Lord Marshal Ragnrok Posted April 20, 2017 Share Posted April 20, 2017 (edited) UNDER CONSTRUCTION!! This was originally created in 2013, but the dates got messed up when I changed the title of the thread slightly. The original version has been moved to page 2 and below is an older iteration. The content is now primarily housed on the Warhammer 40K Homebrew Wiki for ease of reading and added protection of the project. But please feel free to provide your thoughts on this progress as I write on this thread! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!! +++++DISCLAIMER+++++ To the member of this community known as "chriseclipse" on other sites, who blatantly created a cheap knock off on warhammer40kfanon.com and had the nerve to have a respected Youtuber make a video on it and claim credit for ideas which were not your own. You have already had your article removed from another site for plagiarism. This will not be tolerated my the community. You are a disgrace to this good community. Find the satisfaction of creating your own ideas. +++++CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED.+++++ +++END DISCLAIMER+++ Knight Wardens Battlecry: "Sons of the Chimera! Vindicta de Luna!" (Vengeance of the Moon) "By our Blades, For the Emperor!" Founding: 5th (Officially) - Likely earlier (See recent events)Primarch: Vulkan/UnknownLegion: Salamanders/UnkownHomeworld: Tarnost, previously Fleet-based, formerly Thrago/Midnight (destroyed) Chapter Master: Lord Commander Erasmus Beltane, High Warden of Tarnost Successors: Star Vipers (suspected), Talons Mordant (possibly) "Your presumptions of our brotherhood can wait, Inquisitor, traitors await the Emperor's judgment." - Lord Commander Nuruodo Corvinus, 1st Chapter Master of the Knight Wardens Current Chapter Badge: Two crossed Power Maces superimposed by a Skull, above a white crescent moon. Chapter Badge Before The Murder of the Stars: Two crossed Power Maces superimposed by a Skull Chapter Background Official records hold that the Knight Wardens were created in the 5th Founding from the Salamanders. They were created at the direct request of the Salamander's then Chapter Master, apparently being one of the last orders given to him in M32 by Vulkan himself, before the Primarch's official "death" in the War of the Beast. It is said that Astartes from the Salamanders and their successors were hand-picked to train the new chapter, imparting the characteristic obsession with the crafting and artifice of weapons of war. Thus it is common for the Knight Wardens to maintain, refine and customize their power armor and weapons, while Techmarines and Artificers will often work with improving chapter vehicles. Additionally, while the Knight Wardens are unlikely to use promethium as an answer to every problem as their official genesires usually do, they do showed a noticeable preference for close combat warfare. This only became more pronounced after they claimed Tarnost as their homeworld. The rapid influx of medieval Tarnostian recruits during that time quickly developed the chapter's now trademark brutality with medieval style weapons in close combat shock assaults. Thus, these technologically advanced smiths of death are a cultural fusion of the ways of Vulkan and their feudal home. However, this fusion did gift one quality that is clearly a double-edged sword; the Knight Wardens are stubborn. Their homeworld's cultural influence of high personal expectations, coupled with the superhuman expectations of an Astartes, has made them extremely intolerant of failure due to weakness or lack of initiative. This has created issues with other Imperial forces, such as Space Marine chapters who are more forgiving of normal humans, but especially with less effective Astra Militarum regiments. The Knight Wardens are known on at least 2 occasions, to have come under direct Inquisitorial investigation for executing an Astra Militarum commander and his senior commissar for "dereliction of duty." On both occasions, the Knight Warden Captain claimed the senior commissar was too weak to see that their local commander failed the Emperor. He argued the Astra Militarum commander's lack of initiative in leadership cost lives and critically threated the defense of the Imperium. Their dark reputation for brutality in close combat and unusual appearance certainly has not helped to diffuse such situations. While these investigations have never found any evidence of taint and often been mysteriously stonewalled by higher echelons of the Inquisition, the Knight Warden's bullish expectations have strained their relationship with some factions of the Inquisition and other Imperial forces, continuing to draw unwanted questions throughout their history. As a result, some Imperial forces welcome them as especially staunch scions of the Emperor's judgement, while others view their new allies with wary suspicion and even fear. Regardless, the Knight Wardens have made it quite clear that they care little how other Imperials view them, for they are the Angels of Death who answer only to the Golden Throne. The Murder of the Stars The [REDACTED] sector had been conquered early in the Great Crusade and seen sporadic naval skirmishes during the Horus Heresy. One of its forgotten worlds, an inhospitable desert planet, was once orbited by the barren moon of Thrago, later also called Midnight. Thrago was the chosen as the site of the fortress monastery, named Midnight, for a new Astartes chapter known as the [REDACTED] to begin their watch over the Imperium. The homeworlds of Astartes, even young chapters, are robust fortresses and a grave challenge to any invaders. But few fortresses are built to expect an assault from under the ancient earth they stand upon.... In 813.M32, there was a great quake across the moon of Midnight creating chasms in the earth and great underground caverns, previously unknown and hidden from auspex, were revealed. Three days later small, strange, metallic scarab-like creatures began to be spotted near these new geologic formations, followed days later by reports of "walking skeletons." Fearing that some Chaotic corruption had befallen their world, the [REDACTED] sent out scout squads to investigate, but none returned. Within 2 weeks the security monitors placed across the moon beyond the fortress monastery all went dead. With the half the chapter away on assignment and the homeworld under threat, the Chapter Master had had enough. Finally full Astartes were sent out on patrol to identify the obvious threat only to find ancient tombs of unknown design in the recently revealed caverns of Midnight. Soon, these patrols began to be ambushed as metallic skeletons and scarabs rose from the depths of the moon, forcing rapid retreats. The outskirts of the fortress monastery began to be plagued by raids from these new enemies, but then came the horde, thousands of metallic horrors spawned from once quite emptiness. More legions emerged from enormous, mobile pyramids from which leapt green beams of death. The [REDACTED] were now under full assault from the unknown denizens of their own domain. As the garrison fought a fierce defense, the companies deployed across the Imperium were sent a single urgent message: "Midnight, this world is a tomb, its prisoners have arisen, even now the hour may be too late. Return immediately! Defend the Chapter!" - Lord Commander [REDACTED] As the rest of the chapter, spread thin across the stars, raced home, those garrisoned fought a disciplined, but desperate defense. They were overwhelmingly outnumbered and outgunned, and it seemed to make little difference how many enemies they defeated. They had destroyed thousands of the damned metal constructs, but more came, led on the second day by a massive pyramid-like structure bristling with weaponry. After 2 days the battered [REDACTED] were already reduced to less than 200 battle-ready Astartes pushed by the enemy to the inner security surrounding the chapter vaults containing their geneseed, relics and armory. On the 3rd day, at dawn, the great constructed loomed perilously close to the final defenses. Left with their last stand, the Lord Commander took the advise of Relusiarch [REDACTED], the destruction of the largest xenos pyramid construct might be their only chance to buy time for reinforcements to arrive. As the remaining chapter armored vehicles and Devastators concentrated all their fire on the glowing center of the construct, it the aforementioned behemoth began to crack, only to be repaired by the scarab-like creatures. However, at last the chapter's dispersed companies began to return to Midnight. As they dislodged their precious reinforcements, the Lord Commander ordered an concentrated orbital bombardment of the great xenos pyramid. The sky rained with fire and the xenos' greatest construct finally shattered, scarab-like creatures falling in great numbers from its cracks. Astartes drop pods hammered into the earth near the last defenders, helping to hold the line, reclaim the wounded, and secure geneseed. But the Astartes knew not what they had unleashed, no longer trapped in its prison, a unidentified, multicolored, flame-like Entity emerged from the ruins of the behemoth, a spectre seemingly unaffected by any punishment hurled against it. The enemy appeared to fear this new horror, the scarab-like creatures frantically attempting to rebuild their great pyramid. Thinking quickly, the Lord Commander ordered the chapter honor guard, Relusiarch, First Captain and Master Vigilator to lead a fighting evacuation, transporting the vaults contents and as many Astartes as possible to the fleet. He would distract the enemy by personally leading a small handful of Battle-Brothers, including a few veterans, to assault the xenos Entity. The chapter officers and honor guard immediately protested, but the Lord Commander simply stated: "You represented the heart and future of the [REDACTED], I am not, if any of our brotherhood are to survive and rebuild, it must be you." Concluding, the Lord Commander gave the Sword of the Drake, the symbol of his office, to First Captain [REDACTED], asserting that he had proven a worthy successor and ordering him to find the [REDACTED] a future. His brothers solemnly accepted his cold, but sound judgement, vowing to hold and ensure the chapter survived as long as any warrior drew breath. The Entity dispensed destruction at all around it, energy lept from its sceptre, a sword slashed, and flame pulsed from an orb, xenos or Astartes made no difference to this terrible creature. It reshaped the earth of the moon at will, used the very geography as a weapon, the terrain cracking and changing unlike anything the Astartes had seen or heard of. The [REDACTED] answered with the Lord Commander's charge, fighting to close with the Entity, the xenos skeleton-like createures simultaneously shifting their focus to trying to prevent the Astartes from reaching the entity and attempting to contain its fury. In the ensuing chaos, most of the strike group were killed, martyrs to their brethren, but for a few, including the Lord Commander, who made it to the Entity. As the last of his brothers fell covering him, Lord Commander [REDACTED] faced down The Baneful Entity. It shaped the earth to shield itself from his blows, before lifting him up and impaling him before its cruel three eyed glare. But he had baited the creature, doubting he would survive this final charge, he held up and detonated a rare vortex grenade, before using his final breath to grant himself the Emperor's Mercy with the last round of his bolt pistol. The Baneful Entity, the would be murderer of his chapter let loose what could only be described as an ancient, strange howl as it and several surrounding xenos were enveloped by the Warp. The small but destructive tear in reality expanded, it magnified the geological devastation wrought by the Entity. As the Astartes quickly retreated to their fleet, the moon of Midnight began to shatter, great pieces swallowed by the Warp rift, along with the xenos hordes. Within a few hours, the Warp rift created by the vortex grenade that doomed the creature, finally collapsed into itself and was no more. All that was left of Midnight, was a scarred crescent, thin by comparison to the original moon, still in its lonely orbit. The ground that remained showed some evidence of the cataclysmic battle, its surface cracked and scorched, with a handful of remaining broken metallic pieces, most of the xenos having been consumed by the Warp rift or the Entity. But perhaps most striking among the wreckage that remained, was the inner sanctum of the fortress monastery of Midnight. Unknown to all, when the Lord Commander claimed a new weapon from the armory for his final charge, he also initiated an hidden, timed, Archeotech shielding system. It seemed that his final sacrifice had bought just enough time for the system to activate, projecting a protective gellar shield around the inner sanctum of the fortress, and had by some miracle allowed this section of the fortress to survive the moon's destruction. The leadership and sacrifice of the Lord Commander of the [REDACTED] had managed to save their chapter, but at great cost, some 700 Battle-Brothers lost, a chapter master dead, a fortress monastery in ruins, and their homeworld dead. Of the few neophytes to survive, each were deemed to have earned the right to their initiation, and underwent to conversion into full Astartes. The new Lord Commander, former First Captain [REDACTED], was confirmed by his brothers and it was he who reached out to the Salamanders for aid in their chapter's hour of need. The creature they faced would become known in their histories as "The Baneful Entity," while the cataclysmic events that doomed their world would be officially referred to as "The Murder of the Stars." The [REDACTED] fallen would be honored as "The Hallowed Ones," with Lord Commander [REDACTED] remembered as "The Knight-Exemplar of Thrago," after which the chapter's Knight-Exemplar formation was later named. The forgotten moon of Thrago, before its destruction. Securing the Future The cataclysmic events at Thrago created a chapter that was shaken by tragedy, but instilled a deep cultural loyalty within the Knight Wardens Astartes brotherhood. Even now, each battle-brother strives to live up to the example of the heroes that sacrificed their lives such another might take their place as a Knight Warden and scion of the Emperor's vision for humanity. With the loss of so many brothers, the Knight Wardens were left with little choice but to call for aid from the chapter that sired them, the Salamanders, thought they also reached out to the Inquisition, seeking to determine what xenos had assailed them. The first Imperials to make contact with the wounded chapter after The Murder of the Stars was, naturally, the Inquisition, in the form of the Ordo Xenos with representatives of the Adeptus Mechanicum as well. They recorded the events and collected evidence with exacting detail before ordering the matter sealed under their writ and swearing the chapter to secrecy regarding this new foe. The Knight Wardens were forever charged with securing Thrago as a forbidden sector. It was later determined that The Murder of the Stars was likely one of the earliest Imperial encounters with the Necron race, this unknown Tomb World likely awakening sooner than intended. It is also the earliest known Imperial encounter both with a Transcendent C'tan and, specifically, what is believed to be a shard of Yggra'nya the World Shaper. Next were the Salamanders, who had heard the Knight Warden's call for assistance, the sons of Vulkan responded with the empathy their chapter is known for. Being the only Imperials outside the Ordo Xenos and AdMech to hear what had happened at Thrago, the Salamanders sent the Knight Wardens a unusual gift. Their emissary, a chapter Ancient [REDACTED], at the instruction of his chapter master, provided the Knight Wardens with coordinates to a sector of space and simply stated "the Salamanders have deemed that the Knight Wardens must survive, go, seek the stars, they present a past future." It was far from Thrago, far from anything familiar to the Knight Wardens, but the Ancient's ominously hopeful statement spurred them to investigate. During this time, the now fleet-based chapter engaged in many battles in defense of the Imperium and developed a well honed talent for naval combat, especially incorporating boarding actions. Several Terran decades after The Murder of the Stars, the AdMech returned with a certain Inquisitor Lawford of the Ordo Xenos, unannounced to the Knight Wardens. The AdMech raised the damaged core of the Knight Warden's former fortress monastery from the dead moon, to begin rebuilding it into a mobile starfort, similar to a Ramilies class. The Inquisitor informed the chapter this unexpected aid was repayment for the research provided by the xenos matter scavenged from the battle and to ensure they could properly secure the now forbidden sector. He had one last item for the chapter, revealing a Mechanicum case containing a broad-bladed long sword, its scabbard, grip, guard and pommel decorated with effigies of lions, horns, talons and fangs. When unsheathed, the true mastery of craftsmanship was revealed, the uniquely decorated powersword had a green-hued razor-sharp blade of perfect quality, able to cut through any material or parry attacks with ease, its energized properties making it nearly impossible to damage. Apparently, the smiths of the Mechanicum had forged this new blade, the first of its kind, from some of the physical remains of the xenos of Midnight, with the decoration done by the Salamanders. The Knight Wardens graciously accepted the blade, which became the new, and now famous, weapon of the Lord Commander, christening it "The Edge of Mignight." In M33, a task force of Knight Wardens encountered a strike force of the Iron Knights Chapter, that that had become trapped on the planet Voldrun. The Iron Knights had besieged the traitorous governor who had fortified the capital hive city, only to be ambushed on all sides by the Alpha Legion. Analysis of the Alpha Legion's attacks showed they appeared to be operating out of three locations, a hidden bunker, the spaceport and governor's offices. The Knight Wardens had studied the reputation of all the traitor legions and knew the only way defeat this snake would be several all its heads at once. So they struck fast and hard at the bunker and spaceport, while a terminator assault would simultaneously hit the governor's offices, all of them with the objective of killing any and all enemy leaders. There was no warning of their brutal assault, only a brief message to their fellow Astartes cousins that "The Wardens will not see another chapter face ruin without aid." This assault created a brief disarray in the Alpha Legion ambush, one that the Iron Knights exploited to collect their wounded, extract the dead's geneseed, fall back and regroup. The presence of the deceitful Alpha Legion on the planet proved it was already lost, so the Angels of Death pulled back to their fleet and commenced an exterminatus, purging the fallen world. The Iron Knights did not recognize their saviors, for there are hundreds of Astartes chapters and it is impossible for each to be familiar with all the others. Iron Knights Force Commander August Bordeaux invited these mysterious Knight Wardens' commander, a certain High Justicar Kadon aboard his strike cruiser. The formal first meeting of two Astartes chapters is a momentous occasion, and this was no different. Honor guards surrounded the officers as they met in the hangar, Iron Knights Terminators and a new elite formation of the Knight Wardens, Knight-Exemplars. As a sign of respect to Force Commander Bordeaux removed his helm in the presence of the Reclusiarch, but surprised not just by the gesture being returned, but by the face that greeted him, of deep blue-ish skin and red eyes. The ancient High Justicar introduced his chapter and when asked of their homeworld, his eyes filled with sorrow, stating only that it had been lost at great cost in "The Murder of the Stars," of which he was a veteran, and that he was sworn to say no more. Bordeaux offered his sympathies, stating that the Iron Knights would pray for the Knight Wardens ancient fallen with their own and that those martyrs would be proud that their chapter lived to save another at Voldrun. He admitted that the unexpected intervention of the Knight Wardens may have robbed the Iron Knights of the honor of executing the traitor leadership, but it certainly saved the strike force, which was otherwise doomed to be slaughtered by the treachery of the Alpha Legion. The Iron Knights force commander was grateful for the aid, though he was humbled that it was needed and at the loss of so many of his brothers. As the chapters parted, Bordeaux proclaimed he would speak well of the Knight Warden's honor and skill to his chapter master, for the Iron Knights now owed their fellow chapter a debt. High Justicar Kadon replied "strike with fury, defend with conviction brother." Thus the Knight Wardens returned to the stars, ever hunting and earning many battle honors in the name of the Emperor and Mankind. But the loss of their homeworld so early had left the Knight Wardens with a need to build a strong cultural core that was not anchored solely in tragedy. Homeworld The Feudal World of Tarnost, Home of the Knight Wardens Within the larger galaxy, the local conflicts of the late medieval population of Tarnost goes mostly unnoticed. The planet exists in a constant state of feudal tension and battle, both between noble houses and the fierce creatures of the planet. There biological toughness and fierce warrior culture make them surprisingly good recruits as potential Astartes. When the Knight Wardens first set foot on Tarnost, their presence shocked the locals. The locals gazed up at these towers as though they were gods, true Angels of Death, but...with an eye as though they were expected...Only in time, would the Knight Wardens reflect differently on the moment they claimed the people of Tarnost as their own. Since that first encounter, the warriors of Tarnost constantly battle not only for their noble houses, but for the notice of the Angels of Death and Emperor of Mankind, for the best of their youth are chosen to join the ever watchful Knight Wardens. These neophytes, should they survive the trials and implantation process, emerge with an appearance that is striking even among Astartes, giants with blue skin and amber red eyes. Gallery of Tarnost Hidden Content Fortress Monastery NEXT The Chapter's current Fortress Monastery was constructed with the assistance and advice of the Iron Knights Chapter, a Imperial Fists successor and master of fortifications, in repayment of a debt for assistance rendered in M33. Some of the walls of the inner vaults are said to be psychically engraved with the dangerous and ancient language of Enuncia. *thinking of a 40k Hand of Thrawn analog* *forging capabilities* - godwyn ultima, ultra, phobos pattern bolters, iron, heresy, maximus (achaen), aquila, mark X pattern armor, mIV maximus, mVII pattern jump packs Knight Wardens Librarius The chapter Librarians tend to develop a unusually strong aptitude for telekinetic and precognitive psychic abilities. On the battlefield it is common for their Librarians to be seen hurling objects or individuals across varying distances as unexpected, but dangerous projectiles. Telekinetic ability, like many psychic powers, varies greatly throughout the chapter Librarius, but is clearly a natural talent of the Knight Wardens. They also display the ability to predict the enemies' strategic decisions before they can enact them, with such counsel allowing the chapter's field commanders to outmaneuver their enemies with ease, while limiting the threat to Imperial forces. This precognitive ability in particular seems to grow more potent as the Librarians age, with groups led by senior Librarians having been able to predict entire planetary campaigns. Chapter Geneseed While official records maintain the Knight Warden's descend directly from the Salamanders, chapter discoveries after The Murder of the Stars appear to confirm lineage from an Astartes group known only as "The Azure Chimeras." This knowledge remains exclusive to the Knight Wardens themselves and the Salamanders, who appear to have been aware of their successor's true lineage, though it is unknown if they have any further information or would share it. Extremely little is known of these mysterious "Azure Chimeras," as the Knight Wardens have the only known evidence of their existence, which dates to at least 3rd Founding. Regardless, the limited records do indicate the Azure Chimeras showed higher levels of radiological resistance, advanced cellular repair, the distinguishing deep blue skin pigmentation and "ember-like" red eyes (the entire eye), exactly like the Knight Wardens. It has been noted that the blue skin hue and ember qualities of their red eyes often darkens and intensifies respectively, in particularly old Knight Wardens Astartes, such as High Justicar Kadon, or in exposure to extreme radiation. With such mutations, it is easy to see how the Knight Wardens could be passed off as members of Vulkan's geneline, but their most distinguishing pigmentation mutations are not exhibited by an other chapter of Salamanders lineage. This combination of effects, coupled with their Astartes might, often stuns onlookers at first contact, even among other Astartes. To mere mortals, their shocking appearance, dark armor and vicious efficiency in close quarters battles often creates an sensation of pure fear far more potent than an encounter with a more human-looking Astartes. The effect of their appearance and their style of warfare has raised unwelcome questions of purity and loyalty on multiple occasions. Chapter Culture As stated previously, the Knight Warden chapter is a cultural fusion of the ways of Vulkan and the medieval feudalism of Tarnost. They are famous for their stubbornness, brutality in close combat and ruthlessness strategic acumen, but are also known as proud and intensely loyal servants of the Emperor. For while their Astartes are notoriously fierce in melee combat, they noted to never lose control of their savagery, instead appearing as coldly calculating warriors. The more positive and strategically adept qualities of the chapter has helped form bonds with some servants of the Imperium, while their intolerance for failure, due to weakness or lack of initiative, has created serious issues with other Imperials. Organization & Special Ranks The Knight Wardens are only partly compliant with the Codex Astartes, viewing the text as a guide more than a law. The chapter is usually slightly under or over 1000 Astartes at any given time, but since rebuilding after The Murder of the Stars, they are almost always at full strength, something no outsider has a clear answer to. Most of the chapter companies, specifically the 2nd through 9th, are battle companies while the 1st remains a veteran formation and the 10th is a reserve and training company. Each of these companies, except the 10th, is always kept at 100 Astartes, any loses are replaced as quickly as possible. Typically 7-8 companies are deployed at any given time in pairs, each strike group led by one of the Chapter senior command staff, such as the Seneschal. One of the battle companies and the 10th is always based out of the fortress monastery, with reserve recon squads from the 10 reinforcing the deployed companies. The 1st Company typically operates as a roving reserve, typically deploying with either the Lord Commander or Seneschal. The chapter also has a few elite formations outside of the main Codex approved organizational structure that are part of the chapter headquarters and attached to field commands as needed. One is the Knight-Exemplars, which are essentially a small cadre of the most elite veterans with full access to the chapter armory, who report to the Seneschal. Highly flexible, they are often used as company command squads, master trainers and special mission leaders, as they are trained to operate in small squads or even individually. They equip themselves quite similarly to Vengeance Squads, with advanced bolters, combit-plasma bolters, and a favored power weapon being fairly standard. Some Sergeants of the Knight-Exemplars use dual pistols and a two-handed power weapon, sometimes denoting themselves with a white shoulder cape. All Knight-Exemplars wear armor similar to Sternguard, with their status indicated by an all white left shoulder pauldron with a gold crux terminatus, a white helm with a gold crux on the forehead, and usually golden laurels somewhere on their armor. Knight-Exemplars, though they have earned the right to its use, never use Terminator armor. That is partly because the chapter's other specialist elites, the Chimeran Dreadknights, exclusively use the unique Mark X Chimera-pattern Terminator armor that is being developed by the chapter. The Chimeran Dreadknights are a very new formation in the chapter composed entirely of Primaris veterans, in this case often Firstborn who have crossed the Rubicon Primaris, and are led by a Consul who is a member of the Chapter command. Though they are also an ultra elite shock troop, their main mission is to spearhead the reclamation of new Archeotech and any information regarding the lost early history of the chapter. In contrast to many of their fellow Knight Wardens, these elites have honed the Knight Warden's ruthless, calculating methodology to the extreme, showing great discipline, with a restrained brutality. +Officer Ranks+ Lord Commander - Chapter Master, nominated by vote by all Knight Wardens, chosen by the officers High Warden of Tarnost - honorary title of Chapter Master as ruler of Tarnost Seneschal - Chapter Second in Command, Equerry to the Lord Commander and commander of the Knight-Exemplars, nominated and chosen by votes from the Sergeants and Battle-Brothers Captain? Iron Captain - a specialist rank for the most skilled armored warfare commander in the chapter Decurion - Lieutenant +Specialists Ranks+ Arch-Magister - Chief Librarian High Justicar - Relusiarch Primus Hospitalier - Chief Apothecary Lord Alchemancer - Master of the Forge Consul - Commander of the Chimeran Dreadknights Centurion - Commander of the Chapter Honor Guard Master - A title awarded to brothers considered experts in a specialization or piece of wargear, such as master terminator or master devastator. Some are unique ranks of specialist chapter officers. Master of Signal - Chief chapter communications officer Ancient - Honorary title of Dreadnoughts and Banner-Bearers? Ancient of Rites - Senior-most Dreadnought Knight of the Banner - Chapter Ancient Knight-Paladin - Chapter Champion Warden - Chaplain, a term used by the chapter and the local Tarnostians Equerry - Ancient title-rank for the aide to officers, usually held by a Veteran Sergeants or Librarian Paladin - Company Champion Knight Hospitalier - Senior Company Apothecary Epistolary - Senior Librarian Battlemage - Librarian +Line Ranks+ Veteran Sergeant Sergeant Battle-Brother Veteran Apprentice - Neophyte equivalent +Specialists Formations+ Brethren of the Crescent - An elite honor guard formation of their greatest warriors who protect the Lord Commander and carry the Chapter Banner into battle. Chimeran Dreadknights - An new Primaris marine, elite terminator unit, focused on reclaiming Archeotech and early chapter history. First marines to use the new Chimera-pattern Terminator armor. Knight-Exemplars - Elite veteran non-terminator unit often used as command squads and special mission leaders. Denoted by white helms and left pauldron with a gold crux terminatus inlaid with a gothc numeric one, white left knee, and usually laurels somewhere on their armor. Since identifying with their suspected true chapter origins, their breastplates are often adored with a horned maned lion's head or lion's skull, that is winged or laureled, possibly with limited use of scale motifs on parts of their armor. Combat Doctrine As each Battle Brother hails from the common warrior culture of their homeworld of Tarnost, (with very few exceptions), the chapter has developed a renown expertise in brutal close combat warfare. Over the course of their service to the Imperium, the Knight Wardens have developed a particularly vicious reputation in melee combat reminiscent of such savage chapters as The Executioners and Caracharodons. This dark reputation combined with their lack of tolerance for failure has cause many problems in the past, including clashes with other servants of the Imperium. The chapter has modified their squad organization to better fit their chosen method of war. Specifically, Tactical Squads have been replaced with "Vengeance" Squads and jump-pack equipped Assault Squads have been renamed "Reaper" Squads. In combat, the Knight Wardens favor preemptive strikes and shock assaults. Typically, an armored assault will rapidly advance, before dismounting Vengeance Squads, who then use their ranged firepower to advance, while the armor and Devastator Squads pin the enemy in place and eliminate enemy armor or fortifications. Once the Vengeance Squads close, they fall on the enemy in a fierce melee, simultaneously, Reaper Squads will use their maneuverability to target the crews of any enemy fortifications that are still intact. As the enemy cohesion crumbles and rear formations continue to be pummeled by supporting fire, Veteran units will often be deployed in shock assaults on strategic weak points, finally shattering enemy morale. Through this strategy, the Knight Wardens aim to brake the enemy's organizational effectiveness and morale as quickly as possible, allowing their forces to, often quite literally tear their foes to pieces, claiming victory for the Imperium. Many Knight Wardens carry a powerblade weapon as their chosen melee weapon, usually in the shape of a short sword or a Tarnostian Messer. The Tarnostian Messer is a weapon commonly used by warriors of their homeworld, the weapon being modelled very closely off of the Germanic Messer of ancient Terra, which was a broad bladed, single edged weapon resembling a giant knife. Their Astartes also favor Chainaxes, Power Swords, Power Maces, with Power Axes and Lightning Claws being popular among Reaper Squads. Somewhat oddly, it is rare to find Chainswords, easily the most common Astartes melee weapon, outside of Reaper Squads, although the larger Eviscerator is sometimes used by veterans. But of all weapons, there is one every battle brother favors above all others, a unique pattern of power mace found only within their chapter - the Crescent-pattern Power Mace. The Crescent-pattern has the head of the mace formed from 6 razor-sharp crescents, like that found on their chapter badge, hence the name. This creates a weapon that combines the crushing blunt force of a power weapon wielded by a super-human with traumatic blades that tear open a wound when the weapon is retrieved from an enemy, both crushing bone and causing massive internal damage. In the hands of a well trained warrior like an Astartes, a single well aimed blow from one of these weapons will mortally wound almost any enemy. (OC - *inserts gif* "power maces? no, much more better!"*) Relics The limited knowledge of their secret early history and cultural craftsman mentality has developed a chapter known for collectors of war material, particularly Archeotech. And the while the Knight Wardens heavily limit the Adeptus Mechanicus' access to their geneseed, their technology collection has none-the-less developed a very profitable relationship with the techpriests of Mars. ++Notable Chapter Relics++ The Edge of Midnight - Amongst the tales told to every Tarnostian child of the coming of the Emperor's Angels, one of the greatest is the legend of The Emerald Blade of "The Great King" of the Angels of Death. When the Knight Wardens claimed Tarnost, one the world's greater nobles, a Duke, foolishly defied them. The Knight Wardens Chapter Master challenged the Duke to a duel, which the man arrogantly accepted. They met on a bridge, surrounded on each bank by spectators, but it was an inevitably short duel, if it could even be called such. The Knight Warden's Lord Commander, whom the locals called "The Great King," slowly drew his blade, a broad longsword made from a green hued metal, and with a single strike carved the Duke in half, ending this rebellion. "The Emerald Blade" is the mythical name given by the locals to The Edge of Midnight, the traditional weapon of the Lord Commander and one of his badges of office, which was forged after The Murder of the Stars. In return for the Knight Wardens turning over was limited xenos technology they had recovered from that cataclysm, the Adeptus Mechanicus forged a blade from the metallic material which formed the bodies of the xenos. This would later be identified as necrontyr, The Edge of Midnight is one of the earliest known uses of the material in a weapon by the Imperium. The weapon is a precious relic that is very similar to the xenophase blades now used by the Deathwatch, although it takes the form of a broad longsword and strangely appears to be immune the energies of C'tan shards, unlike many other necrontyr based weapons. Sword of the Drake - This gift from the Salamanders was once the sword of the Chapter Master, until it was replaced by The Edge of Midnight, now traditionally wielded by either the Seneschal or First Captain. Wrath of Thrago - The first ever Crescent-pattern Power Mace, this massive, two-handed eveningstar-style weapon has an unusually strong powerfield projector. The badge of office of the Knight-Paladin, Chapter Champion, the powerfield generator of the Wrath of Thrago actually creates a small, brief energy burst when striking a target, similar to a power hammer. This causes the unfortunate target to stumble backward, and allows the Chapter Champion to easily retrieve his weapon from the wound to more quickly strike again. The Oathcloth of the Warden/The Shroud of Ghosts - The first chapter banner of the Knight Wardens, though it is no flies as a banner, instead remaining one their holiest relics. It flew in The Murder of the Stars and is marred by munition holes, burns, tares, and stains of Battle-Brothers' blood. The damage was never repaired out respect for the sacrifices of the fallen, instead being sealed in stasis in the Reclusiam, upon which each neophyte swears their oath to the Emperor, Mankind and the Knight Wardens. On only the most dire and rare of circumstances, and only at the order of the Lord Commander, is the sacred, armored stasis casket containing the banner taken into battle atop a relic land raider, commanded by the Chapter Ancient. The Price of Rebirth - The second banner of the Knight Wardens, created after The Murder of the Stars. It commemorates the sacrifices of the chapter with a Knight Warden bearing a Crescent-pattern power mace, standing over a field of Battle-Brother and Necron corpses, one of the xenos at his feet, with the broken crescent-shaped remains of Thrago/Midnight in the background with an Astartes fleet and the Imperial Aquila, its heads weeping, in the background. Recently it has also had a Chimera-like creature, stalking the Astartes, added to the field of corpses; it has the body and head of a maned lion, with horns, a scaled back with a snake-like tail, and black-blue wings. 1 Fellblade Superheavy Tank 1 Spartan Assault Tank 1 Sabre Strike Tank armed with a Volkite Saker At least 1 non-functional Scimitar Pattern Jetbike Several Caestus Assault Rams A handful of Xiphon Interceptors Several Primaris Lightning Strike Fighters Chapter Fleet As they were once a fleet-based chapter, the Knight Wardens have a formidable collection of warships, many of them reclaimed or captured the centuries before being tech-cleansed and modified to their needs. The Knight Wardens have a habit of naming their vessels after Loyalist heroes and famous battles of the Horus Heresy. Vengeance of Rylanor - Strike Cruiser, named after the Loyalist Emperor's Children Ancient of Rites who defied his Traitor Primarch in battleErrant Son - Vanguard Cruiser, believe to be named after the first Knight-Errant Nathaniel Garro Deathwatch Service *Section for showing how the chapter has developed relationships with other chapters through DW service and story of regarding 2 relic power maces that becomes tradition for KW in DW (inspired by my reading of Deathwatch: Ignition)* The Secret of The Warrior The Warrior is an Astartes of the Deathwatch, a Blackshield devoid of all chapter iconography, he usually keeps to the sparring cages, armory and librarium, offering to test the skills of his fellows and share his expertise. He is well respected for his skills and flexibility, but is always at home where the fighting is thickest, often challenging enemy champions. Only the Knight Wardens know that he was once one of their own, a secret kept for all time, that one of their brethren once strayed perilously close to Chaotic corruption. As penance, this battle brother cast aside his name and took up the Blackshield to join the Deathwatch, sparing his chapter the public shame and dishonor, now only identifying by his callsign, Warrior. Every Knight Warden learns the tale so as keep them humble and guarded against the influence of Chaos. While to others in the Deathwatch he is simply another mysterious Blackshield, each Knight Warden to serve the watch knows The Warrior's real identity and many are tested by him in the sparring cages. Dramatis Personae Chief Librarian: Arch-Magister Ingo Quest Allies Judicators Shadow Hawks Angels Excelsior Phantoms of Sotha Adversaries Red Scorpions - Ever since an incident where grave insults were levied against each other, the chapters refuse to fight along each other. The Knight Wardens claim it started when the hyper puritanical Red Scorpions saw their faces for the first time. Recent Events REDO Recently, battle-brothers serving with the Deathwatch have discovered ancient writings from their early history and artifacts long thought permanently lost. But while these findings often present chapters with reason for celebration, these instead offer mysterious and potentially grave realizations. As stated previously, the very first battle-brothers of the chapter lacked the now characteristic blue skin, as they did not hail from Tarnost, but where did they come from? The ancient tale told to neophytes for thousands of years claim they were brothers of the Salamanders and the Storm Giants, but is that the whole truth? The writings found while in service to the Deathwatch suggest that at least one battle-brother may have hailed from non-Vulkan lineage. The artifacts, a partial suit of armor and the oathseal of one of the ancient Crescent Maces, point to the unthinkable. Based on the seals of the parchment and armor as well as fragments of mostly burnt paint, that warrior belonged to the II Legion, a Lost Legion, which by all accounts is thought impossible. All records of those Legions, their sires and their fates is expunged, yet here a piece remains. The legions were known to have existed at some point, but the fate of their warriors after they were "lost" was never disclosed. Various information implied that their warriors were at least partially absorbed into other legions. If that were true, could it be possible that one of these warriors had survived past the heresy? Even so, these possibilities did not answer why such an Astartes was allowed to help form a new chapter or why his armor was apparently deliberately burnt. Despite providing more unwanted questions than answers, this does present the chapter with a closely guarded new truth. The Knight Wardens are a far older chapter than anyone, including themselves, believed, whose origins are not as set-in-stone as the records tell. For now, the Knight Wardens wisely keep this information among their highest leadership and the Emperor himself. *OC - see what I did there? Set-in-stone, feudal culture? Chapter Appearance The Knight Wardens primarily wear black power armor with portions of their armor painted midnight blue, including; the majority of the backpack, the left armorial inset, the right armorial trim, the right coutre (elbow guard) both greaves and sabatons and the left poleyn (knee guard). The remaining portions of their armor is painted black. The Aquila or Imperialis worn on their plastron (chest guard) is also midnight blue in color with a silver skull. The eye lenses are deep red and detailing is usually silver. The Knight Wardens Chapter badge takes the form of a large silver skull, superimposed over a set of crossed power maces and centered above a crescent moon on a field of midnight blue. Company assignment is indicated by right poleyn (knee guard) and denoted as follows - 1st Company: Crux Terminatus, 2nd: Vertical Midnight Blue Stripe on Black, 3rd: Three Horizontal Midnight Blue Stripes on Black, 4th: MIdnight Blue and Black Quartering, 5th: Midnight Blue V-shaped Arrow on Black, 6th: Midnight Blue X on Black, 7th: Midnight Blue and Black Diagonal Halving, 8th: Midnight Blue and Black Checkering, 9th: Horizontal Halving of Midnight Blue over Black, 10th: Midnight Blue Circle within a Black Roundel. On the right armorial inset, they stencil a large silver colored squad specialist symbol, which indicates a battle-brother's squad specialty (Close Support, Fire Support, Battleline, Veteran or Command). Squad assignment is indicated on the right armorial, by a small gothic numeral stenciled over the silver colored squad specialization symbol, and on the right poleyn (knee guard) in silver. A larger silver colored gothic numeral stenciled on the left poleyn indicates a battle-brother's assigned company. Marine Images Color Scheme - Chaos Black, Midnight Blue, Charadon Granite, Mechrite Red, Mithril Silver ++Special Thanks++ For your great feedback and help in this project: The B&C community, especially, Olis, Brother Tyler, Kelborn, Bjorn Firewalker, Grey Hunter Ydalir, Gamiel, Brother Lunkhead, & Ace Debonair To the Artists & Admins of Homebrew Wiki: Algrim Whitefang & Achilles Prime Edited November 18, 2023 by The Lord Marshal KBA 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted April 21, 2017 Share Posted April 21, 2017 (edited) You don't need radiation to explain blue skin. Not at all. In my opinion, you could either have a widespread genetic abnormality among the native populace that carries over to the Chapter or, something that can be used with fewer possible problems, simply have the genetic abnormality occur from a mildly mutated Melanchromic Organ. Edited April 21, 2017 by Olis Abhor the typo! Gamiel and Lord Marshal Ragnrok 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4715595 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted April 21, 2017 Share Posted April 21, 2017 [Old Guy Warning] What the heck is Chiss? [/Old Guy Warning] Lord Marshal Ragnrok 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4715598 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted April 21, 2017 Share Posted April 21, 2017 [Old Guy Warning] What the heck is Chiss? [/Old Guy Warning] Star Wars. Grand Admiral Thrawn. Yeah, sure. Sounds interesting. Lord Marshal Ragnrok 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4715604 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted April 21, 2017 Share Posted April 21, 2017 (edited) [Old Guy Warning] What the heck is Chiss? [/Old Guy Warning] Don't worry, I had to look it up - I'm not well versed in the relevant fandom besides the films... It's a Star Wars thing. Edit - Damnit. Ninja'd. Edited April 21, 2017 by Olis Lord Marshal Ragnrok 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4715605 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted April 21, 2017 Share Posted April 21, 2017 Sure, why not? Are you intending to give them an icy homeworld and a focus on spec ops / scouts? They could have a widespread system of small outposts and the likes to watch over a certain, vast region. Relying on these outposts and their gathered information, the chapter moves out and faces dire threads. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4715678 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted April 21, 2017 Share Posted April 21, 2017 My chapter have light blue skin as I suck at painting skin tones. 1) As a homage to Rogue Trooper the Genetic Infantryman. 2) It looks cool! Gamiel and Lord Marshal Ragnrok 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4715744 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Claws and Effect Posted April 21, 2017 Share Posted April 21, 2017 (edited) You don't need radiation to explain blue skin. Not at all. In my opinion, you could either have a widespread genetic abnormality among the native populace that carries over to the Chapter or, something that can be used with fewer possible problems, simply have the genetic abnormality occur from a mildly mutated Melanchromic Organ. Hmm. Perhaps the whole planet is permeated by silver oxide, leading to bluish skin on the natives after several years? Edited April 21, 2017 by Realityburn Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4716350 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted April 22, 2017 Share Posted April 22, 2017 Hmm. Perhaps the whole planet is permeated by silver oxide, leading to bluish skin on the natives after several years? Possibly. Although maybe saying the water on said world is contaminated with it instead of the whole planet - such an abundance of silver probably could have led to it being harvested by the Mechanicus long before any astartes turned up. Lord Marshal Ragnrok 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4716404 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Marshal Ragnrok Posted April 22, 2017 Author Share Posted April 22, 2017 (edited) Wow glad to see so much interest! You don't need radiation to explain blue skin. Not at all. In my opinion, you could either have a widespread genetic abnormality among the native populace that carries over to the Chapter or, something that can be used with fewer possible problems, simply have the genetic abnormality occur from a mildly mutated Melanchromic Organ. that is a damn good idea that way simpler XD My chapter have light blue skin as I suck at painting skin tones. 1) As a homage to Rogue Trooper the Genetic Infantryman. 2) It looks cool! As good a justification as any! Hmm. Perhaps the whole planet is permeated by silver oxide, leading to bluish skin on the natives after several years? Possibly. Although maybe saying the water on said world is contaminated with it instead of the whole planet - such an abundance of silver probably could have led to it being harvested by the Mechanicus long before any astartes turned up. I love how there is actually technical discussion of the possibility of a world that is basically (sort of) super fricking rich I will get on this tomorrow sometime hopefully (i am wayyyy too fricking tired right now). got some good ideas i brainstormed (oddly thought of them while i was sleeping and actually remember?), including a signature weapon with a story inspired by my current read material - the excellent Deathwatch novel Ignition. Edited April 22, 2017 by The Lord Marshal Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4716448 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Marshal Ragnrok Posted April 27, 2017 Author Share Posted April 27, 2017 sorry plans changed a bit. working on this now XD Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4723362 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted April 27, 2017 Share Posted April 27, 2017 No rush, brother. Just get what you can up when you can. Although I'd like to say any progress is better than none (don't worry about posting a small amount, it's momentum that will be the key). Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4723394 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Marshal Ragnrok Posted April 27, 2017 Author Share Posted April 27, 2017 got a good bit done in between long phone calls, checking on RL etc. Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4723480 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Marshal Ragnrok Posted May 12, 2017 Author Share Posted May 12, 2017 on vacation. will return to this next week brothers. sorry about the delay Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4738788 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 Not a problem, brother. You work to your own timetable. We can wait. :tu: Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4739003 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted May 15, 2017 Share Posted May 15, 2017 Hum, I'd recommend against saying the local populace having any kinds of genetic anomalies, or abnormalities based on environment, for the simple reason that Space Marines wouldn't recruit from such people normally. That's not to say you can't find some way of explaining the blue skin in the marines - perhaps it could be explained as part of a special implantation process? Or perhaps the nobles of the planet had such an abnormality in the past, and despite it being now healed, the people of the planet still favour applying wode to their skin to ressemble their warrior ancestors, a tradition that carried over to the chapter? I'd also recommend removing the crescent from the chapter badge, and not describing them as "power maces" but simply as "maces" - the crescent would make the emblem too visually complicated, and calling them maces just sounds nicer in heraldic terms. Finally I'd recommend against making direct comparisons to canon chapters, as it sounds more like boasting: "ooh, my guys are as good as the best of the best, so that makes me part of the best of the best". Not only that, but indicating that they are well known throughout the galaxy seems to contradict your theme of the Chiss (who are comparatively unknown in Star Wars at the time of the Galactic Empire) - keep them more discreet :) Lord Marshal Ragnrok 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4740784 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted May 16, 2017 Share Posted May 16, 2017 hm...I have to agree with you, old friend. :) Avoid genetic anomalies. Keep it rather simple like the Salamanders have it. Their skin tone is a result of both, radiation and geneseed. But I assume that Nocturne's population is "black" as well, aye? I had a look on the wookieepedia article of the Chiss. Maybe this might help you: The Chiss were a near-Human species distinguished by their blue skin and glowing red eyes, which grew darker depending on the oxygen content of their surroundings. The more oxygen present, the more intense the color of their eyes and skin tone. While their hair was typically jet black, it did on rare occasions go gray with age (most Chiss believed that the development of gray hair was an indication of the siring of exceptional children). Their physical form led to some speculation on whether they were an offshoot of humanity's ancient expansions into the galaxy or whether their physical form coincidentally matched that of Humans. However, genetic analysis indicated that they were an offshoot of humanity, and it was believed that moving underground led to a divergence between them and baseline Humans. Furthermore, this analysis indicated that their unique skin tone was the result of exposure to glacial minerals. Their blue skin, jet black hair and red eyes generally commanded attention once they were in a crowd of regular humanoids, and these features made them physically striking and instantly recognizable.. Male and female Chiss tend to be more powerfully built when compared to Humans but exhibit the same variances as Humanoid sexes. A Chiss stood between either 1.6 to 2.1 meters in height[3] though an average height of an adult was believed to be 1.7 meters. I think that you could make use of it. Make their skin tone a result of their homeworlds environment like glacial minerals or something like this. Give it a higher gravity, a certain deadly eco-system and you should have a basic idea to work with. :) Lord Marshal Ragnrok 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4743805 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Marshal Ragnrok Posted December 4, 2017 Author Share Posted December 4, 2017 sorry i havent been around. i will read the latest comments here. i did just finish HH Shatter Legions, which was excellent, and it gave me some ideas for how to better approach the chapter culture, given that they are Salamanders descents. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-4950917 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Marshal Ragnrok Posted May 9, 2018 Author Share Posted May 9, 2018 after quite a long time. finally a proper update. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-5076853 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 9, 2018 Share Posted May 9, 2018 I think it's pointless to link the Knight Wardens to the long-lost II Legion, unless it's part of an elaborate ruse, e.g., the Alpha Legion is trying to make the Chapter turn traitor, by claiming the Imperium will purge the Knight Wardens as the Emperor purged the II Legion. Gamiel 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-5076926 Share on other sites More sharing options...
SickSix Posted May 9, 2018 Share Posted May 9, 2018 I agree with moving away from blue humans on the planet. But the Salamander gene-seed could react with a different type of radiation in the system that turns marines blue instead of black. Grey Hunter Ydalir 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-5076979 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Marshal Ragnrok Posted May 21, 2018 Author Share Posted May 21, 2018 I think it's pointless to link the Knight Wardens to the long-lost II Legion, unless it's part of an elaborate ruse, e.g., the Alpha Legion is trying to make the Chapter turn traitor, by claiming the Imperium will purge the Knight Wardens as the Emperor purged the II Legion. to be honest that idea may be here more as a placeholder for the idea, than actually remaining. I agree with moving away from blue humans on the planet. But the Salamander gene-seed could react with a different type of radiation in the system that turns marines blue instead of black. i get what your saying, its just have it be partially caused by pre-Astartification stuff makes it more permanent? if you get what I mean. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-5087370 Share on other sites More sharing options...
SickSix Posted June 7, 2018 Share Posted June 7, 2018 No, I guess I am not quite getting it. If you are married to the idea, I just suggest making it more subtle. Like maybe their skin only has a blue hue in the right light. And then the Astartes process hyper activates the genetic adaption to make them true blue marines. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-5100902 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Marshal Ragnrok Posted July 17, 2020 Author Share Posted July 17, 2020 (edited) Covid has given me time to get the creative buzz going so I plan to do some work to this again. thinking of reworking an old idea of mine for the culture by maybe connecting them with a specific loyalist chapter/splinter group/successor chapter. not sure tho Edited July 27, 2020 by The Lord Marshal Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-5565339 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grey Hunter Ydalir Posted July 30, 2020 Share Posted July 30, 2020 To quote the Fugitive: "What is this? A moderator convention?" I think you might be getting the cart before the blue-skinned-horse. You seem to be looking at the Chiss from an entirely skin-deep perspective. You're focusing so much on the blue-skin and red eyes of the Chiss, you're kind of missing what actually makes them interesting as aliens in the Star Wars setting. They're isolationist, they have technology that is similar to established galactic standards, sometimes being parallel in terms of intended function, like Masers vs Turbolasers for example. Their isolationist nature means they are mysterious and misunderstood, sometimes deliberately by their own hand, the people of the unknown regions for example often speak with fear of the Chiss Ascendency. It's the entire reason Thrawn and his story arc exists, because they needed someone to both manipulate as well as learn from the major galactic powers to protect the Ascendency. They also have a very rigid class system and many noble houses, but instead of machiavellian politics, they push for service of the state and their own houses specialization, such as Thrawns household in the military. They tend to be very rigid in doctrine, such as never initiating conflict, to the extent of being unable to justify a first-strike on an enemy they knew was coming for them. As such you know they hold their households honour in high esteem. "But one fact has always remained constant: The Chiss must be approached from a position of strength and respect. One must have strength, for the Chiss will deal only with those capable of keeping their promises. One must have respect, for the Chiss must believe that those promises will be kept." ―Passage from Mitth'raw'nuruodo journal[src] So to boil it down, what makes the Chiss who they are as a 'character' race in Star wars can be broken down to just a few lines: Isolationist to the point of secrecy. View everything through a utilitarian lense. Great warriors, proud and intensely loyal to one another. Oligarchic society of noble houses, but mandated both in law and culture to serve the whole rather than themselves. Unwilling to get involved in affairs that didn't directly relate to their people or security. I don't mean to come off as negative, that's not what I'm driving at. I'm a huge fan of Thrawn, huge fan. He's a military genius and badass who ascends typical martial character tropes and instead focuses on art and culture as a means of judging his opponent. What this isn't based on is his blue skin and red eyes, that's just a way to frame his experiences within the Empire during his time, to really bring in to focus how xenophobic the Empire could be, and in many ways illustrate how backward racism can be when you can discount someone's intelligence and experience just based on how they are different to you. Don't get me wrong I'm not slagging you off here, I'm merely trying to point out that there might be more to the Chiss than what you seem to be focusing on. I agree, it's a cool look, in Star Wars: The Old Republic mmo I have a Chiss Imperial Agent, inspired by Thrawn, just for this very reason. There are plenty of other Star Wars aliens who are infinitely less interesting, like the introduction of the 'sith' race of red skinned force users, which felt forced and unnecessary. Or cherry pick any other wild looking but otherwise minor species in the setting. Where the Chiss are a very minor species when taken as a whole in the setting, have gained some major inclusions and references in games and other media - due to the insane fan reaction to Thrawn and his cult status amongst the fans - that they otherwise would not have. If you want to do blue skinned marines, go for it. I don't see a problem, so long as you can write it well enough almost anything is possible. However, if you're basing them off the Chiss, I'd just suggest a deeper dive into their culture and character. KBA, Gamiel, Donkey Kong and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/333115-knight-wardens-active-construction/#findComment-5574485 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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