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The Reaper's Hammer Crusade: New Fluff!

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That came out of the WFB 'General of the Empire' set. I had to scour eBay for it, but I think you can see, the result is AWSOME! GW does not sell this anymore, but complete kits, or even just the reaper standard, are out there.


I got the idea from another thread (can't remember who's), but they only used the reaper standard. I got the box, and recently picked up a SM CMD SQD box, took a look at the supplied standard and thought, "I could...":biggrin.: 


I'll be building this SQD and a new Marshal as soon as the challenge has been completed and I finish Grimaldus+Retinue.

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Great choice! I used that bit to make my banner as well - was an easy way to get an impressesive banner without needing to freehand paint.



Oh, THAT'S WHERE I SAW IT! I knew if I posted, it would come up! Thank you for the inspiration!

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Got mine from Colorado, USA, and it was a bit of a steep price, but new in box with the plastic still on it was worth the  $59 IMO. I was watching another one in the same condition from Canada, but it sold before I could get the funds together. They are out there, just got to look around and decide if "The Rule of Cool" is worth the price for you.

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:furious: :wallbash: :censored: ! I scoured GW for it a while ago & couldn't find it! Oh well, damage to my wallet is done already. Let THAT be a lesson...

I see why I couldn't find it though... I was searching for "Empire General" instead of "Freeguild". Well, at least others can follow suit with an awesome conversion still. I still have plans for other bits in the box also.

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Marshal Eidrich marched down the rubble filled streets. He passed his Land Raider Crusader, the wrecked Land Speeder, and the Ultramarine Rhino that blocked the intersection to the Capitol Tower into the Hab-Blocks that had been the scene of the bloodiest of the fight, Angorian in tow. He wanted the Ultramarine Sergeant here to see the absolute disrespect the Black Templars had suffered at the hands of the enemy.


Rounding left at the first intersection, the carnage could be plainly seen. Eidrich stopped, holding out his arm to the one remaining Command Squad Sword Brother and his Apothecary, silently ordering them to hold back. He slowly moved forward, then stopped and turned to SGT Angorian, "You, with me." It was not a request. With what appeared to be a slight reluctance, Angorian followed the angry Marshal.


Eidrich felt his hearts hammering as he stepped through the aftermath. Almost a whole Crusader Squad lay dead in the street, along with an entire platoon of the traitorous PDF. The Apothecary began the grisly business of extracting the gene seed of the initiates that lie in heaps.


This was not what enraged him the most though. At the end of the block, six venerated bodies were heaped where they were gunned down. Sword Brethren, killed by what was supposed to be their allies, shot to pieces before they could even raise a blade or pistol. Just beyond them were 10 bloody corpses, all wearing blue, cut down by his own wrathful Knights and their Initiates.


"Did you know?" Eidrich's tone was a low growl.


Angorian looked on the scene, removing his helmet to see it with his own eyes, as if his lenses were showing him a trick.


Eidrich backhanded the Sergeant with a vicious gauntleted blow, screaming at the reeling Ultramarine, "DID YOU KNOW?!"


"NO!" The Sergeant bellowed as he recovered, "They weren't even supposed to be here!"


"Eleven Astartes, Angorian. Eleven gunning down six of my best!" Eidrich only barely lowered from a scream, "Gunned down by YOUR Marines! What is the meaning of this betrayal?"


"It is no betrayal, Marshal," a voice spoke from behind. A figure, clad in the blackest Synskin, carrying a large, heavy sniper rifle, approached the two. The mask looked only vaguely like a face, but sleek and white to the black depth of the suit. The muted clicks were audible to both Astartes, telling them both that his targeting array was still actively seeking another kill. A Vindicare Assassin.


Eidrich had only seen an assassin of this caliber once in his long centuries of service to the Black Templars. That was more than eighty years ago, but he knew that this shooter's presence here was both no accident, and meant that there was something bigger going on. It was something that had prompted Inquisition to send this killer to this planet.


"We are not your target." Eidrich addressed the assassin as he came to a halt before the two different Astartes.


"The Planetary Defense Forces Commander is my target." The assassin responded, "Ivan Rectule." he introduced himself. "You are Marshal Eidrich, and you are SGT Angorian."


Marshal Eidrich remembered hearing the shots from the top of the Capitol Spire. There was never a sight of the man firing, but almost every shot ended in a kill. The Marshal did not care who was firing at the time, in the heat of coordinating what was almost a losing fight for their foothold on the capitol, only that the shots were aimed not at his forces. Now, it was plain to see who was responsible.


Eidrich looked down at the unidentified corpse lying near his slain Sword Brothers. The entire body looked torn to pieces from the inside, and the head was missing.


"Yours?" Eidrich asked.


"My partner, unfortunately," Rectule replied, offhandedly, "From the Eversor Temple. He charged the traitors when they revealed themselves and shot down your marines. It looks as if he paid the price."


"Traitor?" Angorian perked up angrily, "He was MY BROTHER!"


"He is no more." Rectule replied in a monotone.


"I have questions," Began Eidrich.


"No time, Marshal,"Rectule cut him off, "You must continue with your plan. The enemy is reeling back now. You must secure the Governor and the communications building. Without them, we are all doomed. After that is done, I will place you in contact with my overseer."


The Vindicare turned and strolled off.


"You will pay for that strike, Marshal." Angorian said heatedly.


"Survive what is to come first, Sergeant," Eidrich said with a cold smile as he lifted off his own helmet, "Survive, and I will give you that chance."

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Okay, distractions abound, especially this close to the release of 8th and all the leaks/opinions I love to read here, so I'm going to go dark until I finish these challenge models. I'm at that point where I need to push through and just get them finished. I got a lot of work done over the long weekend, but I'm going to limit my distractions and hope to have them complete by the end of this weekend. No pics as of now, but they will come when done.



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As with all conflicts, making a timeline for "the weekend" was... unachievable, but progress was made in my absence. Still have a bit of work to do, mostly just scripting on purity seals, lantern light, and basing, but I will be completed soon. Hope to have pics up soon!

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Against The Dawn Squad


This is the pic of the full squad I did for "The Challenge Against The Dawn", referred to from here on in as my ATD SQD


Some Individual pics are needed, as the best camera I have ATM is my cellphone:furious: 


The Sword Brother

Against The Dawn Sword Brother Front

Against The Dawn Sword Brother LS

Against The Dawn Sword Brother RS

Against The Dawn Sword Brother Back


Power Fist Initiate

Against The Dawn Power Fist

Against The Dawn Power Fist LS

Against The Dawn Power Fist RS

Against The Dawn Power Fist Rear

An Initiate

Against The Dawn Initiate 2 Front

Against The Dawn Initiate 2 LS

Against The Dawn Initiate 2 RS

Against The Dawn Initiate 2 Rear

Another Initiate

Against The Dawn Initiate 1 Front

Against The Dawn Initiate 1 LS

Against The Dawn Initiate 1 RS

Against The Dawn Initiate 1 Rear

And the Banner Carrier Initiate

Against The Dawn Banner

Against The Dawn Banner LS

Against The Dawn Banner RS

Against The Dawn Banner Rear

I couldn't really zoom it in with my :censored: y photo editor, but if you enlarge the banner, you can see my first successful attempt at a homemade transfer reading "AGAINST THE DAWN" and a faded cross (the fading was a complete mistake on my part, but as I was going with some weathered tones anyway, I kind of liked it and left it that way).
My first painting challenge is done. 23+ days to complete, but I was doing a lot of firsts on these for me, so it took some extra time.
I hope my Brothers approve!




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​+++Fluff Alert+++

(Continued from last)


​Cadon rested on one knee in a pool of blood spilled by his squad. The bodies of the PDF that came against them lay strewn where they died. If it was up to him, he would leave them where they landed, fit only to be food for the carrion eaters of this world. It would not be his decision to make, however. A Neophyte never made that call.


Soon, he knew, Initiate Urian would order him to begin stacking the bodies for a pyre. The dead spread diseases, and they must be cleansed of their taint. Until then, he rested, combat blade across his knee, bolt pistol still gripped in his other hand. He couldn't sheath his blade or holster his pistol until he was told to do so. Almost 10 years ago, he had made that mistake, and Master Urian had punished him so severely that he spent a week in the medical bay recovering. 'A Templar Knight NEVER stands down until ordered to!'​  his Master had yelled as he left the Apothecaries that day. It was a lesson he never forgot, as he still wore the scar on his cheek to this day.


He kept his head held high, scanning the street for another threat. He had no auspex, no helmet to track movement, no targeting systems other than his own eyes. In this duty, he had never failed. His eyes were Astartes sharp, and he kept them scanning.


Cadon had been with the squad that fought down the 10 heretic Astartes. He had killed one of them himself, and deflected what may have been a mortal blow to his Master, allowing him to plunge his screaming chain sword through the small gap between the heretic's chest plate and helmet. He had raged, just as his Master and the rest of the Initiates had raged, at watching the Traitorous Witch and his squad bring down their best before they could even mount a defense. He had been amongst the first to charge from their assigned position to take his vengeance on them, his Master only a half a step ahead. When it was done, they raced again into the jaws of combat with a large platoon of PDF, wiping them out with blade and pistol at close range. He felt alive in the violence, and was disappointed when the two that had come directly at him lay dead at his feet with no one else to fight. He watched Venerable Brother Cread lay his hate into the remains of the Leman Russ, destroying it with blows that concussed so loudly that windows of the hab-block shattered in their frames.


That had been the end of the battle. The remaining PDF retreated, and their foothold on the Hive Capitol Spire remained.


He heard the steps behind him, recognized the cadence of the foot-falls as both his Master and those of Sword Brother Tarin. He stood, firming his grip on his blade and pistol as he turned. When they came within five paces of him, he plunged the tip of his combat blade into the ferrocrete of the street and slammed down to his knee once again, pistol tight to his straight leg. He bowed his head briefly, then looked upon the two venerated Brothers.


"Get up!" Urian ordered, waving his hand to emphasize the command. This was unusual for him to do without adding a slur against him of some kind.


"Yes, my master!" he barked out as he rose.


Other Initiates began to gather around them all in the silence that followed, 35 in all. Marshal Eidrich, Emperor's Champion Malovic, and a handful of Terminators could be seen behind the lines of initiates as well. The Venerable Dreadnought Cread towered behind them, his skeleton standard flapping in the breeze. It was nearly uncomfortable, but he withstood the scrutiny of all of those helmet lenses. After what had seemed like both an eternity and a moment, Sword Brother Tarin broke the silence.


"Your Master tells us that you fought well today, young Cadon," Tarin's voice boomed out of the grille of his helmet, "You were among the first to bring Black Templar vengeance to those who gunned down our best."


"It is so, Brother!" Urian boomed out to the throng that had formed, "My Neophyte cast one of the Traitors into Hell Himself! I tell you true! He then placed himself between me and a killing blow, never thinking of what it would do to him!"


"PRAISE BE!" The group shouted in unison.


"He then charged forward into the jaws of the heretics again, killing more with every stroke of his blade and shot from his pistol!"


"PRAISE BE!" The group shouted again.


Cadon did not know what to make of this praise directed at him. He scanned the crowd he could see, watching as more Initiates and their Neophytes gathered at the fringes. He saw one Initiate pointing to him, forcing his Neophyte to pay attention.


Tarin spoke again, voice lower, but still loud enough to be heard by all. "This Neophyte has displayed a courage beyond that of mere doctrine, a skill beyond that of mere training, a strength beyond that of mere physical ability, and dedication to the Chapter beyond that of kinship. This Neophyte has displayed what it means to truly be a BLACK TEMPLAR!"


A shot of ice ran through his blood at the emphasis of those two last words. He belonged to the Chapter, but as a neophyte, he was not  OF the Chapter. He was only referred to as a Black Templar by outsiders, humans, and the enemy. Within the Chapter, within this Crusade Fleet, he was Neophyte only. He felt the honor of being referred to as one of them tremble his very soul.


A smattering of blue armor could be seen falling in next to his Marshal. He saw the wary glance between Marshal Eidrich and the Ultramarine Sergeant, but the Marshal made no move against their presence.


The crowd of weathered black armor parted, making way for the most important figure in the fighting force next to their commander. Chaplain Rusius strode through the gap, his guard carrying large sacks just behind him. His armor was a deep black, even throughout these many months of fighting. His maul, his badge of office, was gripped tightly in his hand. The skull helmet glared the Emperor's own eyes at him, both striking him down and uplifting his spirit at the same time. He felt both weak and powerful under that stare. This was the closest he had ever been to the High Chaplain of their Crusade Fleet.


"Remove your wargear, Neophyte." Chaplain Rusius demanded as he came to a stop between him and his Master.


"Yes, my Lord." Cadon spoke in a voice dangerously close to shaking.


He laid his Combat Blade and Bolt Pistol down before him with reverence, then removed his armored pads. He then stood back in front of the Chaplain.


"All of it, Neophyte." Rusius growled.


Confusion wracked his mind then, but he did as he was bid. He pulled his shirts over his head and dropped them to the ground beside his armor. The then knelt, undoing the straps of his boots and removing them. He undid his trousers and slid them down his legs. In the chill of the early evening, his skin pricked. Cadon then stood again, naked to the eyes of the gathered.


"You have been tested these few years since you were deemed worthy to become one of us," The Chaplain intoned, "Brother Urian, you have trained him. Is he fit?"


"He is fit, my Lord!" Urian cried out loudly.


The Chaplain turned, seeing though the throng to his commander, "Marshal, do you accept?"


"I accept, Brother." The Marshal rumbled in response.


Chaplain Rusius turned to Cadon again and was silent for a long moment. He focused on his own reflection in the silver of the skull helm. He was disheveled from battle, even without clothing. Blood was smeared across his face in dots and lines, cracking in the creases of his young features. Oily smudges covered the areas where the blood had not washed it clean. In the distorted reflection, he looked older than his 29 years.


"Kneel, Neophyte." The Chaplain ordered. Cadon did as he was bid quickly, his knees almost buckling to comply. He bowed his head, expecting a prayer. What he received was a blinding blow to the side of his head. Skin burst open, hot blood flowing from what would certainly be a new scar to cross over the old one his Master had placed there years before. He did not feel bones break, however, and immediately knew that the blow had been restrained. Anger flooded his being, making him want to strike back, but he fought it down. He steadied himself from falling over with a simple adjustment to his weight. He caught his breath quickly, forcing his hearts to slow their rhythm. Satisfied that he had regained control of himself, he looked back up into the skull helm above him.


"You have been trained, tested on many fields of battle, and have been judged today by your actions." The voice of the Chaplain boomed out for all to hear, "Let it be known from this day until your last day that your period of training is at an end. Rise Now!"


Cadon rose, barely holding back the tremble that was trying desperately to send him into near convulsions. A part of him could not believe what was happening.


"Bring it forth, Brothers." Chaplain Rusius motioned to his guards, stepping back to give them the space they needed.


Other Neophytes came forward then, taking pieces of weathered black armor from the bulging sacks their Initiates carried. Techmarine Aldonis motioned forth his servitors to accept the articles of wargear from the waiting Neophytes. They then turned to him, bearing the interior of the armor toward his flesh.


They pressed the plate against his skin, and he felt the lance of pain as the neurologic connections were made and tested. It was almost more than he could stand, and Cadon had to grind his teeth together to keep from crying out in either pain or joy. As more of the armor was pressed to him, the connections went from sharp pain to a dull far-off pinprick. He lifted his feet to accept the boots, his arms to accept the grieves, and straightened as they finally placed the chest plate and power pack on his front and back. He heard a roar as the power pack came to life, and he felt the rush of the connection to the armor surge through to what seemed his very soul. At this, he could restrain no longer, turned his head to the sky, and let loose with a bellow of rage, joy, and pain that was long and loud. When it ended, he returned his gaze to Chaplain Rusius. His breathing was heavy, his skin electrified with exhilaration.


Chaplain Rusius motioned to Urian and Sword Brother Tarin. Both came forward then, each baring a large shoulder pad. They stopped on either side of him, turned in unision, and slammed the plate home. Cadon didn't even notice the added physical weight, but he felt the spiritual weight he now bore. He looked at both in turn. His left shoulder bore his name scrawled on a simulated parchment over the Black Templar Cross. His right bore the name "Templar" over the same Cross. Then, Urian clasped a bronze wristband with a large black chain attached to it to his left wrist, Sword Brother Tarin attaching a similar one to his right. A Bolt Pistol was pushed into his left hand, a Chain Sword into his right, and both were securely chained to his hands. He could feel the rumble of the sword's engine at idle through his armor, but it had practically no weight. The pistol might as well not have had any weight at all, but he knew it was there.


Then, the gathered parted again to admit the Marshal himself before him. He had never felt more honored since he was selected to become a neophyte all those many years ago. Marshal Eidrich held his hand out to the last remaining Neophyte, receiving a well weathered helmet and holding it high.


"When our ships return," Marshal Eidrich's voice carried loudly even without his helmet on, "You shall fully repair and maintain this equipment given to you. We shall hold the proper ceremonies and feast to your uplifting, young Cadon. Until then, treat this armor well, and it shall see you though this prolonged engagement. Feast at the table of war. Let no man, heretic, traitor, xenos, or ally, mistake you for what you truly are. Welcome to the Initiated, the Brotherhood, THE BLACK TEMPLARS!"


At that, the gathered battle brothers let loose a mighty roar of approval as Marshal Eidrich lowered the helmet down onto his head. He felt the locking mechanisms click into place, and the air cycling system kick on. The power transfer linked to the rest of the armor, illuminating his vision in shades of red, a targeting reticle bouncing from one face to the next. He now saw so much more than he ever did with his bare eyes. It was almost too much.


"I have need of a carrier for my squad banner, Brother Cadon," a voice spoke into his ear, a vox transmission from Sword Brother Tarin, "Will you accept this honor I offer you"


"Of course... Brother," Initiate Cadon replied without hesitation.

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I just picked up a set of Centurions! While I DO want to jump up and down saying "YAY FOR ME!", I realize that I have lost the link to a site where someone explained how to better "True Scale" them.


A little help, Brothers?


Never mind. I located it!

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Observations on 8th So Far:

​Black Templars vs. Astra Militarum

​1090 PTS


Ok, just got through 3 game turns with my son playing the basic 8th Edition Core rules and the 2 Imperium Indexes. Just some general thoughts from this trial run:


1) Close Combat is brutal! 5 man Crusader Squads can really pour the hurt on even units that are twice their size. The Chain Sword 2 attacks definitely come in very handy.


2) Vehicles in Close Combat can really block up your opponents heavy hitters. I rushed a Razorback at one Leman Russ and a Rhino at another and kept both tied up in CC for 2+ turns, allowing my Initiates to take on the AM infantry. It's definitely worth it to rush those vehicles IMHO.


3) The Helbrecht bubble creates some extra nastiness, and he is positively brutal in combat himself!


4) The Emperors Champion is still a must in MY army lists. Place him alongside a Crusader Squad and just rush all of them at Characters and watch him turn into a blender, especially in the Helbrecht bubble!


5) Being able to target heavy hitters with small arms might be nice (I need my dice to cooperate more often)


6) Attacking first in CC for charging is a double edged sword. It's great when you're dishing it out, but not so fun on the receiving end.


7) Read through and understand ALL of the core rules before getting started. It will save a LOT of time looking things up


8) Either print out or bookmark your Character and Infantry Rules. Flipping through that ENTIRE index is tiresome.


Those are just the ones off the top of my head.


On the BT side, I took the High Marshal, E.C., a Techmarine, 2 five man Initiate CC SQDs (One of them my new "Against The Dawn" SDQ), 2 five man Initiate Bolter SQDs (1 with a Heavy Bolter, the other with a Multi-Melta) both with 2 Neophytes each, a Rhino, a Razorback, and a Venerable Dread with CCW & Multi-Melta.


On the AM side, from memory, was 2 Chimeras, 2 Leman Russ' (one outfitted with plasma all around), 2 full Infantry SQDs, Yarrick, the Big Boss Dude from Cadia (Can't remember his name), a Lascannon HWS, a Sentinel (Chicken Walker) with Lascannon, and a Vindicare Assassin.


I had turn 1 initiative, so I advanced the Razorback directly at the plased out LR with the E.C. and the ATD SQD inside, advanced the Rhino with Helbrecht and the other CC SQD parallel across the board toward the same side of the table as the Dread and the Bolter SQD with the HB to back them up.


AM moved his Chimera with the Big Boss toward the Razorback, shot a bit at my side, and hit my Dread a bit with a battlecannon, then also my Razorback with the Plasma Cannons from the other LR. Vindi the Vindicare took a shot at my Techmarine, but with a lucky 6+ save, tanked the shot. Plasma cannon did take 2 wounds from him though.


Turn 2 saw the EC and the ATD dismount and take on the Chimera, with the Razorback rushing the plased-out LR. The Rhino, still carrying Helbrecht and the other CC SDQ rushed at the rear end of the Chimera that the EC and friends were about to strike at, and the Dread and shooters moved toward the other unengaged LR. Shooting commenced, some wounds were taken, then the fun began. ATD SQD charged the Chimera first, absorbing 3 lucky wounds in the overwatch, but got into the combat. The EC got into combat safely, then started beating the crud out of the vehicle because of the Bossman inside. In the end, he and the SQD took the vehicle down to 3 wounds. The Rhino got in also, but didn't do much. The Dread attempted to charge, but a mistake on my part prevented it. (Didn't roll 2 dice)


With the Plas LR tied up, AM disembarked Yarrick from the other Chimera and got close enough to get into the Razorback/tank fight. Then the 2nd Chimera advanced parallel on his side to get closer to the 2nd LR. Big Boss and the SDQ inside the first Chimera disembarked as far away as they could to try to give the Chimera a chance against the EC. They then cast the orders 1st rank, 2nd rank on both the HWS in some ruins and the Infantry, and Bring it Down on the HWS. The Dread was downed by combined fire from the HWS and the LR battlecannon, giving him 1st blood and a unit kill, then the Infantry took out 2 Neo's and 1 Initiate from the shooter SDQ. The Chicken Walker advanced closer toward the other shooter SQD, but couldn't manage to get around the corner of a building to shoot at them. The assault saw Yarrick take on the tank fight with no effect either way, the 1st Chimera die without exploding due to a furious barrage from the EC, and a consolidation move by both the EC and ATD SQD into the building that had Vindi the Vindicare on top. He also engaged the shooter SQD with his infantry in CC, but lost more than he gained in the endeavor, killing only one Initiate and losing a good portion in return. Vindi tried to shoot at the Rhino, but failed to do damage.


In the third turn, I got the EC and ATD survivors on top of the building to face down Vindi, Helbrecht and the 2nd choppy SQD got out of the Rhino and were already within 3 inches of the Infantry SQD in CC with the shooters. The Rhino then got moving towards the 2nd LR to face it. The 2nd shooter SQD moved toward the chicken walker to open up with the MM. Shooting went ok with some shots taken at targets of opportunity, Vindi did his 5 d's of dodgeball on the shots from EC and ATD, and nothing much happened. Then Helbrecht and company charged and all damnation rained down on the Infantry. He took his 4 plus 3 after the D3 roll for a total of 7 attacks, the CC SQD got 15 attacks with failed to-hit reroll, and wiped the infantry out in one go. All consolidated closer to the Big Boss of the AM, and as it turns out, he wasn't wearing his brown pants! The EC charged Vindi, who failed overwatch miserably, and ATD followed suit. EC hammered away with fury, reducing Vindi to one wound, then ATD screamed "THIS IS SPARTA...KIND OF!" and threw Vindi off the building with a huge powerfist punch, tying the game at 2-2. I then realized just before I ended my turn that I FORGOT TO SHOOT WITH 2nd SQD! So I ended up charging the chicken walker anyway, reducing it by 1 wound.


Then the tide began to turn. As EC and ATD were making their way down the building, the AM HWT took out the last two ATD with well focused Lascannon fire, and Yarrick and the Plas LR finally killed the Razorback. This now left my Techmarine exposed to the full fury of the plasma cannons from the LR, but close enough to charge Yarrick in my next turn. The 2nd Infantry SQD got out of the other Chimera and shot up and charged the 2nd choppy SQD, reducing them to 1 Initiate, but within the Helbrecht bubble and barely making morale due to his warlord trait (Inspiring leader or something like that. Adds 1 to morale tests within 6").


So, score ATM stands at BT 2, AM 3. We decided to call it a day after that and come back to it another day.


I made a few mistakes, but that's what this game was about for both of us. We're shaking out the bugs, but I'm overall happy with the effectiveness of the CC Crusader SQDs. Shooting with Astartes seems to have taken a bit of a hit, but I think that's more my uncooperative dice than the new rule set. The Helbrecht bubble is NASTY for our CC SQDs, and will be running this combination more in the future.



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Ok, after a brief hiatus from painting, I'm FINALLY back to getting our illustrious Reclusiarch and Retinue wrapped up. I have the Cenobyte Servitors skin tones done, and now taking a good look at the column that the one is carrying.


I have decided to go with a white marble for the column itself, and I'm checking both youtube tutorials and online images for ideas on how to achieve the "marble" effect. If I can pull this off, it will definitely stand out as a beautiful architectural piece that you would expect to fine in a temple that venerates the Emperor of Mankind.


The thing is, looking at the images of real life columns and the limited tutorials online, I'm trying to decide if I want to go with something more realistic (very white shot through with shades of gray lines) or use the methods of model painting I see in the tutorials where they kind of go with a fantastical look. I'm leaning more toward the realistic version, as the images I'm seeing are beautiful and pretty straight forward (ish).


I'll let you know which way I end up turning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I know a lot of people don't like the head on Grimaldus because it doesn't look like the descriptions of a skull-faced helm that we all read about in "Helsreach". Well, after quite a bit of back and forth, I decided to just paint the models face mask silver and viola, ​the somewhat appearance of a skull came out. I also finally bit the bullet and used the Molotow liquid chrome on the parts I had made silver with standard Citadel paints and it turned out AMAZING! The bad thing is that it takes up to 24 hours to fully cure from what I've read, so I'll not know the real finish until about this time tomorrow, but it really looks like the silver face plate I'd imagined from the book.


Once it's completely dry, I'll try to post a pic and let you all decide.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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