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The Reaper's Hammer Crusade: New Fluff!

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So, I've been considering this for a long time now, and I'm coming to the conclusion that adding an air brush to my arsenal of painting supplies would be useful. Problem is, with absolutely no background with an air brush, and the abundance of them on the market, I really have no idea where to begin, or what is good to start with. Options, accessories... :confused: 


So, ummm... help?

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Some of the threads on airbrushes I've popped into over the years-











General P&M is full of good (and less than good) advice on the matter, and you're sure to get lots of info by asking or just searching.  Youtube has a whole boatload of solid painters that do tutorials and reviews as well, like Buypainted or Les Bursley.

Edited by Firepower
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Thank you Brother Firepower. I have a lot of research to do on the subject, but it's my belief that yes, you get what you pay for, & that getting durability over cheap & fast is generally the best idea.


Looks like I may have to save a bit, but as it's something I plan on using for quite a while.


Anyone with a personal preference is welcome to share.

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I always recommend the Iwata Neo.  $50 for a durable, efficient workhorse airbrush.  When beginning it's probably wise not to go all-in on something expensive.  You won't need all that for your learning stages or simpler techniques, and the Neo can do the moderately advanced stuff.

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​It was cold. Not the kind of cold that froze the moisture on some of the ice planets Marshal Eidrich had crusaded on in the last 247 years since becoming an Initiate. Not the kind of cold he remembered only in fragments of his pre-Astartes life. This was much warmer by comparison. Still, the fingers of the sensation of cold crept across the stubble of his scalp, down the fibers of facial hair that had grown since the last time he was permitted the opportunity to shave.


He allowed himself to feel the cold fingers prying against his unhelmeted head, then let the sensation pass. The thought of it gone now, as with so many other sensations and emotions he constantly cleared his mind of or had forgotten long ago.

The sky over the hive capital was a solid and ever darkening gray. This high up on the central spire, they were just barely out of the pollution choked reaches that all but blocked out the natural sky of the central and lower levels. The sky threatened a rain to match the cold he had just done away with. Yet another minor discomfort ahead.


His black armor was in need of repaint, as much of the pigment had been crisped off over much of the surface by las blasts and shrapnel from the long days that had past. ​Three months of fighting​, he thought only to himself.


Eidrich had been forced to remove the tattered remnants of his tabard a little more than a month into the fight on Icharan Prime. He had not been off of this agri-world since the day his Thunderhawk first touched the surface. Only small portions of red wax now told the tale of where his Purity Seals and Vows once flew, one with a tatter of parchment still desperately trying to flutter in the rising wind with any semblance of glory.

It was not supposed to be this way, ​his mind insisted.


The petition from the Icharan Planetary Governor was in order and properly respectful. Governor Heidel pleaded for assistance to investigate the sudden loss of contact with a remote research facility in the polar reaches of the planet. His Crusade Fleet was already nearby, preparing to translate toward the last contact with The Eternal Crusader near Armageddon. The High Marshal was preparing to make after the fleeing Greenskin Warboss. High Marshal Helbrecht had called for any available fleet to join him.


Marshal Eidrich almost ignored the request. However, he summoned his Castellans to consider the issue. The fleet had been hours from ready for the translation, so they had time to debate the issue. After a short time, it was decided to look into the matter quickly. A small detachment could go planet-side, reestablish contact with the facility, and be back up in time to link up with the High Marshals fleet in transit.


That was three months ago.


And the situation only continued to get worse with time.


Marshal Eidrich looked back down into the red eye lenses of the Astartes that stood before him. It was still easier to focus on the eye lenses than the rest of the blue plate. The Ultramarine who stood in front of him maintained his silence, his hand extended, holding the audio recorder out for both of them to hear.


Marshal Eidrich measured his words very carefully, still trying to comprehend the words he had heard in the message.


"Play it again, Angorian."



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Re: Airbrushes


1. Iwata, Paasche, and Badger are solid choices.


2. For what you are trying to accomplish, get a single action airbrush vs. dual action. Dual action is great if you are going all artsy, but early on, you want something that applies paint smoothly and consistently.


Single action - basically you are granting the compressor's airflow "access" to your paint. Your air pressure will stay consistent and you adjust how much paint comes out with the nozzle on the front.


Dual action - You have the ability to adjust not only whether or not paint comes out, but also the air pressure being used. It can be tricky.


Initially, you'll end up using the airbrush to greatly reduce the amount of time that it takes to basecoat your models....like after you've done a few vehicles, you'll wonder why you didn't think about this before.


3. Get a water trap. You're in Kansas correct? You get humidity, yes? Maybe not Houston humidity, but humidity. The water trap collects that moisture so that it doesn't end up in your compressor hose and shot gun out on your model. Been there, done that. Just get the water trap.


4. You don't need a fancy compressor. You just want something that will put out around 30-35 psi on a consistent basis. After you've gone all famous on us and won some painting contests you can consider upgrading your equipment, but right now, you just want it to do some neat things for you.


I have a Paasched Single action, Siphon feed that I've used for over 5 years now. I've painted approximately 20,000 points of 40K minis with it. It gets the job done.


I also have a Badger 150 IL for fancy stuff because it's dual action. I rarely use it. If I was going to choose between a Badger and an Iwata, I'd go with the Iwata.


So do your research, save up your pennies, and then look forward to revolutionizing how you paint armies. :)

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I have been using an Iwata Neo to get back on the horse after not touching an airbrush since art school. I would caution one thing about that model. It's great for beginners, but it is not good for those of us who are bit more hamfisted than others, or have a different definition of "finger tight". I broke off an essential part of the nozzle assembly after a recent full tear down, when putting it all back together I went just a tad bit too far on tightening the .35mm nozzle that comes standard. Snapped right off. A most essential, and of course, smallest part of the airbrush.


I was noticing that I was getting some bubbling from underneath the nozzle cap, which was the reason I did the tear-down, because I've also had issues with the O-ring on the same part. When I first got the airbrush it, it was missing, and I had to wait a week for a replacement part. It does come with detailed part charts so you know what is what, but for a first time user it may be a bit daunting to double check that all the parts are there and working correctly if you don't have a baseline. 


I'm currently debating if I should order a replacement nozzle, or just go with a different airbrush. I tried out my friend's Badger Patriot 105 and it's very nice. I'll probably do both. 


ALL THAT ASIDE. It's a great way to step up your game, save time, get more out of your paint and what you can do with it. The learning curve is a bit steep at first but there is a wealth of knowledge here, as Firepower as already outlined, but the rewards are great.


Good luck with your first dive into airbrushing!

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Really great advice, all.


Yes Brother Honda, I probably SHOULD look into a water trap. I live in between 2 man made lakes, so the humidity is quite high on a regular basis. That is something I would not have thought about personally.


@TheOneTrueZon, I wouldn't say I'm "ham-fisted", but I do have an inordinate amount of hand strength from years of being a military mechanic, so thanks for the word of caution on small parts being "finger tight". I'll have to read through all instructions & have a close look at any small parts. I'm pretty good discerning hard to understand instructions (ask anyone who has ever tried to read a Tech Manual for a tank IRL!)


Looking at all of this, it appears that I can either get new models in the future, or save for an airbrush. It's going to be a dilemma, for sure, but I do think I have enough to keep myself occupied for a while. I have 5 Sword Bretheren (base coated), a 10 man squad with BT upgrade parts (5base coated, 5 still awaiting assembly), a Lascannon all around Predator with BT bling (assembled), the Finecast Grimaldus + Retinue (in work now!), and another LRC on the way with 2 more upgrade boxes (with how hard they are to order at this time, figured 2 would set me up for a while), GS iconography for my currently badly painted icons on Terminator shoulder pads (The ancient ones that are either metal or built-in shoulder pads) and some other small odds and ends to wrap up (old paint jobs that don't look good now). It's not like I don't have a lot to do! I kind of have this issue with as my skills improve, looking on my older work & saying to myself, "What the :censored: ​was I thinking?!" (I really gotta stop that)


So, as I save for this new equipment, we'll all still be seeing plenty of work coming out of me. Looking forward to adding a new tool to the kit!


I'm looking at the Iwata Smart Jet for the compressor and the Neo gravity feed for the gun. Probably looking at 2+ months for acquisition. Guess I have time to get some work done!

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​-192.08.4267.32-CODED MESSAGE-














​My humble apologies for my level of security, but I cannot be sure otherwise. My Lords, I have terrible news regarding Astartes forces acting in this system. Both forces in question being the Black Templars and the Ultramarines. It is with a sad heart that I report to you that it appears that these forces, at least the ones operating in this sector, have gone rogue, at the very least.

​To update our situation, the Defense Force here on Icaran Prime lost contact with a remote research facility, the Nagak Facility for Experimental Studies to be specific. This was troubling, as this site had little to no value outside of researching strains of grain and staple foodstuffs that we tithe to the Imperium on a regular cycle. The more we grow, the greater the tithe, and this facility was remotely located in order to test various strains in a controlled environment so as not to inadvertently contaminate viable crops should the strain be toxic in any way. Our oversight was well within Adeptus Mechanicus standard, as well as our safety precautions should any failure occur.

​When we lost contact with the Nagak Station, we implemented the WATCH PROTOCOL as described within the ADMECH Guide for Research Facilities, and at the request of our Senior Tech Advisor, Tech Priest Allyonton Nor, the Planetary Defense Force called on the Ultramarine Garrison at Marachian VII to assist in the investigation. As you well know, the Adeptus Astartes physiology is extremely resistant to most toxins and bacteria that may have been the reason for the loss of contact. We were surprised to discover that 90 marines arrived two weeks later for what should have been a simple mission.

​We were shortly glad that they did arrive in such numbers, however.

Upon reaching the Nagak Facility, we were shocked to find that another Adeptus Astartes Chapter, specifically the Black Templars, had arrived only moments before, claiming to be acting on the behalf of Silas Hidel, our Planetary Governor. My forces and our Ultramarine counterparts had the situation under control and had NO NEED ​for further assistance. The Black Templar calling himself Marshal Eidrich, refused to relent, however, and a brief skirmish ensued between our forces.

​The Ultramarines managed to breech the facilities entryway quickly during the altercation, and their tech adept bypassed the security systems keeping the research bays closed. I am embarrassed to say that this may have been a tactical mistake. A xenos breed unlike any that I have ever seen poured out of the facility, an insectile brood with weapons made of flesh and bone. We later came to know this xenos species by the name the Astartes called them- Tyranid.

​We were forced to accept the Black Templar assistance at this point in order to purge the enemy from the research facility. In this, and this is about the only time I will give them any credit, the Black Templars served well. The brood was slaughtered, from their hulking brutes to their smallest squirming eater. Almost as soon as the facility was cleared, PDF voxed for immediate assistance at a linked facility a few clicks south from us. The entire force, unified for the last time, made haste to the new target. I find it disconcerting that I, in that moment, felt glad to have both of these Astartes forces with us.​-REF:10.1928.998 M40/DATA UPLOAD/PERSONAL LOG/MARIUS DELNORTE-​<DECLINED BY USER>

​Upon reaching the site, a data storage facility linked to Nagak, we encountered more of the foul xenos infesting the facility. Many of the creatures even come out of the ground, bringing smaller breeds in their wakes. It was then that the first inconsistencies began to occur.

​Despite having fought into the structure, we had no further word via vox transmission from the Ultramarines. Shortly after losing contact with our called upon allies, the Black Templar forces turned on US! ​My forces quickly found themselves in a three-way fight we could not win. After suffering heavy casualties, I was forced to retreat my contingent back to Goron, the Capital Hive.

​It was here that we made our defensive preparations against the radical Black Templars, but it would not be so easy. Before we lost long-range telemetry, we discovered an odd living debris field moving in system. Shortly thereafter, we lost all communication with the wider Imperium and most of the system as well. Then the Tyranid xenos began falling on us from the void, attacking everywhere they could get through. Combined forces of Ultramarines and Black Templars fought them off as best they could, but at the same time, BOTH ​forces were striking hard at PDF defensive stations as well.

The last known location of the Ultramarine contingent was in the southern hemisphere of Icaran Prime as well as a 20 man detachment led by one of their Librarians on a moon used as a system defense battery. To my knowledge, they are the only local Astartes forces that have not turned on the Imperial interests here in the Keeltonian System. I am unsure what the remainder of the Ultramarines are doing, but as they have turned on us, I worry for my people in the south.

​As for the Black Templars, they have taken the Central Spire of Goron, and are radiating attacks from there throughout the rest of the hive.

​For some unknown reason, the xenos attacks have completely stopped, and the living fleet was last known to be heading out of the system, allowing me to make this report to you, my Lords.

We are in distress, and badly in need of reinforcement! I feel that the Black Templars have turned not only on us, but the wider Imperium. It would appear that they have also corrupted the Ultramarine contingent we originally sought assistance from.

​We cannot stand for much longer.



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One other thing to add to your toolkit.


Older models can be stripped with Simple Green and re-painted. You don't have to continue looking at old stuff and think of it as wasted resources. Pick a couple of figs that are representative (so you have a benchmark) and then strip the paint off the others. Now your pool of figs to paint will be larger and it will make the airbrush purchase seem even better.

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I have actually used Simple Green before, as well as lacquer thinner for metal models. (Wife HATES that one!)

I have a lot of Bolter-wielding marines, as evidenced by the Crusader Squad pics, and worry a lot about either outright destroying the models or details currently, as I only have access to brushes. Maybe once I acquire a decent air set up, that will change. I've been doing my homework, and seeing some great results. Maybe I'm too much of a perfectionist.

I also may strip some models down in order to put BP/CS on the majority again. A lot of decisions to make.

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I picked up a VEDA 180 brush on ebay for about AU $50. It's not finished to a particularly high standard but it works well enough for me to learn the basics like paint consistency and trigger control. It came with a couple of different needles and a water trap that fits directly on the brush, which works a lot better than the one built into the compressor regulator.


You probably already know this as a mechanic, but something they don't teach artillerymen is to undo the bolt at the bottom of the compressor tank after each use to allow condensation out of the tank and prevent it from rusting inside. I learned that one the hard way.


My airbrush model: http://www.vetaairbrush.com/VEDA-airbrush-Sets-p188.html (mine came via ebay with 0.2 and 0.3mm needles, cleaning brushes, hose and water trap)


Similar compressor (not the same seller though) to mine: http://m.ebay.com.au/itm/1-6HP-Air-Compressor-for-Spray-Gun-Air-Brush-AS-186-/260985916715

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Yeah, I knew about periodically draining the tank. I live in a pretty high humidity area, so that will be a definite necessity. I may try to replace the bolt with a drain-cock to make matters a little easier.


Never quite thought about a moisture trap on the line/gun itself though. Does it throw off balance/control?

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Not really. It goes between the hose and the airbrush so I find it sort of sits in the palm of my hand and if anything helps me to hold the brush with less effort.




The trap built into the regulator only catches condensation coming out of the tank. Without the trap at the brush, I have enough condensation developing inside the hose to be a problem.

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as well as lacquer thinner for metal models. (Wife HATES that one!)



For metal miniatures, I always use Pinesol ("Smell the Pine fresh scent!").


Besides, if your wife ever asks what you are doing you can always say, "I'm cleaning things honey!". :)

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NMM is a technique that will require some serious time investment into learning wet palette / blending. It's a really cool effect, but not very efficient for cranking out a lot of models. Most of the tutorials you'll find for gold NMM will require 3-5 colors (dark brown, yellow, off-white, washes & tints).


It's best for your HQ or other models that need to stand out. Master NMM and you'll be on the road to a Golden Demon in no time!

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I have a LOT more to do too! I just got another LRC, and a lot of repainting/touch-ups/add-ons, and whole crusader squads to build. I also haven't uploaded all the close-ups of my units. I'm working hard, but it's a lot to do. I'm also trying out a couple of new painting schemes, so progress is still slow going.

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Some of you looking at my army may have noticed an absence... someone who should have been there but wasn't.

Some of you know already...

Allow me to humble myself for a moment, Brothers, as I have made a 14 year grievous error, and now seek to not only correct this oversight, but also do it Justice...


WIP Grimaldus   Retinue


At the moment, I'm working slowly. I want to make sure that some of my best effort is put forth not only on Grimaldus, but the entire retinue. I'll post more as I make progress.

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Work steadily continues on Reclusiarch Grimaldus & Retinue. It's been drastically slowed as I am now using a wet pallet & glazing techniques (and IRLO [in Real Life Obligations] getting in the way), but the results are better than I expected. Sometimes, it's better to take your time & do it right than to speed up and try to finish quickly. I'll be posting more pics of the WIP tonight after In Real Life Obligations IRLO are taken care of.


It may still be ammeterish, but this is the best work I have done so far to date.

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