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  On 7/7/2017 at 2:17 PM, Brother Lemartes said:

Can the Ancient be the warlord? Isn't he an elite choice?

You can nominate any model to be your warlord (tactical brother x for example), but if your warlord is a character you can give him a warlord trait.

I've played 3 games with them. I always run x2 5 man squads, sg ancient and The sanguinor. 2 axes in each squad 3 swords and plas pistols all around.


I've taken this set up dropped it in cover somewhere 12" away from they're back line, preferably on the same flank as my storm raven. It does work. Shoot pistols, next turn move twords​ a unit you want gone, delete it.



The +1 attack , reroll hits and reroll wounds of 1 has really been a big deal. The axes help them go against t8+ models, which I don't think they should really go for but it's nice for the option to be on the table. I don't always overcharge the pistols, but boy it's nice when you need to and have that reroll available.


The points reduction for The Sanguinor plus his Ap-4 sword makes him a beast. I think he's the best warlord for SG. Dante's boon is redundant. The priest +1 str is nice but he really doesn't do anything besides that. Plus The Sanguinor single handedly took down a deff dread(granted there were some nice rolls involved, but he could've never done that in previous editions). This leads me to believe he could go toe to toe with some of the big bad characters if him and the SG get the charge off.

  On 7/8/2017 at 2:56 PM, Riggs said:

This leads me to believe he could go toe to toe with some of the big bad characters if him and the SG get the charge off.


This is the most important point to make now too. You have to be able to position your forces so you get the charge and not get charged yourself.

  On 7/8/2017 at 7:33 PM, Karhedronuk said:


  On 7/8/2017 at 2:56 PM, Riggs said:

The priest +1 str is nice but he really doesn't do anything besides that.

Apart from healing/resurrecting your expensive models you mean? ;)

*A chance to Resurrect*


Id definitely use the heal, but 50% chance to freeze isn't worth the risk of bringing 1 model back. Sure they'd probably get shot at by bolters and other small arms fire that only do 1 dmg, so the heal might be useful every turn.


But I'll still be running my SG with The Sanguinor. I like the +1 attack and the damage he brings

  On 7/8/2017 at 7:55 PM, Riggs said:


  On 7/8/2017 at 7:33 PM, Karhedronuk said:


  On 7/8/2017 at 2:56 PM, Riggs said:

The priest +1 str is nice but he really doesn't do anything besides that.

Apart from healing/resurrecting your expensive models you mean? :wink:

*A chance to Resurrect*


Id definitely use the heal, but 50% chance to freeze isn't worth the risk of bringing 1 model back. Sure they'd probably get shot at by bolters and other small arms fire that only do 1 dmg, so the heal might be useful every turn.


But I'll still be running my SG with The Sanguinor. I like the +1 attack and the damage he brings



Yeah the Priest was quite disappointing in my game, I really missed old FnP. The +1 Str wasn't much of a factor against regular Eldar (T3) neither against the Avatar (T6)... and the 'freeze' risk does stink.


I ran MSU Sanguinary Guard to fill out the Vanguard detachment but this also made the Priest less useful, because they were able to kill my entire unit outright in a turn, so the Priest didn't have time to heal (your own movement phase) and couldn't even resurrect anybody because the whole unit was gone.


He dealt with SG the same way you need to deal with Necrons now... focus fire on one unit so it can't come back, then move onto the next.


In a 10man unit the Priest at least would be more useful - having opportunities to heal/resurrect, but these guys are not cheap.


@Thoridon - thanks for the breakdown, that was pretty much my experience so far!

I'm really loving my 4 man unit of 2 swords, 2 axes, 1 plasma pistol and the rest angelus bolters. so far in 4 games against Tau, Marines, Chaos, and nids, they were kinda the MPV unit. I deployed them and just jumped from cover to cover, kinda using them as a pinsir unit with my assault termies.


The bolters were actually useful.. the -1 helped a couple of times.. I just hope that when our codex drops, the points for them drops a little bit :(

  On 7/10/2017 at 3:22 PM, dread05 said:

thanks! I was thinking about converting one, I really dont like the fine cast models.

I feel the same way. Sanguinary Guard topped up with a Grail from the BA accessory sprue should probably do the job. I find the existing sculpt rather flat and static. Odd to think it is newer than Dante.


Either that or look out for a metal one on eBay. They turn up from time to time but tend to command a premium.

I think I'll wait until the codex drops, they said something about new models will come along with the codex. I'm hoping for a new dante or sanguinor. If not, I'll convert both from sanguinary guards. I already have my plans for dante. Although the sanguinor head would be a problem. Maybe the bare head from forgeworld blood angels legion upgrade set, painted gold.

  On 7/10/2017 at 9:10 PM, dread05 said:

I think I'll wait until the codex drops, they said something about new models will come along with the codex.


Specifically, they said some Codex books will be released with models. For reference:


"Is every army getting new models too?

Some of them. Certain armies will get new miniatures alongside their new codex, and others won’t. Don’t worry though, our miniatures designers are working hard and we’ll get to all of you eventually – we’re well aware you all want new models for your chosen army."


.....wow formatting is trying on this site when you copy/paste.

  On 7/11/2017 at 12:48 AM, NTaW said:


  On 7/10/2017 at 9:10 PM, dread05 said:

I think I'll wait until the codex drops, they said something about new models will come along with the codex.


Specifically, they said some Codex books will be released with models. For reference:


"Is every army getting new models too?

Some of them. Certain armies will get new miniatures alongside their new codex, and others won’t. Don’t worry though, our miniatures designers are working hard and we’ll get to all of you eventually – we’re well aware you all want new models for your chosen army."


.....wow formatting is trying on this site when you copy/paste.


BA might be getting new models as all the special characters are either in Metal, or Finecrap right now and super hard to get outside of ebay. I've been trying to get Sanguinor, Dante, Lemartes, Mephiston and Corbulo, but so far no luck unless I want to overpay on ebay for "pro painted" work.

  On 7/10/2017 at 9:10 PM, dread05 said:

I already have my plans for dante. Although the sanguinor head would be a problem. Maybe the bare head from forgeworld blood angels legion upgrade set, painted gold.

I would use the head with Deathmask from the upgrade sprue as it looks like it has an Iron Halo over it. Almost as if they intended to allow people to build their own. :wink:



The Sanguinor's head has flowing curly hair, in the image of Sanguinius himself.




Kinda looks like Alexander the Great if you ask me. That deathmask wont do it for me. But this might.



I'm thinking of using one of the sanguinary guard heads with a bit more hair greenstuffed on. Non shouty bare marine heads are surprisingly rare!





Edited by Arkhanist
  On 7/11/2017 at 8:29 AM, Fallenturtle said:


  On 7/11/2017 at 12:48 AM, NTaW said:


  On 7/10/2017 at 9:10 PM, dread05 said:

I think I'll wait until the codex drops, they said something about new models will come along with the codex.


Specifically, they said some Codex books will be released with models. For reference:


"Is every army getting new models too?

Some of them. Certain armies will get new miniatures alongside their new codex, and others won’t. Don’t worry though, our miniatures designers are working hard and we’ll get to all of you eventually – we’re well aware you all want new models for your chosen army."


.....wow formatting is trying on this site when you copy/paste.


BA might be getting new models as all the special characters are either in Metal, or Finecrap right now and super hard to get outside of ebay. I've been trying to get Sanguinor, Dante, Lemartes, Mephiston and Corbulo, but so far no luck unless I want to overpay on ebay for "pro painted" work.



I thought about this a bit before I started collecting my BA characters and I actually decided to use some newer sculpts for some characters instead of trying to find them on eBay. For instance:

- Brother Corbulo I just used the Sanguinary Priest on foot that dropped with the release of the last codex. The only modification I made was using a BA head that didn't have a cybernetic eye. I really like this option cause the Brother Corbulo sculpt is really old and flat looking

- Lemartes I just used the Death Company Chaplain on with Jump Pack that dropped with the release of the Angel's Blade supplement. The only modification I made was switching out the inferno pistol with a bolt pistol. And it's not like the Lemartes sculpt is bad in anyway, but the new Death Company Chaplain is just so much better in my opinion.


For Mephiston, the Sanguinor and Dante, I was lucky enough to either have the metal models already or just get them on eBay. Metal > finecast all the way tho just to be clear ;)

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