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Tich's Prospero Project - (quick update, August 2024)

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Indeed I am, I saw it a while back and got a crazy idea about using it as a Thousand Sons style head piece on a knight. it was one of those ideas that wouldn't go away and then they released Renegade again....


It's actually worked pretty well, I've boosted his height with a torso extender and used thermal cannons to increase the height of the exhaust stacks (I figure he as been altered/swelled by the warp).


its more or less constructed now so will get some blu-tac and see how it looks all together before painting. Also doing a similar one to my previous knight at the same time but magnetised  with a lot of options.

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HOLY :censored: -SNACKS! That's awesome!


Seriously awesome work, bud! I love the big headdress and weirdly the bigger feet used on the first knight with all the warp armor! My only critique is maybe get a bigger emblem for the headdress instead of the force staff topping. It looks great as is but I wonder if you could get the staff piece from the Lord of Change...that would look so much more dominating. Or maybe the burning standard from the horrors.


The 'good guy' is sweet too! I have to say the shield plate and the should pads are rad as hell on that beast! I also like the emblem on its neck and the bits added to the pilot's cockpit (I really do not know the proper term for those or anything remotely Egyptian). There did you get all these goodies?

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Most of it is from shapeways (gadgets plus), some bits borrowed from a warex rhino conversion kit (doors used on the Repulsor), the cockpit decor was from another guy on shapeways (I'll find out who). I see what you mean about the staff top. I used a better one on the back but might have a look for something more "Tzeentch". And bigger :-)



edit: the Cartouches on the hatch are from "Prop Replica Forge" on shapeways, he made them for a Magnus conversion but they are great for decorating vehicles. he also makes a few knight compatible parts.

Edited by Tichinde
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The shapeways and other bits are pretty sweet! I definitely love how it adds a real TS touch to your second knight! I'll have to make a note of where those cartouches are from. I day dream about doing some HH TS and those are perfect.


Are these two ready for paint?

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first up, I managed to get a permanent painting area:




so hopefully I can get through the 101 projects and ideas I have amassed..


like these guys:




and him:




who is now going to be part of a diorama/duel in a homage to the Russ/Magnus one (which I also still have to finish...)

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