Rizara Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 Ugh, so I had typed this long intro to the thread but as I went to post it, I accidentally hit the back button and it erased everything. Back buttons on the mouse is a bad idea, hate the guy who invented that. So...quick summary this time. New edition of 40k has hit and some new primaris marines are just super cool looking. I have decided to do an imperial fist army, an actual official army instead of my usual DIY routes. I chose the 5th company because I like the color scheme better than the 3rd, and frankly I am not sure painting other companies look as good as those two and the first due to the color clashing of the shoulder pad trim. My army will consist of 21 other non primaris marines, but those will be painted after I finish the primaris marines. I have 1 ten man tac squad, 1 six man devestator squad, a 5 man assault squad, a razorback for the devs, and a contemptor dreadnought that can go along with the primaris marines (for now). I am creating a post indomitus crusade 5th company, so the 21 normal marines will be all that is left in the fifth company that haven't gone through the primaris upgrade. So here is a group shot of just the primaris primed after getting them assembled this weekend. And here is a WIP close up shot of the interceptor sergeant. I decided to start with them so i can get them attached to their bases, and finished their helmets first because they are recessed into the armor. The rest of the model is still being worked on. All pics have been taken with my phone so the lighting isn't that great. When I can get a chance after the units are painted, I will see if I can't get a better shot of them in better lighting. Honda 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Verger Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 Very nicely done. (I think they'd look better in dark blue, but theres no accounting for taste.....)Might be worth taking a shot in natural daylight so we can see that splendid paint job better. :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4789565 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted June 19, 2017 Author Share Posted June 19, 2017 yeah will do, the lighting in my house is crap, mostly cause it was built in 1902, and is all chandeliers so all the lighting points up. Â I have switched most of them to day light bulbs but it still doesn't help. Â I have a light set up with two lamps but even that is difficult to get good pics. Â I have been having to go to the store to take some shots on their tables to see if I can't get something better. Â Â The red is however a bit darker as I prefer that over the brighter red almost orange color that GW likes to use. Â Â The knee pad is going to be split with half red/half white with either a black sword or skull on it. Â I really liked that campaign badge from an old white dwarf article that they showed on a heresy armor for the fists, so want to create my own campaign badge that is similar. Â Might just put a black fist or sword instead of the skull on it. Â Â I have also made some more progress, as I got all the bases with color on them (its a messy step I tend to like to do that before painting the models that are standing on them, less correction steps that way). Â So tomorrow when I get an update shot, I will see if I can't get some better lighting, maybe outside depending on the weather. Â Verger 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4789605 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Verger Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 Going for the darker red is a good idea. Once you go for that ferrarri orange\red - the model can very quickly look McDonalds-esque or preschool and a darker red (crimson <_<) can offset the yellow nicely. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4789629 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted June 19, 2017 Author Share Posted June 19, 2017 yes, crimson, the color of blood, and I am avoiding the Ronald Mcdonald marines as much as possible. Â Right now, those new flying bases for the Interceptors is giving me fits, I am afraid I may have to get out the drill and pin it, because they have already popped off once and Its making finishing painting them a set back, so I have to move on to another figure till the glue dries fully (again). Â Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4789734 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted June 20, 2017 Author Share Posted June 20, 2017 update with the bumble Bees!!!! Sadly couldn't get a shot outside today, due to the rainy weather. Took this shot using my phone under my twin lamps, better but not as crisp and the lighting it still a little off. Oh well, it shows progress nonetheless. I am still very much working on these guys, just finished blacking in the last interceptor tonight after work, and applying some base color on the rest of the banner. Still have touch ups to go and more to do, but its progress. I started on the Ancient last night while I was waiting on the second attempt to gluing the flight stands on. They seem to be holding much better as I scrapped away the paint and primer where the stand attaches and it fits better against the bare plastic. As for the banner, i had debated on the background beyond the trimming whether to keep it yellow or go black. I am still debating on going with black, but the yellow as it stands is highlighted up on the backside. If i keep it yellow I can do a black banner pole, if I go black, I need to change that to silver so it stands out. So let me know, keep the banner yellow or go with black for fifth company coloration. This isn't the center of it, just the back and surrounding area outside of the gold box. W.A.Rorie, Verger and augustmanifesto 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4791053 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Verger Posted June 21, 2017 Share Posted June 21, 2017 I think the banner looks great so far. The chequered pattern is particularly good. Are you going to repeat that motif anywhere else, because it'd really give your army a sense of having its own special campaign markings ect. :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4791134 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted June 21, 2017 Author Share Posted June 21, 2017 Was thinking possibly the captain since their shoulder pads tend to show personal heraldry, I may end up using it on vehicles and dreads, but for basic troops not really. Might do checks for power fists in the army. As for a campaign badge I am using the knee pad for that, right now it is a half red, half white badge, just debating on what to use as an icon in it. I got the inspiration from an image that did that with a black skull, so I am thinking either a sword, fist, or pair of axes, course I could also do a Templars cross. The sword is generic, the other 3 are markings the chapter has used since the heresy days, so just have to decide which. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4791157 Share on other sites More sharing options...
anarchistscourge Posted June 22, 2017 Share Posted June 22, 2017 @Rizara, Like you i will also be painting my inceptors first so i can get them mounted and being used, I will be going with Crimson Fists but like @verger said, no accounting for taste. Â I was just wondering how long it took you for the 3 inceptors? Verger 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4793180 Share on other sites More sharing options...
W.A.Rorie Posted June 22, 2017 Share Posted June 22, 2017 Looking sharp man. Cant wait to see what you continue to do Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4793252 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted June 22, 2017 Author Share Posted June 22, 2017  @anarchistscourge It is hard to give you an exact time frame on what I have spent doing these 4 guys.  I took breaks on monday between the painting, plus I don't want to count the time I spent priming the rest of the primaris I have, or the wash, or the time spent doing all their bases.  I also had the set back of waiting on the flight stands to dry twice, since the first time, they didn't properly attach due the layer or paint/primer where the contact point was suppose to be.  In all honestly I think next time I assemble models using the flight stands I may get some plastic paint and attach it before priming, just mask off the flight stand so it stays clear.     That being said, with the little bit I have to spend tonight to finish them, plus the time I will have to spend applying transfers after I get hooked up from other gamers in my group who have some fist decals and the squad decals, It would have probably taken me close to 12 hours total time to paint the 3 interceptors and the one ancient.  The yellow is actually fairly fast, the time comes in having to do all the non yellow areas in black carefully so as to not have to touch up the yellow over and over again, and touch up areas where the paint as rubbed off.    as for the crimson fists, well i have nothing but love for them too.   I was originally going to recreate a DIY chapter I had been working on idea wise off and on for the past well, 15 years.  However I did a test model and couldn't get the right shade mixxed that I was after for the color, and it didn't look as good as I had envisioned, So i scrapped it.  After that I decided to do an official color scheme, and had it narrow down to 4 that I let my localk group help me decide.  My choices were white scars, the destroyers (a white scar successor but was black with yellow accents), Imperial fists, or Crimson fists.  I had done crimson fists before, back in '03 so I knew I could paint that scheme.  The white and yellow of the two original legions were the harder choices, but I painted a white scar (that I still have, might get a shot and post it here sometime) for a one hour speed painting contest over a black primed marine.  So I knew I could do a white marine, just wasn't sure about an entire army as I don't use an air brush or own one, though I want one.  The yellow was also scary, as I have been painting for a while, but usually avoided yellow except as accent colors, because even then its difficult.   Needless to say, the group was torn between Imperial fists or destroyers, and I was going to go with destroyers, but the calling of Dorn was too strong and while the Scars and their successors were cool, I just had to do the imperial fists, since I have always wanted an army painted in that yellow scheme, just have never pushed myself to do them.  I usually go for a successor with an easier to paint scheme or make my own successor, as my last take on one was the Amethyst Fists, that were grey armored with well, purple fists.    I will be ready to be done with these 4, as I am itching to move on to some of the other models, and keep telling myself, one unit, then a character, one unit then a character.  So after these, i am going to work on a troop choice, then the captain, then the other troop choice, then the Lt.'s , then the hell blasters. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4793475 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted June 22, 2017 Author Share Posted June 22, 2017 here I finished the interceptors and the ancient. I still have to put the decals on them for the chapter icon and the squad markings, but I wont get them till next week. So other than the decals, they are finished, but not yet sealed. I was torn on what to do the mag shields on the assault bolters, but then I recalled what Verger has asked about the checkered pattern, and I decided that would be a perfect place to add it for this unit. I don't plan to add it to every model, but it was a good oportunity here, so thanks Verger. I also tried a darker background, using the bottom of the dark imperium box set with the blue top from one of my bitz bins, and it really made these guys pop and made getting a photo easier. So thanks to someone on the forums, i forget which thread it was in, for mentioning a darker background. It was either here or in my local group, anyways, the darker background really worked. W.A.Rorie, Dosjetka, Verger and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4793734 Share on other sites More sharing options...
W.A.Rorie Posted June 23, 2017 Share Posted June 23, 2017 Very Nice Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4794400 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted June 24, 2017 Author Share Posted June 24, 2017 I put together my initial 500 point list of primaris space marines for an escalation leaque my local store is having (more of a build up over the next month to encourage playing and painting and building of the armies before the worldwide campaign kicks off). So my initial list, to get the most bang for my buck, I am going with two 5 man intercessor squads as my troops, and a 5 man hellblaster squad for some fire support, and leading this small strike force is my power weapon Lieutenant. It leaves me 36 points short, but If I take the captain, I can't field one of the five man squads. So with that in mind I decided to focus on my Lt tonight as well as the sergeant of the first squad of intercessors. I actually have the entire squad built up to the brighter yellow layer, which all needs the dorn edge highlighting, and they have the base coat of all the red, white, and brown leather added (the four that are not shown here). The sarge and the Lt, have been given more progress. I also was debating on how to mark the Lt's shoulder pad, since most will have squad markings, he is part of the command. Most captains tend to wear personal heraldry or really passed down heraldy for the company they are leading. So i worked out on paper how I am going to do my captains personal heraldry. I decided that the two Lt's who are his right and left hand officers, will share similar heraldry but each being slightly different. So, i put together some old traditional Imperial fists markings that were used in the 30k time frame, and figured they would probably still use some of those symbols. My favorites of course was the templar cross and the twin axe heads. I used the twin axe heads for my knee pad badges which will unify the campaigning force. I decided to use the Templar's cross as a command honor, so each of the 3 personal heraldry's will include checks and the templars cross. I will have the captains with a giant templar cross in yellow, surrounded in red outline, over a field of black and white checks. My other Lt, the one with the bolt rifle, will have a red bar splitting his shoulder pad in half, with checks on one side and the cross on the other, which will be similar to this one, except the power weapon has a diagonal split, the shooty one will have a down the middle split. I may put his checks on the other side to make them different yet similar. I also decided that my captain will have an all Black helm, while the two Lt's will have the black with a white stripe helm coloration. It keeps it in line with the Imperial fist colors, and gives me a real reason to use the black helmets, when traditional sergeants wear red ones. So here are the WIP pics. Dosjetka and Verger 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4795058 Share on other sites More sharing options...
W.A.Rorie Posted June 24, 2017 Share Posted June 24, 2017 Very cool idea and I dig it. It adds a uniqueness to your forces and ties them into the the captain. Nice touch with the Templar cross too Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4795137 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firepower Posted June 24, 2017 Share Posted June 24, 2017 Hooray for checkers! Honda 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4795149 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted June 27, 2017 Author Share Posted June 27, 2017 Update but no pics today. I have finished the leutinant, as well as the full squad of intercessors that went with the sergeant I had started. Up next on my painting block will be the hell blasters, as I am trying to see if I can't get it mostly finished if not completed tomorrow on a day off from work. Â I will get some good pics from the store as Wednesday night is the first night for my local stores escalation league. We are starting out with 30 power level, so my initial list will be what is painted. So I will be taking a leutinant, five man intercessors squads, five man hell blaster squad, and the three ,an interceptor squad. It comes up to 30 power levels and fits perfectly. Not sure how well I will do but right now I don't care, just want to learn the new rules and get back into playing 40k. For those who don't know, I have been in the job y since 97 but the last three years I took a break from the game itself, sold off my armies, and focused on finishing g up my college degree In Illustration. So outside a some models I have painted for other games, my 40k return started back in January with Celestine, and then shadow war armeggeddon came out and that combined my favorite game of all time necromunda with 40k. Â So now I am pushing myself to get an army painted and soon to expand it with new releases. Speaking of the new releases, I can't wait to get the new captain and librarian. With that new captain model, I have decided my Gravis armor captain will be from the first company and not my fifth company captain. While it is a nice model, I like the look of the primaris mk10 armor more, and that captain has a better visual appeal that says fifth captain to me. So now I have to think about elements I can use for a first company heraldry for that Gravis captain. Â Also, with the announcement of armies on display, I need to start thinking of a display board for this fist army. Since the bases are using ruins, that part is easy, but to theme the board a little bit is what I need to decide. Maybe I could have them wading through the ruins, add some walls, and maybe some dead corpses along the front edge of the board,as if they are stopping a wall, or fighting over some objective, but the dead corpses of the enemy will be around the edge as they are holding their ground. As for he opposing army, wither chaos cultists, gene stealer cults, or orks. Thinking orcs, but not sure which to decide. Guess I will have to jot down some ideas. Â Anyways, sorry for the rant, but if you got some ideas on display board ideas or ideas for the heraldry, I would love to hear it. It might be. Little while before I get to the captain, as I am going to focus on painting 50 power level list I am going to use at an event on the 15 th, at a local gw store. That list will include most of my 30 power level force, but replaces the interceptors with a contemptor dread and the second squad of intercessors, and I think the second leutinant. Â I will update with pics on Thursday after seeing how my pics at the store turn out. W.A.Rorie 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4798514 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted June 27, 2017 Author Share Posted June 27, 2017 Decided to get some photos added tonight. I got my first 30 power points worth painted. I still got to apply the decals and this shot doesn't include the Ancient in it. So small group shot. Also here is a close up of the Lieutenant as well as a close up shot of the first intercessor squad I finished and the hell blaster squad. And yes I used a space wolf head but opted for one that looked less wolverine or wulfen like, as I wanted some of my bare heads to be beared and rugged, since they just finished a long crusade. as for what I will paint next, more than likely I will work on the second intercessor squad, second Lieutenant, and then work on the contemptor dread. Once those are done, I will finish the captain, and begin working out some of the other regular marines I have, such as a tac squad, devertator squad, razor back, and assault squad. Unless of course I pick up some new primaris marines before then. W.A.Rorie and Dosjetka 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4799994 Share on other sites More sharing options...
W.A.Rorie Posted June 28, 2017 Share Posted June 28, 2017 I love them man. So inspiring. The double axes for the campaign marking is amazing. Did you free hand them? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4800197 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted June 28, 2017 Share Posted June 28, 2017 This is looking very good, Midnight Angel Rizara. :tu: Which Space Wolves kit is that bare head from? Also what's your plan now that you've got the Primaris half of the Dark Imperium box painted? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4800556 Share on other sites More sharing options...
anarchistscourge Posted June 28, 2017 Share Posted June 28, 2017 These are looking amazing! Gives me inspiration to get my Crimson fists done. Â On a side note, was it just me or has anyone else had issues attaching the Interceptors to their "flying poles". Tried Super glue and just would not stick so decided to go with Poly cement and supported the model with blue tac while it dried. The join still isn't great and i can tell that at one point or another they are going to break and also the models themselves seem to be more at a flying angle than a just dropped from the sky angle. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4800877 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted June 28, 2017 Author Share Posted June 28, 2017 @ war009, yes those are hand painted. Â Some appear a bit more wobbly then others, but I knew I wouldn't be able to find a transfer for that. Â I could hand paint all the markings, but its time consuming and tedious work, and for the circle with a fist in it, the decals are easier, if not harder to find. Â Â I pulled references for the double axes from the heresy background, as they used those axes on the breacher shields, so i figured that the chapter would still favor old legion markings when and where possible. Â Hence the templars cross for the veteran markings instead of the crux terminatus that the codex tends to use. Â Â @Chaplain Dosjetka, that wolf head came from the thunder wolves box set, I had a gamer in my local area who just finished a commission for painting a space wolf army and he had a large ziplock bag full of just wolf heads. Â So I rummage through and found a few heads that I liked that had full beards but were not too wulfen or wolverine looking that screams space wolves. Â That particular head I really liked for the hell blaster squad leader because he had the eye optics, and I didn't care for the rebreather, I mean that works well for a flamer but even still, if you are worried about smoke, wear your helm, cause you may need to worry about getting burned. Â This hell blaster sergeant is just confident in his faith that the plasma rifle will no over heat, or so he prays to the emperor every day that it works lol. Â Â Â As for my plans for painting, well I will finish them up, then I have some other marines left that I had bought about a month before the starter box/primaris leaked info. Â It consists of a 10 man tactical with grav cannon and melta gun, 6 man devestators with lascannons (3), an assault cannon razor back, a contemptor dread, and a 5 man assault squad with two flamers. Â I have already primed them yellow and given them the wash, I was going to start painting them before the primaris but I had only worked out the yellow layering on one model so far before I got my starter box for 8th. Â Before I pick up new primaris marines I will see what i can work on. Â I also have my son's admech that I need to give some paint too as well, but the standard for that may not be as good as these, as I will be just trying to get them painted, so they look better when we play than black primer. Â Â @anarchistscourge, I found that for the flight stands, its best to glue them directly to the bare plastic. Â So after priming mine, I scrapped off the paint/primer of the area they would attach. Â You could also try plastic glue as that should fuse the plastic together, again plastic to plastic seems to be the key. Â W.A.Rorie 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4801106 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rizara Posted July 5, 2017 Author Share Posted July 5, 2017 So, it's been about a week since I last posted, and well nothing new has been painted. I ended up taking a few days to work on getting my sons admech assembled so he could play in this league group my local store has started to get people learning and playing 8th. I also managed a couple of games in with the primaris force. Â I played my first game against my sons admech, as we were also helping a friend of his learn the game to try to get him into it. I took a 50 power level force, that consisted of the 30 power points I have painted above, plus the ancient, and then I added a twin assault cannon razor back as well as a contemptor dread with the assault cannon. My sons admech had two 10 strong Rangers, one squad with the sniper guns, the other with arc rifles. He also has a unit of shooty kastelans with a data smith, the dominos techpriest, and two of the onager dune walkers( one with neutron laser, the other with Icarus arrays). This first battle was a win for me, as I only lost the razor back, two intercessors, and my dread was about at half its sounds, and I removed a full onager, the other was at half, half his ranger squad, and the robots were dropping as well when we called the game. It was fun but my dice were rolling hot for my saves that game. Â The second game was a 40 point list, which I took my 30 points, added a second intercessors and a second shooty Lt. This game I played against blood Angels, and he took a tooled up maxed out sanguinary guard with apothecary, Mephistopheles, and a five man squad of troops, they looked like assault marines on foot, but they could have been a tac squad. Don't really know as I only messed or got served by the sanquinary squad. Dropped in on my back flank, and proceeded to roll through my army. I will say that melee is a bit painful right now with the primaris marines, especially with the fact that they can go from one assault to the next the way third edition use to, and avoid over watch by doing so. This honestly bothers me because it's a bit broken with some tooled out units. It might not have been so bad if it was matched play and points, but it's a noticeable downside under power points, as some units are more broken than others with their upgrades and options. Either way, I think that if you consolidate into another unit at the end of a fight phase, there should be more over watch at least because realistically that other squad would sort of see it coming as they would have noticed a large squabble on their flanks especially if their battle brothers were getting slaughtered. It is what it is, and I pray the primaris get some melee options soon and not just the ugly reivers with combat knives, cause a counter to these nasty tooled up assault units decked out with power weapons would be handy right now. Â Anyways, I hope to get another game or two In tomorrow and get back to painting by the weekend. Need to finish more of the marines I own before more primaris reinforcements hit. W.A.Rorie 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4808523 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Verger Posted July 5, 2017 Share Posted July 5, 2017 This is looking like a very, very exciting army. Can't wait to see the final thing. Adding the check pattern to other minis has really tied it to being a single campaign, under a common commander. Something I'd expect a chapter to do what was on a crusade. Your yellow has a lot of warmth and depth, which is good. :) Rizara 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335179-heralds-of-truth/#findComment-4808917 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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