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Tich's Prospero Project - (quick update, August 2024)

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Very lovely.


there are some other weapon options for him, but due to a slight "magnet mishap" they'll need to wait for some new arm joints :-)

I feel this, I nearly messed up one reaver arm (the lower joint for the gun) due to reversing the polarity. It took me 30 minutes to get the three (yes, three, I stacked for more power) magnets out of the arm joint. Some greenstuff and a magnet later, I fixed it but I have to shave down the sides of the 'wrist' of the arm so it fits smoothly in the guns....

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Ironically the Polarity was fine (well, for one set :-) ) the issue was more where I put the magnets in the shoulder didn't quite line up on the first Titan with the weapon mounts, the one I'm working on just now they fit perfectly. I just need another couple of weapon mounts to put the magnets in a better place. its definitely a learning experience. hopefully when I get round to doing a Warlord it will be straightforward!

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Ironically the Polarity was fine (well, for one set :-) ) the issue was more where I put the magnets in the shoulder didn't quite line up on the first Titan with the weapon mounts, the one I'm working on just now they fit perfectly. I just need another couple of weapon mounts to put the magnets in a better place. its definitely a learning experience. hopefully when I get round to doing a Warlord it will be straightforward!

Warlords (and Nemesis-Warbringers) have the magnet locations already in the model. The Reavers and Warhounds don't (barring the Reaver's carapace mount), so yeah, they're a bit more prone to issues :laugh.:


I used this tutorial for magnetizing the Reaver (method 2 for the shoulders is best imo) and this one from MendiWarrior for the Warhounds. Maybe that'll help for the future?


Also: Make the handy-dandy Polarity stick. Either a piece of sprue or a popsicle stick with two magnets glued to it (opposing polarities) and marked which is which (one red, one blue, doesn't matter which pole is which) and you'll not get the polarities reversed like I did (twice now with my titans :lol:)

Edited by Gederas
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I have played D&D, but not for a loooong time :-)


managed to get my Blades of Magnus Scarab Occult Sorcerer done:







Its a bit odd doing the reverse scheme but it makes a nice change! got a squad of Sehkmet to go with him at some point....


another item thats been on the painting table for a long time finally complete:





using the dread from Conquest magazine, had a crazy idea about how to fit him in with the rest of the army....

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Thanks Bjorn :biggrin.: . don't worry I can show you some of my Blood Angels from the 90's and you can see I wasn't always as good at painting...:happy.:  


managed to get him done though, it was a nice model to paint (and I've done a lot of Rubrics recently!) but as soon as I saw the Chaplain I thought "he almost looks like a Chaos Marine" :





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Beautiful work. Where'd you get green flames for the braziers on his backpack?

It's one of the backpacks from the Exalted sorcerer kit if I recall, they are already sculpted on there ☺ I've avoided using it til now as I'm not super confident with flame effects. Getting a bit better though!

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Last lot for now:









I'm just coming back months later to look at your stuff again, man


I gotta say that your character and centerpiece works are definitely amazing but it is the attention spent on the basic Rubricae units that I am most impressed with because it is very important to me that they look the part since they are the main aesthetic theme of what "TS are." Well done. The tabards are nice, good choice of using the red there with the old legion symbol. I still can't decide on red or white for mine when I rebuild for the new book. I did purple on the last army.. it wasn't very inspiring. 

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I've done a few different tabards, I figured the Thousand Sons are splintered into lots of different warbands and my army can represent several of them coming together (it also helps keep track of different squads on the tabletop)


I've mostly been using the codex/wrath of magnus books for ideas for the tabards (as well as traditional white/yellow)


I'm sure there is a green one in there somewhere also i should try :-) 


I liked how the red one turned out, might have to do more of them!

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