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was this from not wearing a respirator mask when airbrushing?


Man,  I need to get an actual mask and not use those throw away coffee filter looking things with a rubber band.

either way hope you have a speedy recovery.  breathing is kinda important :tu:  hobby stuff can wait.  :biggrin.:

Yeah ... I'd say it was mainly from airbrushing without a mask. There were a few other factors like a high pollen count that day and the weather didn't help. But that was unlikely to have made me have an asthma attack without the additional trigger. Without the additional factors I'd have likely been in the same situation.


It was that bad I couldn't get to the phone to call for an ambulance and couldn't make enough noise to alert my wife/kids that I was in trouble downstairs. It's a really good job I had my inhailer and a spacer to hand. I emptied a blue inhailer before I fell asleep, think it had a fair amount in it. Don't really want to think would have happened if I didn't have it to hand. :(


I was thinning down GWS paints with mostly Vallejo Thinner and a little water. So atomised GWS paints and the thinner got on my chest. I was working up close and the old cheap crap mask was steaming up my glasses so I stupidly took it off.


The wife hasn't freaked out banning me using it. Instead she's got me a new mask which will not steam up the glasses and is rated to keep me safe from vapours and particulates. In summary I'm an idiot and I'm lucky to have a wonderful wife!!! I'm also lucky to be around still, any hobby is not worth risking serious injury.

Chest is still not right so I went to the docs the other day and they've doubled my meds for my chest. Should drop back to normal doses in 4 - 6 weeks as long as it starts to improve.


I've been thinking about switching from trying to spray the other boards to to building the structures for my board. Just need to make sure I don't stall with the project.

  • 1 month later...

So it's been well over a month since any hobby action happened. Seriously disappointed that I stopped though given the circumstances can't say that it's a surprise. Seems daft in retrospect but my confidence in handling the everyday hobby supplies safely is what's stopped me from doing anything. I'd get stuff out look at it, the kids would "borrow" a few bits from under my nose and then it'd get put back away.


Been for another check up with the asthma nurse and she's moved me for the long term onto the stronger medication. I've got to have another check up in 2 months. So some damage has been done to my lungs from the incident and that's where I'm at currently. :(


Motivation has now started to come back in mainly thanks to the wife. Lol ... She thinks I've turned I to a "Grumpy Arse" and need to get back to the hobby. I've been promised if I cheer up and get some of the hobby backlog shifted she'll get me Necromunda when it gets released!!!


As I've dropped out of the Tale of Hobbyist challenge this thread will become my Necromunda blog instead. :D

As I'm commuting to work I'm going to just throw down ideas for scenery. I'll come back and add ideas as I get them. If anyone has an idea how to represent any feel free to chip in ...


Chem Pit -

Pringles Tube lids recessed and filled with water effects and bright colours.


Old Ruins -

Fairly open piece with burnt/melted buildings or remnants of


Slag -

Mounds/hills coated with model railway ballast sized stone or crumbled cork.


Mineral Outcrops -

Pillars of rock with crystals embedded or overflowing pipes with crystals on them


Settlement -



Mine Workings -

Bulkhead in side of a mound maybe with some form of rails coming out of the door


Tunnels -

Vents -

Holestead -



Water Still -

Large dehumidifier type building or several free standing units connected to tanks


Drinking Hole -

Dodgy looking shanty style building. With a distillery out back.


Guilder Contact -

Heavily armoured building hard point heavy weapons. Armoured access point APC sized.


Friendly Doc -

Similar to the drinking den but with tools that would make an Ork Painboy impressed?


Workshop -


Gambling Den -

Up armoured version of a drinking hole?


Spore Cave -

Have a slimy wet looking piece with big mushroom forest (use the weird shaped spray foam offcuts in bits box)


Archeotech -

Partly collapsed dome maybe using the bottom of a pop bottle as a starting point?

Well this morning found me incharge of the kids and having to go food shopping. :)


Lol ... The lads enjoyed my type of shopping trips more than the wife's. Yogurt was on the list without specification of type. Hmmm ... Those chocolate ones the kids love but the wife never let's them get, have funky shaped pots. Ok kids you can have them as long as you save the pots for me!!!


This pattern repeated with about half the shopping list. :devil:


The eldest (9yo) said he'd let mum know we had to get them for there building "aesthetics". Lol ... Can't wait to find out what he actually tells the Mrs. :Lol:


We've recently had some interesting discussion on terrain building and learning to play. He's not that good at loosing currently so I'm hoping the gaming interest will change that. He's also been reading my old white dwarfs and hunting for old Necromunda articles. I think he's going to be the driving force behind me getting back into actually getting stuff done!!! :d

I went through the different ideas with the lads and they liked the idea of the Spore Cave the most.

So I fished out some expanded foam bits that looked a bit like mushrooms. A bit of carving and then slapped with a Mr Maker's special paint (UK kids TV character who always adds PVA to paint so it sticks better to plastic bottles and other household bits that he gets kids to make toys and models out of).

Once the kids gave up and decided dad had to finish it off I completed the sealing for them. Once dry they then had a blast with a rattle can of grey primer. The sealing layer might not have been needed but I was a bit unsure have the foam and spray would interact.


I'm going to need to cut out some materials to base them on before the kids carry on helping. Sharp blades and kids don't really mix well.

I'm thinking we may make Spore Groves rather than Spore Caves.

I have started properly sorting through the Underhive models and there's quite a few.

The Goliaths are the most numerous ...



Followed by the Orlocks ...


The Vann Saar have plenty of numbers as well ...


And finally a few of the Pit Slaves, Bounty Hunters and a Psyker have also come to light ...


Cheers guys.


We've been sifting through models trying to find all the "missing" models while I've been keeping one eye on what the lads are doing to make sure no more go MIA. :D


I think I'd earmarked some of the Spyrers to be =][= so I need to rummage into some other boxes for all of them.


I've found my stash of those rather rare female Catachan female grenade launcher models which can be added to the Escher pile.


There's also a big pile of model buildings for model train layouts I've come across. I now remember getting them years ago and then getting sidelined.


Lol ... I wish I'd still got the level of spare funds I had a decade ago when this collection found it's way to me.

I found the Spyrer's that I have and glad I hadn't started to convert them up yet!!!


My old Judge and his squad of Arbites turned up as well which I'm a bit chuffed with ... :)


The Eschers including Mad Donna and some female Catachan grenade launchers (I found a few more gangers after uploading, not retaking the pic) ...


I've always thought that the Delaque looked cool but always under performed for me as a gang ...


I've not really got that many of the Cawdor or Redemptionists. Though the tub of Chaos cultists probably could swell their ranks which I find quite amusing ...




A ragtag bunch of Ratskins turned up which I was lucky enough to snipe on eBay a few years ago. Spent a lot more than I initially planned to but it had a good mix of models ...


I picked up a load of the Fraternis Milita to count as none gang members and some servitors (there's a few Epic Knight Titans weapon arms at the bottom of the pic which fit nicely without needing an chopping) for different scenarios ...



A Beastmaster or whatever they're called turned up with a Ninja and then later some other models which will be added to the Guns for Hire (yes Marbo has sneaked in) ...



I also came across a large number of dogs (all GWS sculpts the bulk being old Dark Elf ones). I'm considering converting to cyberhounds or just letting them be the animals the Beastmasters control ...


More conversion fodder can be found with Brettonian men-at-arms, Empire Flagelents and IG Scions bits ...




I'm a little hesitant on what gangs I'm going to go with. I think I'll wait for the new rules to drop and then make my decision. I'll definitely not be attempting to paint all of them and will decide if I'm going to sell or keep a good chunk of them soon.


Lol ... I don't know why I ended up hoarding so many.


Anyway my main concern is with getting some terrain built with the kids and then I can work out what I'll do. The lads will likely both want a gang each and I'll have a couple. :devil:

At least the rules will drop in November - not too far away now! You could try paint one or two from each gang to see which you prefer painting? For interesting industrial looking terrain try pick up some old CPU cooling fans? They would look great mixed in with everything. 

Cheers ... I didn't realise quite how many models I managed to snaffle up. They were going to be used for a Necromundan based PDF force or freshly raised Necromundan IG Regiment. So the main gangs just kept getting added to.


I'm quite happy with the sprawl look I can get for the lower levels with those pipes. Though having some of them raised so models can pass under might work plus some different sized pipes to go along with those chunky ones would add interest.


The Spore Grove might need to have some form of broken pipe incorporated to explain the flurry of life?

Spent most of Friday hobbying. My brother came over and we spent the morning fixing up the contense of his box of Deathwatch Overkill he's attempted to assemble himself. For those that don't know me, hobbying with my brother is always a bit of a challenge as he's autistic and bipolar so you never know quite what's going to happen. Generally there will be way too much glue used and things are glued randomly together.


Some of the heads for the GS Cultists or whatever they're called we're missing so we plundered to bits boxes and came up with the helmeted Scions heads. I couldn't work out why they were so badly prepped even for him with the connection points still on the models.


Lol ... Then he told me he's lost his side cutters so used nail clippers to take them off the sprue!!!


I managed to get all the GS cleaned up to a reasonable level and most of the DW. There's a few of the DW needing to go under the scalpel to hopefully rescue them.


We chatted about starting a Necromunda Gang for him and he's liking the idea of a GS infiltrated gang.


While I was trying to rescue his models he'd gone rummaging and pulled out the SWA box. I'd put off assembling it until I'd got back into the swing of building stuff. But as my brother had decided they were getting assembled I ended up getting most of the multipart sections assembled to save them from being artistically combined by him.


Biggest challenge I can see will be getting the old bulkheads to combine with the new scenery. They are just such a different height to each other.


I'm thinking of sprinkling the different structures from the new kit over the full build.


There's some smaller/medium sized bits that look like they'd make a good distillery for the Drinking Hole. The Water Still can be made with some other bits combined with a few tanks.


I've rummaged up some EPVC sheets to mount things on though that makes it harder to store pieces. It's a trade off between looking good, being rugged enough to take being used and being able to store it.

Urgh ... Can't sleep.

Yesterday I pottered a bit and tested out a few bits that I'm unsure will take paint.

I have the starting of a Chem Pit ...


And a few random scatter terrain bits that I'm not 100% sure what they count as other than good line of sight blockers once painted up. Maybe some form of air scrubber?


If I can get the pink tube bits to take paint I'll be on to a winner. I've got a shed load of them (90 deg bends, T junctions and straight joints) and would love them to supplement the copper fixings and water pipe. I think the more variety in pipe sizes I can get the better it'll look.


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