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Tich's Prospero Project - (quick update, August 2024)

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Thanks for the kind words!,


the Scarab heads do fit really well (better than the Heresy style helmets!).


Feel free to borrow anything! I got the idea for the breachers from someone at my local GW that used Stormcast shields! I also have found a nice complementary miniature for the Breacher Sgt that once finished will look like they are involved in quite a duel.

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so, while I get everything set back up to carry on here are some pics of the "bad" guys (to replace some from earlier in the thread lost in the great photobucket purge):




here is the duel I was talking about earlier:




and in light of the recent FW preview, here are my Terminators (only 1 complete so far to test the planned colours):






Rune Priest (or other character):












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Feel free to borrow anything! I got the idea for the breachers from someone at my local GW that used Stormcast shields! I also have found a nice complementary miniature for the Breacher Sgt that once finished will look like they are involved in quite a duel.

Yeah, I love coming onto B&C and find cool ideas to use that my imagination may never have thought of. Like I said, i still have an BoP Ahriman and I want him to have some friends with shields and blades. So hopefully soon..


As for the Wolves, they look good. I've never been a fan of them but when they are painted with that HH era grey I think they look good. I like the kitbash you have for the terminators. Not overly covered in pelts and their wolf fetishes but they give off the right vibe. Also looking forward to seeing more of that duel!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been super busy lately but have managed to get some painting done. the last of the "Primaris Prospero Project" should be done by the end of the week, and I'll get some pics of them up together with the whole army.


then it will be back to the Heresy era big time.

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Currently the plan for the Wolves is the BoP forces, Russ + pets with a few added extras (not as many as the Thousand sons) mainly so I can play the board game that started all this! :-)


I also recently saw the new Playmobil Pyramid from their history range (Google Playmobil Pyramid) and it got me thinking with a bit of work and paint it would look amazing as terrain (the old version isn't too bad either). but I need to get everything else done first!

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so, Since this is a wip thread, here is the current lot:


started putting together the last Thousand Sons I need for the BoP game (then I'll start on the Wolves/Custodes/Sisters):




Continued work on the last 2 legion vets:




and the ex-Predator:




Almost finished the metalwork on the Knight:




and started on his armour (I'm quite happy with how the stripes turned out):




I may also have acquired the new style Playmobil pyramid which will be modified/painted to make it suitably Prosperine in due course...

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

did manage to get my first game of 8th in before Christmas,


took the Primaris V Eldar (or whatever they call them now) backed up with the relic leviathan:











despite wiping out all but 2 of them they managed to complete the mission objective and win! I lost 2 Hellblasters (1 to overcharging) and the Gravis captain who's armour didn't quite hold up against a squad of Fire Dragons at short range....


the Leviathan is pretty ridiculous in 40K and the Repulsor can also lay down a crazy amount of guardian killing firepower.


anyway, back to painting!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Four Terminators done, just the Sgt to do:




stuck with the Tartaros legs and fists with the torso, shoulders, guns, head crests from the Scarab occult. then a small 3rd party tabard to complete the look. the Scarab occult legs will be used for the Sehkmet Terminators at a later date :-)





just some tidying up and the bases left to do on these last two:




and started playing around in light of the upcoming codex:



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