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Blackshields: The False War Info+Cover

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I thought Darked Fates referred to Haar being involved in the Solar War.

Nothing stops him from being involved in the Solar War later on.


Awesome audio. I love the voice acting especially Endryd's accent. The made an awesome character: driven, nasty and uncaring, foccused only on his vengeance. From now on he's my favorite monster.

Indeed. Can't wait to listen to the next - Red Fief if I remember correctly. Thanks for DC to uncovering the title.



Very enjoyable audio drama with a few little titbits of info to intrigue


the comment from the assassin around 'Do you dream of thunder?'


also really loved the priest's accent - came across like a 'sarf london' or 'cockney' geezer



Don't personally think he has anything to do with a thunder warriors. But time will tell.

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I don't think Endryd is, after listening to the audio short. Morturg probably falls under it. 


I don't think he could be counted amongst the virtuous blackshields. It seems the be the case that rather than having any morals to stick by, he has his eyes fixed on Horus at any costs. He will use anything to get to his prize, the only loyalty he seems to have, which is used loosely, is to the forge tyrant who he seems to like a fair bit. When Malcadors proposal arrives, its not about following the Emperor, its about tearing Horus' throat out.
Edited by Warsmith Kroeger
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I'd say a Blackshield probably can be virtuous. Moturg seems to be, at least in that he still wishes to serve a higher cause.


It depends if that was 'his' decision - or his Magos compatriot.

It's plainly Moturg saying the words.

Kroeger, I count Henricos as a favourite so I certainly don't think Loyalists have to be virtuous. I was just questioning a blanket statement

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Eh...does every "loyalist" has to be virtuous? I'd rather have one book about Autek Mor, Endryd Haar or any other unscrupulous yet effective commander than ten about super shiny exemplars of loyalty and humanity.


Point is I would better have Horus and Mortarion as alies at that point of time than guys like Autek Mor or Endryd Haar. Because they are efficient commanders but doesnt care about humanity at all.


Which in general makes them even bigger traitors than Horus forces, who in their deluded state think they will strive and make humanity better after they topple Emperor tyranny.

Guys of Mor and Haar type are cinics. Who does care about anything except victory. They never think about - what would be in the future and who will left to govern it.

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... What?


Let's leave aside for a moment the fact that Horus and the Traitor Legions are literally cutting and burning down everything that stands between them and Terra, on a scale that Endryd Haar and Autek Mor couldn't hope to replicate even on a miniscule level. Let's also leave aside the fact that, however bad they may be, the likes of Autek Mor or Endryd Haar are focused on fighting the Traitor Legions; that their deeds, however awful, are limited to those theaters of operation.


It doesn't matter what Horus's intentions are. While Haar might be an absolutely unconscionable bastard, the fact remains that, whether he - or anyone else fighting on behalf of the Emperor/against the Traitors - knows it or not, what he is truly fighting against is the efforts of Chaos to subvert the entire species. By contrast, whether they know it or not, Horus and his allies are doing Chaos's bidding.


Bottom line, most sound-minded people shouldn't want to be anywhere near Endryd Haar but that in no way means they should think of Horus as somehow better.

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... What?


Let's leave aside for a moment the fact that Horus and the Traitor Legions are literally cutting and burning down everything that stands between them and Terra, on a scale that Endryd Haar and Autek Mor couldn't hope to replicate even on a miniscule level. Let's also leave aside the fact that, however bad they may be, the likes of Autek Mor or Endryd Haar are focused on fighting the Traitor Legions; that their deeds, however awful, are limited to those theaters of operation.


It doesn't matter what Horus's intentions are. While Haar might be an absolutely unconscionable bastard, the fact remains that, whether he - or anyone else fighting on behalf of the Emperor/against the Traitors - knows it or not, what he is truly fighting against is the efforts of Chaos to subvert the entire species. By contrast, whether they know it or not, Horus and his allies are doing Chaos's bidding.


Bottom line, most sound-minded people shouldn't want to be anywhere near Endryd Haar but that in no way means they should think of Horus as somehow better.

Point is - it was a comparison of 'characters' - evil guys to good guys who are in the 'grey' area with a big sinking into the evil side.

Not as to the proportion of evilness.


'Bottom line, most sound-minded people shouldn't want to be anywhere near Endryd Haar but that in no way means they should think of Horus as somehow better.'

- yes, what I meant is that it's better not be near any of them at all. They are both 'bad' cases for different reasons

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Your two posts sound completely different from each other, man. The previous one definitely makes judgment calls: Horus and co. are "better," Haar is, in general, "an even bigger traitor." I struggle to see how either of those statements can be reconciled with what we read.

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Your two posts sound completely different from each other, man. The previous one definitely makes judgment calls: Horus and co. are "better," Haar is, in general, "an even bigger traitor." I struggle to see how either of those statements can be reconciled with what we read.

sorry, my intermediate level of English depends on how tired I'm.

I meant Mor and Haar are bad for the forces they fight with and their 'good' is definitely in the very grey area. Horus forces and guys like Haar are both 'bad' cases for different reasons

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