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Tich's Prospero Project - (quick update, August 2024)

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I’ve just gone through this entire thread (seemingly for the second time) and I’m blown away by the quality of the conversions and painting.


Do you think your Kill Teams will see any table time in the new edition?




might try a game, played about 5 games of the previous iteration :-) really need to get some games of 9th to try out hte new codex though. and maybe more Titanicus as its awesome ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Beautiful use of colors! I especially like the choices you made for the front of that rhino. And I like how the blue-and-gold armor contrasts with the deep red cloth used on several of the marines. Nice callback to the traitor's heritage! :happy.:


Is the scarab on your infernal master's shoulder a transfer? I looks fantastic.

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Beautiful use of colors! I especially like the choices you made for the front of that rhino. And I like how the blue-and-gold armor contrasts with the deep red cloth used on several of the marines. Nice callback to the traitor's heritage! :happy.:


Is the scarab on your infernal master's shoulder a transfer? I looks fantastic.


thanks! I;ve started using the tabards to designate different squads, the red one worked out really well (next one is green....)


The Scarab/cloak pin? its part of the model. I realised the Infernal Master and Scarab Occult pics were taken before any transfers were added!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wip update time!


Started getting some paint on the Terminator Sorcerer:




and found him a more suitable base:




also painted up a couple of "meta cannons" for the Osiron:





used another Infernal Master as a base for an Exalted on Disc:




and started another one:




and finally, 


got the sprue of "new Chaos" marines from Shadowspear to turn into Rubrics:



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  • 1 month later...

Hate to disagree, but I think there's definitely an issue of height here. The crest itself is as tall as the body seen below it and creates the illusion that it's literally half the size. I like that 40k often indulges in its craziness but personally I think this one is a bit overkill, to be honest.


It may also be the perspective of the camera. I'll get some better photos once its all done and dusted :-)

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Love your stuff - that sorcerer is gorgeous, love the colors and the use of the scourge wing on the spawn, and the knight is excellent though I second that the hat looks ridiculously large - that said, the flesh shield is suitably creepy and I really like the little shield on the side of its knee.


How did you do the green flames on the sorcerer?  I want to do something similar for one of my minis and would appreciate the pointers.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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Love your stuff - that sorcerer is gorgeous, love the colors and the use of the scourge wing on the spawn, and the knight is excellent though I second that the hat looks ridiculously large - that said, the flesh shield is suitably creepy and I really like the little shield on the side of its knee.


How did you do the green flames on the sorcerer?  I want to do something similar for one of my minis and would appreciate the pointers.


no worries, 


I initially started just doing them with Hexwraith flame and then a quick dry brush so you end up with something like this:





But then I watched a couple of videos on how to do "propper" flames (and just swapped out reds/orange for greens) and the idea is to almost reverse highlight (from light to dark).


so now I use the following over a white basecoat:




starting with the hexwraith flame, apply carefully to raised areas, then orc flesh (you can use current similar colours and thin them down). the green glaze helps with the blending/OSL and the yellow adds a little "flame" to the white. these (being glazes) are quite runny so you do have to be a bit careful but with a bit of practice it works quite well. finally a light drybrush of black at the very tips and some of the raised areas furthest from the "core" and then 'ardcoat to make it shiny:




for the icons its much the same idea, start painting all the little flames white or yellow and work up yellows/blue or green and finish with a little black. I used this video for reference the first couple of times:




which resulted in these Icons:





and you can apply the same principle/colours to larger things:




and this one I just followed roughly a youtube vid on flaming swords but again, same idea :-)




hope that helps!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

2022 already....


had a fairly quiet end to 2021 in terms of hobby, although I did manage a 2nd battle against a competitive Space Wolf list (I did better this time)


Started work on the "Forgefiend":




got a second contemptor (with cyclone) typically just before they inevitably increase the points cost....






my sister kindly got me Helbrecht for christmas so he has been duly converted into something more useful...(very much a work in progress):






haven't settled on the head or the final position of the "minions" but you get the idea :-)


I'm leaning towards him being a Legion Praetor for my Heresy army or something suitable for the Primaris.


finally for today picked up a rather nice 3D print of this guy:





I had thought about using him as a Daemon Prince but he;s big enough for a Lord of Change. hoping to get enough Daemons painted up to use them as a seperate force this year. as well as my Custodes, and GSC, and knights....and Titanicus....etc....


Happy New Year!

Edited by Tichinde
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