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New Death Guard in 8th edition


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Considering that I am still quite fresh in terms of 40k, I reckon it will take some time before I begin with the FW units. I have not tried the FW units simply because I have no access to them and my "model collection" is still quite basic. I play with what I have and I am eagerly awaiting the September releases to expand my options. 

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Is it just me or does it look like there is a substantial difference in aesthetic between the greenish cataphracti terminators to the left and the towering, scythe-wielding terminators closer to Morty? (I know one is Typhus).

Deathshroud are gonna be a thing in 40k.

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Is it just me or does it look like there is a substantial difference in aesthetic between the greenish cataphracti terminators to the left and the towering, scythe-wielding terminators closer to Morty? (I know one is Typhus).


Deathshroud are gonna be a thing in 40k.

It's kinda you and me, but I believe that they are visually very much the same. A cape and a mutant talon can really make a visual difference and I think this is what is going on in the picture. The cool thing is that GW chose purple and green for their colourscheme in particular and those are almost on the opposite of each other in the colourwheel and this really puts the focus on those models more as just green and blue-ish models...

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Oh sweet Papa Nurgle...!


The dude next to Typhus without a helmet... is that a new Nurgle Chaos Lord in Cataphracti Armour? Looks sweet! 


The Bloatdrones seem to have gotten a new weapon. Also the Termis on the left could be either normal Cataphracti termis or Grave Wardens. We can also see the Plagueburst Crawlers in the background and they seem to have different hull-mounted weapons (single barrel on the forward one, tripple barrel on the one behind).


Good thing I've been saving up because I want EVERYTHING. xD


That'll easily be 300€+ 

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Tallyman is missing. However, this likely isn't the whole DG roster. The Noxious Blightbringer is also missing etc so there might be even more new models that we haven't seen.
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Morty looks huge. Takes me 10+ hours to just paint a marine so he will take me to 9th edition to complete >.<


The new models look amazing, what a coincidence that preorders should arrive at my birthday beginning of september:)

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Also, why does a space marine, even a chaos variety, need an abacus? Did he fail hypnotic implanted math class?

It's a spooky, daemon infused abacus that knows arcane secrets, like imaginary numbers.

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Also, why does a space marine, even a chaos variety, need an abacus? Did he fail hypnotic implanted math class?

In the grim darkness of the far future, no one is sure of how many feet of banana make bunch.


Also he probably needs something to keep his tentacles busy. Those things get bored quickly if they don't have something to fiddle with.

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