Aothaine Posted September 17, 2018 Share Posted September 17, 2018 Thanks guy, Finishing it up now! Updates thick and fast! Here is repulsor number 1 competeted, I give you “The Emperors Shield”! 2 more to highlight... As always I'm stunned by your work. Great job! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 17, 2018 Share Posted September 17, 2018 Well done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted September 18, 2018 Share Posted September 18, 2018 Beautiful! The front plate with the name barely visible is fantastic! Be proud :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
neonmole Posted September 18, 2018 Author Share Posted September 18, 2018 2 down... Captain Barachiels vessel, the lead gunship “Imperius” ready for action! Last one and the ancients banner tomorrow... which is the last day before my flight. Wouldn’t be a tournament if it wasn’t the way...! Othniel's Blade, Spyros, Kaese and 8 others 11 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 18, 2018 Share Posted September 18, 2018 Good job on the Repulsors. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Othniel's Blade Posted September 18, 2018 Share Posted September 18, 2018 Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blindhamster Posted September 18, 2018 Share Posted September 18, 2018 im really interested in how you've done the silver parts on them, looks great! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
neonmole Posted September 18, 2018 Author Share Posted September 18, 2018 @Blindhamster The silver is pretty easy, it’s the same actually as on the boltgun metal of my intercessors. - base coat of Vallejo metal colour aluminium - gloss varnish - nuln oil gloss all over - AK interactive streaking grime all over (on the normal parts this is a sort of thinned wash, on the large bits like the grav plates I actually steak it properly) - lahmian median all over to matte down - highlight with the aluminium colour again! In practice it’s pretty simple, basically all wash type techniques. Thanks for the kind words guys! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
neonmole Posted September 19, 2018 Author Share Posted September 19, 2018 So, I am thrilled to report, that the project is completed! I fly to Gibraltar for No Retreat tomorrow, but before that, I wanted to share the completed army. With that, I give you the speartip of the Novus Sanguine! (or "new blood") Background: The Novus Sanguine were the first Primaris Blood Angels to arrive on Baal, with Robute Guilliman, to break Hive Fleet Leviathans siege of the Arx Angelicum. As the first of the new, they are referred to as the "11th Company, and are commanded by Captain Barachiel, the 11th Captain - now known by his honorific title "Brother Barachiel, First of the Novus Sanguine, Liberator of Baal". This force represents the spear tip of the Novus Sanguine, charged with leading the assault, and specialising in the time honoured Blood Angels way of war... Captain Barachiel, First of the Novus Sanguine and Liberator of Baal. Lieutenant Ramial, The Sword of Sanguinius. Brother Teus, Exemplar of the Novus Sanguine. Custodes Sanguine, led by Veteran Sergeant Brother Helel. Vitae Alpha, led by Veteran Sergeant Brother Israfel. Vitae Beta, led by Squad Leader Brother Zuriel Angelus Alpha, led by Veteran Brother Sergeant, and Novus Sanguine champion duelist, Brother Raziel. Angelus Beta, led by Squad Leader Brother Zachiel. Lead Gunship, and Flagship of Brother Barachiel: "The Imperius". Flanking Gunship: "The Emperor's Shield". Flanking Ginship: "The Praetorian". The Speartip Assembled... So there you have it! I hope you like them. I really had an amazing time working on the project. The fluff and characters emerged organically as I was modelling and painting it, as I didn't do much of it in groups, and as such had time while painting individual models to thinking about their backstory, and who they might be based on how I imagined them while painting. I was also listening to Dante and Devestation of Baal at one point which obviously had a huge influence! I will report back following No Retreat to let you know how the games go! Until then, Cheers! brother_b, Zebulon, Kaese and 14 others 17 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blindhamster Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 absolutely stunning work brother. really impressed with these! consider the idea of the numerals for squad idents stolen! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 Looking amazing! ^_^ Could you tell me what the blue is you used for the vehicle stripe and cloak? I'm going to reboot my (Blue) DIY successor eventually, and that shade of blue is perfect. Good luck in Gibraltar! ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BluejayJunior Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 Those are absolutely beautiful. I am quite jealous. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 This might be my favorite Blood Angels army here. Just saying. Amazing work! :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mostwanted Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 Fantastic to see it all together and well done for getting it done on time. I enjoyed seeing this all come together. Good luck! I may have missed it but how were the "No Retreat" letters done on the banner? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zebulon Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 These are excellent, and are close to being enough to get me into Primares. I need to shift my backlog first mind you. You’ve achieved a really high quality finish. Also, I know it’s a typo but I am liking the idea of a “Ginship” :p :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
neonmole Posted September 19, 2018 Author Share Posted September 19, 2018 Ha. Ginship. I like the sound of it too... I’m leaving it! Thanks for the kind words guys, I’ll let you know how it fares in Gib! keeblerartillery and Aothaine 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 Your Primaris Marines are well done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aothaine Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 The No Retreat on the banner is a GREAT touch! Have fun at No Retreat! Really wish they would record the games there in TTT style. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brother_b Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 Wow the printing of No Retreat is amazing. You're an artist and this is actually some of my favorite painting ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robofish7591 Posted September 20, 2018 Share Posted September 20, 2018 That is one fantastic looking army! You should be featured on warhammer community or something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 20, 2018 Share Posted September 20, 2018 Also, I know it’s a typo but I am liking the idea of a “Ginship” Have the Blood Angels adopted the Black Templars ritual of using STRONG DRINKs as liquid pain gloves, to test themselves? Zebulon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted September 20, 2018 Share Posted September 20, 2018 Absolutely stunning! Good luck on the tables Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted September 20, 2018 Share Posted September 20, 2018 I've already given you all the compliments I can brother! Did you ever post your list for No Retreat? Would love to see it & eagerly await results from the games :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
synthaside Posted September 20, 2018 Share Posted September 20, 2018 I had the fortune to play against this army to a hard fought ... Loss ... and i can confirm its drop dead Gorgous ... Neon was also drinking Gin at the time his Ginships were killing Skitarri ... i kid you not it's his tipple of choice im surprised he doesnt thin his paint with it ... Aothaine, LutherMax and Zebulon 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
neonmole Posted October 11, 2018 Author Share Posted October 11, 2018 (edited) Hey Guys! I wanted to post this after I got back, but what with the forum being down there has been a bit of a hiatus! Nevertheless, here is my brief report of my performance / experience at No Retreat 7! For those not following the thread, I was playing my new army, that I have dubbed "Speartip of the Novus Sanguine", or colloquially, "The Repulsor List of Doom". It consists of the following. Primaris Captain (Warlord, Artisan of War) Primaris Lt (Archangels Shard Relic) Primaris Ancient (Standard of Sacrifice Relic) 5x5 Intercessor Squads (Grenade Launcher / Power Sword on Sgt) 3xRepulsor (4 Las Loadout) Pre-Games. I played 2 games in advance of the main tournament, one against Sean's Harlequin army, a really lovely guy from Ireland, and the other against Simon from Sweden, and his Ynnari army. Sean's Harlequins. Roughly his list was: Solitaire Troupe Master Shadowseers Approx. 5 Starwevers with Troupes in them 5 Bikes with the Haywire gun I managed to win this one quite convincingly in the end. Ultimately it came down to me being better off in a war of attrition, while he definitely but some dents in my army, ultimately the remaining Repulsors were too much for him by turn 3-4, and began to take over the game while my remaining infantry cleaned up the objectives. So far so good! WIN! Simon's Ynnari Roughly his list was: Yncarne Farseer on jetbike 10 Wraithguard 5 Wraithblades 3x5 Dire Avengers Hemlock Wraithlord I have never played against Ynnari so this was a real steep learning curve of a game for me. It was incredibly close, and ultimately, Simon won due to a few (one really) game breaking mistakes on my part. Basically he managed to quicken his Wraithguard up the board, who promptly one shot a Repulsor, they then Soulburst off this, and shoot a second one, crippling it in the process. Not a good start. I did manage to recover from here though, and actually get into a winning position. Then game my big mistake... I won't explain how the Yncarne works here (its really complex) but basically I got in a position where I had it dead to rights, however I made a mistake in the sequence of my shooting attacks, which allowed it to relocate to a safe position... meaning I couldn't then kill it. From there it dominated the game and I lost unfortunately. I really was kicking myself after this won, and swore vengeance upon Simon, hoping I would meet him in the tournament to have my satisfaction! LOSS! On to the tournament itself... Game 1 - Stig's Admech Techpriest Dominus Enginseer 3x5 Rangers 2x40 Elecropriests 5x Dragoons 5x Lascannon Ironstriders Ah my old nemesis Stig! Not really of course, we just played last time too. This was an interesting game, and one that I had been thinking about in advance, since we knew the first round pairing for a couple of days. For those that don't know, this kind of Stygies list basically wants to infiltrate the Electropriests, and Dragoons, for a simple turn one charge (not anymore post FAQ of course). My trump card here though is that Repulsers have "fly" meaning I can deploy my whole army on top of tall terrain, where they cannot be charged turn one. So thats what I did! Ultimately the game went more of less how I thought it would if I went first (which I did). Stig was able to kill a Repulsor pretty easily each turn with his Laschickens, but before they were all dead I had successfully eliminated his all star units, the electropriests and dragoons. From here its relatively straightforward case of me walking down rangers to claim objectives and win the game. When it concluded he had one Laschicken left, and I had won all the objectives. Good Start! WIN! 28pts (max) Game 2 - Jussi's Harlequins Roughly his list was: Solitaire Troupe Master Shadowseer 4 (I think) troupes in Starweavers 12 Bikes with the Haywire gun So on paper this looks really hard for me, but ultimately I was able to pull it out. My experience against the harlequins in my practice game proved invaluable here, and armed me with the insight that I needed to play a good game. In reverse, Jussi I think would play this very differently in a rematch, but that is one of the advantages of my list, you have never seen anything like it! Ultimately I went first, and killed 10/12 bikes, crippling his ability to kill Repulsors at range. This meant he had to close in and fight me with his clowns in melee. Intuitively you probably imagine a bunch of clowns with Solitarie etc in tow win that brawl... not so. Yes he puts the hurt on me, but everytime I hit him back (including when models die due to the banner) I am wounding him on a 2 (re rolling) and forcing a 4+ save. Everytime he fails that its 25pts~. That is not a sustainable fight. So ultimately, I was actually able to win this in a punch up, and prevail in a war of attrition, which as it turns out is a common theme with this list... In the end he managed to draw on the secondary mission, denying me a couple of pts. WIN! 24pts I only took a single picture of my games this time, but heres a shot of this one, which is pretty representative of how this army tends to look on the table! Game 3 - Mikey's Raven Guard. His list roughly was: Gabriel Angelos (he's playing blood ravens with raven guard tactics) Lt 2x non blood angels smash captains 3x 5 scouts 2x forge world gun turret things 2x Leviathan with dual storm cannon 5 Agressors So his basic plan is of course to infiltrate the captains, and the aggressors, and in best case go for a turn one charge to sabotage any hope you many have of dealing with the insane damage output of the 2 Levithans.... and that is basically how it went down! This was a massacre. Mikey went first, got off all his turn 1 charges, and just mauled me. Hindset 20/20, I could have deployed better to make it a much closer game, but going 2nd in this one really made it hard for me. Hey ho, I guess I feel vindicated since the FAQ basically killed this! But really, hats off to Mikey, great player, and gave me a really thrashing! LOSS! (0pts) Game 4 - Simon's Ynnari (again!) Well, well, well! I get my wish for vengeance! So this is the same list I played in the practice game above. But this time, I knew what I was doing a little bit! This was a pretty long and complex game (for a variety of weird reasons) but basically, now knowing what Ynnari do, and the capabilities of some of the units, I was able to play around it much better. This resulted in a big win for me, basically because I denied him the ability to get at my Repulsors in the way he did in our practice game. Once I had then eliminated the threats to them, it was pretty straightforward cleanup as he couldn't then really contest the amount of mobile firepower I had on the board. WIN! 28pts (max) Game 5 - Chema's Tzeenth Daemons Im not going to try and tell you what he had. But basically it came down to a load of screening blobs of Horrors, which were standing in front of a bunch of characters. Exalted Flamers, Daemon Prince, Changling. All that stuff. He also had a couple of units of normal flamers which he deep struck. So, this was a wierd one. I have never ever played against Tzeentch Daemons, and have literally no clue whatsoever what they do. This was not ideal, as despite being a really lovely guy, Chema is Spanish, and doesn't speak the best English (and I don't speak Spanish at all!). This made it quite hard for me to play a "good game" as I wasn't really sure what to do! With all that said, I don't think Chema knew what hit him here! His list is basically trying to screen all those characters with 3+invul horror blobs. You do this with strats/powers, not exactly sure what combo but anyway... He was visibly distressed at the volume of bullets my list put into him! Most lists probably can even think about getting through a screen like that, but this one can, simply due to the volume of dakka it puts out, and how hard the intercessors punch T3 in combat. In the end, I actually managed to table him pretty convincingly, and take a final win! WIN! 28pts (max) So in the end, I won 4/5 games, and played 5th/42 players! I was really thrilled with this result. As you guys know from following the blog, I did this for the modelling opportunity, not because I thought it was a good list, but it actually turned out to be a bit of a sleeper! The list is deceptively good! In addition, I also won one of the 5 highly coveted SN awards. These are the 5 best armies as selected by the SN Battle Reports Team (event organisers). This was really the best thing I could have asked for, as my main motivation going in was tom take home some kind of painting award! Success!! This also has the added benefit of netting you an invitation to the next No Retreat event, allowing you to skip the (quite stressful, and very tough!) application process. Watch this space for me to do something for that! All in all, a tremendous event, one that I cannot recommend highly enough, and wouldn't miss for the world. It is such a special gathering of people who just love the hobby in all its forms, and it ends up being a truly unique celebration of that. Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed the event, and the whole process documented in this thread! Always a pleasure. Cheers! Edited October 11, 2018 by neonmole Quixus, robofish7591, Kaese and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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