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Tich's Prospero Project - (quick update, August 2024)

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So, for a while now I've been wondering how to incoorporate a Redemptor into the Primaris Prospero project...having ended up with one from tooth and claw and one from conquest I thought I'd play around (the full kit version will shortly be inducted into the deathwatch).




The Conquest EtB version however....





should look pretty cool when painted up and suitable transfers applied.

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Love the shape of the headcreast, but I tink it is too big.

I am AFB right now, can the full kit Redemptor be equipped with two CCWs or two ranged weapons? I think it could make a nice Counts as (Hellforged) Contemptor dread.


not officially yet, unless you use Shapeways ;-)

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  • 1 month later...

also did some Successor marines for a recent in store competition (a Thousand Sons derived chapter called the Sand Scarabs).


only did a couple of Primaris (will post shortly) but also started on this guy (mainly as I liked the model):




might just do a small kill team of them....on top of all my other projects....

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  • 1 month later...

That pyramid is looking promising. Is it scratchbuilt or are you converting it from another line?


its a "playmobil" toy :-) they've done a couple of versions of it, and you can pick it up pretty cheaply. I saw it and just had to find a way to use it, with a sprinkling of Grimdark of course.

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Just went through this whole thread the red of the armor is so amazing! I really dig the bases and terrain you have created. Looks wonderful in a chaotic sort of way!



hey thanks! I took a while to find the "perfect" red I was looking for (and a bit of experimenting and research!). typically you can get similar (and quicker) results using the new contrast paints over a metallic base... 


I'll try and get an update soon, been busy with some real life stuff.

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  • 1 month later...



another long overdue update (I paint really slowly and/or have too many ideas bouncing around):


first up, Sorcerer in Terminator armour. just had to put my spin on this guy:




another Sorcerer done:




and another started:




and the reason I've been a bit quiet is this:




the tip of a very large iceberg....




next up, some new Chaos Marines with a twist (just to give my Rubrics some variety):



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