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New Death Guard in 8th edition


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Sorry to jump in late to the party, but can anyone confirm if the models in the 'Easy to build Death Guard plague marines' set are different to the models from Dark Imperium? I haven't built all my DI models yet, and I'm thinking about picking up the Easy to Build models to round my unit out to 10 models but I don't want to be doubling up on identical models if I can help it, so if anyone can confirm they're different sculpts or not, that'd be great :)

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Sorry to jump in late to the party, but can anyone confirm if the models in the 'Easy to build Death Guard plague marines' set are different to the models from Dark Imperium? I haven't built all my DI models yet, and I'm thinking about picking up the Easy to Build models to round my unit out to 10 models but I don't want to be doubling up on identical models if I can help it, so if anyone can confirm they're different sculpts or not, that'd be great :smile.:


Indeed they are!

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I've posted a few batreps for Konor, but failed to mention it here... but I played a very cool game vs. a very nice Deathguard army...

I played about 3 games during the weekend but by far this was the best:


++ The smell of burning garbage rips through the air. The Deathguard have found some dark means to flank the Ultramarines. Somehow Typhus has waded through death and destruction, but Calgar waits in anticipation. Not only would the outcome of this fight pretty much dictate the game's outcome, but it would be perhaps the mist bizarre finish to a game I've had in 8th edition. ++

The full Battle report here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/337804-konor-week-2-prots-ultramarines-vs-deathguard-pics/?p=4849188

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Why isn't this thread buzzing like a blessed swarm of flies about the big reveal?!






Mortarion finally got revealed! 


But let's focus on the first pic for a second:


My first thought was, that this might be Typhus but the one eye and the hood just doesn't fit. So probably a Deathshroud Termi! :D And another (special?) character, the abacus guy. I am actually very interested as to what rules he'll get. Maybe something like Epidemius thing where killed enemies grant stacking bonuses for our army? The big speaker on his back clearly looks like he will project some kind of aura. Maybe he relais commands to buff our units or demoralises the enemy?


Morty himself looks very nice, however, I am a bit disappointed with his face. Doesn't look very grim reaper-esque to me, I wish they had preserved his face in its non-bloated state. But other than that he looks AMAZING! All the detail with the hooded flies and Nurglings is actually kind of adorable. Lantern and Silence also look very menacing. I kind wait to see his rules! 

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I don't think that's Typhus. The model resembles his old model a bit but it's overal lacking details and the iconic helmet. I'd say GW is just teasing us with placing a similar Deathshroud model.

That being said...yay for Deathshroud models!

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I love that mortarion model.  IMO dramatically better than Magnus.  Kind of wish he had a second, slightly smaller pair of insect wings beneath the first, but otherwise looks fantastic.  The abacus guy is also great.  Deathshroud termy is fine, though hopefully it isn't Typhus, as it'd be a bit underwhelming compared to the recent Khârn and Ahriman models if it were.

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While I personally can't say I like this model better than Magnus (I love them both for obviously different aesthetic reasons), this picture of Mort FAR exceeds what was posted earlier. IE: Rainbow Mort.


That may not be Typhus but I honestly still really like the model in Dark Imperium 'counts as' Typhus. I guess you could do a head swap with that model for those that really want him to hold a reaper.


All in all that release is going to be fantastic.

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In my big pile of chaos plastic crack, I have chainaxes and 30k WE bits, some plague marine bits plus the DI models, and even some scaly shoulderpads. Been trying to decide whether to paint up alpha legion (now they get cult troops), fluffy black legion (even tho poop legion tactic) or go all in with Death Guard and convert my cultists to poxwalkers.


This gives me a big push towards Death Guard :)

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While I personally can't say I like this model better than Magnus (I love them both for obviously different aesthetic reasons), this picture of Mort FAR exceeds what was posted earlier. IE: Rainbow Mort.


That may not be Typhus but I honestly still really like the model in Dark Imperium 'counts as' Typhus. I guess you could do a head swap with that model for those that really want him to hold a reaper.


All in all that release is going to be fantastic.

Yeah that leaked picture of Mortarion made him look terrible, colors were far too bright for the lord of the death guard and I'm not a fan of the purple hood. Video made him look far better.

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Imo it's more likely to be in a resting pose. You know, holding the blade upwards like that puts the center of gravity more towards the shaft which reduces the strain.

We could argue that it's not needed since he is a friggin Daemon Primarch but the model is also still a mostly humanoid one so we compare it with how we things do and thus such a pose seems more natural normally. Also if we start to argue everything with magic away we could stop arguing anyway. :P

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They probably modeled the scythe that way to underline his forward movement. It looks like he is advancing and thus holding Silence in an non-fighting stance.


Let's hear some speculations! What do you think Morti will bring to the table?

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They probably modeled the scythe that way to underline his forward movement. It looks like he is advancing and thus holding Silence in an non-fighting stance.


Let's hear some speculations! What do you think Morti will bring to the table?

I am praying for a bubble of disgustingly resilient rerolls. I assume he will have that mortal wound aura like Lord of contagion has too since that would be fluffy. He has the 2+ from termie armor, then flying DP movement speed. Then if he is also a close combat beast with a strong pistol I would be happy.


I would assume in HH that Morty would have beaten Guilloman in a CC fight based off of his durability. I think the emperors sword would counter Nurgle DP status and it would be a close fight. In the end though I should hope 1v1 Morty would win limping away with a wound or 2 left.

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I mean if you're talking actual 30k rules, I think Guilliman beats Mortarion because Guilliman is a dueling beast who can take on most primarchs and win over time, though it's certainly not an sure thing or and it would be a close fight.


In the 40k, I think they both get buffs that sort of equal each other out. As you mentioned Guilliman gets the emperor's sword while Mortarion gets buffed to daemonhood. In a straight up fight I expect them to be fairly equal.

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I have been using DG rules from the index with squads plague marines.....and just ouch man... feels like I'm fighting with one hand behind my back. I cant wait for the Dex and all the new plastic crack. Flyers have been the bane of my existence and i cant freaking wait for Morty to swoop in and cleave some in half!!!


In the meantime though, has anyone been able to put some good use outta our beloved marines? Also has anyone tried the new weapon loadouts yet? I assume a multi-part kit is coming so i haven't started carving away yet.

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That's a good point... I always forget that... and I'm a sucker for Foetid Bloat Drones. I just love the model.

I love 2d6 autohitting shots on a durable and fast platform that can't be locked :D

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