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hopes, dreams, and fears for sisters in 8th


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Are you sure you can advance in a vanguard move and Hand of the Emperor? I know the AoF doesn't exclude it but it just seems a little... broken.


The rules for both say that the unit "... can move as if it were the Movement phase," and the rules regarding making an Advance say that "When you pick a unit to move in the Movement phase, you can declare that it will Advance." If we're making a move as if it were the Movement phase then surely we can declare an advance as if it were the Movement phase.

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Hand of the Emperor - may immediately move as if it were the Movement phase.

Vanguard - this unit can move as if it were the Movement phase.


The only catch might be the rules for advancing...



"When you pick a unit to move in the Movement phase, you can declare that it will advance."


It's a little ambiguous because of how HotE and Vanguard are worded (as if it were the Movement phase) but if Celestine and Imagifiers can let models without the AoF ability perform Acts of Faith RAW, I don't see why HotE and Vanguard can't let units advance.

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Lol Sisters having broken rules. It won't be an issue, and even if it is an issue, I dare say we've earned it tongue.png

Broken is what someone else pointed out on Dakka Dakka...

Because she isn't unique RAW, six Celestines + Geminae fit into a 1500 point army. Keep the units within 6" of each other and you have an effective death star with:

18 models with a 2++ Shield of Faith

6-7 AoF a turn (restore wounds, anyone?)

the ability to respawn within 2" of any Geminae with the drawback that failing to respawn purges all Geminae from the board

the ability to bring back 7 slain Geminae a turn (assuming they weren't purged) to any Celestine unit

Go for 5 Celestines wiithout bodyguard and a load of Seraphim and you now have an army with a 2++ where your Seraphim screens have a re-rollable 2++

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18 models with a 2++ Shield of Faith


That one doesn't actually work because Celestine's aura gives +1 to Shield of Faith invulnerable saves rather than being a blanket boost to all invulnerable saves. As her 4++ comes from her The Armour of Saint Katherine special rule (which supersedes her Shield of Faith save) she doesn't gain anything from that aura. It's an important exception because models always count as being in range of themselves, and thus if Celestine's save was just an improved Shield of Faith she'd automatically boost herself up to a 3++.

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The problem is there's nothing that says the bonus doesn't stack and the exact wording is:


"All friendly Adepta Sororitas units within 6" of Celestine add 1 to their Shield of Faith invulnerable saves."


RAW, if I have two Celestines within 6" of the same unit each one adds 1 to that unit's SoF save. If I roll a 4, 4+1+1 is 6.

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Right now that's looking pretty much perfect for a Vanguard Detachment, at least until you add more Seraphim. If you were to add another unit of Troops you could field it in a Battalion Detachment (extra Seraphim included) and claim another two Command Points.


Ooo. Nice. I think sucking it up and adding in another unit of BSS with... hmmm... meltas, probably, would be nice. 9 Command points is a good start. Not quite up there with my Imperial Guard standard of 12, but 9 re-rolls (or whatever) alongside the Acts of Faith should make them pretty potent.


Heck, I could throw in some Guard units to boost me up to a Brigade Detachment, right? They all have Faction: Imperium, right?

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And in my opinion, IG are the most fluffy allies for Sisters, bar none. And they're a heck of a lot of fun to play together (we do a lot of 2v2 where I am, I always like it when I can get on a team with an IG player. Not an especially powerful combination in 7th, but so fun and fluffy)


I want someone to try the Celestar :P at that point it's "can I get more VPs than you" if you're playing kill points, than gg, you're going to win, but with objectives . . .

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Is there anything in the main rulebook limiting it, beyond common sense and decency?


I mean, it's obvious that you shouldn't take two celestines/magnuses/guillimans, but did they really forget to make it so that That Guy can't bring them in?


Because worse than infinite celestines is infibity-1 celestines with a squad of seraphim. A rerollable 2++ with the ability to block shots on your Celestine swarm until within 12" and enough numbers to actually claim objectives might be fairly potent.


I'm sure it'll get faq'd out of Oblivion soon as possible, but how could they have missed that...

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If you do the Seraphim star with 5-model units, or the Celestine star, you're also (almost) never going to take Battle shock tests. In the Celestine star, unless you start passing the restored Geminae to other Celestines (which you can do by RAW), you're never large enough to fail a Ld 10 test. Seraphim need to lose 3 of 5 models before it matters if the Superior is still alive.




... and I just thought of something...


Spirit of the Martyr: "or you can return a single slain model to the unit with one wound remaining"

Healing Tears: "you can set up a single slain Geminae Superia with all her wounds restored within 2" of Celestine and more than 1" away from any enemy models."


RAW, can you restore the same Geminae twice, once with the AoF and then before your Movement Phase begins using Healing Tears??? D: D:

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Imagifier and dominions start turn in an immolators. Imagnifier gets to roll for an act of faith for a unit within six inches. Both are in the same transport and therefore within 6" correct?


So dominions get set up, get a vanguard move, act of faith to move, use their regular move, and then can possibly turn 1 immolate some heretics?

Just saw DCA have the requirements for an extra attack granted by a priest. 6 attacks each at AP -2 if they have a priest nearby.

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I think they aren't on the board, and therefore the Simulacrum doesn't roll at all

And before someone brings it up, remember, Celestine is the exception, not the rule, when it comes to living saints. A living saint is just anyone declared a Saint by the Ecclesiarchy while they're still alive. They don't necessarily have warpy magic powers like Celestine. For example, all 6 of the founding Saints of the Sororitas were living saints by their respective times of death, but nothing says they were anything other than normal people. What made them awesome was that they had seen the Emperor in the flesh (or bone, you'd have to ask them how much flesh the dude had left tongue.png ).

Edit: the image looks kinda like a SoS, but no topknot, and has a fleur. It's not Sororitas PA though, so idk.

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First look at new Sisters??  Artwork, apparently from the 8th Edition rulebook, previewed on Warhammer Community:

Kaliyo Djannis as a sister of battle. Yeah. That's what I needed. Because The Old Republic didn't shove her down my throat enough already.


Or is that Jack from Mass Effect instead? Bioware seems to love imposing unrepentant female mass murderers with more attitude than they ever deserved to have and whom I can't avoid recruting on me.


Bioware made me quite peeved at female characters with a shaved head in general.

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Meh, Jack's awesome, dunno what you're bothered about.

As far as the Celestine madness goes - I mean I have the old and the new Celestine sitting around so... hmm... I might give two of them a go. I don't really have enough Seraphim yet to make it truly potent, but two Celestines, two Super Twins, and 5 Seraphim isn't that useless.

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