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  On 6/26/2022 at 10:15 AM, Rune Priest Jbickb said:

A great model, I'm excited to see some paint on it, I've always admired you work. Where do those pauldrons come from?


Right one is from the Grey Slayers upgrade kit, left is MKIII Wolves, both from Forgeworld.

  • 1 month later...

Been busy building my first few units for Heresy 2.0. I’m using true scale bodies from Tortuga Bay because even the new, upscale MKVI marines are too small for my liking. I’ve also started an Insta account for my hobby stuff under the username Champion_of_Russ

Seeker squad with kraken bolters. I used weapons from Primaris Infiltrators, box mags from Intercessors and elongated barrels from Delaque Stu guns to make the kraken bolters.



Recon squad with nemesis bolters. I used the top half of Primaris Eliminators with MKVI tortuga legs for these guys.


Heavy support squad with multi meltas. Guns are built from wolf guard terminator heavy flamers with melts barrels. I’ll also use these as Long Fangs in my 40K army.



15 Grey Slayers. Leader with power fist, 3 power axes, 2 power swords, the rest with axes and shields.










Up next will be an assault squad.


Edited by HvitrValdyr
  • 2 weeks later...

Bare bones tactical squad for my 30k wolves using mostly bodies from Tortuga Bay. The sergeant is made from a cleaned up plague marine. I threw in a couple of Anvilus pattern backpacks just because I had them. I may give them a vexilla and vox soon. Couple of MKVI guys still waiting for the new shoulder to be released.


  • 5 months later...

Been another while but I’m back with another update.


The Fierce-Eye. Lord of the Drakeslayers. Krom Dragongaze. Primaris conversion, painted.









Edited by HvitrValdyr
  On 2/13/2023 at 11:52 PM, Kassill said:

Very, very stunning conversion work and paintjobs :jawdrop:




Love how Bjorn turned out, as well as Krom!  Awesome stuff, HvitrValdyr, as usual - that Vigilator really looks great too.  I may “borrow” some ideas for my Eliminators…

  On 2/13/2023 at 11:52 PM, Kassill said:

Very, very stunning conversion work and paintjobs :jawdrop:



  On 2/14/2023 at 3:30 AM, Bryan Blaire said:



Love how Bjorn turned out, as well as Krom!  Awesome stuff, HvitrValdyr, as usual - that Vigilator really looks great too.  I may “borrow” some ideas for my Eliminators…


Borrow away! I’ll definitely be using the Recon guys as Eliminators in 40K.


Some more painted versions of older conversions.

Wolf Priest on bike.




Outriders to accompany him.




Finally my home made Firestrike Turret.





Edited by HvitrValdyr
  • 1 month later...
  On 4/12/2023 at 10:16 AM, Korgan said:

Whaou.. amazing work ! What an insperation !

Can I ask you where do you find the Crozius Arcanum for your Primaris Rune Priest ? 
I'm looking for one since ages.. and cant find any.. 


Thanks! The crozius is from Ulrik.

  • 8 months later...

Hello again to all the Rout. Back with another sporadic post and some more conversions to share. I apologize in advance for the long post, hopefully it doesn’t bore you guys too much.


First up some Hounds of Morkai. Gave these guys seax style knives to match the Reiver Lieutenant I did a while ago.







Like so many others I made an Arjac counts as from the Leviathan captain. His hammer head and actual head are from the Norse blood bowl team, the shield is from conversion world.

Haakon Wolf-touched
A former Grey Hunter pack leader who became a Lone Wolf after his pack was wiped out by a group of Carnifexes. He now seeks a glorious death in the service of the Allfather but so far has been unable to find a foe worthy enough to claim that right, possibly due to the mark of the wulfen that comes upon him in battle.





Rune Priest in terminator armour using the Leviathan model. No name or fluff yet. Runes came from Green Stuff World.







Wolf Guard with a predilection for shooting (i.e. Sternguard). I've always liked the concept of Sternguard, so much so that I built a Wolves themed squad many years ago. Might have been the awesome box and drum mag bolters that they had that made me like them. Well I tore those guys apart to use the wolf cloaks on these guys and took a drum mag and box mag for them while I was at it. The rest are mostly Intercessors with wolf bits added. I did canabalize a few bits from the Leviathan Sternguard too. The MKIII guy is from Tortuga Bay.









Finally another Of the 12 Wolf Lords! The one other Wolf Lords would fear if they could still feel such things. Erik Morkai.
I had a spare Ragnar body left over from my 30k praetor conversion and figured I needed to use it for something. Erik Morkai is most commonly depicted with double chain axes so I had to go with that load out. I used axe heads from the khorne jakhals kit attached to hafts from other space wolves axes, then added some brass runes. I listened to the Deathwolf audio short for additional inspiration and in that story he also has a plasma pistol. I took the holstered bolt pistol from the Thunderwolf kit and cut off the mag and added some gubbins from a plasma pistol to make it fit the profile. The story also mentions Morkai having a beard with braids. I opted for a grey slayer head with one single braid in its place. I lengthened the braid with a plastic one and curved it to match the direction of the other loose items on the model. I found a shoulder pad that had twin wolf heads and a diamond as part of its edging and had to use it since its basically the symbol of Morkai's company. I cut a larger twin wolf head symbol from a wolf guard terminator torso and added it to the pad. The backpack comes from the 30k Geigor model. I decided not to give him a cloak or pelt and the audiobook supported my decision as it mentions that Morkai usually wears a heavy bear pelt but had removed it before going into battle as it was not suitable for such purposes.
I'm pretty happy with the conversion and think he'll go well with the other 6 Wolf Lords I have modelled, even if he is the 3rd one to use Ragnar as a main body.





  On 12/18/2023 at 1:07 PM, Triszin said:

Rad stuff.

Where are the chain axes from?


Axe heads are from the khorne jakhals kit attached to hafts from other space wolves axes. Right hand and haft is the frost axe from the upgrade sprue, left is from Haldor Icepelt.

  On 12/20/2023 at 1:11 PM, sbarnby71 said:

Some nice pieces in here, good to see the Wolves are still getting some love.


Since I first started circa 1995!

Second set of Wolfguard with a predilection for shooting, i.e. Space Wolves Sternguard. This time with combi weapons and a pyrecannon. Since all combi weapons now have the same profile I converted a combi frost rifle for the pack leader.










Also made a 6th Bladeguard since this edition requires you to pay for squads of either 3 or 6. No point paying for 6 and only taking 5. I’ve used my Wolf Guard leader with volkite, shield and sword as a stand in but if I want to run him as a battle leader along with Bladeguard I need the 6th man.



My take on the Lieutenant with combi weapon, or a Lone Wolf seeking glorious death on the battlefield as he'll be in my army.
The top half is mostly taken from the Leviathan model with a few modifications. Switched the big knife for an axe and swapped the left shoulder for wolf one. Also added a Wulfen trophy rack. The legs are from Varagyr terminators. The last decision I meade was the head. Originally I had a masked Grey Slayer head planned but once I decided to use the Varagyr legs I swapped to a beakie helmet. The diamond studs on the brow match those on the legs and I feel tie the whole thing together.




  • 1 year later...
  On 2/24/2021 at 7:17 AM, HvitrValdyr said:

Thanks everyone!


I’m not trying to emulate Krakendoomcool or anything but I appear to have made another of the 12 Wolf Lords. Picked up Adrax Agatone on a whim with an eye to make him into a wolf of some sort at some point. I was torn between making a custom guy for Ragnar's company, a Primaris Kjarl Grimblood, or a new lord of the Firehowlers to replace Sven. I came across some artwork depicting some of the Wolf Lords in the fang and what appears to be Grimblood jumped out at me. The figure has the emblem of the Fire Wolf at least and even has flames engraved on his shin armor. So I decided to make a primaris version of Kjarl Grimblood. Here he is with a broad bladed hunting spear and heavy bolt pistol. I'm considering making a Squat shield bearer to accompany him holding a relic shield, that will allow me to run him as a Wolf Lord with the Indomitus Captain loadout. I may add some flames to the spear head and give him the burning blade relic, just to tie in with Kjarl's predilection for flaming weapons. In keeping with the artwork I gave him Grimblood's symbol on the right pauldron, taken from Dren Redblade. He has upgraded his wyrm skin to a mighty cloak. I used a Grey Slayer head with a messy mohawk and beard. I thought about giving him a wolf headed backpack from Ragnar but decided to keep the usual exhausts matching the art, so I used one from Haldor and added a Wulfen trophy rack to top it off.





New Grimblood





4 years ago I set about converting Adrax Agatone into a Space Wolf and created a version of Kjarl Grimblood. As shown he was set up with a spear and bolter. I had him painted and left it at that. Recently I revisited that conversion. I wanted to flame up his weapon somehow, as Kjarl loves the fire. I'm also planning an Engir Krakendoom conversion soon and want to give him a harpoon style weapon and don't want 2 spear armed guys. One of the options I considered when doing the original conversion was a 2 headed axe made from dwarf longbeard axes. I looked at a few burning weapon paint tutorials and decided to try it out on the axe. Liking the result I made the switch. Then I looked at captain load outs in the current rules and discovered they could have a volkite pistol. So I dug out a pistol from a 30k praetor and swapped that too. Now the lord who loves fire has his burning weapons. I touched up some of the paint from the original version and this is the result.






More painted versions of old wolf lord conversions.


Bjorn Stormwolf




Conversion post: https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/336005-hvitr-valdyrs-space-wolves/page/9/#findComment-5796239


Gunnar Redmoon


Conversion post: https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/336005-hvitr-valdyrs-space-wolves/page/9/#findComment-5787396


The 6 painted wolf lords together. L to R: Kjarl Grimblood, Gunnar Redmoon, Ragnar Blackmane, Vorek Gnarlfist, Bjorn Stormwolf, Krom Dragongaze.



Next up are Erik Morkai (already converted), Engir Krakendoom (mid conversion) and Bran Redmaw (WIP testing ideas). I'm waiting for our new codex to see if Logan gets an update before I start anything for him. I also want to see if the Firehowlers will finally get a new lord or are still waiting for Sven to miraculously return. If they are still waiting then I may convert primaris versions of his 5 named wolf guard from Companies of Fenris instead.


Edited by HvitrValdyr

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