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Aett guard fandex

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Greetings all.


The Aett guard or Kaerls of th space wolves are one of our iconic features in our fluff but are not really available for tabletop.


Many of you have fantastic converted kaerls and play them as imperial guard. But this doesn't represent the uniqueness of our Kaerls and their role.


Now I recall in threads past a debate over the combat experience of the Kaerls, however they crew starships and guard supply stations and operations bases and do much of the grunt work for our chapter. So they end up in it .Not to mention the 2 historic and one recent invasion of fenris where they no doubt saw plenty of action.


I'm intending to compose a fandex for our beloved Kaerls. Mostly I will base it on imperial guard for things like stat lines and weapons, but I need your help. For you guys I have the following questions:


What infantry weapons would you like to see (auto guns I know are the preferred main weapon but I mean upgrade ones like melta etcetera)?


What vehicles should be included?


Any stat rejiggs to reflect our unique fluff?


Also any name adjustments feel free to suggest (hopefully with fluff justification)


Here's my base outline so far-



Riven master (stats and options similar to company commander)



Kaerls (infantry squad based, no heavy option here though, instead 2 special melee weapons or perhaps access to combat shields)



Veteran kaerls (veteran base maybe swap VS and WS)


Heavy support

Heavy weapons team (no name as of yet, identical to guard unit)



Let me know your thoughts and ideas. This is a very open project feel free to contribute.

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How about these for ideas. The aett guard are the ship board and base defenders that hold Space Wolf assets.




HQ- as you stated

Troops- kaerls- as you stated

Troops- shields Bearers. Up to 15men Combat shields, autoguns. Special weapons up to 2 flamers. First response to boarders. Subborn and fight to the last to hold invaders in place until other teams can converge and purge the invadors


Fast attack - purgitation team. Upto 15 Every third man has a flamer. Used for fire sweeps of starship corridors.


Elites- up to 10 as grenaders but possibly a cc weapon too


Heavy support - trantulars. 1-3 guns per battery. Gun emplacements that are set up

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I like the second troops and the fast attack adds those do seem to fit well with the theme. I was also thinking that scout sentinels might be used in the base defence role, as patrol units. So I was thinking that they could be implemented as well.


What's the origin for that HWT name? I like it but am curious where it came from.

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HWT? Ahh heavy weapons team gotcha. Mostly i think poor spelling on my part but the idea was these bad boys from forgeworld




My reasoning is that the kaerls mostly fight on board ships so heavy weapons wouldnt be portable in useful numbers by regular humans

Now the tarantula turret are specificly mentioned as being deployed by marine to guard their bases so marines can leave for combat operations

In a zone mortalis situation they would represent fixed defences

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My heavy weapons team rational was for the base security role and defense of the fang role, as, like you say, ship defense would not likely use heavy weapons.


The tarantula are also am interesting choice but I always thought of them more as a marine weapon. The higher tech option for when you don't have planetary defense force or Kaerls around to guard for you. But I suppose they could certainly be considered for that role as well.

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My heavy weapons team rational was for the base security role and defense of the fang role, as, like you say, ship defense would not likely use heavy weapons.


The tarantula are also am interesting choice but I always thought of them more as a marine weapon. The higher tech option for when you don't have planetary defense force or Kaerls around to guard for you. But I suppose they could certainly be considered for that role as well.

They should have access to a Leman Russ Exterminator. But definitely several Sabre defense platform with quad heavy stubbers.

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