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The Reaper's Hammer Crusade: New Fluff!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, after 3 consecutive losses at my FLGS, I'm coming to the conclusion that my lists aren't quite competitive enough. Guess I should take a better look at the thread dedicated to just this type of problem, huh?


I think I'm going to steer away from LRC's in 2000pts and below games from now on. They are just too large a target, and I only kept 1 of 2 alive during my last game due to keeping a Techmarine in contact with it the entire game. That only saved the 1 though, the other fell at the end of turn 3. Now, though, where do I go from there?


I know Chapter Approved changed some pts, but I don't know which yet. I was hoping not to have to spend the money on it, now it looks like I'm going to have to. (grumble at GW)


At the OLD ( I can't believe I'm saying OLD with how recently 8th came out) pts cost, I spent 628pts on 2 LRC, and those pts could have been used a lot better elsewhere. I'm going to figure this out sooner or later, as I love my BT. I just have to figure out what combo to use to be competitive at my FLGS. But, the decision is pretty much made, no more LRC in 2000pt and lower lists.

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Since I think that the Black Templars don't make a good army against any enemy, I have to as what are your regular opponents? The nature of the foe might affect advice.


LRCs are not worth the points, I'm afraid. Between them being still treated as priority targets and being susceptible to being locked in combat, it pains me to say that the points are better spent elsewhere (Also note that Chapter Approved increases the cost of a LRC, since both assault cannons and hurricane bolters have become more expensive. I don't remember exactly and don't want to be misleading, but I believe that the total increase is around 40 points for a LRC!).

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The list I recently fought against was Tau, no vehicles, but one really supped up suit and a lot of character suits in a relic game. I never really know who or what lists I'm going to be playing on any given night, so it's difficult to plan ahead with any certainty.


I DO use the Storm Raven in almost every list these days though. I have had some great success with it (aside from bad dice rolls). I've also had a lot of luck with the Storm Talon. It seems to me like air superiority is the way to go where I play.


I'm considering branching out to a small Company sized list of allies for future games. I haven't really decided which army to select, so more on that as I do research.

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It seems to me like air superiority is the way to go where I play.


Especially against T'au, most of the suits have the Fly keyword, getting at them can be tricky if you don't have some kind of Anti-Air. As someone who has played a bit of T'au, they've suffered from point bloat on the go-to suits - Broadsides and Riptides. However the use of drones will always be tricky, especially now with how targeting works. A shield drone can tank a fair amount of hits, along with savior protocols, it can be a lot of shooting before you start actually chipping away at anything substantial. Always bear in mind that T'au are a synergy army, they have a lot of moving parts to work effectively. Disrupting any of those parts can lead to catastrophic fail. Suit heavy lists will probably have pathfinders marking everything. Also, allies are very helpful - and though it pains me to say it - Psykers have a field day with T'au as they have NO ability to deny. None. Smite spam + morale checks will wreck a T'au gunline without ever firing a shot, or at least cripple the characters and units and are carrying the weight of buffs for the attacking units.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, thanks largely to Kisada and his wonderfully done Redemptor Dreadnought, I have finally started building my own. I don't know exactly whether to thank you for this or curse you to the warp for it, but the build has begun either way.


I'll post pics tonight, but just to describe, I am taken aback by the obvious level of thought put into everything about this model, from form and fit to the way it was laid out on the sprue itself. I mean, I didn't encounter a SINGLE mold line until I got to the legs, and even those were so miniscule that it was scraped off with relative ease, with most of them being covered by flat armor plates anyways. It is also very easy to pose, and they provide parts for both large weapon systems to mount rather than just choosing one and condemning the other to a bits box. That means using small magnets will allow for these weapons to be swapped quickly and easily. I also magnetized the body to the hip element in a rather simple way, but it works well. I would suggest to anyone who would do the same to glue in a powerful magnet during the torso build because there isn't a lot of material to drill into afterward to place one, making magnet placement difficult (Ask me how I know!).


All in all, I am very impressed, and can't wait to get this build completed!

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I can only say "oh no, another one." I really want to wait with assembling mine till I'm done with the infantry, but more pictures of a BT Redemptor on this forum may be just enough to weather my resolve. On a less self-centred note, good luck! This Dreadnought probably is the single best thing labelled as "Primaris" that they've released so far.

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​Tech Adept Jessen strode with purpose toward the end of the nearly kilometer long vehicle hangar on the port side of the ​Reaper's Hammer​ toward his new assignment. There were many among the adepts that had eschewed this particular assignment, but Jessen had fought for it. To him, it was an honor, and it was ready at last.


Marshal Eidrick had discovered the stripped out hull of a Land Raider while on the Veriscicles Crusade more than twenty standard years ago, while Jessen was at the latter stages of his Neophyte training. Reports could not tell which venerable Chapter the sand blasted hull belonged to, it's markings and blessings having been eroded by the violent storms that wracked the hotly contested planet Veriscicles IV. 


Historians only knew that within the past three millennia, the planet had been lost to heretic Astartes and their followers after a bitter and brutal fight. Much of the knowledge of the involved Chapters involved had been lost to time. After nearly 1300 standard years of heretic control, the planet changed hands again, this time to an aggressive Ork WAAGH that flowed over much of the surrounding systems. It was decided by the Adeptus Administratum that these once Imperial worlds had been out of the God Emperor's light for too long and must be retaken.


It was in the fourth year of the Crusade that a violent sand storm had uncovered the once venerated hull just outside of the main Black Templars regional base of operations. Marshal Eidrick ordered the hull dug out and inspected. Chaplain Rusius and a team of Techmarines poured over the hull with rituals beyond Jessen's knowledge, finding no taint or corruption evident, but also no clue where it had come from, or how long it had been there. It had been badly damaged, however, and did show signs of desecration by the looting Ork warbands. Finding no corruption evident in the remains of the hull, Marshal Eidrick ordered the hull recovered and sent to the forge ship ​Anvil of the Reaper​ for restoration.


It had taken this long for the Techmarines to refit the once dead and forgotten vehicle, with no less than five delegations of Mechanicum Enginseers and Tech Priests to complete it's resurrection. In that time, Jessen ascended into the rank of Initiate within the Crusade and was almost immediately transferred into service as a Tech Adept. He had trained on and operated everything the Crusade fleet had to offer, and vied heavily to be this new vehicle's operator alongside his battle brother, Weapons Adept Murien. Combined, their expertise in the operation and weapons systems of every Crusade vehicle was unmatched, making them the natural selection by Techmarine Sestim, the Crusade's Master of the Forge.


The transport Thunderhawk had just finished uncoupling it's precious cargo as Jessen came into view of the completed great work. Massive overhead grapples lifted the Thunderhawk free of the vehicle and slowly trundled it back the way he had come to it's maintenance berth, leaving the refurbished Land Raider Crusader in it's newly assigned berth of it's own.


Jessen wore his armor to mark the occasion. He never took control of a newly assigned vehicle without being able to join to it as he would in combat. He wanted to ensure that the machine spirit knew his intent to not only operate it at war, but would do everything he could to care for it as well.


A servitor on a tracked base trundled toward him, holding the signature cogitator for the vehicle. Against his will, his breath caught for a moment when it came to a stop and presented him with the cogitator to officially sign the vehicle over to his care. Jessen took a small cable from his belt and plugged it in to the interface. His personal and bio-data were transferred, storing his information as accepting responsibility of the Land Raider. A small chime emitted from the cogitator as the signature completed and Jessen disconnected the cable. The servitor turned on it's tracks and went back to interface his data to the vehicle.


As he waited, Jessen took the opportunity to take in the wonder of his new assignment. The unblemished hull showed absolutely no sign of it's previous damage. The paint was entirely unblemished, with brass paneling inset into the front and rear recesses. Storm shields adorned the cowlings of the Hurricane Bolters with the heraldic cross emblazoned on them. Every access hatch had similar markings of the Black Templar cross. The vehicle still had a sheen from the unguents and oils used in it's veneration.


This vehicle was to become Marshal Eidrick's personal command vehicle. However, at the moment, he was planet-side with a large force wiping out the rest of the Tyranid invasion forces that had inexplicably retreated. As the servitor trundled back into it's alcove to await further instructions, Jessen advanced toward the newly repurposed vehicle.


​This is the Marshal's vehicle, he thought to himself, but in this moment, it is mine alone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, been silent for a while as I forge ahead with a couple of builds. I finished the build on the Redemptor, and moved on to a Repulsor I received for X-Mas. Where the Redemptor was a veritable dream to build with a well planned sprue leaving very little in the way of mold lines, the Repulsor was a nightmare of mold lines and tiny fiddly-bits with hard to reach scraping to be done. But, I an happy to report that it is completed as well (aside from "Templaring" it up, that is).


Sorry for lack of pictures, but I also received an X-Mas gift from the Plague God that has only recently passed, and has left me drained. I'll get around to it soon enough though.


I hope to get some good feedback once the pics are up. See you all then! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Headed to my FLGS tonight. I have no idea what I'll be facing, so I threw together a gits-&-shiggles list. Probably won't do too well with this crowd, but whatever.


Spearhead Detachment:


-5 Initiate (SB w/PP & PS, Initiate w/PF & BP, 3 BP & CS) and 1 Neophyte (BP & CB)

-LRC (full load out)

-2 Predators w/ all lascannons

-Techmarine w/ PA & BP


Vanguard Detachment 1


-Redemptor Dreadnought w/ MPI, OGC, SB & IRP

-Venerable Dreadnought w/CCW, SB & MM

-Dreadnought w/ TLLC, ML

-Marshal w/ PS Combi-plas


Vanguard Detachment 2


-5 Assault Terminators (2 TH-SS, 3 pair LC)

-5 Terminators (5 SB, 4 PF, 1 PS)

-Apothecary w/ BG/CS

-The Emperors Champion


I'm sure I'll need all the luck I can get, but I wanted a heavy hitter list just for fun.

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Ummm, okay. This is my bad attempt to submit a bat-rep, so here goes:


My list above faced another Tau player. He brought something like this:


3 5-man pathfinder teams

3 7-10 man "troops" (I can't remember exactly what they were, but the normal troops)

2 Hammerhead gunships

2 Devil Ray troops transports

warlord in some screwy type of armor

a commander in similar armor as the warlord

a ghostkeel battlesuit

2 3-man crisis suits

a TON of drones


We played Maelstrom mission #1, and in the end, I got 1st Blood and Tactical Objective 65 (Kill a unit with  more than 10 wounds) in turn one, tactical objective 24 (Hold objective #4 until end of turn [i already had that one locked down before I drew it]) in turn two, Slay the warlord in turn 3, linebreaker in turn 4, and whatever the "kill a unit in this turn" number is, for a total of 6 VP. The Tau player only got 1 VP for holding a specific objective in turn 5.


So, I won...


Redemptor played VERY well, especially with a techmarine nearby. Vendread died in turn 4, the Crusader Squad died in turn 3, 1 predator exploded in turn 4 (nearly killed the techmarine), and 2 Assault Termies got gunned down. EC got Linebreaker all by himself, hacking away at the pathfinders the whole way, the ghostkeel was brought down by combined weight of fire from the LRC and remaining dreads. Regular Termies took out 3 crisis suits and the warlord after teleporting in on it's unguarded side and chasing them all up a building, and left my Marshal sitting on OBJ #4 all on his own with no hostiles even looking at him sideways.


I thought I was doomed with this list, and it may just be luck, but Holy Emperor on the Throne! The POS list I threw together actually pulled it out! My 1st victory since I started playing at this FLGS!

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Brothers, I regret to admit, given my past zealous abhorrence, that I have broken under the strain of 8th edition and have purchased both Hellblasters and Intercessors. I already have a Redemptor, which as you know has already performed very well for me, and will begin the painting of the Repulsor once the Redemptor is to my ever growing standard of painting.


I have moved this direction for a number of reasons, but I'll speak of the two major ones that brought me to these purchases.


First, the game has been overly geared toward shooting for some time. I've fought against this, but it has led to many defeats on my part as the majority of my Crusader Squads are built for close combat. I'm NOT saying that there isn't a place for them anymore, but the hole in my lists for troop fire support outside of heavy armor is large. Now, nothing is stopping me from either rekitting some of my Crusaders with ranged weaponry, but the 30"+ range of both the Intercessors and the Hellblasters is a tactically sound choice and investment.


And that brings me to my second major reason to include them both. The battlefield effectiveness of both of these units cannot be ignored. I have faced off against these units in my son's Ultramarines army, and their abilities are definitely noteworthy, especially the Hellblasters. Either 2 assault shots with the assault plasma incinerator at 24" over 1 for a standard plasma gun, or the standard plasma incinerator with a 30" range rapid firing at 15" over the 12" regular plasma gun, or the heavy plasma incinerator with a 36" range and an unsupercharged strength that is equivalent to the supercharged strength of the regular and heavy plasma cannon with greater AP, albeit only one shot over D3 for the latter two. This is also taking into account that all 5-10 of them have these weapons, reather than just one or two, depending on the squad you're running.


And the Intercessors aren't that far behind with their weapons, all of which have an AP-1 (with the exception of the auto bolt rifle) over no AP with the standard boltgun or bolt pistol. Even the auto bolt rifle with no AP does have 2 shots at 24" over 1 with a boltgun. The bolt rifle at 30" is rapid fire also, once again meaning 2 shots at 15" over the 12" we're used to, and the stalker bolt rifle has -2 AP over the heavy bolter's -1, albeit only one shot compared to 3 with the latter.


All of this means keeping the enemy at greater distances or being able to thin them down from further out. The Hellblasters also have a better chance of doing much greater damage to heavy equipment at those same ranges. And that's not even mentioning 2 wounds over 1.


I've been facing a lot of Tau lately, and it seems to me that these guys are an answer to their range and AP values on their standard weaponry. Also, with the Repulsor, either one of these units (or a combat squad from both) can be run to wherever they are needed most and dropped off to inflict all kinds of damage. 


I know I'm only trying to justify these purchases to myself and my brothers, but the facts are sound no matter how you look at it. Yes, they are aesthetically unappealing and the lore surrounding them is absolute garbage, but any good commander out there would not hobble his or her force simply because it "looks ugly and I don't like the story behind it". I mean, just look at the history behind the US Army's Bradley Fighting Vehicle. It doesn't do half of the things of the vehicles it was designed to replace, but still found a home with the force and has been invaluable in the field. So, they don't have the ability to be close combat oriented, and that still galls me (imagine these guys all with chainswords and pistols! That would be great!), but they do have a role, even if it is to soften up a horde for a CC oriented Crusader Squad to finish off.


Troop oriented fire support is a combat necessity. That is as true on the tabletop as it is in reality. I hate to say it, but any player that refuses to use these units in at least this way is only hurting themselves, given the direction that the game continues to move in.


Now, these kits won't see the light of day for me for a while. I still have the Redemptor to finish, the Repulsor to even begin painting, then several other standard marines and assault Terminators to both build and paint up. I haven't had a backlog like this in a long time. 


So, there it is. Love 'em or hate 'em, the Primaris will one day fully join the Keeltonian Crusade.

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I've never been negative about primaris in general (just the fluff... don't get me started! ;) ), so my words might not carry weight.

But as long as "old marines" don't fade away i think they just give us more options, which in my mind is never a bad thing.


Considering their gameplay impact, statistically they don't overthrow crusaders in effectiveness, due to the higher numbers and more dice rolled for the latter. Also crusaders don't care about multi-damage weaponry as primaris do. So in my mind it is the mix of both, that will lead to succesful use of troop slots. Hellblasters are kind of a different cattle of fish, because they are all armed with plasma guns, which isn't an option for other unitsi n our roster (outside sternguard, which are too expensive and lose their fancy bolter profile...).


So, to conclude, i think primaris give us more tools to play with, once we wrap our stubborn heads around it. Still i don't think they are plain better than crusader squads (or power armored brethren in general) but take a niche each where they are better. Which to me is a good thing.

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The tactical toolkit must expand is all I'm saying. The fact of the matter is, these are solid units. I say that after having faced my son's Primarus marines once or twice, and they definitely pack a punch. I guess I'm just justifying it to myself, given my previous hatred for all things Primarus. It's only 2 units at the moment, plus a Repulsor and Redemptor, but I may end up with Reivers in the future (a long way out ATM). I'm still not entirely sold on Aggressors or Inceptors, but I'm not ruling ANYTHING out anymore. I'll still hold out hope for a CC oriented troops choice, and the moment it comes out, it will be in my Crusade.


I'm also coming to the conclusion that I need to get smaller dice. I read somewhere that the smaller dice roll badly more frequently, but it's been my experience that the ratio of high vs low rolls is pretty much similar. Not to mention that rolling more than 12 gets really tricky with the larger ones.

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1. Primaris models are very cool looking.


2. You can include them in your crusade if you want, their your toys.


3. I think finding a spot for Primaris isn't a bad thing, it's just providing options. I like having a mix of Intercessors and Hellblasters, their solid units and they can complement a force that is heavy in boots and leaning towards a "tide" list.


4. If you wanted to keep your crusade "pure", but still wanted Primaris in there, consider painting them as another chapter. In my case, I adopted an Imperial Fists contingent attached to support.


Whatever you decide to do, have fun. That's why we play with our toys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

     "Hear now the words of my ruling. I am not blind to the needs of the Imperium, but nor am I blind to the realities of the hearts of men. I hear men speak of knowledge and power as though they are abstract concepts to be employed as simply as a sword or gun. They are not. Power is a living force, and the danger with power is obsession. A man who attains a measure of power will find it comes to dominate his life until all he can think of is the acquisition of more. Nearly all men can stand adversity, but few can stand the ultimate test of character, that of wielding power without succumbing to it's darker temptations.

     "Peering into the darkness to gain knowledge of the Warp is fraught with peril, for it is an inconstant place of shifting reality, capricious lies and untruths. The seeker after truth must have a care he is not deceived, for false knowledge is far more dangerous than ignorance. All men wish to possess knowledge, but few are willing to pay the price. Always men will seek to take the short-cut, the quick route to power, and it is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that will lure him to evil ways. True knowledge is gained only after the acquisition of wisdom. Without wisdom, a powerful person does not become more powerful, he becomes reckless. His power will turn on him and eventually destroy all he has built.

     "I have walked paths no man can know and faced the unnamable creatures of the Warp. I understand all too well the secrets and dangers that lurk in its hidden darkness. Such things are not for lesser minds to know; no matter how powerful or knowledgeable they believe themselves to be. The secrets I have shared serve as warnings, not enticements to explore further. Only death and damnation await those who pry too deeply into secrets not meant for mortals.

     "I see now I have allowed my sons to delve too profoundly into matters I should never have permitted them to know even existed. Let be known that no one shall suffer censure, for this conclave is to serve Unity, not discord. But no more shall the threat of sorcery be allowed to taint the warriors of the Astartes. Henceforth, it is my will that no Legion will maintain a Librarius detachment. All its warriors and instructors must be returned to the battle companies and never again employ any psychic powers.

     "Woe betide he who ignores my warning or breaks faith with me. He shall be my enemy, and I will visit such destruction upon him and his followers that, until the end of all things, he shall rue the day he turned from my light."

     -The Emperor of Mankind

       ​At the Council of Nikaea

      (Quoted from 'A Thousand Sons'​ by Graham McNiell)

There is no room for interpretation here. This was the rule of law as set by The Emperor of Mankind himself. Even if GW tries to open Librarians to us (again as they would have us believe), never will they sully MY crusade. Spoken by The Emperor, followed ONLY by The Black Templars!

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The Thunderhawk of the Ultramarines Captain swung low over the hive spire, coming to a hover in an effort to land amongst the building tops in the buffeting high winds of the receding storm. Most of the powerful storm Marshal Eidrich had expected had blessedly passed under their position on the top of the hive, battering at the heavier built middle and lower hives. The ensuing storm had been instrumental in allowing scouting parties drawn from the remaining Ultramarine detachment with him and a select group of Neophytes recommended by their Initiates to reconnoiter both the approaches to the Governors bunker and the interplanetary transmitting array.

Both had reported heavy resistance. The Governors bunker under heavy assault by the traitorous forces of the remaining PDF as well as a large contingent of cultists dedicated to the Ruinous Powers, who no longer believed they had reason to hide themselves or their activities. The transmitting array was heavily defended by both as well for more than a kilometer out in all directions, making close range reconnaissance all but impossible.

Not good news to report to our allies, Marshal Eidrich thought as he watched the Thunderhawk finally settle down to the improvised landing pad with whining landing engines.

Without waiting for the engine wash to dissipate, the rear ramp slammed down. It was as if the Ultramarines were about to leap from the Thunderhawk in an attacking posture, but after a moment, Captain Tiberius Victorian strode down the ramp with aggravated and stomping steps. He stopped at the bottom of the ramp and took in the scene of the spire around him for a moment.

The blue of his battle plate was faded and marred by his extermination of the Tyranid xenos in the lower hemisphere of the planet, but obviously still in good functioning order. His posture was one that spoke to long centuries of command, and the stiffness of the doctrines of his Chapter. His every move was only taken after careful thought, that was evident, but also at a speed that no mortal could match.

After a moment of contemplation of the surrounding spire, he turned on his heel and strode away from the Thunderhawk toward Marshal Eidrich. Only after he moved away from the base of the ramp did the rest of the occupants begin to egress from the belly of the ship. They all looked battle worn, but vital in the way that only well trained Astartes could appear after such heavy fighting. The newly arrived Ultramarines carried out large ammunition crates and other pieces of equipment with them, making their way to the edge of the landing pad swiftly. As soon as the ship had been unloaded, the Thunderhawks engines wound up again to a scream and took off form the pad. Marshal Eidrich saw another making ready to land, with three more in a holding pattern farther to the south.

"Brother Marshal of the Black Templars," Victorians voice boomed out of the grille of his helmet above the still loud engine noise of the receding Thunderhawk, "It is good to find you still alive in this benighted hive."

"Captain Victorian," Eidrich replied, "I see your battle with the xenos filth has wearied your plate."

"I am still entirely operational, thanks to the ministrations of my good Techmarine." Victorian assured with a sweep of his arm down the length of his body, "I see you have fared well in securing our foothold on the hive, Marshal."

Once both commanders were within reach, they clasped forearms in a shake to express solidarity between the different Chapters. Marshal Eidrich turned once the formality of greeting had been released and strode away from the landing site, Captain Victorian a half step behind him on his right. It seemed that the Ultramarine was willing to cede the responsibility of leadership of the force to the Marshal for the moment with his choice of positioning, allowing Eidrich to lead him to the entrance to the headquarters that the Black Templars had set inside the top of the Central Spire.

Once the opulent receiving rooms of the Planetary Governor, now it was a hub of cogitators and auspex readers with Chapter serfs moving between laden with printouts and handheld devices, constantly tracking the tactical situation in the hive below via commandeered servo skulls, pict cameras and other various means of monitoring. The hubbub of many conversations was low, and took a deft ear to pick one out of the several for even a moment.

Victorian took this all in wordlessly as he followed Eidrich to a small room at the rear of the headquarters. A serf handed both a goblet of water as they moved into the Marshals office, then departed, closing the double doors behind him. Eidrich removed his helm with practiced ease as he rounded the single desk in the center of the room, setting it on an exposed corner. Victorian did the same, but remained opposite of the Marshal.

"Sit with me, Captain," Eidrich offered, indicating a crate near the desk, "I apologize for not having suitable chairs, but I have yet to locate any within this spire that will accommodate our enhanced weight," A sly grin edged the corners of his mouth for a moment, "And you look a good deal heavier than myself."

The Captain snorted a small laugh, grinning widely in a practiced diplomatic way as he accepted the proffered crate. "The staple food suffs in the south are very rich. I would warn your Astartes to go easy on them, before they end up looking more like me."

The grin on Eidrichs face widened a small amount as he settled on the crate behind the desk. It creaked momentarily, complaining under the weight of his body and armor, but held.

"We have much to discuss," the smile dropped from Eidrichs face, "And the news I have is not as good as I  would have hoped for."

Victorian dropped his smile also, taking a sip of the water, "Then proceed, good Marshal."

Eidrich laid out the tactical situation as it stood for the moment, referring to the data slate many times to ensure that the Ultramarine Commander was brought up to speed. Occasionally, Victorian asked questions, or added his input to a specific tactical plan. His arrival had come with much needed resupply and equipment that could be used in the coming battles, and he updated the Marshals information on the status of his forces and weapons loads he had returned with. The tactical plan was altered several times in the ensuing meeting, with both Commanders working in symbiosis rather than attempting to outshine one or the other as other Chapters working together were prone to do.

After three hours of intense consultation, the plan had been gone through several times, contingencies planned for, alternate routes to and from each objective, and secondary and tertiary objectives should they be deemed adequate to resolve. The rough plan of Marshal Eidrich took a new shape, and the possibility of success increased exponentially with the addition of the newly arrived Ultramarines.

It was decided, due to the familiarity of the Black Templars with the Planetary Governor, that it should be them to assault the heretic band attempting to breach the Governors bunker, while the Ultramarines and a small contingent of Black Templars Crusader Squads fought their way into the Transmitter array. It was a good plan, and entirely workable in the Marshals eyes.

One subject had not been broached though, and it hung over both Commanders like a mortar shell waiting to drop. It would be Victorian who, after every other thread of discussion had wound to conclusion, brought up the subject both had avoided to this point.

"It must be spoken of, Marshal, before it becomes a wedge between our forces."

"Yes," Eidrich glared at his fellow Commander, "It must."

In a moment, the camaraderie between the two Commanders had broken. The betrayal of the Ultramarine Librarian and the twenty Astartes he commanded still boiled Eidrichs blood. The Sword Brethren slain by those traitors grieved him more than he should have allowed, but to have the witch escape his due punishment rankled even more. Eidrich was sure that he was still somewhere in the hive, with at least ten more Astartes, ready to strike anywhere they chose. It had the possibility to throw off any tactical projection they could make.

"I make my apologies to you, for your losses at the hands of the weak of mind, Marshal," Victorian lowered his head in apparent shame, "I could not believe the report Angorian sent to me of the situation. He was a dedicated Astartes."

"His loyalties are not with us any longer." Eidrich growled, leaning over the desk to face Victorian, "Your WITCH ​has sullied the reputation of your forces, and I question the resolve of your remaining Librarians to stave off corruption!"

"They are secure, I assure you." Victorian raised his head to look Eidrich squarely in the eye, "If need be, I will hunt this traitor down personally and present you his corpse for his... Heresy!"

The word was spat with vindictiveness, the anger of the Captain plain. He knew the actions of the psyker was a blemish on his forces name, and would do whatever it took to wipe that mark clear.

"Keep a watchful eye on them," the Marshal straightened, "and keep them well away from my Knights. On this, there can be no argument."

"Done." assured Victorian, "But, there is another connected matter to be addressed, Marshal. I speak of Angorian."

"His wounded pride," Eidrich sighed, settling back down onto the crate on his side, "I told him he can settle that with me once the combat has ended."

"I fear that it will not wait that long, Eidrich." Victorian settled back to his crate as well, "It is a wedge against honor that is as solid as surely my rogue psyker is to you."

"What do you suggest?"

"An honor duel, good Marshal." Victorian appeared deathly serious.

"A duel then?" the Marshal snorted derisively, "He would face ME ​in a duel?"

"It was his wish, Marshal, but it will not be so at my word." Victorian leveled a commanding stare at Eidrich, "It must be one of yours of equal standing to him. Another Sergeant... I believe you refer to them as a Sword Brother."

"And you believe, win or lose, that this display, while still in a combat situation, is best for the force?"

"I do. We are secure enough here. I have seen your tactical maps displayed as we entered, and the enemy is far from this location. Honor demands satisfaction."

"It is an antiquated form of regaining honor, Victorian, but if it is demanded, no Black Templar will back away from a challenge. If your force deems it necessary, Then let it be so."

"The sooner, the better, my friend." Victorian spoke as he rose, "I will have Angorian brought to the landing pad as soon as the Thunderhawks have offloaded. It would be wise to have your proxy there as well."

Eidrich felt the crush of the impending challenge, galled that he would not be answering it himself. He had to select wisely. The Ultramarines were excellent fighters, but he had confidence that any of his Knights were up to the task.

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