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The Reaper's Hammer Crusade: New Fluff!

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So, aside from one Primarus Hellblaster, it turns out I have 3,915 points of Primarus stuff to get painted. Knightfall is upon us! What should I vow? I have:



1) Marshal (Captain) in Phobos armor

2) The BT box Marshal w/sword and plasma pistol

3) Another Primarus Marshal (Captain) w/HBP/PS and RS

4) Primarus Chaplain w/HBP and Crozius

5) The new EC

6) Lieutenant in Phobos armor



1) 10 man Infiltrator squad

2) 5 man Intercessor squad w/2AGL, BR

3) 5 man Intercessor squad w/SBR

4) The new Primarus Crusader squad (HBP & ACS of course!)



1) Bladeguard Ancient

2) Bladeguard vets (3)

3) Invictor Tactical Warsuit (the Rilpey walker!) w/twin Ironhail autocannon

4) Judicar

5) 10-man Reiver squad

6) 5-man Assault Terminator Squad w/3 TH/SS, 2 2LC


Fast Attack:

1) Invader ATV w/OGC

2) Outrider squad (3)

3) Strom Speeder Hailstrike

4) Suppressor Squad (3)


Heavy Support:

1) Eliminator Squad (3)

2) Eradicator squad w/MR

3) Gladiator Reaper (i have all the parts for the Impulsor also)

4) Hellblasters (5) w/HPI

5) Hellblasters (4) w/PI (need clarification if I can even vow this one, as I already painted one of them up)

6) Repulsor w/3x SB, AL, HOGC, IHS, OSG, TLC

7) Repulsor Executioner w/ AL, 2xfragstorm, HOGC, 2xSB, THB, TIIHS, HLD, IHS


Some? All? What do I vow if only some? Is 3 months enough to do it all? Decisions, decisions...



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So, I'm taking today to finish my BT Primarus Crusader Squad (1 Initiate w/PF and 4 Neophytes w/BP-CS to go), then I vow it all! For obvious reasons, once I make my vow, I'll be going dark for a while. I'll try to update this thread with pics of progress, but almost 4.000pts is a pretty ambitious vow. I have a LOT of work cut out for me! So, wish me luck, and fluff will continue after this challenge has been met!

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So, as I wrap up the build on my Primarus Crusader Squad and get my pics for the Knightfall vow in line, it just occurred to me that someone out there is asking a question:


"Hey, Sword Brother, you sure have a lot of stuff there, but I don't see any Assault Intercessors. I also see that you have the BT box, but didn't list the Redemptor. Why Not?" I hear the currently fictitious voices ask.


The answer is simple, I say to you! I have something planned for the 20 Assault Intercessors, and it's currently in the works. There is no way, unless the God-Emperor Himself somehow intervenes with more time in the day, that my plans for them will be able to be accomplished in the set time with SOOOOO much else that needs paint at this point. As for the Redemptor, I have to give that one some hard thought as to what I'm going to do with it, i.e. pose and decorations.


Already biting off a lot here. Lets make sure the meal I'm making can go down without failure (I may already be setting myself up for 'Oathbreaker'. but what a way to go!)

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Got all the rest of the Infantry models and the bikes/ATV through primer and about half through base coat. I'm going to be focusing on the Infantry models first, as they are the largest block of models to paint, then move in on the vehicles. The "Ripley walker" falls somewhere in between, so it'll get done when it does, I guess. Gonna try to have all of the Infantry zenithal painted by the end of the day.

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So, over the course of a 4 day weekend (took some time off for US Veterans Day), I got what is pictured above done and most of the base/shade coats done on the Intercessors (all 10). I should be able to wrap them up tonight after work. Glad to be moving this along! This challenge has certainly kicked me in the 4-point-of-contact to actually pick up my brushes again and get to work!


EDIT: On another note, I'll be glad to be rid of the Neophyte banner below, especially as I see other brothers completing their vows!

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Well, try as I might, still no progress to speak of. This sickness is something else, let me tell you. Every time I even begin to get stuck in painting, the fog in my head gets worse. I don't want to screw up the job I've been doing so far (which is only TTS IMO) and have to start again when I'm feeling better. Better to just wait and trust that I'll be back at the brushes soon. Thank you all for your well wishes, and I'll keep this thread updated as I go.:biggrin.:

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So, I consulted with the Apothecary, and he looked at me crazily, saying "We've discussed this before Sword Brother. 250ml of blessed Promethium 3x a day followed by swallowing a lit match! Stop wasting my time!"


So, I'm not all the way back yet, but I'm doing a lot better than I have been in the last few days, so long as I remain medicated. Today, I'm back at the paint station. Thank all of you for your concern and support!

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Okay, after a late start to the painting day and working well into the night, I can finally say that I have the 5 SBR and 5 BR Intercessors done! It feels good to be feeling better, but even better to be making progress again. 


SBR Intercessors

BR Intercessors


Now on to the Reivers...

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Okay, after a late start to the painting day and working well into the night, I can finally say that I have the 5 SBR and 5 BR Intercessors done! It feels good to be feeling better, but even better to be making progress again.






Now on to the Reivers...

Glad to hear you fought off Nurgle's advance. :)

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