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New Death Guard in 8th edition


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Comparing loyalist to traitor wargear is a fools errand that never ends well as it's usually justified as simply being loyalist so of course they would have access to better weapons stupid but that's how it is :( . There's also a chance that GW will restrict the plague reaper to lords of contagion and not available to the new DG terminator unit



I still have to convert them up but really look forward to using some Contemptors and a Deredero as they seem like they will be a beast adding some much needed power in my Death Guard force which mostly lacking being mostly plague marines, poxwalkers etc so cant dish out a ton of firepower Which most of the FW stuff seems to excel at

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Understandable, I see your point of view as GW has historically been a very inoculated and closed company to feedback.  


Also to anyone that does not run FW stuff and see all the people talking about how great FW is you do need to consider a few things.  First does your local group accept FW units?  The reason FW keeps coming up as go to option is because FW has its own finances to worry about and not completely under GW prime.  This leads them to make for sure that their rules and points are better than the GW prime options to generate sales.  It can be anything from on par (the stuff that no one is recommending) to slightly better, to units that are so strong they can make the game unenjoyable for your opponent.  


Again this is for people that are on the fence about FW.  Check with your play group and maybe get the rules and try some units out via proxy.  If you find some that work for you without losing friends that is great.  


Never forget the game is about having friends to enjoy the hobby with.  The game company is at fault for poor game design when units or rules have a large disparity.  The player has the responsibility to also govern their own actions in player etiquette and what forces they bring to the game.


PSA: Don't be a WAAC gamer, enjoy your games, have fun at tournaments and make friends.  Don't forget that guy who claims to be a casual player that disdains tournaments but only every brings the most abusive lists is still a troll WAAC gamer.  

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I played a game last night with my DG against a DG/Nurgle Daemon list. I thought it was going to be rather dull what with the inevitable poxwalker on poxwalker action but it was actually really enjoyable which was surprising given the mirrored nature of the armies.
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Has anyone any problems with the new Death Guard spray? I basecoated my minis and the spray left a weird grainy texture on them. Never happened before with any of the other sprays I used! I was able to remove the texture by scrubbing the minis with alcohol and an old brush. Any advice on how to prevent this in the first place? Should I return the spray can?
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Has anyone any problems with the new Death Guard spray? I basecoated my minis and the spray left a weird grainy texture on them. Never happened before with any of the other sprays I used! I was able to remove the texture by scrubbing the minis with alcohol and an old brush. Any advice on how to prevent this in the first place? Should I return the spray can?


Did you spray in a high/low temperature or in an area with dust around? Was it like a frosting? I had this happen a few times with army painter and it was due to either not undercoating at room temp or in a clean/sterile area I think.

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I played a game last night with my DG against a DG/Nurgle Daemon list. I thought it was going to be rather dull what with the inevitable poxwalker on poxwalker action but it was actually really enjoyable which was surprising given the mirrored nature of the armies.

Lol, was there a lot of back and forth with the pox walkers? XD

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Has anyone any problems with the new Death Guard spray? I basecoated my minis and the spray left a weird grainy texture on them. Never happened before with any of the other sprays I used! I was able to remove the texture by scrubbing the minis with alcohol and an old brush. Any advice on how to prevent this in the first place? Should I return the spray can?

It has to do with high heat and high humidity. This is the exact time of year (last year) that this very thing happened to me. Nurgles rot or waywatcher green will cover up the texture if you don't mind the glistening slime look.

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I played a game last night with my DG against a DG/Nurgle Daemon list. I thought it was going to be rather dull what with the inevitable poxwalker on poxwalker action but it was actually really enjoyable which was surprising given the mirrored nature of the armies.

Lol, was there a lot of back and forth with the pox walkers? XD
To begin with it went like, I kill 7, I get 7, you kill 5, you get 5.


But then I killed his Typhus and I was getting buffed by Princes and Prescience and so the tide turned. At one point I killed 11 in one go finishing off the unit so we just said that his models were in my unit now.


We joked that they weren't dying but just swapping allegiance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After playing a few games over the weekend, I'd have to say I'm regretably in the same camp as many folks here: Plague Marines are no where near as effective as they should be / used to be. This isn't the unit itself, but the change to the Stength : Wound ratio. Prior to 8th, STR 3 weapons needed a 6+ to wound a T5 model, but with the change they're no longer any more durable than regular Marines, yet they've kept the same point price. This is compounded with the nerf to Poisoned Weapons (instead of wounding on 4s, it's just a re-roll of 1s). 


Any ideas on how this can be fixed? The easiest for GW would be to simply reduce their points, but that's a bit of a cop out IMO. I had been considering either Plague Marines receive an extra wound to bring them more in line with Primaris Marines, or they have their Disgustingly Resilient improved to a 4+. Raising their Toughness to 6 just isn't going to happen, they shouldn't be as durable as a Hive Tyrant IMO



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After playing a few games over the weekend, I'd have to say I'm regretably in the same camp as many folks here: Plague Marines are no where near as effective as they should be / used to be. This isn't the unit itself, but the change to the Stength : Wound ratio. Prior to 8th, STR 3 weapons needed a 6+ to wound a T5 model, but with the change they're no longer any more durable than regular Marines, yet they've kept the same point price. This is compounded with the nerf to Poisoned Weapons (instead of wounding on 4s, it's just a re-roll of 1s). 


Any ideas on how this can be fixed? The easiest for GW would be to simply reduce their points, but that's a bit of a cop out IMO. I had been considering either Plague Marines receive an extra wound to bring them more in line with Primaris Marines, or they have their Disgustingly Resilient improved to a 4+. Raising their Toughness to 6 just isn't going to happen, they shouldn't be as durable as a Hive Tyrant IMO



I think they do need a bit of help. They are still tough, but not that tough considering how much they cost.


The biggest thing I miss is the old blight grenades. I loved being able to negate charge bonuses. Blight grenades made assaulting the Sons of Mortarion a daunting task. It wouldn't even be difficult to add- it would just sort of be the opposite of Quicksilver Quickness or whatever the heck the Slaanesh daemons have. 'Charging through the miasma of the Death Guard makes assaulting units strike last.' Bam. Easy.

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I was flipping through the Chaos index a bit and realized Plague Marines are only 1W models? That seems kinda stupid considering the Primaris Marines are all 2W models? I remember reading that Plague Marines were very good and very resilient but how can that be when their Disgustingly Resilient rule is only a 5+? Am I missing something? Also, It didn't seem like any of the HQ units were very buffy either... What am I missing? 

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Who knows maybe there will be additional special rules for playing pure Death Guard that benefit plague marines in the actual codex when it eventually hits but it really sucks at the moment since they are so lacking


Something that I reckon could help would be something like all to wound roles have -1 or something against plague marines which maybe could represent their added resilience he'll even -1 on their boltguns like Necrosius with his Pox pistol could be awesome I mean plague marines should easily wound anything with their virulent weapons, a measly re-roll 1s hardly covers that

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I'm wondering if they'll have a way to buff them to 4+ DR in their codex proper, although if it's simply a Psyker power or with Mortarion on the board it isn't very effective (since Psyker powers are more or less nerfed with only being able to use each once a turn). Unfortunately, I don't see GW doing much to remedy the issue because if they had I'd expect to see it in the Index already... unless they intend to differentiate the Plague Marines Chaos in general can use to Death Guard Plague Marines. But again, very unlikely.


It's sad when even my opponents, who for the past 10+ years have learned to fear Death Guard in my hands, lament on their ease of dispatch and look to Poxwalkers as the bigger threat. :ermm:

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It's sad when even my opponents, who for the past 10+ years have learned to fear Death Guard in my hands, lament on their ease of dispatch and look to Poxwalkers as the bigger threat. :ermm:

I hear that. I take one squad now (always 7, of course), with either blight launchers or plasma, but the rest of my troops are poxwalker swarms. The plague marines usually don't accomplish much and often act as speed bumps...

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I still take 2 squads of 7 and when the multi-part kit is released I'll bolster them by another 2 squads. That's how I've played Death Guard since 3rd Edition and I will continue to do so, I'm just... disappointed. Poxwalkers do not a Death Guard army make. They should be there to make up numbers due to the high cost of Plague Marines, not a replacement of the Legionnaires. 

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I'm afraid I don't have any ideas beyond what people have suggested. Another attack so they're not rubbish in CC, buff to DR (or just that Death Guard marines + termies etc get a buff to DR, to show that they are more resilient than Poxwalkers), points reduction.


Love the models and super enthusiastic for the codex, but I'll be very unhappy if Sons of Mortarion aren't in a better position come release. I saw on dakkadakka somebody say that one of the playtesters, one of those chaps that some people were having a bit of a moment idolising in the N&R thread a while back, said that they knew that DG were one of the weaker armies at the time of the Index - so who knows, maybe there will be some good changes in the codex, or enough bonuses from using a pure DG army to make up for the lack of damage output.

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I understand that Plague Marines aren't great now, but DG are getting a whole codex all to themselves so I'm sure we can rest assured that there will be something in the codex to improve plague marines.
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Yeah, remember the Index rules are based upon the starter set rules too, which are to give a half decent balanced fight against Primaris (who are also missing rules now we've seen the codex).


Death Guard in general will get some ace new rules and units for actually being Death Guard in the codex as well as new units, warlord traits, strategems, relics etc.


2A should be a definite first improvement however, plague marines are ELITES and should be swinging as much as a Sternguard in combat.


4+ on DR is a little much in my opinion. Sure S3 has gotten a bit better, but S7-9 is much worse - which feels like a good trade off considering S3 shooting isn't really that prevalent other than Guard and the odd Skitarii.

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As I've said before, in 8th even more than in 7th, you need to be really good at melee, really good at shooting, or really mobile as a unit in order for that unit to help you win games. Or ideally, 2 or more of the above. Plague Marines (and DG and Nurgle stuff generally) are not particularly good at any of those things, while being expensive to boot. Bad combo.


Reece said that basic infantry troops will get buffed by the codexes, which are are already seeing with objective secured tactical space marines. I hope we get some cheaper DG units as well.

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I admit some temptation to start a Nurgle army. I have the other half of the Dark Imperium box sitting unassembled and no one in my area who plays them, sometimes I feel like those models are watching me with three eyes and making buzzing noises...


I also have an unholy truckload of zombies because I play Death in AOS, and wasn't sure how well the zombie horde tactic would be. Also I've never played a footslogging army and it fits the DG background. I may wait and see what the Codex brings, because I want pestigors and Man reaper Cataphracti termis :p

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