Plaguecaster Posted May 6, 2017 Share Posted May 6, 2017 (edited) Well I got bored and made this abomination more as a challenge to myself to make it more nurgly since I wasnt really of a fan of the leviathan's normal close combat arms so really wanted a true siege weapon and a huge wrecking ball is as siegelike as I could think of, truly a fun model to convert Note: I have a very bad very feeling he may not actually be a true FW model as I got him from Ebay through a seller who claimed otherwise i apologise if so Here is a counts as Plague Hulk I am working on as well Edited April 3, 2019 by Brother Tyler Tags edited Pearson73, Rangaman, 1000 Sons and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted May 6, 2017 Share Posted May 6, 2017 Nice work. Plaguecaster 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_son_of_Dorn Posted May 6, 2017 Share Posted May 6, 2017 I love it. Plaguecaster 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dreagher Posted May 6, 2017 Share Posted May 6, 2017 That guy looks really sick,and for a nurgle model that is a compliment! Plaguecaster 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted May 6, 2017 Share Posted May 6, 2017 Very cool! :tu: Plaguecaster 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eldrick Shadowblade Posted May 6, 2017 Share Posted May 6, 2017 very cool Plaguecaster 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeaceCraft Posted May 16, 2017 Share Posted May 16, 2017 sweet use of bits! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plaguecaster Posted May 21, 2017 Author Share Posted May 21, 2017 Heh some more work done though this time on a new Contemptor using the lovely Mhara Gal I brought on impulse :D turned him to the glory of Nurgle since I need a an actual Contemptor for a tournment this week mostly painted still waiting on a butcher cannon count as bit. What do you think??? I think he still needs some high lights as well as trying to make the wrecking/ censer ball more glowy any suggestions???? DeadFingers, Replica, Teetengee and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Replica Posted May 22, 2017 Share Posted May 22, 2017 oh man! That is awesome!! Looking forward to seeing more! Plaguecaster 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eldrick Shadowblade Posted May 22, 2017 Share Posted May 22, 2017 try some moot green or scorpion green... its pretty radioactive looking green. would be the next level up Plaguecaster 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plaguecaster Posted May 23, 2017 Author Share Posted May 23, 2017 (edited) Here is a Nurgle Sorcerer I converted up and painted (Will try post more pics, my computers playing up :(. ) I think I suck at painting bone :D Edited May 23, 2017 by teutonicavenger Xenith 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted May 23, 2017 Share Posted May 23, 2017 Digging the Sorcerer and the bone's looking good! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Svartmetall Posted May 23, 2017 Share Posted May 23, 2017 I am a career Nurgleaholic, and I approve of this post :) Plaguecaster 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plaguecaster Posted May 24, 2017 Author Share Posted May 24, 2017 Here Is some more shots of the sorcerer (managed to get my computer working agains ) Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Aiwass Posted May 24, 2017 Share Posted May 24, 2017 Awesome stuff! Plaguecaster 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plaguecaster Posted May 26, 2017 Author Share Posted May 26, 2017 (edited) Here is my army so far 1000pts of deathguard using the Purge detachment, wish I could post some individual pictures but got a tournament tomorrow so have to travel a few hours to reach it, will post better pictures and a overview on how I did afterwards :D Â Edited May 26, 2017 by teutonicavenger Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plaguecaster Posted May 28, 2017 Author Share Posted May 28, 2017 (edited) As promised here is some better pics of the army fully painted, pretty pleased as I've spent this entire year converting and painting this lovely host dedicated to my favorite chaos God Nurlge, I'm also stoked as this is the first time I have actually fully completed an entire army with every unit I am using painted ready for games (before it was always unpainted or only a handful of units but not the whole army ) so this achievement comes as a shock to me Contemptor finished and rocking a brutal butcher cannon Chosen (plasma cannon is a count as lascannon) Havocs (same thing plasma cannons are lascannons since I have a plasma fetish and love them :D ) Sorcerer Well I took this force to a small 1K tournament and by god was it fun for is very likely my last games of 40K using 7th. To be fair I did miserable but I had so much fun using units I liked even though I basically gave my self a disadvantage especially against more mobile armies (3 out of 4 ) I also must of had Nurgle smiling upon me as I passed so much feel no pain rolls it wasn't funny my stuff just wasn't dying easily so my opponents had to focus all their fire just to kill stuff. I was never tabled (very close in the third game) and was able to do serious damage to my opponents as well sorry if this will just make a massive block of text since due to time constraints of 2 hours per game (some games came so close to going over ) there just wasn't time to take pics I also was voted as one of the most converted armies as it was only me and two others who had converted every single model in the army The fluff for the event The planet Khaolis, one of nine planets in the distant Dolomine system, is of great value. Its surface is covered, almost inch for inch, in sprawling Imperial mining habs; drilling out the precious and unique Khaolis-Serpentine for use in the Imperial war machine. Perhaps it was the mysterious and valuable green mineral that drove forces from across the galaxy to converge on Khaolis, or perhaps some had more nefarious and ineffable plans for the hive world. It matters not, for the planet has fallen foul of the ever-unpredictable flux of the warp and is now doomed to be consumed by the Immaterium. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your forces represent the last, abandoned dregs of a once proud warhost. You have been left to whatever terrible fate may befall you as the planet you once sought to defend/devour/enslave/annihilate/whatever it is Necrons do these days/conquer, is enveloped by one of those terrifying rifts in realspace known as warp storms. Fortunately (though perhaps not for you), each faction was able to withdraw its most potent and valuable equipment ahead of time, those precious weapons at least able to fight another day. This of course means, as a commander; you must innovate, use cunning and initiative, make in depth plans and above all keep your wits about you... and try not to get eaten by the buildings. Following a distrous attempt to claim the Dolomine Sector the Host of decay a shattered remnent of a large chaos host were stranded upon the planet Khaolis as the warp flux destroyed all fleets both Xenos traitor and loyalist alike orbiting the planet as the Immaterium sought to consume the whole planet. gathering around the foul sorcerer Michael Vilepox the host sought to escape the planet following the visions granted to the sorcerer by the plague father Nurgle Game 1 Ravenwing Following one of his visions the Sorcerer lead is shattered force to and some abandoned ruins where once a mechanicius outpost stood if they could claim it they may find something that could ery much help them escape. not lon upon their arrival a massive portal opened up as the planets instability triggered a once dormant teleporter. There was little time for celebration however as they host immediatly came under attack by the Ravenwing of the Dark Angels chapter keen on punishing the traitors for past crimes during the heresy. Primary: Evacuation. a marker is placed in the centre of the objective who ever evacuates the most Points by the end of the game wins with units evacuated turn 1-2 counting as double points. To evacuate all you need to do is get in base contact with objective and you count as being evacuated Secondary: whoever kills the most stuff Tertiery: first blood, slay the warlord, Linebreaker T1 He slowly speeds forward being very careful to stay out of line of sight making use of the terrian on the board I can do nothing really apart form advance whilst the plague Hulk scattered with his rot cannon, sorcerer cast curse of the leaper on himself T2 His Plasma bike squad guns forward hosing the chosen and sorcerer with plasma only killing two, the speeders target the Contemptor but fail to damage it whilst the attack bikes complelty miss all their shots at the plague Hulk. The command squad and HQs fire their guns at the chosen failing to kill any before charging them and the sorcerer killing all the chosen with the sorcerer suffering a wound by the chaplain (champion was cut down by librarian in a challenge) The Plague Hulk lumbers forward vomiting all over the plasma bikers reducing them and their bikes to gooey liquid both contemptor and havocs target the speeders but fail to destroy them due to jinking. The Chaplain hoped to kill the Sorcerer in a challenge but failed to kill him though the Sorcerer couldnt hit back due to being concussed and blinded from the Chaplains mace of redemption which wounded him earlier T3 His chaplain challenged my sorcerer again hoping to cut him down but fails to do anything with the sorcerer inflicting two unsaved wounds on him. both attack bikes target the plague Hulk but only inflict a single glancing hit. the speeders who jinked before slowly advace up coviently out of line of sight for most of my stuff With most of his stuff hiding I couldnt draw line of sight so only the Plague Hulk fired at the attack bikes (who were just out of vomit range and assault range) but scattered with the rot cannon, with only the sorcerer left I challeneged anybody who would accept but the cowards refused after surivng a whole round going last the Sorcerer managed to kill all but one of the command squad unable to kill the herectic the dark angels then promptly legged it as the plague hulk was rather too close for comfort (he really started fearing the vomit ) T4 Both attack bike sped behind the plague hulk and fired point blank range into the rear of the beast however Nurgle smiled upon his creature as they failed to destroy the daemon (double 6s for his daemon save ) Librarian, chaplain and the surving command squad closed ranged with the havocs who endured the initial firepower of the loyalists (librarian cast the beam melta power hoping to hit the contemptor behind the havocs but failed to cast it) but were cut down no match for the Dark Angel heroes. The Plague Hulk vomited one attack biker to death and assaulted the other crushing the poor bikers beneath it's claws whlst my sorcerer cast curse of the leaper upon himself. The contemptor charged into the command squad, chaplain and librarian crushing the Librarian to a messy pulp the chaplain and command squad like the cowards they were fled the combat using hit and run making a mad dash for the objective knowing he stood a chance of being annilated T5 With only one of the comand squad left and the chaplain down to his last wound he speed off disapearing into the portal, both speeders sped forward hoping to kill my exposed sorcerer and get slay the warlord but failed to do any damge with With only his speeders on the board and no chance of me getting enough stuff to the evacuation point I instead turned my force's rage upon them with the Contemptor destoying both ending the game since he had noting left on the board Minor Loss 14-12 Following a failed assault on the death guard which left their entire force massacred the Interrogatior chaplain and sole surviving ravenwing member were able to quickly disengae from the combat and escape using the portal keen on bring news of Fallen sightings to the chapter no matter the cost. following their escape the portal disapeared leaving the Death guard forces bemused and slightly annoyed at the loyalist's cowardly escape Very close game unfortunatly I lost since I couldnt get a single unit to the portal even though I basically annilated his entire force damn that hit and run, my opponet didnt count on just how resilent my force was as he hoped to claim the secondary as well as the primary once he failed that he stated he wished he just evacuated his entire force T2 Game 2 Eldar With the mysterious portal gone the Deathguard began the slow march to where the wreckage of a ship was scattered in the attempts to salvage it in an attempt to get off world unfortunately the Eldar got there first intent on claiming the ship wreckage themselvs and so began a battle fought whilst the planet itself started to turn against the inhabitants. Primary: 6 objectives which however as soon as a unit gets into range the objective activates becoming a monstrous creature WS4 ST6 T5 W5 I5 sv 3+ you must kill the objective to claim it though after death can be contested or claimed by the opposing player as well Secondary; Seize the Warp drive, basically relic objective this one isnt trying to kil you Teritery: First Blood, slay the warlord, trophy hunter It was mostly a Foot elder list with this if I remember correctly Farseer with Something? cant remember as all he did was cast focus, doom and guide every turn warlock on a bike same as above though he didn't actually cast anything all game (I think he just forgot) 10 Dire avengers with exarch 5 Scat bikers 5 Reapers with Exarch and starshots 5 Fire Dragons with Exarch 7 Scorpions with Exarch 5 Warp Spiders with exarch T1-2 not a lot happened as we both worked on killing the objectives to claim them my Plague Hulk, havocs with Sorcerer and Contemptor killed two between them with no losses whilst he killed 2 with his elder using hit and run plus other shenanigans to activate it before jumping out and killing the objectives to be claimed. He had his dire avengers with farseer on one at the back reapers near a second. I had a sorcerer's with Havocs (dumb descion I would regret) on one with plague hulk whilst the Contemptor was alongside Chosen on another T3 His scorpions moved forward killing and claiming another objective whilst his scat bikers and Warlock hosed my havocs and sorcerer though luckily I suffered no loses through sheer luck, my opponent seemed to think my Plague Hulk was a creature (to be fair it does look like it) rolling against it's initiative causing 12 wounds I then kindly told him it was a vehicle and could do nothing so instead he made them run away out of range. My Plague Hulk disappointed his insect friends ran away instead turned his attentions to the closer insects the scorpions instead moving forward and vomiting all over them completely wiping out the whole unit with a disgusting ap3 vomit template The Chosen with very little to shoot let the one lascannon wielding dude take potshots at the farseer and his dire avengers for a laugh. Nurgle must of smiled upon this chosen as he miraculously managed to snipe and vaporize the Dire Avenger's Exarch who died a messy death in front of his shock comrades, this would be a recurring event and so began the legend of the Festardius the Chosen of Nurgle master sniper Sorcerer and Havocs reduced the scatbikers to half strength whilst Contempor still did nothing due to the xenos armour saves. T4 the Fire Dragons ran forward taking revenge on the Plague Hulk in a massive explosion, scat bikers still did nothing taking consolation with claiming the Relic with the Warlock trying to lead them to safety, the Insects were back this time able to tell the difference between flesh and machine targeting the sorcerer and havocs with only sorcerer down to one wound and one havoc left they charged hoping to finish them off but the Sorcerer instead cut down three before the insects scurried off doing nothing for the rest of the game Festardius the Chosen preformed another lucky shot this time cutting down the warlock killing him instantly leaving the 2 surviving scat bikers dismayed but still carrying the relic, sorcerer and havoc charged the fire dragons but they got lucky and took down the sole surviving havoc with some lucky over watch. Enraged the Contemptor charged forward as well and helped the Sorcerer to massacre the fire dragons on the objective putting me in the lead. T5 (ended up being the last turn). Sadly in range of both the dire avengers with farseer and Reapers both the Contemptor and Sorcerer fell to weight of fire being cut down (reapers took dread avengers took sorcerer who was already down to one wound) Surviving Scat bikers hide in his deployment zone free from the dreaded chosen sniper whilst the poor spiders ended up being made lunch as they got too close to the last unclaimed objective which killed them With only the Chosen squad left unharmed the entire game the lascannon chosen named Festardius earned a his well deserved man of the match cutting down the Reaper's Exarch with another extremely lucky shot claiming an impressive tally of 2 exarchs and one Warlock with a funny end to a massive loss Final Score 28-2 massive loss for me Game 3 White Scars Primary; 6 objectives however at the start of the turn every unengaged unit must roll a d6 on a 1 it immediatly scatters and has to take a pinning test Secondary: kill the most stuff tertitery First blood, slay the warlord, line breaker, trophy hunter he had some funny formation which let him move at the end of his turn like elder shenanigans Khan with a bike squad with Grav 5man tact squads with grav cannon in razorback with lascannon 5 man Tact Squad in drop pod with combi melta and meltagun 5 man devastator squad full grav with amp in Razorback with twin linked lascannon 5 man tact squad with flamer in razorback with He deployed his units all over his board whilst I deployed all my forces in one corner hoping to focus on one half of the board and keep my force roughly togehter so no lone units wuld be easy prey for his drop pod and grav stuff. My sorcerer got the +1 to his feel no pain sv so had a 4+ T1 all of his Razorbacks started flying all over the place due to the mission shennigans though his bike squad was fine he drop podded his melta tact squad near an objective and tried shooting the sorcerer and chosen nearby but failed to kill anything he then used his movement shennigans to move back into cover. He taking down my plague hulk with a razorback and grav cannon but failed to damage it, the rest of his stuff moved closer hoping to line of sight as most of my stuff was in cover as I was not looking forward to facing the grav. My first turn of shooting was quite abysmal as I failed to kill anything I chipped a couple hull points of the razorbacks and killed one of Kh Edited May 28, 2017 by teutonicavenger brettfp and Antarius 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted May 28, 2017 Share Posted May 28, 2017 Sound like some good matches, really digging the old-school plasma. Plaguecaster 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plaguecaster Posted July 29, 2017 Author Share Posted July 29, 2017 Well Iv been quite busy converting random stuff for 8th ready for the new Death Guard codex to hit first off is a Deredero Dreadnought though it is still WIP as I need more Helbrute spines and another hades cannon plus think of a way to convert a chaos missile launcher I was worried about not fitting considering the size difference compared to the normal autocannon the Doritos comes with but I actually think the Hades autocannon fits quite well what do peopl think??? Azekai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azekai Posted July 29, 2017 Share Posted July 29, 2017 I think the cannon looks good; recognizable but also clearly a heretical variant. Would the launchers from a whirlwind work? You might have to add some spikes but I think it would resemble the original model reasonably well. Plaguecaster 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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