Kelborn Posted April 28, 2017 Author Share Posted April 28, 2017 Yeah, but A D B himself said that this was never canon. It was one of the suggestions about the missing Legions, done by several authors. BL / GW forbade to continue such clues. That's why I don't see that as canon anymore. Nevertheless, the Warbeasts will not declare themselves as the sons of the XIth. They are withdrawn and suspicious. They don't share that much about their own past. Even in their own IA article, there will be only subtle hints about their true origin. For the wider Imperium, they are one of many chapters of unknown origin. Because of them wearing the scales of slain beasts and savage appearance, the Imperial Sons suggest them to be a Salamanders successor. Maybe a remnant of a shattered legion strike force. (which could also be a way to go with instead of the XIth Legion variant) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LancsHotpot90 Posted April 29, 2017 Share Posted April 29, 2017 Looking good brother! Just spit-balling here, but what if the chapter was to go renegade for the meantime? (now hear me out :p) Not turning to chaos or anything just that they could believe that their way of building up the imperium, is better than the current, corrupt and in-efficient way of the high Lords of terra. My thinking behind this is perhaps, in their endeavour to build better worlds, they've not yet known about the return of Guilliman yet. Also, I believe it'll allow you a bit more flexibility in your lore. Again just throwing out ideas, feel free to completely disregard :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Legionare Posted May 1, 2017 Share Posted May 1, 2017 First of all, you have a very cool base idea for this chapter. But i do have a few questions: How numerous are the crimson guard? How has the chapter survived when it is at odds with the ecclisiarchy and the ordo hereticus? Not that it's impossible, i'm just curious. Sorry if you've answered to these questions already. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 1, 2017 Share Posted May 1, 2017 How has the chapter survived when it is at odds with the ecclisiarchy and the ordo hereticus? Not that it's impossible, i'm just curious. If the Ecclesiarchy hates you, seek allies in the Adeptus Mechanicus. If the Ordo Hereticus hates you, seek allies in the Ordo Xenos. I doubt the Imperial Sons are the only Space Marine Chapter to have such troubled relations with those institutions, meaning they can find allies in those other Chapters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted May 1, 2017 Author Share Posted May 1, 2017 Thank you for your feedback, guys. :) I will hopefully be able to upload their history in the next couple of days. Now to your posts: Looking good brother! Just spit-balling here, but what if the chapter was to go renegade for the meantime? (now hear me out ) Not turning to chaos or anything just that they could believe that their way of building up the imperium, is better than the current, corrupt and in-efficient way of the high Lords of terra. My thinking behind this is perhaps, in their endeavour to build better worlds, they've not yet known about the return of Guilliman yet. Also, I believe it'll allow you a bit more flexibility in your lore.Again just throwing out ideas, feel free to completely disregard This is very much like my idea of their chief librarion being corrupted by an ancient tome, convincing him of the Imperium being unworthy and failed. Because of this, he corrupts the Commander and his attached Battalion, resulting in the infamous chapter war. As you said, this half is more renegade than chaosy traitor. First of all, you have a very cool base idea for this chapter. But i do have a few questions: How numerous are the crimson guard?How has the chapter survived when it is at odds with the ecclisiarchy and the ordo hereticus? Not that it's impossible, i'm just curious.Sorry if you've answered to these questions already. Crimson Guards is numbering about 100-160 members, allocated to both Battalions. Furthermore, very much because of this: How has the chapter survived when it is at odds with the ecclisiarchy and the ordo hereticus? Not that it's impossible, i'm just curious.If the Ecclesiarchy hates you, seek allies in the Adeptus Mechanicus. If the Ordo Hereticus hates you, seek allies in the Ordo Xenos. I doubt the Imperial Sons are the only Space Marine Chapter to have such troubled relations with those institutions, meaning they can find allies in those other Chapters. Other institutions do value the Imperial Sons for making worlds more effective workhorses. Most notably the AdMec and the Imperial Guard, etc. Because of that, even some High Lords of Terra accept the minor evil of the Sons. That doesn't safe them of face-offs against their adversaries but there are other chapters who, as well, have troubled relations with those institutions, most notably the Warbeasts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Legionare Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 Thank you for the answers Kelborn. Now i understand how a chapter like the Imperial Sons (hated by some imperial organizations) can survive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted May 2, 2017 Author Share Posted May 2, 2017 Uploading the first draft of their overall history: The origin of the Imperial Sons is one of betrayal, retribution and idealism. Once a part of the XIIIthLegionesAstartes, the Ultramarines, they were known as one of the fiercest followers of the Imperial Truth, which was delivered by the Emperor himself. As part of the Xth chapter, the Legionnaires under ArceasOdinathus witnessed some of the hardest fights the Legion had to endure. Before their gene-father, RobouteGuiliman was rediscovered on Macragge, the Xth chapter fought alongside the VIIIthLegionesAstartes, the Night Lords, for several times. From them, they learned how to use fear as a tool to bring entire wars to end. Though fear and intimidation were not the final means, they were useful in themselves. From destruction came rebuilding. From intimidation came trust. Those worlds, which were brought into compliance by Commander Diomes and his men, were glorious examples of the potency of mankind. From these worlds, the system sorrounding the world known as Corusca became their very masterpiece. Never did the Xth, also known as the Sons of the Imperium for outliving the tenets of the Imperial Truth, ever reform a world into such an efficient and prospering world. Coruscawas said to potentially become a prime world like Macragge, a bastion of hope and future expansions. That all changed, when the first bombs fell on Calth. The dreadful betrayal of the XVIIIth Legion left its mark on the entirety of the sons of Guiliman. An invisible bond of shared horrors bound those, who survived the attrocities of Calth. Unfortunately, those, who were not present, like the Xth chapter, became outsiders within their own Legion. While their brothers bled in the dust of Heresy, Odinathus and his men fought in the northern realms of the SegmentumUltima against the Heldaxi alliance. After finally hearing of what happened to their brothers, Odinathus decided to turn his forces against the retreating elements of both, the Word Bearers and the World Eaters. Thus, the Sons of the Imperium dived into the unstable region known as the Dominion of Storms, chasing down their traitorous brothers. In doing so, they reconquered Honourum and fought within the Nostraman sector against the remnants of the Night Lords traitors. In order to engage as much traitors as possible, Odinathus tasked his second in command, Galen Diomes, in plunging more into the Dominion, destroying every renegade force they would encounter, while he would be heading northbound. With half of the chapter under his direct control, Galen Diomes stayed within the Dominion, trying to eradicate the hiding traitors. Their main antagonist in this campaign became the Brotherhood of Kain, a confluence of both, the Word Bearers and the World Eaters. While fighting their nemesis, the Sons of the Imperium were trapped within the Dominion alongside their enemies because of rising storms and unpassable nebulas. Years later, the tides lifted and the few survivors of Diomes’ task force returned to the Imperium. It is assumed that the Brotherhood of Kain was completely eradicated. However, rumors were recently arising, heralding the return of Kain’s followers. In the meantime, the Second Founding was already done and the Third was drawing closer. Before they returned to Macraggedid Diomes traveled to the nearby Corusca in order to resupply and enact crucial maintenances. However, when they entered the orbit of Corusca, they found nothing more than ashes and madness. Corusca had fallen beneath the merciless advance of Horus’ forces, turning it into a pit of anarchy and chaos worshipping cults, corrupted beyond salvation. Diomes had no other choice than to scorch the entire system, destroying everything they had once achieved. Blaming themselves for not being able to prevent Corusca’s demise and for not having prepared it against all odds, did they swore an eternal oath never let this happen again. From the ashes of Corusca did they arose anew as the Imperial Sons. It was they, who would bring the unquestionable truth of the Emperor to every world within the Imperium. The personal convictions and ideals of Diomes and his men were immingled with the tenets of the Imperium Truth and later with the Codex Astartes, forming the Corusca Doctrine. When they returned to Macragge, they found out that all loyal Legions had been divided into several chapters. As their brothers of the Scyths of the Emperor chapter, were Diomes’ men reformed into an independent chapter, the Imperial Sons. As such, they returned to the northeastern corner of the Dominion of Storms, claiming a new homeworld for their own, naming it Bastion. Once a former base of operation of the Brotherhood of Kain, it was conquered and reformed into a proud and loyal fortress world, serving as both, a social center and training grounds for the Imperial Sons. From Bastion did the Imperial Sons start their crusade of reclamation, slowly discovering the dangerous realm of the Dominion. While half of the chapter fought within the Dominion against rediscovered kingdoms of man and xenos alike, did the other half fought across the Imperium, serving in the name of the Imperial Truth and those, who had fallen in its name. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 3, 2017 Share Posted May 3, 2017 Not bad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheBlindPrimarch Posted May 7, 2017 Share Posted May 7, 2017 Love the idea Kel, putting two of my favorite universes together into one! That said, C&C time! -You've got the core ideal of the Empire down, but ideals and reality are two different things. The Empire turned out to rift with corruption and greed. It was oppressive and took advantage of the common man. The question is do you intend to show that side of the Empire in your chapter as well or are you sticking to their higher ideals only. -The Chapter seems separated from the greater goings on of the wider Imperium, how would they interact and react with the events that are unfolding? -The Empire was known for their fleets. Do the Imperial Sons put as much emphasis on void warfare? I look forward to the finished product! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted May 8, 2017 Author Share Posted May 8, 2017 Thanks, BlindPrimarch. Now, regarding your questions: 1) Yes, the Empire's downfall has a lot to do with corruption, greed and lust for power. Until now, I want to stick with their higher ideals. The corruption part will be covered in their history, in which the corruption led to a chapter war within their own rans, 2) Good question. Haven't thought about it for now. By recent events, do you mean RG's return? 3) The Empire's fleet was so important because of it ruling an entire galaxy. Here, the Imperial Sons do have their fleet splitt between their two Battalions. Furthermore, ships and orbital strikes do play a crucial role within the Imperial Sons' combat doctrine and usage of multi-vector fights. So yeah, they are still important but not like the Imperial Fleet is to Palpatine. Besides, I indeed found a fitting image for the chapters' flagship, the Chimeara (imagine it to be colored in the chapters' scheme): Found it over here: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted May 13, 2017 Author Share Posted May 13, 2017 *update* Adding: Homeworld Bastion, a name that speaks for itself, for Bastion is the incarnation of an imperial fortress world. This large, high-gravity world was covered in everything from rocky mountains and frozen ice fields, to rain forests full of carnivorous plants and deserts. As such, this planet was the perfect training ground for combat in difficult terrain. Its cities built at the shores of the seas gave birth to strong and resistible people, which again were the perfect pool to recruit for the ranks of both, the Imperial Guard and the Imperial Sons. But like most of the more famous worlds across the Imperium, Bastion has its dark secrets, deeply hidden in its history. Centuries ago, while the galaxy burned in the flames of betrayal fratricide, the world, which former name was lost in time, was once a base of operations for some of the most cruel and corrupted members of Horus’ forces, the Brotherhood of Kain. The Brotherhood fought against the forces of Galen Diomes, a high ranking member of the XIIIthLegionesAstartes. This conflict lasted for years and its degree of bloodshed and ferocity caught them in a rising warp storm, separating them for centuries to go. When the storm had finally lifted, the Brotherhood was no more and the victorious sons of Guiliman returned home. Shortly after did Diomes return to Bastion, a world that was more home to him than even Macragge. Rebuilding and reshaping it into a proud world of the Imperium, the newly founded Imperial Sons were allowed to take this planet as their new homeworld, naming it Bastion. Academies for the Imperial Guard were founded as well, all over Bastion as its environment was well suited for all kind of terrain exercises. One of the most notable academies of Bastion was the Caridan Academy, known for its excellent recruits. The Imperial Sons, having such a potent pool of possible neophytes at their doorstep, integrated their recruiting process within the academies. From their recruits did the Imperial Sons select the most promising ones for their own process. Those, who would fail these trials, would continue their "normal" drill, which will make them superb candidates for both Imperial Army and further the Tempestus Scions. If a recruitwas founded not suitable for military life, he or she rejoined their communities as disciplined and dedicated members. Under the imperial rule and under the guidance of the Imperial Sons, Bastion became one of the most reclusive and heavily guarded worlds in the Dominion of Storms. Most natural routes were mined and its defense fleet, which headquarters was an ancient space station, known only as Valor’s Fist, covered the rest. Valor’s Fist itself served as the Imperial Sons fortress monastery, thus making it the center point of all military actions of Bastions scions.Besides its numerous regiments, which exercised within its academies and the forces of the Imperial Sons, was the planet itself surrounded by a chain ofplanetary shields, protecting its most important cities and strategic facilities. Geneseed Like their primogenitor, the Ultramarines, do the Imperial Sons have a stable and pure geneseed without any known flaws. But still, it was never used for the any foundation of a successor chapter. It seems that, because of their wayward behaviour and sometimes marginal deeds, did the High Lords of Terra concerns about using their genetic heir. Some argue if the „rebellious“ character of the Imperial Sons is in fact a hidden flaw in their geneseed but none of these rumors were proofed to be real. Furthermore, it was observed that the Imperial Sons seemed to be more obedient towards orders than normal chapter, although this refers to orders given by within their own ranks. Orders and requests done by other imperial authorities, especially the Ecclisiarchy and the Inquisition were not answered immediately, if any. This strengthened the impression of tensed relations between them and official, imperial authorities. Beliefs It is not uncommon for chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, to envision themselves as born warriors of the Emperor, the incarnate Angels of Death. But sometimes, there is a chapter who despises this self imposed depiction. The Imperial Sons are one of the latter. The Imperial Sons saw themselves as the soldiers of the Emperor and not as savage warriors, conquering for the sake of it. Their duty was one of reconquering and reshaping the galaxy itself in the tenets of the Emperors own decree, the Imperial Truth. As such, they embodied the Imperial Truth, which was written down by the Emperor Himself, with every fibre of their very being. The key facts of it were summarized and expanded by the founder of the Imperial Sons, Galen Diomes, adding the teachings of his genefather, Roboute Guiliman and his own experiences since the Great Crusade. He named the result the Corusca Doctrine, honoring his chapters greatest loss during the merciless years of the Horus Heresy. Though it based upon the Emperors work, the result was more of a twisted version of this noble and honorable decree. In using fear and indimidation as a mean to bring world into compliance, the Corusca Doctrine taught that effectiveness and succes against all odds mattered above everything else, ensuring mankinds survival. Failure was not acceptable and had to be eradicated. If a population had to be purged from the weakness of a ruling cast, which was founded guilty of failing the Emperor, than so be it. This behaviour resulted in a reputation of cold, ruthless and sometimes fearsome warriors, which walked amidst the stars. Fear followed in their wake, forcing adversaries to lay down their weapons in order to prevent sanctions like the infamous Ghorman-massacre. As the Imperial Sons declared every form of worship being a heresy to the Emperors vision, they were at odds with the Ecclisiarchy and other religious institutions. Nevertheless, other institutions like the Astra Militarum or the Ordos of both, Xenos and Malleus are more than willing to reap the fruits of the Imperial Sons merciless labour. Therefore, the sons of Bastion are both respected and feared within the Imperium. Growing up within the storm-tossed and still untapped region known as the Dominion of Storms, the officers and citizens of Bastion grew up with the Corusca Doctrine. Under the guidance of Imperial veterans and the Imperial Sons, along with approved literature, vids and mandatory viewings of morale sessions twice a day for cadets, officers would learn of the glorious past of the Imperium and how it had been robbed by the doings of both, Horus and those, who later called themselves the Ecclisiarchy. Many of Bastions citizens believed that only they could have the power necessary to wrest the galaxy from a path of chaos and corruption. Pre-recorded speeches often filled the airwaves, in which the leaders of Bastion would often comment on the depravity of the Imperium with revolts on several worlds, the corrupted horrors of heretics, and unchecked xenos advances throughout the outer realms of the Imperium. Following which stories of the Imperial Sons victories such as liberation of Galbak or winning a fleet battle in the Voluzar sector against a ravaging Ork fleet. Now, with the rise of the Avenging Son, their gene father Roboute Guiliman, are the Imperial Sons rejoice the coming of a new age. Immediately did they send half of their chapter towards Macragge in order to support their liege. So, Combat Doctrine and Selected Battles are left to go to fullfill the requirements. In time, notable elements will be done as well. Would like to loosen the article with a couple of pictures but everytime I'm trying, I get the message that the picture is not supported on this board. Maybe it works by uploading them in my BnC gallery. Will try it in the next days. First of all: finishing the article. ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 14, 2017 Share Posted May 14, 2017 Is the Imperial Sons' realm meant to be a dark reflection of the "Imperium Secundus" that Guilliman founded when Ultramar lost contact with Terra during the Heresy? I don't otherwise think the Sons would get away with "commenting on the depravity of the Imperium." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted May 14, 2017 Author Share Posted May 14, 2017 Tbh, I had a darker version of the Imperium Secundus in my mind when starting to write about the Imperial Sons. Shall I skip this? I thought that the stelar circumstances of the Dominion of Storms, a region known for being very difficult to travel through, if you're not familiar with it, would lead to the near isolation of some worlds. It doesn't have to be the Sons, who broadcast these news but they accept the necesserity of them, as these news / rumors harden their hearts against the perils of the galaxy. It further leads to the creation of a somewhat arrogant self-appraisal (which would mirror the Galactic Empires arrogance and hubris. Reasonable enough or should I skip that part? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 14, 2017 Share Posted May 14, 2017 The Imperium's authorities have zero tolerance for criticism and dissent, no matter how justified, as the Inquisition demonstrated when it attempted to punish the Space Wolves after the First War for Armageddon (see the "Months of Shame"), the events leading up to the Badab War, and the attempt to purge the Celestial Lions. If the Imperial Sons do comment on depravity, it's likely on the "incompetent governor whose depravity was an act of treason, for it allowed rebels to delude themselves into thinking their own treason is somehow justified," while other Imperial authorities (Inquistors who ordered Exterminatus, for one example) are hailed as martyrs and role models. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted May 14, 2017 Author Share Posted May 14, 2017 Ok, I'll cut that out. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 14, 2017 Share Posted May 14, 2017 Considering the Imperial Sons distrust the Ecclesiarchy, I wonder if Cardinals and Confessors in the Imperial Sons' realm are required to swear oaths to obey the Chapter's leaders before the Ecclesiarch? (I'm drawing inspiration from the "Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association" the Chinese Communist Party set up to minimize "foreign influences" on its citizens. In the real world, "patriotic" Catholic priests were threatened with excommunication- not that Rome can otherwise dictate what those priests were doing.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted May 17, 2017 Author Share Posted May 17, 2017 Last update in order to fullfill my oath of the Iron Gauntlet. Everything else, which will be posted in the future will be an addition to it. Exemplary Battles: The Jandor ambush: When the Adeptus Mechanicus came to the northern realms of the Dominion of Storms, it was looking for miscellaneous. Be it artifacts, lost archeotech or a place to test their newest inventions, everything seemed to be of value for the Lord Magi of Mars. But their thirst for new resources and worlds to exploit and civilizations to assimilate was the true cause behind the uprising commonly known as the Rebellion. Revolting against the Mechanicus’ oppression, the leaders of the Rebellion waged a guerrilla war against the seemingly overwhelming forces of Jandor, the centre of the Mechanicus approach of exploitation. Unable to get rid of the disturbing assaults and raids, did the Lords of Jandor contact the Imperial Sons. Together, they set a trap above Jandor itself. There, in its massive shipyards, was a mighty battleship near its completion. By withdrawing their forces to engage rumoured bases of the Rebellion, did the Imperial Sons give them an opportunity to strike. As suspected did the Rebel fleet emerge from the warp, trying to assault the seemingly defenceless Jandor. Ground forces boarded the shipyards, trying to capture the mighty vessel. Distractions were sent to bind Jandors forces on the surface. When the boarding party reached the helpless vessel did the Imperial Sons spring their trap. The fleet of the second battalion emerged from the warp, cutting the rebel fleet off from any escape route. Entire companies had waited aboard the battleship and within the hive cities of Jandor, waiting for the right time to strike. In a massive ambush did the Imperial Sons make use of their preferred way of waging war. With their multi vector attacks and ambushes on the surface of Jandor, within the shipyards and the in the planets orbit, did the sons of Bastion annihilate the entire military force of the Rebellion once and for all. The remaining rebels lost any hope and laid down their weapons, resulting in their capture and conversion into mindless servitors. As a result of their close collaboration did the Lord Magi of Jandor pledge their loyalty to the Imperial Sons, ensuring their supply with individual wargear, such as the Diadectes-class transport. The genocide of Konig Secundus: When the Imperium lost contact with the entire star system of Konig Secundus and its surrounding outposts at once, a nearby crusading fleet of the Imperial Sons chapter was recruited to engage the incident. With an emergency strike force, consisting of elements of the 26th Alphic Scorpions and the Phantom Blades chapter on route to support them, the Imperial Sons hurried to arrive as soon as possible. Entering the outer rims of Konig Secundus just in time to support the last survivors of the local Astra Militarum, the Imperial Sons witnessed the carnage which was unleashed here. The Scion of Madness, a massive Space Hulk which was led by the traitor warband known as the Iron Fist, hung deep in the lower orbit above Konig Secundus, the defending fleet scattered around it. There was nearly no response from Konig Secundus itself but those survivors, who had gathered within the southest fortress, Tal Dabor. Engaged by the Imperial Sons’ fleet, the Scion of Madness was long enough distracted until imperial reinforcements had arrived. Outnumbered and in a desperate battle for survival, the Iron Fist was about to flee. Sacrificing much of its warmachines to secure the escape, the Scion of Madness was barely able to flee but it made it into warp. As both sides had taken heavy casualties and with the completed genocide on Konig Secundus' people, no one dared to call that a victory. The Devourer of worlds: When more and more Hive fleets of the ferocious Tyranids appear at the border so the Imperium, did the Second Battalion heed the distress call of a range of imperial worlds. Facing a small tendril of the Hive Fleet Moloch above the world of Manwantes Tertius, the sons of Bastion fought fiercely and boarded the massive bio ships, trying to destroy the cerebella connection between the organisms and the upper hive mind. Although being successfull, the Imperial Sons were nearly annihilated. They were barely able to escape and had to take heavy casualties, depleting their numbers tremendously. Even with the final victory denied to them, the sons of Bastion did not hesitate and joined a combined fleet of Storm Rider and Phantom Blade elements and return to the Manwantes system, extinguishing the remaining xenos forces Combat Doctrine: When the Imperial Sons were still a part of the XIIIth Legiones Astartes, the Ultramarines, they were recognized as Lord Guilimans jack of all trades, excelling in every combat on every battlefield and environment but never having mastered any specific form of waging war like siege warfare or boarding actions. Therefore, they compensated the lack of mastery by making use of multi-vector operations, regardless of terrain. In doing so, they finally specialized in a certain way of waging war, adding their expertise to Guilimans resources. Ten thousand years later did the Imperial Sons perfect this preferred doctrine, whose tenets were laid down in the Corusca doctrine. It is a manifold compendium, including the visions of their genefather, Roboute Guiliman, the ideals of the Great Crusade and the additions of their founder, Galen Diomes. As they had once served along the formerly loyal VIIIth Legion, they had learned how to use fear and intimidation in such a way, which allowed them to end conflicts without a bolter shell being fired. This usage of psychological warfare combined with multi vector operations made the Imperial Sons a potent opponent. A good example of their way of fighting would be the battle of Jandor. There, they had laid an ambush for a large cell of rebels. After the trap had sprung, the Imperial Sons entangled the rebels in the void, aboard nearly stolen ships and on the surface of Jandor. Everything was perfectly timed. While the Imperial Sons troopers did deal with the rebels, massive air support came from the cold void, dropping their bombs on top of the rebel encampments. In the meantime, did the Imperial Sons fleet encircle their enemies, unleashing hundreds of boarding parties, which again took over the hostile fleet, annihilating any form of resistance. The Imperial Sons prefer the usage of energy based weaponry instead of bolters, like volkites, plasma guns, melters, etc. This weaponry is more adaptable to certain battlefields like underwater engagements or vacuum battles. As such, they made use of a certain, heavily modified version of laser fangs, which were originally used by Stormhawk interceptors and were redefined as infantry weapons. With the support of the nearby forgeworld of Jandor, the Imperial Sons are able to equip their troops with this kind of weaponry. Furthermore, Jandor provided the Imperial Sons with a very rare and special vehicle, the Diadectes class transport, an amphibious transport class, which was basing on the ancient Mastodon transporter. Thank you all for your feedback! Appreciated it very much! The Imperial Sons will not rest, of course. More will come! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 18, 2017 Share Posted May 18, 2017 Suggestion for the Diadectes: mount the missile launchers on the lascannon turret (see the missile launchers on the M2 Bradley and its variants). That way, it can shoot at targets beside those directly in front of it, reducing the Diadectes' vulnerability to flanking, rear, aerial and elevated (from hilltops, rooftops, etc.) attacks. I'm sure the AdMech can design and manufacture adapters to let you fire missiles out the torpedo tubes (mankind acquired that technology in late M2), if the Imperial Sons need them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted November 29, 2017 Author Share Posted November 29, 2017 While browsing through the forum (and while SWTOR is updating), I just rediscovered that the last part of the Iron Gauntlet already begun and I have vowed to do write something for my Imperial Sons. Further, I proclaimed that it will feature their demise. Thus, I'll have a look on my chapter again, see if I have to adapt something and what I want to write. My initial idea was an invasion of Bastion by a splinter fleet of the missing Fourth Sphere of Expansion, led by Kor'O T'au Mith'Rawn Shovah - Commander Starhunter and Gue'vesa'O Ksi'M'Yen Shatana Kais - Commander Shadowblade Maybe from the invading forces pov, respectively from Commander Shadowblade. Overall, I considered to put the entire Dominion of Storms concept to rest. It has become way larger than I ever wanted it to be and I'm lacking the necessary ambition to work on it. I'm more focused on my contribution to the BotL. Perhaps splitting the Dominion and my three chapters into several "pocket" realms or rifts, spread across the Imperium or relatively being close by each other. Another way of dealing with this could be that the Cicatrix Maledictum split the Dominion into several parts, each being inhabited by a chapter and its foes. Well, let's see. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Do the Imperial Sons have enough mobile firepower to deal with the Tau, e.g., something comparable to the AT-M6? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted November 29, 2017 Share Posted November 29, 2017 Before you paint your models, may I suggest using colored stripes to differentiate specialists, like the First Order Special Forces? That way, others can identify an Apothecary attached to a "trooper" unit (maybe black stripes serving to outline where an Apothecary's stripes would be on different-colored armor), a Chaplain attached to a Black Hand unit (using white stripes as an outline), a Techmarine attached to a Crimson Guard unit, etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted November 29, 2017 Author Share Posted November 29, 2017 Do the Imperial Sons have enough mobile firepower to deal with the Tau, e.g., something comparable to the AT-M6? I'll maybe compensate with an allied forgeworld. Regarding models, great suggestions but I won't paint them. Got no time and money. I'm more of a fluff guy. *edit* Further, with the coming of The Last Jedi and my renewed interest in SW The Old Republic, there might be more references from both, the First Order and the ancient Sith Empire to draw upon in order to create a "darker" and way smaller mirror image of Ultramar, etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted December 1, 2017 Author Share Posted December 1, 2017 Sorry for double post. Current notes, I'm currently considering: - exile while fighting either Word Bearers or Alpha Legion during the Heresy - rumored origin; when they returned, they were not quite the same anymore - further rumors: Marines do look alike, more so than usual; cloning process within their realms / their allies, the 26th Alphic Scorpions (Tempestus Scions) - allied Forgeworld in form of a nearby moon - some kind of cast system: Astartes > mortals > slaves with Astartes being also ruling via a council - where once were many Librarians, a schism occurred, resulting in their rule of two While I'm currently taking some notes for a revision (both, First Order and the Sith Empire were founded in exile for example, which could be useful) of my Imperial Sons, Blazbarus did something for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted December 2, 2017 Share Posted December 2, 2017 Experience fighting the Word Bearers can justify the Chapter's heavy-handed attempts to control Ecclesiarchal elements (Cardinals, priests, confessors) in their realm. Experience fighting the Alpha Legion can justify an "anything goes" attitude towards warfare, where the Codex Astartes' many tenets are adhered to or discarded as necessary, to make Imperial victory possible. As for origin, I find your original idea of Ultramarines-turned-extremists satisfactory; no mystery is necessary. (If you leave readers with too many unanswered questions, they may quit reading your IA due to sheer frustration. See former fans' reactions to J. J. Abrams' "mystery box" as evidence.) By the way, are the Imperial Sons allied with an Order Militant of the Adepta Sororita named the "Order of the Phantasmal Blades", whose members wear chrome-plated armor and adhere to the Imperial Sons' edicts instead of the Ecclesiarchy's or even the Ordo Hereticus'? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted December 2, 2017 Author Share Posted December 2, 2017 Great objections. Maybe I was a bit over ambitious. Instead of revising, I should rather expand their background. That way, I can add a lot, while reconsider the old parts. I'll keep the Ultramarines turned extremists origin. During the Heresy, the (at that time UMs) were caught in a Warpstorm along their Nemesis, a Word Bearer chapter. They can deal with the Alpha Legion during the Scouring, making their turning-extremis a slower but more constan process instead of: BOOM, now you're the bad guys. Do you know if the Alpharius vs. Roboute fight was before the Third Founding? Seeing their Legion and Primarch struggeling against the AL could be a good reason of them going the "anything goes" attitude. Roboute vs. Fulgrim could be added to their history as well. Having to face the fact that even their beloved Primarch can be defeated made them renouncing from their brothers even more. To be honest, I haven't thought about further about allies, especially about the SoBs but I'm digging that idea! I can come up with the following allies: - Tempestus Scions, 26th Alphic Scorpions (SpecOps) - Forgeworld (resembling the system of Kuat) - Order of the Phantasmal Blades (the Corusca Doctrine preachers) - a Knight House (for the big walker references), maybe one, which is bound to the Forgeworld (instead of naming their Knights, they use designations like Scout walker AA-23) Having the latest Iron Gauntlet challenge in mind, how about the following: Right after the Indomitus Crusade does a splinter fleet of the 4th Great Expansion armada arrive within their realm. With only half of the chapter ready to defend themselves, they are pretty scrued and are beaten heavily. That all changes when in the final battle above Bastion (their homeworld), a new and unknown force of Astartes arrive: the Warbeasts. Once Guilimans scouts and pathfinders, were the Warbeasts send to reestablish contact with seemingly lost chapters. As they are of SW origin, does their ferocity take the Tau by surprise, pushing them back until they retreat. Now that would make an interesting combo. Imagine the Imperial Sons forced to ally themselves with the savage Warbeasts in order to survive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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