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Ok so I got it into my head to try glazing an OSL effect.  I had no idea how to go about doing this or any experience trying.  How bad is it?  Should I just paint over it with my normal stuff?  No sugar coated responses please.  


I will probably add a jump pack but I'm going to wait until 8th drops before making that choice.  If librarians have good shooty support type ability I think this guy is just going to support my backfield shooting.  If libs turn out to be really badass in melee... this guy is getting a jump pack.









Like Realityburn says, tone it down a bit, but less on the strongest lit spots (bottom of the chin, centre of the breastplate) and bring it closer to your original colour as you go further out. To my eye the problem is not enough falloff on the effect.


Don't give up, though, When you nail this skill it'll be amazing.

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