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I like the direction of your new Descrator and anxiously want to see how this progresses. Looking at the Levi as someone who does a fair bit of sculpting, it's almost like a seek and find game of "What tool did I for this texture?". Also, the first that popped into my head when I saw this thing was that it looked like it had been underwater for a long time and was covered in barnacles and stuff, like a dreadnought trashed beyond repair was just left there and became a tiny artificial reef. 

Wow, so much that I have missed in my three month absence. I adore your Knight Legion buddy. When you started, I expected only one Knight to accompany your lovely Death Guard, but it's gotten a life of its own and now look... a gazillion fantastically (in the literal sense of the word) converted Knights, all painted to a very high standard. I know you dumped them all in single pictures on the previous page - but pretty please with Nurgle's Rot on top, can we have a group shot?


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  On 9/4/2019 at 8:37 PM, DuskRaider said:

I've been waiting for over a month to receive the Dark Mechanicum kit from Legio Models. It sat it Canadian customs for some reason for over two weeks and now it's in the Netherlands, which tells me it's being sent back to Russia. I... I don't even know.

Or.... it was me :eek: :whistling:

Thanks guys!


Funny thing you say that Auggy, the post with all the pictures actually DOES have a group shot at the end but it seems I've found the limit of pictures one can have in a single post, lol.




Along with a picture of all three Armigers together.




The group shot leaves a lot to be desired when jammed in a lightbox, unfortunately. I was working on the bases (Tyrant and all three Armigers) before Call of Chaos had begun, so once the event is over I'll pick back up where I left off. Once everything is properly based maybe I'll bring them all to my LGS and take a picture on their board or something.


Edit: wait a minute... Auggy, the delay of my kit was your doing? Thanks a ton, pal. It was the weirdest delivery pattern I've ever seen... from Russia to Canada to the Netherlands to NYC. The worst part is it sat at JFK Airport for a week.

Edited by DuskRaider

No I mean a shot of all of them when you've finished them. 

A miniature isn't finished without a proper base.



Edited by Augustus b'Raass



Someday. I'm about halfway finished on the first four bases. If probably be further along if I didn't decide to try and do a marble pattern on the collapsed pillars on a couple of the bases. I'm not even sure I'm happy with them and they're kinda generic but it's something.

  • 2 weeks later...

You paid for the seat but you'll only need the edge. Hold on to your butts because you're about to see something you've never seen before in my thread...
















Affiliation: House Makabius / HelForge Volgan (formerly Forge World M'Pandex)


Designation: Thanatos


Pilot: Erebos Makabius, Huntsman of House Makabius


Origin: Unknown. Abhorrent-class thought to originate from HelForge Saurum. Frame has been extensively modified by HelForge Volgan.


Notes: "The personal machine of Erebos Makabius, the Seneschal (or Huntsman as they refer to the rank) of House Makabius. Interestingly, this seems to be one of only a few known examples of this pattern frame currently in use of the House, however it is the most extensively modified.


The thickness of the armour plating present on Thanatos is 1.5 times that of a standard Questoris Knight, although unlike it's less armoured kin the reactor is unprotected. The reason seems to be the larger plant required to power the machine's weaponry, specifically the Neutron Laser Destructor which seems to have been transplanted directly from a Valdor Tank Hunter. This gives Thanatos much more firepower when compared to a "standard" Laser Destructor-armed Heretic Knight at the cost of significantly more energy expended.


The overcharged Laser Destructor is paired with massive power scourges, which impressively seem to be manipulated individually by the pilot. This would indicate an extremely complex Throne Mechanicum configuration, especially when one considers this particular pilot is known for also neurally enslaving up to 8 Armiger Warglaives at a time. The nerual tax must be heavy. Reports from Arch-Magos Kallan of Forge World Cadmus describe the operation of these scourges as extremely chaotic, most likely to confuse the opponent. The weapons seem powerful enough to dessicate a Questoris quite handily and there are tales of this machine ably felling a Reaver Titan.


Of last note, and an extremely perplexing one, are the Mechadendrites present on the carapace. This frame seems to be capable of self-repair in the field, and accounts tell of what should be crippling damage being mended quickly in the heat of battle. The carapace itself is festooned with impaling spikes of which rival Seneschals have been known to find themselves displayed upon."


Well... there we go. The model had actually been finished about a week ago, but it's so front heavy I couldn't take pictures of it without mounting it on a base first. There are nails in the feet to keep it firmly planted.


My original plan with the bases was to either have them match my Death Guard and capture the Knights in the act of walking into enemy trench lines, but that was too time consuming. In the end, I decided to go with an urban theme because why not? Strewn about the base are butchered corpses, whether that of civilians or Astra Militarum is unknown and unimportant. They are merely collateral damage, insects of which these massive infernal machines pay no mind. The bases also match those of my Adeptus Titanicus force. I liked the look of the ashen grey, it's more visually appealing than dirt or mud in my opinion. Whether this represents the House marching on a planet they've not engaged since the Heresy or not I'm unsure.


Questions, comments, concerns... let's have 'em!

It's the dawning of a new era!


Great choice with the bases, it seemed to be becoming such a weight on your shoulders that it's best to just crack on and move on. Great base too.


The face plate works so well and fits in with the Nurgle aesthetic as a gas mark esp helmet.


The giant scourge is great on this guy too.

@Bjorn: thanks! It's actually the Seneschal scheme I used for my 30K Titanicus Seneschal, just transferred to a 28mm model (and obviously heavily weathered).


@KDC: I know, I'm just as surprised as you! I still can't believe I've actually finished a Knight base...


@Atia: the head is a FW Cerastus variant that I added some extra wiring, a "dewclaw" blade from a FW Bloodthirster, and some Bloat Drone bits to. The pauldrons are part of the Legio Models Dark Mechanicum kit. They have some REALLY cool kits, but they take forever to get here and definitely aren't cheap unfortunately.

  On 10/2/2019 at 6:52 PM, DuskRaider said:

You paid for the seat but you'll only need the edge. Hold on to your butts because you're about to see something you've never seen before in my thread...





I mean... 



Saw your post this morning and was nearly late to work from checking out that Desecrator. It looks great!


The details throughout are really nice, I think my favorite but is either the head, which is so fitting for this model, or the paintwork on the carapace and shoulder armor, but there's a lot of great stuff here.


The base looks good but for whatever it's worth, the others don't really seem lacking without them. Personally I'd say the main reason to add them is stability - it would be a shame if one of your models gets bumped and breaks from falling over. The base kit is fairly stable but I've found I tend to add weight to the top half, you'd know if its a concern.

Dude, that Knight is looking absolutely incredible -- once again, it must be said. The head is wonderful, like something devised in an - even more - hellish version of World War I trench warfare, only on Titan scale...


The base shows you are excellent at building and painting bases as well, which really eliminates any excuse for not adding bases to the rest of your Knights -- remember, those bases aren't just a bothersome chore, but rather a chance for an extra little bit of visual storytelling!


In any case, keep up the fantastic work! :)

Thank you frater!


@Sarge: Unfortunately in order to properly field these in a game they do need to be based. I've played games against my son's unbased Knights as well previous (pre-Codex) but if I want to bring them out and about, I have a feeling others will insist upon bases.


@Kraut: thanks for the compliments brother, it means a lot! I love hearing it brings about visions of WWI, I'm a huge Great War buff.


Regarding the base, I'm a little disappointed I forgot to add pigments for dust prior to adding the Knight to the base but I guess it doesn't matter too much. The only problem I've run into is most of the ruins from the Sector Imperialis kit are too big to fit on a base. I may try to hack them up a bit but I need to do something for the others. I have four more bases to build (not including the Knight I don't even have yet).

OOOoooooooo dat base!!  Looking good , as usual...I mean the model, not the base... I kid, it looks spectacular!! I really love the scourge/flail/creepy-metal spinal columns arm.  Very sinister.  Reminds me I really need to do a knight or two someday. Great work.



....I mean.... wow. 

It looks great, dude, fantastic work! I will echo Kraut's words and say that now that you're proven you're actually a master of scenic base building, there's really no excuse anymore to postpone basing your other Knights!

  • 2 weeks later...
This has to be the best Death Guard army I have ever seen. Everything about all your models are absolutely perfect. I wish I had a quarter of your skill in painting, these miniatures are amazing well done on all your efforts

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