




Praetor has a base!:




and started on some of these guys:




with some "normal" troops:




and a flag:




That's all for now, got some interesting new terrain bits to work on too.

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Latest update from Prospero:
Almost got the first 10 done (numbers 6 & 7). to me this squad represents the true Legion veterans, almost as ornate as the high command. the second squad will be more  "regular".

Picked up this guy too for a bargain price (there is a statue in the card sections so figured "why not?") just needed to make it a little more Prosperine:



And a new Altar:



started on this guy (got his base completed):




and finally for today, a Vexilla:




Coming soon:


Amon, Magnus (and his brother), more robotics, more crazy terrain ideas....



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So a very kind gentleman got this for me at a recent event :biggrin.: :






If you like painting cloaks he's great....(I cheated a bit and used a transfer for his head tattoo) and, despite having a couple on the base, he doesn't actually have the chapter symbol anywhere on him (so I added a small one)


next up, just the base to finish on this (I call him "Oscar"):





And finally, the stage is set......(well, started):




many (many) magnets and much superglue later. ( see also: "yo dawg, I heard you like scenic bases, so we put a scenic base on your scenic base so you can scenic base while you scenic base....")

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My rule is "if it has any part that can be blue and yellow it shall be so". (it also breaks up the metallic red quite nicely)


I have a distant plan to try out a metallic blue and gold on some rubrics when I get back round to the "future" Thousand Sons.....

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