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Guilliman and the Ecclesiarchy


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How do you think that Guilliman will do with the Ecclesiarchy doing the Indomitus Crusade.

After all he destroyed Monarchia in an attempt to stop Lorgar from worshiping the Emperor.

Do you think he will do something similar to the Ecclesiarchy?

Will Guilliman become a true beliver? or will he allow them to continue for the sake of unity?

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Aye, Guilliman wasn't keen on destroying Monarchia.


I doubt Guilliman will do anything about the Ecclesiarchy, really. It's so ingrained in every aspect of Imperial life now that it'd be far too much of a culture shock to suddenly remove it from play. I imagine the best anyone can hope for is that he's removed the Ecclesiarchy from the High Lords of Terra entirely.

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True, but Guilliman like to do things by the book as much as possible.


I could see Guilliman disliking the Ecclesiarchy because it go against the Emperor wishes and has no practical use.

But will tolerate it because the imperium can not handle a conflict of this size right now.

Or he will order it to disband and let it live in the shadows.


I can not see him becoming a true believer

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I disagree. 


Gman is going to fire them all.  I mean, just fired.  If you are wearing a robe and are not a Dark Angel then you are getting a pink slip.


If the Imperium is some form of tyranny as many have postulated, then Gman is just another form of tyrant.


A cool-looking tyrant though.

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Theoretical : Ecclesiarchy, although contradicting the Emperor's secular views, allows to unite people in times of adversity around shared hopes represented by theoretical concepts.


Practical : Avoid shattering one of the only pillars holding the Imperium together and leverage cohesive effet until Indomitus Crusade is over. Replace beliefs with enlightenment at later stage.

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I think he's probably got his hands full with the warp tear across the Galaxy honestly.


It does conflict with what the Emperor taught him though but that time is gone I guess and chaos is widespread, maybe he might remove them from the lords of Terra. Downside of any action against the Ecclesiarcy could lead to civil war when the Imperium needs it least of all. He may well have the blessing of the Emperor and be a Primarch but a lot of powerful people might suddenly find themselves looking elsewhere for support or starting open rebellion in the face of losing that power.


However, if he prevents the creation of plastic sisters of battle he's taking a short trip out to the garden shed to meet mister sledgehammer...

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I wonder if G-man is stubborn enough to ignore such obvious signs as St. Celestine and the communication with daddy-o that Big E has powers beyond the immediately obvious and that a gazillion screaming fanatics actually fuel his power. He may change the focus of the Ecclesiarchy over time, but I doubt they will disband them, especially now that the Imperium needs all the help it can get.

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I wonder if G-man is stubborn enough to ignore such obvious signs as St. Celestine and the communication with daddy-o that Big E has powers beyond the immediately obvious and that a gazillion screaming fanatics actually fuel his power. He may change the focus of the Ecclesiarchy over time, but I doubt they will disband them, especially now that the Imperium needs all the help it can get.


At this point, obvious signs are no longer beliefs but facts and we all know how much PapaG loves him som' of dem juicy facts!

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But I mean, St. Celestine could be explained by just the psychic might of the Emperor, which Guilliman was there to witness originally as well, so having seen him personally force an entire legion to bow with a single word probably would make him go, "it's no proof of a god, it's proof he's not dead."


Plus I'm sure when he spoke to the Emperor he talked about the Ecclesearchy.

Why would the inquisition go down? They aren't purely religious. In fact they were originally not tied to the religion at all until the Age of Apostasy.

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Guilliman is a rational pragmatist. Gathering Storm actually touches upon this a few times.
He does not like it, he has trouble saying the words "God Emperor" but he also realises this is not the Empire he remembers before going into stasis.
He's not going to rip apart the fabric of the Imperium from within at a time of open war against Chaos. He has other priorities for the time being.

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But I mean, St. Celestine could be explained by just the psychic might of the Emperor, which Guilliman was there to witness originally as well, so having seen him personally force an entire legion to bow with a single word probably would make him go, "it's no proof of a god, it's proof he's not dead."


Oh, totally!


What I meant to defend was : he is a practical rational man. He knows it is not godhood, but he realizes that the people believe it is so.


He probably understands that this pool of belief works as a Super Goku Spirit Bomb by creating some Warp powers as manifestations of the represented Emperor. And that is something he can use.


I don't see him denying facts, just disliking them very much :P

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Pffft compromise is just a slow death .


Using something to achieve a strategic advantage in a war that threatens to consume the continued existence and well being of your species is not compromise, it's using all the tools at your disposal to achieve a better future.


When not needed, tools can be put back in the toolbox and sealed away with fire.

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If the Imperium is some form of tyranny as many have postulated, then Gman is just another form of tyrant.


A cool-looking tyrant though.


Pfft, ain't no "if" about it, though Guilliman might be best understood as a benevolent dictator or enlightened despot . . . like any fairytale king, no matter how good he may be, his power to rule is not derived from the authority of the people.


In the classical sense, Guilliman can't be a true tyrannos because his assumption of power was girded by the laws and traditions of the Imperium. If he'd swept to power merely on the grounds of his immense, semi-divine popularity with the masses, things might be different, but there's no sense (yet?) that his assumption of power was seen as anything less than the return of the rightful heir.


The Emperor, now, he was a genuine might-makes-right tyrannos.


Sidenote: it's amusing to see a guy named for the Death Spectres is anti-Ecclesiarchy, given that the reason the chapter guards the Ghoul Stars is because their first Chapter Master, Corcaedus, received a vision from the Emperor Himself. ;)

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