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8th Edition Guard Discussion


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LR's T8 W12 Sv3+
Ratlings can sniper IC's
Ogryns scary in CC (not that they weren't they just couldn't get there)
7 orders, which are automatic
FRFSRF = Rapid 2!


You have 7 to choose from, but the one I want to discuss is ‘First Rank, Fire! Second Rank, Fire!’. This now makes a unit of Astra Militarum infantry treat their lasguns and hot-shot lasguns as Rapid Fire 2; that’s 4 shots per Guardsman at half range!


Was this confirmed before, how Rapid Fire will work?  I may have missed it but I thought it was still speculation.

This paragraph made me very happy:



However, at the moment, they don’t always play on the tabletop the way they’re represented in the background. Wouldn’t it be awesome if some of those units you so rarely see like Scout Sentinels were suddenly not only good, but great? What if Bullgryns and Rough Riders were actually scary in combat? How about Heavy Weapon Squads that actually provide covering fire to the rest of your men instead of just acting as distractions for enemy units? I am here to tell you that all of these things are true in the new edition!



Oh, and " Commissar – which limits the losses of a bad Morale test"


Russes sound like they will finally be properly rugged!!


Orders auto-passed?


Interesting times ahead!!



... and it looks like they'll not only NOT SQUAD ROUGHRIDERS, they're going to make them good!

I don't think they ever explained how rapid fire worked.  I think they only showed the bolter profile that said "rapid fire 1".


4 shots per dude is going to be brutal though, despite just being lasguns not much is going to want to get close to a platoon blob now.  Also, with orders working automatically, I wonder what vox casters will do now?  Perhaps they increase the range of orders now?


Also, just wanted to add... this faction overview was way better than the chaos one that basically just said "oh yeah, chaos is good now" and didn't actually reveal anything.

I don't think they ever explained how rapid fire worked.  I think they only showed the bolter profile that said "rapid fire 1".


I don't think they did eaither ... so it now seems that Rapid Fire 1 = 1 shot at full range, 2 at half ... whether moving impacts that or not remains to be seen. I suspect no, in the interest of streamlining.


4 shots per dude is going to be brutal though, despite just being lasguns not much is going to want to get close to a platoon blob now.  Also, with orders working automatically, I wonder what vox casters will do now?  Perhaps they increase the range of orders now?


Yeah, back in 3rd and 4th edition vox casters gave increased range to orders, so maybe that is coming back.


Also, just wanted to add... this faction overview was way better than the chaos one that basically just said "oh yeah, chaos is good now" and didn't actually reveal anything.


Agreed 100%


Also, just wanted to add... this faction overview was way better than the chaos one that basically just said "oh yeah, chaos is good now" and didn't actually reveal anything.


We were lucky, they told the guys initially no rules leaking. However looks like they relaxed that for this article, after the community was somewhat underwhelmed and skeptical. 




-roughriders still exist (hmmm...new models?)

-auto-pass Orders = yes!

-Commissars that terrify inspire everyone around them? = Yes yes yes!

-50x Guardsmen firing 4x lasgun :cusss each = 5x failed saves on a 3+ model. That's 5 wounds off a morkanaut. Oh hell's yes!


Grab yer rifle 'n canteen, boys. We march fer Cadia and Emprah 'elp any fool who gets in arr way.




-roughriders still exist (hmmm...new models?)



Stop getting me all excited!


Although, in all truth, I wouldn't really want Rough Riders released in a Cadian or Catachan look (the only current plastic lines). However, IF they did a new release of Astra Militarum that harkens back to the old Rogue Trader era Imperial Guard look, I could definitely get behind a Rough Rider kit and I'd be sorely tempted to start up a third AM force!

Oh lord... The internet will melt come the Eldar reveal!


"Wraithknights will now REALLY reflect their status as a brutal weapon of war!"


"Bikes with Scatterlasers seemed underused in the last edition, so we've slashed their points!"


"While Wraithguard lost their D weapons, they now have 14 Strength 10 shots each! With unlimited range! And the new "Autokill" rule!

Hard to say. Based on the Eldar players I know, they would actually welcome a toning-down of their forces. I know several guys who play Eldar for the models and fluff and are actually very unhappy with their army being so powerful. So GW might actually get a good response to an announcement that they are balancing Eldar rather than making them more powerful. The hype may be directed at things you never see such as Guardians and certain aspect warriors.

I've re-purposed the topic title to reflect the general 8th discussion, and give it all a home for Guard smile.png

Speaking of which, the update to shooting is very good reading. Twinlinking doubles the number of shots, and combi-weapons may both fire (-1 to hit each) and are no longer one-shot. Not a huge change for Guard unfortunately as these weapons don't feature that much. Melta gets 2D6 pick highest for damage at half range which seems good.

Most pertinent is the Battle Cannon: 72", Heavy D6, S8, AP-2, Damage D3. This appears to be ok, comparable to the current use. Probably less hits on squads but countered by allowing you to hit single model units more than once. Crucially I see no mention of ordnance, or any special rules - so no more extra penetration which is sad, but I'd say being able to hit a vehicle more than once is compensation enough. No more silly snap firing is also welcome!

Agreed on Eldar, I was very close to starting an Iyanden army with the old supplement before the latest codex came out (or maybe the one before that? Whichever made them crazily good) and I was put off by how powerful they were... Everyone will be happier if they get toned down so fingers crossed. I've liked every single change so far so I'm hopeful that will be the case.


Good change of topic title! Shooting, yes that does seem good. The twin lined rule (Taurox Ho!) makes a lot of sense, much better. The Battle Cannon I was initially sceptical of because I liked them as anti infantry (of all kinds) but now they're good against everything. The Standard LRBT is still my favourite so I'm happy about that.

I have to admit I'm a bit skeptical on this information too...

It makes the Battlecannon great against high wound / toughness models, which it struggled with before

However now it sucks against hordes

Best case scenario against single model = 18 wounds

Average number of hits against horde target = 3 hits... (the D:D6 makes little difference against single wound targets, unless of course they have to take a save against each wound, which I dont believe is the case? )


This has me more concerned about the Wyvren. Does that mean its now only Heavy 4D3? Which is 3 hits on average... admittedly it probably needed to be toned down from the 20+ hits I could get from a single one but 3 is a bit drastic...

I do feel like the battle cannon is rather lack luster, if we are forced to hit on a 4+ still...on average we are looking at 1.5 wounds to a dreadnought and 1 dead space marine which is pitiful. I'm seeing a seriously huge point drop in the standard Leman russ variant. Or maybe there intending this reaction to happen so people will look at the other variants more...still this is rather interesting.



AGREED! As of what we know now sponsons will no longer have to snap fire any more so that is a +. I don't know I just foresee a squadron of 3 leman russes easily rolling 3 ones for the amount of shots...then the stupid things still need to roll to hit..then they need to roll to wound...THEN opponent gets saves. It just seems terrible..


(Unless when rolling the amount of shots count as the "Hits" and you just roll to wound? Which would actually make them decent but at any point we have to roll to hit then the whole thing is terrible)



The flamer states it automatically hits. Battle Cannon doesn't, but it'll be interesting to see if it's D6 rolls to hit or a single roll to hit generates D6 shots. The former would be much better, to avoid a chance of a single roll wasting the entire weapon.


Edit: I do like the change overall, it'll speed things up not needing to place templates. Plus I had a habit of scattering into wherever there was a gap without enemies...


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