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  • 1 month later...

I remember that first test model of yours from way back. I've even got it saved in a folder somewhere as inspiration.


These chaps look excellent, Mercay. I do agree that some of the chipping looks a bit splodgey here and there but overall it looks pretty damn good. I can't wait to see what you've got next for us to feast our eyes on. :tu:

  • 6 months later...

Well there I go again with the hiatus!


Having had some time reflecting on the models I painted last summer, I kept feeling more and more dissatisfied with the weathering, specially on the last five tactical marines. I felt that I hadn't given them the time and care I would have liked to! 


So, I sat down and reorganized my thoughts and goals with this army, and have since produced a few test models I would like to share with you!


First up is the weatheringless, "dirty" black taken straight from the citadel paint app: 




Not using weathering turned out a lot better than I had first thought! Although it does make it look a bit less realistic (and possibly even bland) I suppose, I really enjoy the crispness of his armour. 


I also for the first time tried some very slight OSL glow from the plasma pistol, see if you can spot it! Quite happy with how that turned out as well.


Another first for me is a more "true" raven guard skin tone, which I am quite happy with! Although I do feel that the tone is a tad too gray for my liking, I will keep experimenting with it. :tongue.:


Next up, my first attempt at a veteran's white armour details: 




Also featuring some much more slight weathering than on the marines I posted last summer.


The white worked out quite well, but I think I'll try to use some sort of gray instead of black for the shading on the white trim, it's a bit of an unrealistically harsh contrast at the moment.


First time trying glowing eyes! Extremely happy with how it turned out! I think it's just the right amount of glow, any more would be too much.


Also the first time I tried adding some lightning effects to a power weapon, quite happy with it too!


And now, what I hope will be the first actual model to see use in my army, a so far unnamed librarian:




Went for the completely clean look once again on this chap, and I'm quite pleased with how he came out! 


Tried a slightly different approach to his leather pouches and a wooden handle for his force-mace, which all worked out better than I had hoped! Although there is a slight chance I will replace him with the Sevrin Loth model, it's probably too cool for me to be able to resist it :tongue.:


As a slight bonus I have also completed my very first necron model; a kitbashed cryptek! 




Bit of a heresy to post the most foul xenos tech on this sanctified forum, but I was so pleased with how he came out I just had to share!


Hopefully there won't be another 6+ month hiatus this time, I'm feeling a lot more inspired to continue painting now. :biggrin.:


C&C is most welcome and appreciated!

Edited by Mercay

Excellent work and welcome back :happy.:. I am loving it all. Got a tank or dreadnought coming soon?


Loth is an amazing model, doo eeet!


I have two rhinos lined up for painting for my first goal of 1500 points of painted models (we'll see how that goes :P), along with a third one and atleast one dreadnought for higher point lists! Will take my a good while to get there though with my renewed sense of purpose giving each model as much love and attention as I can.


Looks great! Personally I'm not a fan of doing weathering. Done well it looks great, but if it doesnt turn out right you potentially mess up a well painted model.


Now we need moar!!!


Yeah the tactical squad I painted last year was my first attempt at any sort of weathering... and as I learned it is very easy to go overboard with it. Along with that I only gave each model some very basic highlighting and details as I was afraid of burning out if I was to spend much time on any single model. All this just resultet in dissapointment in the end!


Now I will take my time with each model to make sure that I've given them all the attention I reasonably can. I think that will help me stay motivated as I keep looking at these four models I posted today and feel immense satisfaction with how well they came out, while also feeling excited to take what I've learned from these models and keep experimenting and evolving my painting skills!

Really liking that Librarian conversion, simple yet effective, plus I think this is the first Librarian I've ever seen in all my years to wield a bludgoning-type Force Weapon! (wait, do Daemonhammers count?) Very unique indeed. :)

Thank you for the comments! 


Been testing some skin tones...




While the guy on the right is closer to the raven guard genetic inheritance, he looks a bit like a washed up clown with a serious vitamin D deficiency. I should have gone a little easier on the red glazing haha, will have to try again.


Although he is a lot further from the intended near albino skin of the XIXth, I definitely like the left one more. I never was completely sold on the idea of the extreme paleness, something a bit more natural looks a whole lot better in my eyes!


So I stand at a bit of a dilemma: Keep improving the clown or go for something more natural? :tongue.:

Edited by Mercay

Great job on the raven guard all around ! The white Veteran in particular looks really nice and those faces of yours are really convincing ! I préfère the Pale one on the right because it will really pop out in the black armors, but I think you were heavy handed with the red around the lips. Maybe use of a purple or a pâle blue for those could help to get rid of your "clown feeling".



:jawdrop: I really hate some of you guys  on how you can do  faces.:tongue.:  All jibes aside they both deserve a body .:tongue.: :thumbsup:


Thank you!


I am considering making a body for them to see how well they both work with black armour. :P


Personally I like the paler one on the right for RG (and Mordians. :wink: )


Both look great though! :thumbsup:

They're your models at the end of the day do as you wish! :biggrin.:


The new painting techniques on the marines look cracking, especially those glowing eyes.


Nice bash for the Cryptek too.


Thank you, thank you!


Great job on the raven guard all around ! The white Veteran in particular looks really nice and those faces of yours are really convincing ! I préfère the Pale one on the right because it will really pop out in the black armors, but I think you were heavy handed with the red around the lips. Maybe use of a purple or a pâle blue for those could help to get rid of your "clown feeling".




Thanks Malchy, it really does mean a lot coming from you, I've been massively inspired by your own raven guard!


As you said, I've definitely been a bit heavy handed and overused the red on the pale one, will have to pop down to the local store to get some more shades to work with. :P

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