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New Death Guard in 8th edition


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What do you think which Termi unit we'll get? Either Grave Wardens or the Deathshroud... Or maybe both? :ohmy.:

They'll be a nice mix, but It looks like (from the one model at least) that they're a warped mix of Cataphractii & Indomitus.


Will have some nice unique shooting weapons as well as scythes or something.

Actually, upon further inspection the only one previewed is wearing full Cataphractii armour, just has one Indominus pauldron.

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anyone crunched the numbers on all these new weapons?


fist/plasma gun for the champion

2 special weapons

2 new cc weapons, or 4 if you skip the special weapons


sqauds of 5? or the magic 7, so you got a couple of bolter marines to take the first hits?

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What do you think which Termi unit we'll get? Either Grave Wardens or the Deathshroud... Or maybe both? :ohmy.:

They'll be a nice mix, but It looks like (from the one model at least) that they're a warped mix of Cataphractii & Indomitus.


Will have some nice unique shooting weapons as well as scythes or something.

Actually, upon further inspection the only one previewed is wearing full Cataphractii armour, just has one Indominus pauldron.



I really like this - just as with the Lord of Contagion, it means they can bring Typhus back and maintain his aesthetic with the Indomitus pauldrons while still changing his armour to match his 30k look. Awesome stuff.


As for the Terminators, I do not expect them to be Deathshroud or Grave Wardens, I think it will be a new unit, although I wouldn't be fussed either way. The shot we have didn't quite show the back (Wardens would have the funnels, Typhus style) and if they were doing Deathshroud they'd probably have matched the 30k models, as unlike the Scarab Occult, the Deathshroud had models well before GW started designing the DG 40k range.

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Even with the new close combat weapons which are quite nice I still don't know how I feel about plague marines making them fully close combat troops seems weird, possessed seem like the better option considering they have more wounds and a inv sv with most likely getting disgusting resilience in the new codex...... maybe . Anyway just sucks the champion can't take any of the new weapons as I would much rather give them to him and a maybe a couple axes but never full close combat weapons on everyone as I just like having bolters even if they are pretty bad purely for atheistic reasons. Should be interesting what the new terminators can actually take
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if we don't get chosen in the new DG codex, there is a beardy way to get access to them





As well as using the Detachment system, every Chaos Space Marines army can include Fabius Bile or any Fallen units in their army without losing their Legion Trait.

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I'm hoping we get Deathshroud Terminators. I'd love to use my 30k Deathshroud again in 40k.

I am kind of hoping there aren't Deathshroud... or at least, if they are around, ideally they'd be monstrous self-parodies. I am not saying they are superfluous, but 10,000 years of Nurgle worship means the current Death Guard should bear little resemblance to their 30k counterparts. 

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There is nothing more iconic of Death Guard both 30k and 40k than terminators and power scythes. Deathshroud provides both of those. If they have an all Nurglized version of Deathshroud, that's fine, just give me my power scythe option.

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I would be pretty disappointed if DG didn't get some models (apart from Typhus and Morty) with Scythes. That's their iconic weapon. Just like Sonic weapons for EC etc.

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Even with the new close combat weapons which are quite nice I still don't know how I feel about plague marines making them fully close combat troops seems weird, possessed seem like the better option considering they have more wounds and a inv sv with most likely getting disgusting resilience in the new codex...... maybe . Anyway just sucks the champion can't take any of the new weapons as I would much rather give them to him and a maybe a couple axes but never full close combat weapons on everyone as I just like having bolters even if they are pretty bad purely for atheistic reasons. Should be interesting what the new terminators can actually take


I actually really like the idea of CQB Plague Marines. Perhaps not an entire squad, but have an Axe or Cleaver hidden in a squad sounds like a good idea. Than again, a full squad of CC might not be bad either, they may not put out the damage of Berserkers but they have the lasting power in combat to make it tip in their favor most of the time, especially with the varying profiles of the weapons.


I thought I read the Champ can take the new weapons. I could be wrong, though.

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I like all the melee options for DG, but I would really really like to see defensive blight grenades come back in a meaningful sense. Crippling enemy charges would be hella fun, sort of like a reverse Quicksilver Swiftness. Even if it is a pricey upgrade, I would like the option to invest in it.

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How does it suck now? In an edition where wounding things on 2+ is way more rare and where MCs got more toughness than ever before it actually is better than it used to be. The only difference is that it's not as widely spread as it used to be (same with Haywire).

If you think about it, Fabius Bile Needler is basically a Pistol with three S16 attacks (haven't seen anything with more than T8 yet) against anything that's not a vehicle.

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Yeah it's funny Plague marines only re roll 1s whilst plague bearers all re roll wounds which is a bit of a laugh considering how much cheaper they are :biggrin.:

Plague bearers get plague swords while plague marines only have plague knives. You can actually buy a plague sword for the aspiring champion if I recall. I suppose its the difference of getting stabbed by a 1 foot blade vs a 3 foot blade for those rerolls.

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Yeah it's funny Plague marines only re roll 1s whilst plague bearers all re roll wounds which is a bit of a laugh considering how much cheaper they are :biggrin.:

Plague bearers get plague swords while plague marines only have plague knives. You can actually buy a plague sword for the aspiring champion if I recall. I suppose its the difference of getting stabbed by a 1 foot blade vs a 3 foot blade for those rerolls.



Makes sense. 2 extra feet of plague.

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