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Tich's Prospero Project - (quick update, August 2024)

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the cloak is from the Deathwatch Kill Team box (just the back half of the torso) and the tabard is one of the "standard tabards" from Spellcrow.com (with a little bit of hot water bending). I should just learn how to make them from Green stuff.....

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Something a little different today:



The Last Guardian


Pyrae sub-temple located in the Azure District:


Anhur gazed out across the ruins of his home. Smoke was billowing from the districts surrounding the orbital transfer yards and soon the storm would break upon them.


​"Mafdet, quickly, awaken the machines from slumber. We do not have long. The Wolves are at our door"

​"yes brother, at once" replied Mafdet as he began to put his mind through the necessary preparation for what was to come.


​Mafdet reached out and made contact with Maab-Dyat-Anun, the great war machine forged in the fires of Zhao-Arkhad. Others of the maniple nearby stirred due to the established link: "Tizca may fall, but we still have a few surprises for our unwelcome guests..."


​Slowly at first, then with renewed urgency the Automata strode towards the temple entrance. Its audio sensors picked up a low keening howl, quickly joined by another and relayed them through the psychic link to Mafdet:


​"-+Brother Anhur+-" sent Mafdet, "-+They have brought their pets+-"

​"-+Very well, do what you can to hold them off, I will alert the others+-"


​Just as the great robot reached the temple entrance the first wolf lept through the door. faster than a thought, Mafdet reached out with his claw and snatched it from the air, the bolt cannon already tracking multiple targets:


​"I'm going to enjoy this" thought Mafdet.





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Here are some more (it's more or less done, just a few tiny bits to do):







and, since this is a WIP thread, here are some WIP:


made a start on this guy:




and another future/side project/test let me know what you think (same recipe as the red ones, but with blue :-) ):




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  • 2 weeks later...

quick update:


the Primaris Prospero Project has a new friend for the Lieutenant/Librarian, a Captain/Librarian :-):








back in 30k, the breacher squad has a boss:





next up: Finish the second squad, maybe start on Magnus, get more terrain completed before starting a couple of vehicle projects, and Wolves.

Edited by Tichinde
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  • 3 weeks later...

Been a while since the last update (some real life stuff and Mass Effect Andromeda got in the way) but should have some pics up later of what I've been doing here and there when I could as well as a hint at some future projects that tie in with this one.

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hey thanks! the Leviathan turned out a lot better than I though it would, it's such a great model to start with.


I should get the sorcerer painted soon, he's been undercoated....


Your work with the LED's is inspiring (I dabbled a little with some LED's on my X-Wing miniatures but that's a tale for another lifetime)

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so, i've not been totally idle:


bit more work on the Primaris Apothecary:




and picked up a ride for them on pre-order (also wanted to try out something large with the colour scheme because of my future plans):





and that future plan involves the Forge of Zhao Arkkad:




in the meantime, back to the 30k guys :-)

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Oeh a knight and it a thousand sons knight in the 30k style i hope? And ats also done by tichinde count me excited!

Apothecary is really cool with how you used the white also looking forward on how you the primearis floathy rhino is gonna turn out!

(Pls work on the knight often i really like knight conversions!)

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The Primaris were inspired partly by this:



"Archmagos Belisarius Cawl collected samples of the genomes of all twenty of the original Primarchs, including those deemed Lost or Traitors, though Roboute Guilliman made clear to his overeager servant that Primaris Astartes were to be created only from the lines of those of his brothers who led the nine Loyalist Space Marine Legions."


I figured Cawl wouldn't listen and go ahead and make a small number of them anyway to see if he could understand why they turned/what went wrong.


and the Thousand Sons were a Loyalist legion (if a little misguided) :-)


But I am only planning to do a couple of 5 man squads, some characters and the Repulsor to try out the new 8th edition rules (and use up some leftover parts/transfers from the main project). with them being Thousand Sons I can play them as a secret loyalist chapter that may end up fighting the regular loyalist chapters if discovered.


The knight will indeed be in 30k legion colours, hoping to start on it soon. Comradequiche on shapeways made the parts (they are amazing quality for 3D printing) he also has done a Space Wolf and Custodes variant.

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  • 3 weeks later...

due to a bad cold haven;t managed to update in a bit but here we go:


first up, for 30k:




just had to use that arm from the sorcerer set somewhere....


finally got hold of this guy:




and started on the Knight:




back in Primarisville.....


I now have all the kits I want for them at the moment:


Captain, LT, Apothecary, 5 man intercessor and 5 man plasma with transport. I may add the librarian but as I only wanted a small force to play around with in 8th that'll do for now...


picked up the rather plain anniversary sergeant on pre-order and had to make him look a little better (and I needed a Sgt for my 5 man squad as one is earmarked for Daemon Magnus' base):









Pimp my Ride:





also got hold of some very reasonable Egyptian terrain boards that will be repainted to match the rest of the army shortly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

sorry for the lack of updates, been away on holiday.


anyway, the Dragon forge bases for my recent work arrived so managed to get some done and finish some miniatures off!






Anniversary Sgt:










and I know I said I was just about done with the whole "Primaris Bandwagon" but could help just 2 more:





but I did start the Rhino!




It'll be a slow week this week as we are getting some new carpets so the hobby stuff has been exiled to the void.....



Edited by Tichinde
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