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Tich's Prospero Project - (quick update, August 2024)

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Thank you for the kind words!, I have to admit, the original project has grown a considerable number of arms and legs since I got back into this, and I tend to get distracted by new shiny things (or have too many things to paint at any one time) but I really enjoy building and painting some of the stuff GW has been putting out the last few years and it has been a godsend during this pandemic.

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been working on some more traditional Thousand Sons this week:




(although he isn't 100% done, a few little bits left to finish and a couple of other weapon options)




Also completed yet another sorcerer:






and got the Bladeguard done:





(I was also playing around with camera settings)

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Excellent works. Is the Chaos sorcerer devouring the soul of the poor guy decorating his base?


Ha! he certainly could be, as soon as I saw the dude on the Necron base I had an idea about using him for that. I wanted to convey the sorcerer perhaps using the energy to enhance his own changes (or try and stop them) :-)

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