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Tich's Prospero Project - (quick update, August 2024)

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I think they are from an old Lord of Change, they looked like resin or finecast.

That's what I meant by old Super Chicken ;)

Ha, yeah I knew what you meant, I just wasn't sure which particular chicken they were from, there has been at least 5 versions since I first started! But I think I found it after a google.

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All those things are awesome. Does the terrain/objective thing get lights too?


Ha! I still have loads of those electric tealights so you never know. I used one for an objective a while ago, i'll see if I can find the pics.....

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Rubric Kill team #2:




I like how the Havok turned out so I might convert more of the "new" Chaos marines.




and the Blackstone Lord:




I have also, after many years, found a way I like of painting Rubrics:




At the back is the original test mini- Black-Retributor-Tamiya blue metallic spray then tamiya clear blue over the top.

far left, same idea only using Tamiya light metallic blue spray

Middle - same but using Akhelian Green contrast over the metallic blue

right - the winner - Black - Leadbelcher spray (then highlighted silver if so desired) with Akhelian green contrast on top. nice metallic Azure finish. I tested the contrast over gold but prefer the leadbelcher.

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