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The Reaper's Hammer Crusade: New Fluff!

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Okay, as promised...


Grimaldus Update 1 (2)

Grimaldus Update 1.1 (2)

There is only a little left to do on him, but this is also the part in the painting process where I almost constantly second guess almost every decision and brush stroke. Really looking at where the highlights land at the moment.

Retinue Update Banner (2)

Retinue Update Column 1 (2)

Retinue Update Water 1 (2)

Recently started the skin on the servitors. Most of the robes are staying as they are, but I may dull down the metal tones a bit more. I like to think that the relics that the servitors carry get maintained a lot better than the servitors themselves, so they should look more worn.
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​++PART 1.1++


​Angorian shut the recording off as it ended again. He maintained his silence to Marshal Eidrich, speaking volumes to the Ultramarines discipline.

​Eidrich brooded over the implications. The traitorous PDF were attempting to brand them, Black Templar and Ultramarine alike, as traitors themselves. Fire raged in his bloodstream, and both hearts began to beat in his chest in response to his anger. He hadn't realized it until now, but his fists were tightly clenched to the point that his fingertips were aching. It was a long moment later before he was able to release his death grip.


​"They brand us traitors." It was not a question. Thankfully, Angorian knew it too.


​"Our transmissions are still being blocked in a way we cannot break through," Angorian began, "Our fleets are still out of range for secure vox traffic, held back by the PDF orbital stations. We are stranded and unable to refute these allegations."


​"The longer we are forced to wait to set the record straight, the guiltier we all appear." Eidrich reasoned, "But why? Why send this to the High Lords? Surely, their commander would know that the Imperium will discover the truth."


​The questions were posed to himself. This course of action by the traitors made absolutely no sense. The most that the transmission would do is bring the Inquisition with a force to wipe them out. But, the moment they came into secure short wave secure vox range, they had to know that the Astartes would transmit the truth as well as the evidence to corroborate it all, that the PDF were illegally experimenting with the Tyranid xenos for unknown reasons, and that the PDF were the first to turn their weapons on the Marines.


​"There is no telling what their motives are, Captain." Angorian replied, breaking the illusion that he knew when to stay quiet.


​"Marshal!" Eidrich snapped, possibly too forcefully for a squad sergeant of another Chapter.


​The Ultramarine seemed unfazed as he corrected himself, "Marshal. What do you, as the ranking Astartes on the surface, deem as the next course of action."


​"They have the only long-range communication terminal left on this rock lower in the hive," the Marshal steadied his voice, "Also, the Planetary Governor is barricaded in a bunker hidden deep within the lower hive area, but he has been discovered. The traitors are moving on him as we speak. How fare your forces in the south?"


​Angorion seemed to swell with pride a bit as he replied, "The last of the Tyranid swarm we could locate has been decimated, and Captain Victorian is in route to the central spire as soon as our equipment has been fully recovered."


​"Good." The Marshal turned away to survey the incoming storm again as he spoke, "We will need your forces to perform two tasks simultaneously. I need the Ultramarines to take the hive interplanetary transmission array while my Knights rescue the governor. We will need both to clear our honor to the Imperium."


​Angorian clapped the sign of the Aquila to his chest. Eidrich simply nodded, "What of your task force on Keeltos IV?"


​"No word Capt... Marshal."Angorian quickly corrected before turning sharply and retiring from the conversation. He obviously did not wish to discuss the matter further,


​Eidrich let the Astartes go. He really cared not for the welfare of the Ultramarine witch, but the lack of communication at this range was troubling. He had seen them in action on the battlefield, and knew his allies would benefit from the psykers's blade, however they chose to wield it.


​An explosion nearby rocked Marshal Eidrich from his thoughts. 'The counter-attack,' he thought to himself, 'They finally try!'


His hearts beat faster. He was ready for the battle ahead. Taking up his sword and pistol, he charged in the direction of the blast.

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This weekend will be my first BatRep here in The Keeltonian Crusade, defending the capitol hive central spire against a counter attack by traitor guard. My son and I play unbound by points, meaning I field whatever I like, and so does he with the caveat that his IG units die twice whereas mine only get the once. I'll try to take pics, but please don't judge the gaming surface,


Also, I will be continuing work on the CHALLENGE AGAINST THE DAWN project I have signed onto.


Challenge Squad

This is the first image I posted last night, showing my 5 Initiates during assembly. They are a little rough in this pic, but...


Challenge Squad Sergeant 1

I'm making this the Squad Sword Brother with a power sword, plasma pistol, and The Holy Orb! (I always wanted to use this bit somewhere, now seemed a fitting opportunity)


Challenge Squad Banner Initiate 1

Not a lot going on with the banner carrier, except that the plan (subject to change, of course) is to print the challenge name on it somehow. Armed with BP/CS.


Challenge Squad PF Initiate 1

I was running out of CS, so this Initiate got the PF that was unfortunately base coated on the sprue. Luckily, it's a very light coat, and I was also still able to gently scrape off the mold line. He also got some bits from the upgrade pack (not quite visible though), and chain added to a generic BP.


Challenge Squad Initiate 2 1

This initiate got a lantern, BP chain, and a purity seal for his BP from the upgrade kit.


Challenge Squad Initiate 1 1

Running short of upgrade bits, this Initiate only got the BP chain and a couple of large hanging parchments on his left hip and his back.


Priming will be done in grey, then painting will commence either tonight or tomorrow. I'll keep posting my progress as I move forward!

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Okay, I have my 5 Initiate squad finally primer coated! We had some nasty thunder​ warp storms that came through last night, so I was unable to get them going. Today though, I threw a certain finger up at the ruinous powers and took my squad to work with me to prime them in the bay! (Take THAT, you foul rain-bringing gods!) They were coated in grey, and it worked out quite well. Right now, I'm giving them a wash in Nuln Oil to pick back out the details to make these easier to paint. No pics yet though, but I will update as soon as I begin to slap some color on. Thank you, brothers, for all of the positivity you've sent my way!

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Apparently, the ruinous powers weren't too happy with me flipping them a certain finger, and have commissioned Nurgle to hit me with a stomach bug of some kind. As much as it pains me to say, I have not made significant progress on my challenge models as I would have liked by now. I will continue as soon as I can though. I will have these done well ahead of the 17th, so I'm not worried about the timetable. I just hate not being able to work on them more!

(Certain finger raised at the Ruinous Powers again!)

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The Apothecarion recommends: Drink promethium; 3x 250 ml for three days. It burns only that which is not righteous, so no worries there. The trickery (or I should say taint?) of Chaos will go in time.


Oh, and I haven't commented on this before: good choice of weapons for your Templars. I feel silly for picking guns only for mine.

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Oh, and I haven't commented on this before: good choice of weapons for your Templars. I feel silly for picking guns only for mine.


Yeah, I went for mostly BG in 7th, and have been kicking myself for it since. I've been trying to build my assault capabilities back for a while. Like I said, those models have been waiting to be built for a while as I focused my attention on Grim+Ret, but this challenge kicked me into gear to get these guys built. They all started from scratch, as in no portion was put together at all before I started. Each piece was still on the sprue from the beginning. I like how they came together, and am liking how the painting is going. These are truly the most unique and hardest color schemes I have done, but I want to show my improved painting skill a bit.

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Okay, Some WIP shots of my ​CHALLENGE AGAINST THE DAWN ​models:


Challenge Squad Sergeant 2.1

Challenge Squad Sergeant 2.2

This is the Sword Brother. I took a bit from the fluff for Sword Brethren Terminators (at least I THINK it's just them) and gave him a white helmet. The tabard is mostly done, but I still have all the metallic parts to get done, the plasma gun, and the power sword, and the gold and bronze trim, and some highlights on the white armor. There is also going to be a LOT of clean-up on all of them at this point.

Challenge Squad Banner Initiate 2.1

Challenge Squad Banner Initiate 2.2

The banner is pretty much as done as the previous tabard, and may stay that way until I get around to stenciling the challenge name on it. As above, (and to save some time with ALL the other ones), all metallic parts and weapons still need love.

Challenge Squad PF Initiate 2.1

Challenge Squad PF Initiate 2.2


The Power Fist Initiate...


Challenge Squad Initiate 1 2.1

Challenge Squad Initiate 1 2.2


A BP/CS Initiate...


Challenge Squad Initiate 2 2.1

Challenge Squad Initiate 2 2.2


The other BP/CS Initiate...


As you can see, I have a long way to go, but I'll have them done to my satisfaction well before the deadline.


Thoughts so far?


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The paint job appeared 'fresh' at first sight. It took me a while to attribute the 'freshness' to the gold trim. At this stage, my only criticism might be that the white looks a bit thick and chalky, but that's a problem many of us struggle with here (yeah... with my painting skills I probably shouldn't pass any judgements in this area).

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Yeah, I'm having that same issue with the white I usually do. While I'm liking the direction, it doesn't seem to matter how watered or glazed the pigment is, it just keeps coming out too thick when it dries. I think that I'm going to be moving away from the citadel range for white shades in the future. Guess I'll have to experiment with other sources.

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I like the bronze/gold, adds a nice touch!

For i white i tend to thin it down a whole lot and glaze it on for some good results, takes quite some layers though.

White primer i wouldn't use, from my experience it has a really grainy finish.


I've had the same results with white primer in the past, so yeah, steer well clear of that idea. I think the part I'm most disappointed with is the Sword Brother's head. It IS a focal point for the rest of the model. I've decided to gently remove the head and strip it down. I have an idea on how to make the white go on a bit smoother. I'm going to try taking it through primer, base, and shade first, then giving it a clear gloss overcoat to smooth out the under layers, then hit it with the whites, then matte finish when done. I'll let you know if I get the desired result. Either way, it couldn't look too much worse than it does now!

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Guess I'll have to experiment with other sources.



I use Vallejo Model Color Off White and am very happy with it. GW used to have one of the best whites on the market, but when they switched to the new formula/line I had lots of issues with their white.

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