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Grey Knight 8th


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And please stop the psilencer hype. You are paying 23 points for a guy with a wapon that is barely superior to the storm bolter and has ZERO close combat ability. How is paying 2 points for -1 attack, -2 AP and 1d3 damage in melee in exchange for a 12% ranged dmg increase (agains most targets) justifiable?


Nobody is even hyping Psilencers in the thread.

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8th is still a shooting game, and being able to kill at range is still more useful than having to close to kill. Psilencers are currently out performing all of our other range weapon choices including the new and improved Stormbolter. That said, less bling/more models is still the better way to run a successful army, even when running the Bling Knights.


I am not yet sold on Razor Strikes, it just doesn't fit my narrative even if it seems better. The reason being that Razor Tacticals or Razor Scouts are way more efficient, which means we should be focusing on strengths rather than on replicating other SM buikdings. I am probably wrong, still looking at the maths and that options.



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My 2 squads of psilencers have performed really well for me. Straight up killing wraithlords, dinging a bunch of wounds of vehicles, killing squads of shining spears (which are actually really good now with their -4 saves and 2damage!).


I definitely need to try a strike heavy list though. So far this edition my only power armour has been 2 interceptors and 2 purgation squads

Edited by Captain Coolpants
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8th still being a shooting game is exactly why we must go agressive. Trying to outshoot a shooty army is absurd, specially when a shooting matchup also means a battle of attrition, which we can't win. The advantage Grey knights have over space marines is it's close range potential, you can't just ignore the defining advantage of your army and expect success. If you go shooty with grey knights you are just playing a bad space marine army.


Tacticals or scouts are not more efficient than strike squads. Strikes shoot twice as much and are about 5 times better at close combat. Point /damage wise they are point for point more than 25% more efficient than tacticals at shooting and more than 300% better at close combat. Of course, you trade that offensive power for less durability. That's why you have to be sure that damage potential is used, and the only way to do that is going agressive and doing as much damage in as  little time as possible.


In fact, tacticals with razorbacks are not great, as tactical themselves are pretty mediocre and hardly justify their points. You just take them to fill the slots and have something to capture, they have no real sinergy with the razorbacks. Scouts on razorbacks are even worse. Scouts are great, mandatory for space marines, but not because they are amazing killers but because they infiltrate, and they can't if they are inside razorbacks. With strike squads, you don't take razorbacks just as a shooting platform, but also take great advantage of their transport capability, so we use razorbacks a lot more efficiently than any space marine army does, making their presence in our army even more justified.


The only way in which specialised shooting units are good for grey knights are in the form of long range anti armor. Not as a strategy to efficiently kill the opponent by shooting, or as a counter for tanks, but as a tactical tool to surgically remove problematic targets like close combat dreadnoughts or vehicles full of dangerous close combat units, like harlequins or wraithguard. For artillery like GI, your only way to deal with them is to tie them in melee, as it is impossible for you to have enough firepower (or melee power for that matter) to kill them. Psilencers are just a midrage generalist weapon, and we already have enought of those (and pretty good they are). Psilencers just add nothing to the army tactics wise, in fact they substract from it.

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With all this discussion about razorbacks/vehicles did anyone notice that our rhino lost its 2 fire points? Or am I just oblivious..? So none of our vehicles have fire points anymore. Maybe that was the trade off for the vehicle buff


Also does the stormraven just start turn one on the battlefield now?


I think you've made a lot of valid points seizeman. I unfortunately don't have a single 8th edition game under my belt yet, seems a lot of my gaming group wants to wait for army codexes to come out before they wanna get into any major games. I just wanna play test things and see how everything works!


I do wanna find out anyone's opinion on using psycannons on our BS 2+ models.. still viable/a little stronger shooty vs stormbolters?

Edited by Soder
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By BS 2+ models you mean Grand master. I'ts probably a good investment point for point, but you are adding points to an already expensive character, and the psilencer is just better. If you want to spend extra points on your GM, beter upgrade him to Voldus or Draigo. In fact, the only reason to take a regular GM over Vuldus is not having the points, so...probably there's never a reason to take a GM with a special weapon?


Yes, vehicles no longer have fire points. About time troops have to get out of their boxes to do damage instead off hiding in their bunker for the whole game while the special weapon guy does all the work. That was pathetic. But yes, transport that shoot are amazing this edition, they have been buffed a lot.

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Ya I was thinking large point games where I'd pbly have draigo and Voldus already. So ya psycannons in regards to grandmasters and/or generic brother captains who can now take a heavy ranged weapon.


I find it kinda crazy that the +3 strength and -1 AP that the psycannon has over the psilencer doesn't make a difference. That D3 damage and 2 extra shots vs the 1 damage psycannons really does seem to make all the difference eh..

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Hey fellow knights,


So after a gaming weekend and 6 games (500-2000 points) of playing GK in various scenarios and against different armies(Ad mech, Chaos, Eldar, SM, SW). I thought I would chuck my opinion in of what performed well and what disappointed or didn't live up to expectation.


Pros - lots more dakka especially with strike squads

NDKs are still amazing but with double fists and in combat rather than shooting. If I told you some of the things it killed you call bs but other than dying in overwatch to Cawl (11 wounds golly gee) it overperformed.

Smite Smite ...oh did I mention smite

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