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Betrayer41’s 40k Log **New White/Red Recipe** (12/11/23)

Go to solution Solved by LameBeard,

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Thanks Guys pretty excited to test out schemes......I was wondering though how do we do out shoulder pads? I cant find transfers anywhere. I want to use shapeways but it looks like the rievers have different should pads....What is the best route to take for the chapter symbol?

I'm very much partial to the first one! The lighter shade makes it look much more realistic in my eyes. The darker two look too candy coated.


Also, it's good to see you experimenting with cutting the little shields off the assault bolters. I was thinking about doing that too, and I like the look here.

Thanks Fellas. Makes my life easy, that was the easiest one to do haha. And i was definitely leaning towards the deeper purpleish red for these guys. Ill paint all three to completion and post em before i get started on primaris.

Ok guys here are the start of my flesh tearers. Enjoy!










Edited by betrayer41

Thanks guys here is my WIP flesh tearer librarian still waiting on symbols and need to finish cloak




Some brilliant paint jobs here, the librarian especially! If you wanted to base them on their home world of Cretacia then it should be jungles and swamps. But since the flesh tearers have also been active on Baal maybe some dusty sand? Looking forward to seeing more!

I am thinking desert bases, i think it would be a good contrast. Any sugeestions on good bases or how to do them? I think the primaris have some funky base sizes.


Also I am very new to the gaming aspect. Can i use a leviathan and Land Raider Achilles with my primaris? I know they cant ride in it but can i still take it for fire support.

Getting very close













The librarrian model looks great and I really like the dark metallic reds, it is almost a purple.


Desert bases will be good as it will contrast nicely with the model, helping it to stand out, although I get the impression that Cretacia is ;like a jungle death world.

Ok guys so I added a final layer of satin varnish just to this one, is it too dark/glossy?





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