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A Cultist rock band+ 1000 Sons + IW = Shadow Wars batrep!


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So far in my Shadow Wars series I've mostly played stuff I can't post in this forum but hopefully you've seen some of the terrain pics and the other stuff spread throughout the forum.

Today I confess I screwed up. I took pictures from 3 different Shadow Wars games and mixed them up so I only have a few shots from this game... but the games are short anyway so.

So the game was the one where you have to get D6 Promethium, and escape with your life.... I played against Tau and this included some Drones I'd literally never seen in play before! Fear not, the Thousand Sons have no concern of robotic things....

My team for this battle is approximately worth about 1300 points at this point in this campaign. Let's meet the team:


The full team. Please excuse the Culitsts wip. Just had time for a few layers of paint, but hopefully I can rush through these guys for next week.

This is the kill-team of Innoc-Sek. He is an aspiring sorcerer of the Thousand Sons, and desperately seeks the attention of Ahriman. To study under Ahriman is his dream, but this task is a mere test for him in a long string of trials and tribulations (which have mostly gone horribly wrong).

- The Iron Warrior (from my very old army) is named Seigius Maximus and is on loan. He begrudgingly accepts the assignment to Innoc-Sek's attempt at stealing lots of Promethium from the Tau.

- Finally we have some serious missfits. These Cultists are called Rannik Vaul and the Ones with No Voice. They were just kicked out of a game show called "The Warp's Got Talent" in which the One's With No Voice attempted to enter the 'Boy Band' category and never got past their first audition.

The One's with No Voice are not allowed to speak in Innoc-Sek's presence, but truthfully ever since getting kicked off of 'The Warp's Got Talent", not a soul has heard a peep out of them.

The Game:

- I win first roll off and place 2 of the 3 Promethium outside of my zone. Luckly I also win deploy first, but the heinous Tau win first roll.

- What I did not realize is as shooty as the Tau are, most of the Tau are quite Short Ranged. As a result most of his army simply runs forward and into good firing positions.

- My turn is also spent running so not much to see, except I split the Ones with No Voice into two groups, rushing towards two Promethium Cache's. Of note my Heavy Bolter Thousand Sons starts to knock down some of his specialists... this is good, and gets my Cultists some breathing room...

- His second turn is spent with a horrid shooting phase. He misses most of my Culitsts and now they are feeling cocky. (thanks to Run modifications.)

- My next turn the stupid Heavy Bolter knocks 1 more guy down but runs out of Ammo! ( I ran out of ammo on my first shot last game.)


+ Halfway through the game I have one Promethium, but Goats McTotes goes down with another headwound. (he's still suffering 'Frenzy' from the last shot he took in the melon.).

- Ironically the Tau shoot poorly, the Ones with No Voice continue to advance. The Tau player actually rolls so many ones in a row he knocks his own (grey) drone down. Now I'm getting close enough I can see the Fish-men are starting to make tempura crumbs in their pants. I press forward...

- The Autocannon starts removing Tau, one Tau falls over the ledge, takes an additional impact hit, and lands right next to his leader who is also down.

- Even so the Tau do manage to take a Promethium Cache and we are tied. On the far side I have the second Cache and he tries to position to counter shoot but he's getting sick of my Heavy Weapons pinning his school... er squad of fish-people.

- Things are going my way but a close call indeed as the leader Innoc-Sek , takes a shot in the melon.


+ The Kill Team starts to wonder just how capable of leadership Innoc-Sek truly is...+

- The mystical leader is down, but not out. Things are starting to flip as the Fishmen start hitting my cultists, and are advancing on the one guy I have with the winning Promethium, but for a Rubric he's darn fast, and ends up bolting back to my end zone for the win.

- I end up with a Cultist missing a game out of this one and got lucky with no fatalities. This marks actually one of my first wins with chaos in Shadow Wars!

Thanks for reading!

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