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Hi guys,


I've been reading over tacticas and threads aplenty, but I'm still at a loss as to how to make an effective 40k list.


I've got a huge collection, as follows:


Many HQ choices - He'stan included

10 Hammernators

Myriad infantry - nearly every type of heavy/special weapon

2x Lascannon razorback (turrets detacheable to make em rhinos)

2x Rhinos

1x Plasma cannon dreadnought

3x Contemptor dreadnought (multi-meltas, one dual ccw)

1x Stormraven

2x Stormtalon

1x Redeemer

1x Vindicator

2x Predators (infernus only)

1x Drop Pod

3x Bikes


I was thinking of making a core list out of either/both the Stormraven/Redeemer full of hammernators and expanding from there? Any suggestions? Formations and flameblades confuddle the  heck out of me!

Well, I'm not a Salamander, but you definitely have the stuff to make a list.  What is your point limit and other restrictions?

In general, you need some anti-tank, anti-infantry, and some speed to get objective scoring units on distant objectives.  How you achieve that in your list depends on your models and the formation(s) you plan on using.  If you are going to use a Combined Arms Detachment, that's pretty straightforward.  

HQ: Hestan
Troops: Tactical Squads in Rhinos/Razorbacks (I recommend Rhinos, although a Lascannon RB with a Lascannon 5 Man tactical squad could camp on backfield objectives)

Elites: Contemptor in Drop Pod
Elites: Hammernators and Hestan in Redeemer
Fast: Storm Talons
Heavy: Vindicator

I don't think Storm Ravens are that great, but you could stick a tactical squad/HQ/contemptor in one if you wanted, but without dedicated reserve manipulation that's quite a risk.



I was looking at the "Flameblade" thing? I read somewhere that the company formations get you sweet bonuses like free transports?


If I'm using He'stan, should I be using multi-melta/melta combo on the tacticals?


I'll start out working on that list as a start, it's mostly done apart from the Redeemer, Vindi and Talons. 

There is one formation that gets you free transports, it's the full battle company.  The rules are in codex: space marines with the Gladius Strike Force.  Basically, if you take two demi-companies, a captain, chaplain and one auxiliary all our Rhinos, Razorbacks, and Pods are free.  

The Flameblade is the Salamander specific formation.  I've never run it or seen it used, but I've read it.  It has a few benefits.  You get a master crafted weapon on all your characters.  This means you should probably buy something for all  your characters, like squad sergeants.  Most fluffy would be something like a power weapon.  You could also get a combiweapon, meltabombs, or just mastercraft your bolter, I suppose.


Your flamers also get even stronger.  

Finally, if you don't move, you're fearless.  That's interesting, as it means you can't be pushed off an objective once you're on it.  

He'stan in the flameblade is a tough call.  You're getting insanely powerful flamers, so I'd be looking really hard at Flamer/Combiflamer in my tactical squads.  If you really wanted to max out, something like this:
10 Space Marines, Flamer, Multimelta, Veteran Sergeant, Combiflamer, Powerfist (master crafted for free)


That's a pretty powerful tactical squad; not sure that spending that much a 1W sergeant is worth it, but you're using all your benefits to max effect.  Definitely practice your model placement on protecting your Sergeant and look out sirs.


Based on your model list, you could probably make a Flameblade with a battle demicompany and auxillary.  Post up a list for critique!  

Alrighty I've just bought another razorback, to convert to a rhino (TL flamer turret going on a 30k Phobos raider) 


I've come up with two lists:


CAD List






Vulkan He'stan



Sternguard - pod, 2x multi-melta, 3x Combi-melta

5x Hammernators - Redeemer, extra armour



2x 5 Tacticals - Missile launcher, Lascannon Razorbacks (I would give the tacs Lascannons but I lack infantry lascannons to model them)



Xiphon Interceptor - Armoured Cockpit, flare launcher

2x Stormtalon - Skyhammers



2x Quad Mortars

1x Thunderfire Cannon









Battle Demi-Company

Vulkan He'stan


Fast: Bike - powerfist and two meltaguns

Devastator - 4x Missile Launcher 

3 tacticals:

2x Lascannon Razorback with 5 man missile launcher team

1x Rhino with 5 man flamer team, combiflamer sergeant


Auxiliary - First Company Taskforce

Hammernators in an Extra Armour Redeemer

Sternguard in a pod - 2x Multimelta 3x Combimelta

Sternguard in a Rhino - 2x Heavy Flamer 8x Bolters





CAD is 1850 Flameblade is 1850. 


In all honesty I think the CAD seems better and more flexible. I get the impression the Flameblade is suited to higher points listwise. 


Please critique away!

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