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Storm Shields that aren't for terminators?


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So I have a dilemma and I came here hoping to solve it. For my own homebrew chapter I want a ground assault unit that uses storm shields and the only kind i've seen put out by GW belong to terminators and are rather small. So any clues or ideas on where/how to build one?


Thanks for listening! For the Emperor!


This shield from Scribor is pretty close to as tall as a Marine (squatty GK, based on what I just grabbed off the table), so it could serve as a tower shield.  These shields from Scribor do not, however, have a built in hand to attach to your marine's arm, so you'd have to deal with that in your own way.




Scribor also makes round shields and a number of other styles, but I don't have any others to give you size references.  I'd imagine their "big" shields are too big for a normal Marine, though.

There is also one in the Space Wolf box. It is a lot smaller than the Deathwatch one if that is what you'd prefer. The Space Wolf specific components should be pretty easy to shave off. I think there is also a similar one in the Dark Angel Veteran box (that is also being sold as the Fallen now). On mobile so can't post pics at present. 

If you're looking to scratch build then you'll need some plasticard, probably 1-2mm thick.

Alternatively, you could use Forgeworld Boarding or Breacher shields. 

Some Shapeways stores like Pop Goes the Monkey have shields with the FW Boarding aesthetic. 


The Vanguard Veterans box comes with Storm Shields for regular Marines, too.

However, these are more or less the same size as the terminator ones he said were too small.


One thing to note about the shape of many storm shields is that they echo the "Crux" (or Maltese cross) that's usually used by Space Marines to denote veteran status. So if the members of your chapter who are using these aren't veterans, than you may want to keep that in mind.


Aside from that, you want to look into various plastic fantasy miniatures (both by GW and others), as there is a simply huge variety of shields out there to inspire you. To make these into a storm shield... Requires basically no work actually - whatever cables you have on the back won't be seen anyway, and it'll be very obvious from the models' context that they are storm shields.


Good sources are the Chaos Warriors (you'll need to file the fronts smooth!), and Dwarf Ironbreakers (for a more Celtic look), various undead kits like the Black Knights (for a more Night Lords look), etc.

Thanks for all the help I'm currently looking through the options.

Another quick question does the deathwatch kit include arms and shoulder pads that aren't DW exclusive such as generic marine ones?


All the DW left pauldrons are DW specific, and the right pads have chapter emblems on them.  There aren't any non-DW or non-chapter specific pads in there, save the unmarked one for the Black Shield.


The left arms are all DW specific, but it's not really super noticeable, except for the elbow; the inscription on the wrist is easy to fill in.  All DW right arms have computers on them, but don't have the same flashy elbow as on the left arm.


The kit is a great one in its own right, though, and a lot of the Inq symbols can be removed with relative ease.

Thanks for all the help I'm currently looking through the options.

Another quick question does the deathwatch kit include arms and shoulder pads that aren't DW exclusive such as generic marine ones?

The DW models are all DW-themed, and that means no plain pads or left arms as explained by Ovidius Incertus.

You can fill in and trim the arms to suit better, but you may as will just trim normal left arms at the wrist and glue then onto the hand that's moulded onto the shield just as easily.

Actually, there is a Mk7 40k set that's generic: link. msn-wink.gif

Awesome thank you Major_Gilbear for that forgeworld link I like those shields a lot. Also in regards to the Inquisition iconography from the DW kit I don't mind it as my chapter will work with the Inquisition quite well once i'm done writing it. So I may pick up that kit and make them an assault veteran group of sorts.


The Vanguard Veterans box comes with Storm Shields for regular Marines, too.

However, these are more or less the same size as the terminator ones he said were too small.



OK, I completely misunderstood what he meant.  He said the only ones they make are for Terminators and I wanted to point out that there are other options.  But if the Terminator shields are too small?  I don't think a Deathwing Knight shield is small, nor a Deathwatch shield.  The Forge World breaching shields seem pretty big, too.


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