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Tich's Prospero Project - (quick update, August 2024)

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long overdue update time:


Legio Xestobiax Warmaster (minor head kitbash)






finished "not Helbrecht":




got some Anti-tank options:




and finally decided to finish the Armigers I've had sitting around for ages (just dome tidying up and transfers left to do)


magnetised for various options:





might try and get the "Tzeentch knight done for the new codex, but got the local store painting comp coming up at the end of the month so might have to focus on entries for that.

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  • 1 month later...

here's some stuff I've been up to during the down time:

painted this guy up for the local store Golden Troll Competition:



nearly there with the 3rd Rhino:



another 7 Scarab Occult:


taking me up to 17:


and had some fun with the New Heresy models:


at least until they release the new upgrade set....




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Thanks, Hopefully once they are painted They'll look great :-). I haven't completely decided on the heads for the mk VI, The Achean look ok, as do the various MkIV ones but I might hold off to see what GW release for the MkVI.


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  • 1 month later...

Update time again, 

first up, saw something similar done to a BA Leviathan so thought I'd do my spin on it. typically the plastic one is out now but I do have some ranged options for this guy on the table. magnetised it this time:


got some more transfers so was able to finish this guy:



and continuing the Heresy theme:


still have to decide to use either 1) existing Heresy heads, 2) Scarab Occult (might use for heavy support guys) or 3) wait for the MkVI upgrades.....

did get one finished though:



over in Titanicus I have been trying to get through the pile of weapon options for my Warlords (one of which is still half done):



the rockets worked just as well as they did on the Reaver but I still need to do the exhaust blast in such a way as it wont interfere with the rear armour panel due to the repositioned launchers....


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44 minutes ago, Tichinde said:

no magic, they are modelled on the slate (from the new HH vehicle accessory sprue) all I did was use one of the new contrast paints over a white base.

Really? Which one? It's not in the Kratos' sprues so it's not a regular one. I know that Spartan has something specific for a top-hatch rider, but it's different :)

Edited by Majkhel
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12 minutes ago, Majkhel said:

Really? Which one? It's not in the Kratos' sprues so it's not a regular one. I know that Spartan has something specific for a top-hatch rider, but it's different :)

you're right, it's on one of the Spartan sprues randomly (the one with Hull parts and Imperium/Horus Icons, there are 2 types)

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  • 5 months later...

seems like ages since I updated but here's what I've been up to:

heads for the Mk6 guys:





and my take on Bayards Revenge:




its almost done, will get getter pics soon.


and more Heresy guys:




the rest has been Titanicus stuff which I'll post in my other wip thread :-)

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  • 1 year later...
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  • 3 months later...

latest workings:


needed an Ahriman on foot, borrowed some parts from the heresy librarian:



finally got my Tzaangors done (i'll get a group shot at some point):





and the big guy thats been on my table for whaat seems like forever:




I'll upload some more later, should probably start a new thread for my Blood Angel stuff too.

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