Vairocanum Posted October 21, 2017 Share Posted October 21, 2017 Great looking squad, love the red on the guns! Looking forward to seeing the primaris librarian, and good luck with classes! The Traitor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted October 22, 2017 Share Posted October 22, 2017 They look great! I love the green you've got on them. It literally looks grim dark. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted October 26, 2017 Author Share Posted October 26, 2017 Great looking squad, love the red on the guns! Looking forward to seeing the primaris librarian, and good luck with classes! Thanks Vairo, the red is actually pretty straightforward, just a black shade and a couple of highlights. They look great! I love the green you've got on them. It literally looks grim dark. Haha, thanks, high praise indeed! Just what I was aiming for :P. Sorry for not keeping you updated, but today I finished the first part of my commission (which means ha some of my models are coming next ;)), which means both the Librarian and Reivers are done. First the libby: Wanted to stay as far as possible from the ultramarine blue, so instead of going for the usual librarius colour I started from Claiban Green and used greenish blue colours, such as Sotek Green and Sybarite Green, which hopefully will make him blend better into the army. Also I like a lot how the OSL on the hand and eyes came out, really pops out from the model. And the first 5 Reivers, with knife and pistol: Though I must admit I don't really like their different kind of mk. X armour much (come on, I usually have to remove the boots from AoS models to make them look 40k, let's not try to make the 40k models have scy-fly boots to look AoS...) their skull masks are just badass, and luckily for me I got loads of spare ones from this commission! Also the glowing eyes fit their look nicely. Hope you like them, now I have lots of sculpting to do to catch up in the CoC! Also tomorrow I'll try to get a group shot of them when I'm at my local store, as the Intercessors and Hellblasters are already there. Telencephalon, hushrong, Dosjetka and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 Again, great paintjobs, bud! The librarian is sweet! I love the use of the wings on his backpack. I have a bunch of those bits I need to put to use. My only gripe with reivers are the calf/shin portion where The armor just stinks a size down instead of a gradual change. Other than that they are pretty cool looking, and like you said those skull masks are bad ass. And army shot will be cool to see. Also, what is the next portion the commission. The Traitor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted October 28, 2017 Share Posted October 28, 2017 Fantastic job on the Primaris Librarian! Loving the eyes on all the models as usual, looking forward to seeing what you'll be sculpting! The Traitor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted October 28, 2017 Author Share Posted October 28, 2017 Again, great paintjobs, bud! The librarian is sweet! I love the use of the wings on his backpack. I have a bunch of those bits I need to put to use. My only gripe with reivers are the calf/shin portion where The armor just stinks a size down instead of a gradual change. Other than that they are pretty cool looking, and like you said those skull masks are bad ass. And army shot will be cool to see. Also, what is the next portion the commission. Thanks brother! I just wanted to give him that Winged Hussars look with the wings, and I'm quite pleased with it. Reivers are cool, but I simply prefer other armour patterns. Next portion includes another 5 Reivers, the Tactical Objectives, Ulrik the Slayer, a Lieutenant and an Ancient, but I have to do at least some progress on my Call of Chaos and the conversion challenge first... Fantastic job on the Primaris Librarian! Loving the eyes on all the models as usual, looking forward to seeing what you'll be sculpting! Thanks, glowing eyes are what I've found to be the simplest way to make the otherwise plain loyalist marines pop out ;). You can see what I'll be sculpting over the Conversion Challenge thread, it's going to be quite huge... As promised, I took some pics of the whole DA army yesterday after an awesome zombie Halloween-themed 40k game: Sorry for the low quality, but these were took with my phone with bad lighting... I can't wait to do things for my army again :P! Dosjetka, hushrong, Honda and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 Wow they look so much brighter! Really impressive to see all of it considering how quick your painting speed was. Looking forward to seeing the rest of them completed and more work on your HoS as well! The Traitor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 Those Dark Angels look gorgeous. Was this a commission? I'd be loathe to have to let go of an army like that... The Traitor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sagentus Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 Great job on these!! they look epic on the tabletop! The Traitor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 Oh yeah! Seeing the army shots on a painted board just made my day! They look great and have a totally different look in a different light set up. Just have to say it again that these guys are stellar! The Traitor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted November 21, 2017 Author Share Posted November 21, 2017 @Vairocanum: Thanks, the brightness is mostly the flash... I did some work on my HoS which I will most likely post soon, but my reduced hobby time has been mostly spent on commission work. @Chaplain Dosjetka: Thanks! Yes it was a commission, and yes sometimes it is hard to let models go, but then I think it is to fund more chaosy looking models with which I can do whatever I want and I'm mostly fine with it :P. @Sagentus: Thanks, armies always look better when deployed together ;). @Hushrong: Thanks, I guess they do look different when seen with my phone's camera and awful flash :P... Still have some of them to do, but I'm working on other things at the moment. Sorry for the late replies guys, it's been some time since I last checked in... I guess this is my last Highschool year, which is enough by itself anywhere, and in addition I'm studying the IB, which requires a lot of extra work, so my hobby time has seen itlsef severy reduced. I have still been busy, but mostly with commissions I had, meaning I had to leave most of my personal projects aside for a while. I hope to be able to return to the soon, I miss the HoS :(... So, on to the actual work I've been doing. First up, I've converted an Aracknarok Spider from AoS to look like a flying Nurgle thingie: I know the propellers are far too small, but I was given all the bits by the customer and I certainly don't want to end up making them myself :P. She wants it to put a Nurgling riding it (the new one with the DG helmet that everyone seems to lleve so much) and use it as a Great Unclean One... She's probably the best painter I know first-hand, so she'll somehow make it work... I think the pics don't show actually how BIG this thing is, taller even than an Imperial Knight, which you can see when compared with the Meganob on the base... Wait, what? Orks? Yeah, ORKS! My second commission was to make two Meganobs Unitas, a Warboss and a Big Mek out of a Meganob box and an Ironjawz Brutes one. Really fun conversion work, I've always loved orks and both kits are really good, if you like greenskins I really recommend them even if it is just for conversion fodder. First up, a unit of three Meganobz with twin Killsawz: Second, a unit of three Meganobz with Kombi-Shoota and Power Klaw: Next up, a Big Mek in Mega-armour with fancy gun and fancy shield, and his faithful Grot Oiler (sorry I don't play orks, I don't know all of their wargear :P): At last, but not least, an Ork Warboss in mega armour with a BIG choppa: I actually liked a lot how the Ironjawz bits mixed up with the 40k orks, gave them a more "gutural" look, which would fit Snakebites perfectly, and is actually more economical than buying all this Meganobz... However Orruk heads are considerably smaller than Ork ones (as you can see on the Warboss), so be wary with that. Fortunately you get SEVEN different heads on the Meganob box which, again, is a really great box for Ork bits, I'm actually a bit sad that I used most of them to make Ironjaw parts look more 40k like, otherwise I would probably have ended up using them in my CSM. I also have to paint this one in Evil Sunz colours: I'll hopefully start tomorrow and get it done for Friday, I like painting red, so it should be a problem... And RED IF FAZTER, right? It's good to be back, I hope to stay around ;). deathspectersgt7, Honda, brettfp and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted November 22, 2017 Share Posted November 22, 2017 Nice to see you back! The Greater Unclean One counts as looks cool, I think adding the helmeted nurgling will look great after haha. Out of curiosity what is the name of that black putty and how do you like it compared to GS. The ork stuff is looking really cool, the one with the big choppa is my favorite, looking forward to seeing what you've done for the HoS! Good luck with graduation prep! The Traitor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted November 23, 2017 Author Share Posted November 23, 2017 Nice to see you back! The Greater Unclean One counts as looks cool, I think adding the helmeted nurgling will look great after haha. Out of curiosity what is the name of that black putty and how do you like it compared to GS. The ork stuff is looking really cool, the one with the big choppa is my favorite, looking forward to seeing what you've done for the HoS! Good luck with graduation prep! Thanks brother, it's nice to be back too :P. The black putty is Milliput Black and is very similar to regular Milliput but a bit thinner. It is cheaper than Milliput White and has given great results to me so far, basically being an intermediate putty between regular Milliput and Milliput White, which is just what I wanted, though it has a more plastic-like finish that is weird to get used to, but once you do is almost even better than the stone-like finish of other milliputs. Well, I fear it's going to take me one day more than expected to finish the ork, but here is my progress on him so far: I finished the skin (bar the red tones of the face), the red and yellow armour, the bone and black parts and the checkers. So I still have to do the metals, the golds, and all the lights and weird bits. And I think I'm going to base him too, any ideas for that? deathspectersgt7, Sagentus, Telencephalon and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cocha Posted November 24, 2017 Share Posted November 24, 2017 Wow, I love those orks! The Traitor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted November 25, 2017 Share Posted November 25, 2017 That burgle thing is insane! It's like a greater blight drone after consuming a mountain of steroids and cocaine! The orks are also looking good. Finally got a game in 8th against them and they are crazy bastards. I always liked how comical they are but that they are also uber savage. Your conversions are excellent and the pain boy looks awesome. The Traitor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted November 25, 2017 Author Share Posted November 25, 2017 Wow, I love those orks! Thanks! That burgle thing is insane! It's like a greater blight drone after consuming a mountain of steroids and cocaine! The orks are also looking good. Finally got a game in 8th against them and they are crazy bastards. I always liked how comical they are but that they are also uber savage. Your conversions are excellent and the pain boy looks awesome. Thanks brother! I also thought of it as a greater blight drone first, but customer didn't want me to put weapons on it... And yeah, orks are a lot of fun in 8th, though they need a Codex (let's hope chapter approved is enough). The Meganob I had to paint is finished: Quite happy with how he came out, I do like painting red :P... So, yesterday I got to play the new Necromunda and I loved it so, as I said some time ago and after seeing the leak today in Warhammer Community... I'm making an Orlock gang! I'll try to mix the old and the new styles, keeping the leather jackets and biker vibe, but adding metal and armour plates as the new ones have. I also have to decide a colour scheme, and maybe I'll keep the black and blue that they've been preview with because, even though I would like to do something lighter, black leather is a must in this gang, and blue will make my custom models more recognisable as Orlock, but I'm open to ideas. The other thing I wanted to ask you guys about is if you think I should keep two threads, one for my Lost Legion and their allies and the other for everything else, or if I should mix both. The thing is that now that I'm not posting as much two separate threads don't make that much sense, but but I'm not sure, what would you prefer? Sagentus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted November 25, 2017 Share Posted November 25, 2017 Regardless of what that Nurgle monster will be used as I am very interested in seeing it finished up. The Meganob is also looking right and proper. As for a codex I am very optimistic for more codices this coming year. I am still shell shocked that they will have put out about ten or so by years end. I just cannot believe the meat grinder my Black Legion went through against an army that was mostly kommandos and stormboyz. I also cannot wait to try out Necromunda. Right now I want to concentrate on my 40K army but boy oh boy does that game look fun! Definitely want to see your gang when you get to it. Going to run off to the warhammer community site to see the leak here in a moment. The Traitor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted November 28, 2017 Share Posted November 28, 2017 Man that is a fantastic shade of red as usual! The lenses and checkered pattern looks great as well, can't wait to see more! The Traitor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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