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My list:


HQ -

Librarian - Beacon



Trooops -

Vets - 2 frag, 2 SS, drop pod

Vets - 2 frag, 2 ss, rhino


Elite -

Vanguard - 4x, PF/LC x4

Termies - 2x, cyclone x2

Contemptor Mortis - Kheres x2


Skyhammer Annihilation -


Assault Squad x2 - 1 eviserator per

Devs - 5x, 4x gravcannons, drop pod

Devs - 5x, 4x multi-meltas, drop pod


My opponent:


2 Demon Princes with wings

2 Demon Princes

2 Heldrakes

2 Noise marine squads with blast master

1 chaos squad with lord and a rhino


We played Purge the Alien with Hammer and Anvil deployment. He went first.


His noise marines set up in some ruins to my left and in the center. His DPs set up on the left and the rhino on the right.


I set my rhino on my left, terms in the middle Celestine/vanguards on the right with the contemptor.


Turn 1: His noise marines shot at me but only glanced the rhino. The DPS ran to close with me and his chaos boys hopped out of their rhino and took pot shots at Celestine.

Turn 1: I dropped my Frag squad next to his boys, my melta next to the frag squad within range of one of his flying DPs, the grav squad between the two foot slogging dps and the left side Noise marines. One of the assault squads mishapped back into reserves and the other dropped between a flying DP and the terms. I psychic shrieked one of the flying DPs but rolled a 7 so no effect. The gravs popped one of the foot sloggers. The meltas only took one wound off of the flying DP/warlord they were close to. I messed up and put my SS guys in front of my frag guys so i couldn't template the boys, but I killed 3 of them with normal shooting. The contemptor had moved up and killed 3 more. The rhino took two wounds off of the remaining footslogger. The terms shot at one of the noise marine squads but didn't do anything. Celestine charged the boys and finished them off. The assault squad flubbed its charge against the DP.


Turn 2: One winged DP charged and spanked my assault squad. The other charged the meltas and killed them off. The footslogger charged and killed the gravs. The heldrake came in and managed to torrent my frag squad and celestine's squad. Killed the body guards and most of the frag squad. The noise marines finished off the frag squad minus the librarian. The rhino shot at the librarian but didn't do anything.

Turn 2: Sadly my librarian was out of range for anything and the assault squad scattered too far away to be useful. The terms popped the rhino. The contemptor rolled snap shots at the heldrake only doing one 1 HP. The rhino killed the remaining foot slogger. Celestine and the vanguard charged the winged DP/warlord and killed him with an awesome amount of PF attacks.


Turn 3: His other heldrake came on and popped my rhino with its cannon. The torrent heldrake killed the SS guys from the rhino unit. The noise marines killed my assault marines. The winged dp charged my contemptor and got it locked in combat.

Turn 3: I forgot I could beacon my contemptor out of the melee :'( so my librarian did nothing. The frag cannons and terms snap shot at the heldrakes but didn't do anything. Celestine charged the closest noise marine squad and managed to leave one alive to stay locked in melee.


Turn 4: The heldrake with the flamer killed off the all but one frag cannon of the frag cannon squad. the other shot at my lib doing 1 wound. The DP killed my contemptor and the noise marines shot at celestine.

Turn 4: My lib popped his DP with a psychic shriek. The terms and remaining cannon missed the heldrakes. Celetine and co charged and crushed the noise marines.


Turn 5: his heldrakes killed my lib and the lone frag cannon.

Due to time constraints we had to end the game there.


It turned out to be a tie, 11 to 11. There are a couple things I wish I would have done differently. I should have charged the noise marines with the assault squads and I have to remember I can't template over my own units. Other than that, it went well.


As much as I like deep striking my frag squads, having one in a rhino seems to work out very well for me. I am not sure how much I liked the cyclones, but I think it was just the list I was going against. My opponent made some comments about cheese due to Celestine...I made no comment about 4 DPs.

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It sounds like a fun game. I think overall the Deathwatch codex and the Chaos stuff is fairly well matched.


There's nothing wrong with frags in a rhino.


It's funny though because unless it's in a Daemon formation, I really don't care for DPs. I think you'd probably play it differently though too.

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