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8th: A New Day for Renegades?

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If they are starting the base off at D6 shots with D3 wounds each, that is just nasty. And at the end of the day it would probably mean more death than what we dish out now with them. Combine that with the fact that we may see a tank able to shoot at different targets with each gun this is all looking good.


I just really hope we can make lists like we used to back in the EoT days where we could put some marines into the mix

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If AoS-style keyword-based army building is the new thing, then we should definitely be able to.


Autopistol + CCW will be my choice. Hopefully mutants don't have the -1 leadership to friendly units debuff this time around. Ugh, debuffing your own army. Only FW, man...

Edited by Venomlust
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That is a bit crappy for templates, i rather enjoyed the aesthetic of dropping large blasts. Certainly makes artillery less effective against hordes.


Is it the same for small blasts? Quad guns might be much more deadly in that event.

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To be perfectly honest though, the only reason templates was effective against hordes was the fact that it was soooo time-consuming for the opponent to set them up 2" apart and most people couldn't be bothered with it.


Positive thoughts though, now our mutant hordes can clump together as much as they'd like without downsides! :)

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To be perfectly honest though, the only reason templates was effective against hordes was the fact that it was soooo time-consuming for the opponent to set them up 2" apart and most people couldn't be bothered with it.


Positive thoughts though, now our mutant hordes can clump together as much as they'd like without downsides! :smile.:


Yes, very true! Minding the distance between individual models was definitely time consuming. It will still matter, but for different reasons. More the distance between units, that matters now.

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By not having templates it will help speed up the horde armies so that you don't have 'that guy' who spreads all of his models out exactly 2" apart. It also means you could cram more guys behind cover and not worry about all of them dying by a single template.


And this will speed things up immensely, not to mention get rid of the scatter dice and any argument that comes from the exact angle that the arrow is going in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"that they currently have on sale." Welp.



Various orgyn, including the hounds.

Militia upgrades, HQ, enforcers

Rogue psykers, Nurgle preacher

Vehicle and artillery crew, so I expect the guard superheavy to stay available to us somehow.


CSM models listed:

Legion contemptors,

stormbird, fellblade, kharybdis, dreadclaw, Typhon

Brass scorpion, chaos knight, other Titans, kytan

Hell talon

land raider Achilles

Giant Spawn, bloodslaughterer, blight drone, decimator

Khorne Lord zufhor

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I am kinda hoping that there is a chance that Renegades are the 3rd faction in the main book. 


It's Traitor Knights, so there isn't any chance at all, unfortunately.


Edit: Which is too bad - the Studio proved they could do traitor Guard well with Genestealer Cults, so I'm interested as to how they'd do the Chaos aligned version of the same concept.

Edited by MysticTemplar
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I am kinda hoping that there is a chance that Renegades are the 3rd faction in the main book. 


That would have been awesome, sadly it's not to be though. 


My biggest hope for the updated R&H list for 8th is that FW actually makes a full set of error free rules this time that fully make sense. Stuff right now like the nonsensical pts cost for extra models in units like disciples should really go away. Also, I'd love for there to be an actual decently priced elite unit equivalent to normal guard veterans or storm troopers. 

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It is frustrating that we'll need the extra book, but makes sense given that the loyalists/renegades essentially share many units. They'd need to add gods know how many pages to a chaos book for these units, but fewer in the guard book.



I have a bad feeling FW is still somehow going to make us reference separate books for the rules. Like, there's a page for Chimera, and then it will say "Please see the 40k Astra Militarum book for this unit entry."  I really hope I'm wrong!

Edited by Venomlust
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I have a bad feeling FW is still somehow going to make us reference separate books for the rules. Like, there's a page for Chimera, and then it will say "Please see the 40k Astra Militarum book for this unit entry."  I really hope I'm wrong!


That is something Iam preparing for... 


Thankfully with the index's fairly cheap my plan will be to pick one up a month over the summer till I have the rules for all my armies. 

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